
资讯 2024-07-12 阅读:22 评论:0
原標題:哈理工作弊事件——代表委員剖析考試作弊案例建言剎住歪風  哈理工作弊事件9名犯罪嫌疑人已被批捕——代表委員剖析考試作弊案例建言剎住歪風Nine suspects of Harley's work malpractices have...



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Nine suspects of Harley's work malpractices have been arrested.


On March 3rd, Xinhua Net (Reporter Li Jianping, Wang Jian) cheating students were eliminated from their grades, school principals were dealt with, and the award of professional degrees (MBA) was revoked. The Ministry of Education's two-day serious handling of the 2014 MBA test examination of the Harvard University of Technology was followed up by a panel of delegates to the two National Committees, who again took an active part in the debate on how to deal with working malpractices.




In early January of this year, the MBA entrance exam, where a “false wave” appeared near the entrance point of Hal University of Technology, a Beijing-based research and training institute known as the Centre for the Training of Smart Arts was suspected of having cheated on a number of candidates through the pre-test release of wireless electric fraud devices and the transmission of answers to the test.


On 2nd day, the Ministry of Education decided to deal with the fraud of the Hari Polytechnic: to withdraw the award of the Master of Business and Industry (MBA) degree from Haltechnic University, to reduce the Master of Science Programme from 2015 and to charge the Ministry of Education of Heilongjiang Province with urging Haritech to do the right thing. The Heilongjiang Board of Trustees has spoken to Li Dae Yong, Director of Haritechnic University.


According to the latest case detection provided by the public security authorities to the Xinhua press, nine suspects who had previously been arrested had been authorized by the inspection authorities to be arrested in accordance with the law on suspicion of illegal acquisition of State secrets, and 90 sets of fraudulent devices had been seized, and the case was being thoroughly examined.


Sun Bin, a representative of the National People’s Congress, said that the HAL test fraud had sounded a warning to my country’s education industry. The education department also needed to strengthen the management of all types of examinations throughout the country, and to make sure that violations of the law took place in the final examination.

  從藏“紙條”到高科技 考試作弊歪風越演越烈

from hidden notes to high-tech quizzes are getting stronger


From the initial personal hiding of “papers” in the examination room, to the time when high-tech methods are being used to cheat on a large scale, and while the country is constantly increasing its efforts to cheat on the test, the trickery of the test is getting stronger.


First, for candidates, they can improve their academic qualifications by cheating on them and gain more prestige and benefits. And training institutions, recruitment units, and related individuals can earn a huge economic gain from cheating on the “black chain” of business.


Sun Bin said that, at the time of recruitment, many employers did not take into account the actual needs of their posts, and that high school qualifications became a “thumping brick” for finding a good job, which encouraged students to seek higher academic qualifications in one way or another, which stimulated the growth of testing fraud from different angles.


In addition, in recent years, social classes and classes for various types of examinations have been shown up, and commercialism has become apparent. Some outlaws, under the guise of training institutes, have organized cross-geographical examinations and group-based high-tech cheating, hidden and difficult.


Trust file, fraud “products”


A number of delegates suggested two approaches to how to curb malpractice: first, to build up and improve the documentation of the true faith that covers the entire population as soon as possible. Once discovered, the cheater will record his or her end of life and will have a negative effect on his or her future career, loans, and travel abroad, “as soon as he or she cheats, so that the high cost of cheating will prevent the cheater from reaching his or her hands; second, to combine the efforts of the ministries of education, business, and public security to identify, restructure, exploit, and maintain a high-pressure situation with regard to illegal tests. At the same time, the relevant legislation and systems are designed to improve the rules of the law governing the testing of malpractices as soon as possible.


In a society where everyone thinks it is shameful to cheat and where the cheater has no basis, the National Councillor Wong Xianqian has advised that the key to eradicating the soil of the test is to create a good moral culture of good faith throughout society, which requires that all levels of government, social organizations, and individual citizens strengthen the education, guidance, and upbringing of the faithful. In a society where everyone believes that the cheater is shameful and that the cheater has no basis.





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