
资讯 2024-07-02 阅读:27 评论:0
时隔13个月后,比特币终于突破了1万美元大关。这也是5月13日以来,比特币价格迎来的新高。Thirteen months later, Bitcoin finally broke the $10,0...



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Thirteen months later, Bitcoin finally broke the $10,000 mark. This is the new high of Bitcoin prices since 13 May.


The latest non-detailed data show that on 22 June, at 7.30 a.m., Bitcoin had a total transaction value of $9.386 billion, with a market value of $178.07 billion, or 7.70 per cent of the total market value of encrypted currencies, as of the date of issuance.


In the last two months, those who were frightened by the Bear City and insisted on singing bitcoin might have cut off their thighs long ago.


Bitcoinbreaks $10,000.


Bitcoin finally broke the $10,000 mark, and in just one day the price jumped from $9515 to $10117.


As at 22 June 2019, at around 7.30 p.m., the price of bitcoin had broken by $10,000 and rose by $602 per 24-hour, an increase of more than 6.3 per cent. The latest non-dealing data showed that, on 22 June, the total value of Bitcoin transactions was $9.386 billion, and that by the time of issuance, the total market value of Bitcoin had reached $178.07 billion.


The Treasure Global Station showed that on 3 May, Bitcoin went up from $5473; on 9 May, Bitcoin broke through $6,000; on 12 May, Bitcoin broke through $7,000; on 14 May, Bitcoin broke through $8,000; and on 30 May, Bitcoin broke through $9,000.


On 6 May 2018, Bitcoin began to fall from US$ 1005 and, in the 13 months that followed, there were no more US$ 10,000 bitcoins on the market.


At present, the total market value of encrypted currencies is $2.31 trillion, while the market value of currency is $178.07 billion, representing 7.70 per cent of the total market value of encrypted currencies.

根据6月20芝加哥商品交易所数据显示,比特币未平仓合约在6月17日开始飙升,创下历史新高5,311份合约,总计26,555 比特币,约2.46亿美元。

According to data from the Chicago Commodity Exchange of 20 June, the unsettled contracts of Bitcoin began to surge on 17 June, with an historic high of 5,311 contracts totalling 26,555 bitcoins, or approximately $246 million.


Market moods are good.


The halving of bitcoin by 2020 is an inherent psychological expectation that affects the price of bitcoin for investors.


Prior to that, the price of Bitcoin would rise in a breakthrough every time it was halved. In November 2013, Bitcoin rose to $1122; in December 2017, Bitcoin hit an all-time high of $19015; and in previous interviews, a number of insiders gave the expected price of Bitcoin by 2020, $5-100,000.


In year-by-year terms, the Bitcoin price curve has a high overlap with the Bitcoin active address volume curve.

根据BitinfoCharts最新数据显示,拥有价值超过1美元但不到100美元的比特币的钱包地址数量为18,851,420 个,价值100-1000美元比特币钱包地址的数量为 6,688,275 个,价值1000-10000美元比特币钱包地址的数量为 2,572,225个,拥有价值10000美元以上的比特币钱包地址数量为 623,227个。

According to the latest data from BitinfoCharts, the number of wallets with more than US$ 1 but less than US$ 100 is 18,851,420; the number of wallets worth US$ 100-1,000 is 6,688,275; the number of wallets worth US$ 1000-10,000 is 2,572,225; and the number of wallets worth more than US$ 10,000 is 623,227.


(Number of active Bitcoin addresses, data source: BitinfoChart)


From 23 January to 18 June of this year, the highest active address in Bitcoin rose from 5932.32 million to 8213.72 million, with an additional 2281.4 million.


But they also appear to be more rational and mature in the crypto-currency market for those who have undergone cattle and bear conversions.


In 2019, Deloitte surveyed 1386 executives in 12 countries and territories around the world (Brazil, Canada, China, Germany, the United Kingdom, the United States, etc.) who believed that “block chains have not yet reached their full potential”.


Seventy-seven per cent of respondents believed that they would lose their competitive advantage if they did not adopt block chain technology, up from 68 per cent last year.


Fifty-six per cent of respondents were positive that “block chains will destabilize our industries” — down from 59 per cent last year — and 43 per cent believed that “block chains have been overfired”, up from 39 per cent last year.


The regular army is an external factor in speeding up the market.

2019年2月,摩根大通宣布发行摩根币,已以解决跨境支付结算问题;5月,国际投资巨头富达宣布开始为机构客户提供数字资产交易服务;6月,区块链银行Fnality International在前德意志银行执行官Rhomaios Ram的带领下,联合包括瑞银、巴克莱、德意志银行在内的14家银行,共筹资6320万美元建立锚定五种法币的区块链结算系统;7月,洲际交易所Bakkt就将上线2款期货产品。

In February 2019, Morgan Chase announced the issuance of Morgan Dollars, which has addressed the settlement of cross-border payments; in May, Fuda, an international investment giant, announced the commencement of digital asset trading services for institutional clients; in June, the block chain bank, Fnality International, led by Rhomaios Ram, former German bank executive, joined 14 banks, including Swift, Barclay and Deutsche Bank, to raise a total of $63.2 million to establish a chain settlement system for the anchoring of five French coins; and in July, Bakkt, an intercontinental exchange, brought on line two futures.


In addition to public expectations about the rationality of the encryption market, it was previously analysed by insiders that the current number of bitcoin transactions was more from agency entry than from volume data shown in the exchange. This, by its side, may be an external stimulus to agency entry in the crypto-currency market.


On 19 June, Facebook, with 2.7 billion users, finally published the Libra White Paper, an ambition to be a digital money central bank, despite being criticized by several regulators in the European and American regions less than 24 hours after its release, has brought the best benefits in six months to the crypto-currency market.


Prior to the publication of the Libra White Paper, Bitcoin broke the $8,000 threshold on 13 June; on 15 June, after the publication of the Libra Consortium list, prices jumped from $8,200 to $8,800 in just one day.

当日,Circle首席执行官Jeremy Allaire在推特上表示:“在Libra发布之前,加密货币市场迎来了新一轮的加速上涨,Libra将成为加密货币在全球范围应用落地的一个重大里程碑,预计在下周五(6月21日)前,BTC价格将超过1万美元。”

On the same day, Circle Chief Executive Officer Jeremy Allaire tweeted: “Before Libra's release, the encrypt currency market has witnessed a new acceleration, and Libra will be a major milestone in the global deployment of encrypted currency, with BTC prices expected to exceed $10,000 by next Friday (21 June).

尽管“BTC价格超过1万美元”比Jeremy Allaire预测来的晚一些,但巨头们的进场,让更多业内人士看好加密货币的市场走向。

Although the “BTC price of over $10,000” is a little later than Jeremy Allaire predicted, the entry of giants has allowed more insiders to view the market for encrypted money.


And in the last two months, those who insisted on empty bitcoin might have cut off their thighs long ago.




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