What's the key technology for Web3.0?
At this stage xff0c; Web3.0 is in the early stages of development. Web3.0 has a distinct feature of “the extensive participation of smart machines in the web process and xff0c. The development of Web3.0 will not be separated from related technologies such as cloud computing, big data, artificial intelligence, physical networking, block chains, etc.. What kind of technology is the most critical technology of Web3.0 xff1f; I think it should be block chain technology .
The most subversive features of Web3.0 are “decentralization” & #xff0c; creation of multiple identities & #xff0c for different centralized platforms; i.e., the need for a common digital identity system & #xff0c; identification & #xff0c by protocol; and recognition and protection of user digital asset rights .
Web3.0 Use block chain agreements to create and automate technology & #xff0c; i.e. smart contracts & #xff0c; power-to-value allocation agreements to avoid third parties & #xff0c; i.e. efficient, accurate and credible execution xff0c; and process-wide auditable . In plain words xff0c; achieved without middlemen .
What's Web3.0 to do with it? > #xff1f;
虽然当前Web3.0的关键技术不够成熟,技术栈也不够明确,但是这丝毫不影响公众对Web3.0技术应用的热切期待。在Web3.0技术应用的演进过程中,我们可以提前想想我们能用Web3.0干什么? Although the current key technologies of Web3.0 are not mature xff0c; the technology store is not clear xff0c; this does not in any way affect the public’s eagerness for Web3.0 applications. xff0c in the evolution of Web3.0 applications; we can think ahead of what we can do with Web3.0 xff1f; 宽泛来说,Web3.0将对未来所有的社会活动、商业活动,每个人的日常生活,都将产生深刻的影响,大量的新事物和新模式将会诞生,大量新的商业机会将会涌现。 in broad terms xff0c; Web3.0 will have a profound impact on all future social activities, commercial activities xff0c; the daily life of everyone xff0c; a great deal of new things and models will be born xff0c; and a great deal of new business opportunities will emerge.
对于个人来说,Web3.0将为公众提供更加立体的平台,全民创作将成为现实,打造个人IP将成为主流,无论是横向领域,还是纵向领域,只有创作者能够创作出好的作品,那么信息也将凸显出它应有的价值。 For individuals, xff0c;
在这里,我举一个例子。李子柒的事情,想必大家都比较清楚吧。她算是Web2.0时代的受益者了,发布了很多优秀的作品,甚至在海外也受到了广泛的关注。从热点的角度来说,李子柒无疑是成功的,拥有过亿粉丝就能说明一切。然而,从商业运作模式上来说,她又是失败的,因为从曝光的事件来说,她应该远没有赚到本应符合她粉丝数量的钱。 Here, I give an example. The thing about Li Xff0c; it's clear to everyone, I'm sure. She's the beneficiary of the Web 2.0 era & #xff0c; she's published a lot of excellent works & #xff0c; she's received a lot of attention, even overseas. From a hot point of view & #xff0c; Li Xff0c is undoubtedly a success & #xff0c; she has a million fans to tell. But xff0c; xff0c in terms of business mode of operation; xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; because of exposure; she should not have earned much money that would have matched her number of fans. 在Web3.0时代,这种情况就会得到本质的改观,对于这种网红来说,她可以将更多的注意力集中在创作上,自己就是平台,可以通过个人打造更加立体的平台,创作更好的内容,同时也不会受到经纪公司的约束,赚的钱也将更多地进入自己的口袋。 In the Web3.0 era xff0c; this situation is changed in essence xff0c; xff0c for this kind of red; 结语:
Web3.0 时代终将到来,原创作品将得到史无前例的重视,内容创作将成为未来商业发展的主流模式,利益的分配也将更加透明合理。关键技术的解决和成熟的商业应用模式也将决定着web3.0时代是否能够提前到来。