
资讯 2024-07-03 阅读:28 评论:0
本期直播邀请元宇宙产业委联席秘书长、高效能服务器和存储技术国家重点实验室首席研究员叶毓睿,与科技云报道执行主编张颖开展对话。The live broadcast invited the Co-Secretary-General of ME...



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The live broadcast invited the Co-Secretary-General of MEAC, Chief Researcher Ye Xiaoyin of the National Focus Laboratory for Efficient Energy Servers and Storage Technologies, to engage in a dialogue with the Executive Editor of the Science and Technology Clouds Report.


The following is an excerpt from the interview:

 1. 一句话介绍“什么是元宇宙”? 

& nbsp; 1. Introduction to & ldquao; what is the metacosystem & rdquao?? & nbsp;


The meta-cosmos is a new digital world based on a block chain that is artificially integrated, creatively driven by co-creation, co-management and sharing.


The acronym is seven words: multi-dimensional, co-founder, inter-trust network.

 2. 元宇宙和Web3.0是什么关系?

& nbsp; 2. What's the relationship between the metacosystem and Web3.0?


As a new digital world in which people can work, live, travel in the future, it is a very big scene.


In this big scene, Web3.0, block chains, VR/AR, 5G/6G, etc., are the basic technologies for building metacosystems. Among them, Web3.0 can be seen as the basis of the metacocosystem, with DAO (decentralized autonomous organization) being the basis of the metacocosystem’s community and the way of its future governance.

 3. 您认为元宇宙是一个能够落地的概念吗? 

& nbsp;3. Do you think the meta-cosmos is a concept that can land? & nbsp;


I think the meta-cosmos can land.


At a more macro level, the resources available to the planet are being stretched in the process of human reproduction. In this process, there are actually two paths to the search for resources.


One path is outward exploration, for example, the exploitation of resources in outer space. The other is inward development, optimizing the allocation of resources on Earth in order to absorb, within a short period of time, the resources that human activity needs to consume.


The advent of the meta-cosmos is a path towards inward development that can help humanity to meet part of its spiritual needs in a cheaper and easier manner and reduce the consumption of human resources.


For example, children in mountain areas want to experience the palace first-hand, see the Eiffel Tower, but the conditions are difficult to achieve. With the Yuan cosmos, children are able to experience these monuments by wearing VR helmets. Each school only needs to buy a multimedia classroom and dozens of VR head displays that will enable different classes to be used at different times, at very low cost and in close proximity to real experience, to experience geography, history, nature, technology, etc.

 4. 作为一个数字新世界,元宇宙的建设需要用到哪些技术? 

& nbsp; 4. What technologies are needed to build the meta-cosmos as a new digital world? & nbsp;


Since the meta-cosmos is a digital world, it cannot be created in empty space, but it needs to be supported by the physical world, and the construction of the meta-cosmos currently requires ten major technologies, including:


Five-land-based technologies: AI technology, network technology, computing technology, storage technology, security technology


The metaspace virtual space starts with & ldquo; desert & & rdquo; beginning with the constant input of all the computing power from the physical world's IT infrastructure. This broad computing, including computing, storage, network, security, and AI's capabilities, is the same as we want to build a building, starting with a foundation.


Five pillars of technology: technologies for interaction and demonstration, technologies for digital twin and digital origin, technologies for creating identity and economic systems, technologies for content creation and governance.


Following the construction of the foundations of the meta-cosmos, it will be necessary to build applications, scenes, create rich content and create an exciting digital new world, specifically:

  • 物理世界的人通过交互和展示技术获知和管理数字人的生活、工作等;

    People in the physical world are informed of and manage the lives, work, etc. of digital people through interactive and demonstration techniques;


  • 数字孪生把物理世界中的物、场、事件映射到元宇宙里,这样能在早期较快地构建一个数字人熟悉的环境;数字原生可以发挥想象力,构建一个有别于物理世界的空间,例如远距瞬移,爆炸状的头发;

    Digital twines map objects, fields, events in the physical world into the meta-cosm so that an environment familiar to the digital population can be constructed relatively quickly at an early stage; digital in origin can use imagination to construct a space that is different from the physical world, such as instantaneous distance, explosive hair;


  • 数字人在数字世界游走、闯荡,需要“身份证”、“钱包”,也即需要提前创建身份系统和经济系统;

    Digital people travel and run around the digital world and need & ldquao; ID & & rdquao; & & & rdquao; wallet & rdquao; i.e., identity and economic systems need to be created in advance;


  • 人想要丰富的体验,数字人要有精彩纷呈的应用,需要内容创作,如3D影视、游戏、社交、艺术、文旅、教育、培训、科学探索等;

    People want to have a rich experience, digital people need wonderful applications, and they need content creation, such as 3D videos, games, socialization, art, travel, education, training, scientific exploration, etc.;


  • 随着数字人不断增多,从荒漠到村落、城堡、国家,甚至有了文明系统,其中不可或缺的就是共识、规则,甚至元宇宙里的法律,也即治理技术。

    As the number of people grows, from deserts to villages, castles, nations and even civilized systems, consensus, rules and even the law in the meta-cosm, i.e., the technology of governance, are indispensable.


 5. 五大地基性技术(算力、存储、网络、安全、AI),也是目前互联网(web2.0)的基础性技术,如果要进入元宇宙(web3.0),这些技术分别要达到什么样的水平? 

  5. Five-ground-based technologies (arithmetic, storage, network, security, AI) and the current basic technologies of the Internet (web 2.0) at what level would they reach if they were to enter the meta-cosm (web3.0)? & nbsp;

web 2.0和web 3.0的技术水平确实不同。

The technology levels of web 2.0 and web 3.0 are different.

以算力为例,英特尔高级副总裁Raja Koduri曾说过一句话,想要实现元宇宙,我们的计算效率需要从目前的先进水平提高1000倍,负载也需要达到可被数十亿人实时访问的水平。但以目前的技术水平,其实是还是比较难达到的。

In the case of arithmetic, Senior Vice-President Raja Koduri of Intel said that, to achieve the metacosystem, our computing efficiency would need to increase by 1,000 times from current advanced levels, and loads would need to reach levels that could be accessed by billions of people in real time. But at current technological levels, it would be difficult to achieve.


When it comes to computing, the first thing you think about is the CPU chip, whose increase is related to Moore’s Law, which usually increases exponentially in 18-24 months. Unfortunately, the CPU’s capacity has grown by only 3% in recent years, subject to such technologies as integration density, efficiency performance, and power consumption, radiation, etc., as it is limited to CPUs, which means that we want to reach a 1,000-fold level of computing, which may take decades.


So there are some new challenges and changes to the architecture of calculations in such a big scenario as the meta-cosmos.


Google introduced in 2009 the concept of “ the data centre, a computer & & rdquo; in general terms, that the entire data centre, tens of thousands of servers, should be treated as a large computer for resource movement and management, which would result in a corresponding change in the computational structure.

在2014年,浪潮信息按照"服务器即计算机→机柜即计算机→数据中心即计算机" 的理念,先后推出了SmartRack、InCloud Rack等产品,通过模块化设计,集中供电、集中散热、集中管理,使得电源数量减少90%,风扇数量减少93% 。

In 2014, wave information was based on &quat; servers & rrr; cabinets & rrr; data centres & quot; and the idea that products such as SmartRack, InCloud Rack and others were introduced through modular design, which resulted in a 90 per cent reduction in the number of power sources and a 93 per cent reduction in the number of fans.


Along these lines, the future can actually achieve & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; whether it's a cup, a watch, a sound box, and believe that many of the wearing devices can become a computer.


For example, a touch glove recently introduced by Meta (Facebook) can be seen as a computer. It has a lot of sensors, a little bit of force from hand action, a touch in VR, two people in virtual space who can shake hands, touch fists, even do more fine moves, and interact with virtual objects more real.


As the landscape of the Woncosmos grows richer, I'm sure it will push the IT infrastructure to change.


  6. A 1,000-fold increase in technology is a very ambitious vision, and if you want to enter the initial shape of the meta-cosm, how many years do you predict? & nbsp;


I am a mediocre, neither radical nor pessimistic, and I think it will take at least 10 years.


There are also major breakthroughs in technology, but breakthroughs in science and technology are unattainable and often require the support and accumulation of the entire industry's ecology, which is possible for 15-20 years.


So, is there nothing we can do during this long gestation period? My point is not to be too hard on the development of the meta-cosmos.


For example, the Z generation now likes to play games that can be designed by itself, even if the video itself is pixel-grade, rough and does not affect their input.


In September 2012, the 15-year-old Sexton released the Deadzone game on Roblox, and by January 2013 had more than 5 million entries and benefited from it.


This way of creating games, which already have some of the characteristics shared by the meta-cosmos, can be counted as a prototype of meta-cosm applications.


So I think the attitude towards the meta-cosmos should be a little more relaxed and allow you to get hot.

 7. 目前元宇宙有没有形成产业链?产业是怎样的构成? 

& nbsp; 7. Has the metaspace formed an industrial chain? What is the composition of industry? & nbsp;


There is no industry chain at this stage, and everyone is still at the stage of the visualization of the blind, which may have reached only 1 to 2 per cent of the ideal state of the meta-cosmos.


But we can predict the composition of some industrial chains from the necessary elements of the meta-cosm.


For example, the interactive and display technology mentioned earlier supports the interface between the in and out of the meta-cosmos, one of the important applications of which is the digital person.


When people enter the 3D world of the meta-cosmos, they must be more interested in their image than they are in the 2D Internet, and more time and financial resources will be devoted to the image of the digital person. So, around the digital person, the future will be full of commercialization.

8. 如果我们想尽早投身元宇宙,享受新时代的红利,您有什么建议? 

What do you suggest if we want to join the universe as soon as possible and enjoy the dividends of the new era?


The Yuan cosmos is an ambitious concept, and it's in the air right now, but for individuals, I'm gonna throw a cold pot of water, and it's probably not much to do with us.


But as individual users, we can do all kinds of things, find a point of interest to cut in, and experience. In this process, it is likely that we can discover the points that we can combine over the next six months or even two to three years.


In addition, you can notice the emergence of new occupations, such as digital & ldquo; face-making & & rdquo; and face-cuffing is a new job with good pay. Every technology needed for the future meta-cosmos, and the corresponding up/downstreams of every industry that comes from it, will give rise to a lot of new jobs.


If you first touched the meta-cosmos by means of a vote, it is likely that this interest will evolve into a new profession in the future, and I think there is an infinite possibility in the meta-cosmos.




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