第150篇 笔记-元宇宙(Metaverse)

资讯 2024-07-03 阅读:22 评论:0
定义:元宇宙是一个整体虚拟世界的概念,它与现实世界并行存在,提供主权数字所有权、独特的在线身份、互联环境和沉浸式体验。 Definition xff1a;...



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Definition xff1a; metacosystem is the concept of an entire virtual world xff0c; it exists alongside the real world xff0c; it provides sovereign digital ownership, unique online identity, interconnectivity and immersion experience.


With the recent explosion of NFT in the block chain ecosystem & #xff0c; and Facebook's head shift to “Meta” & #xff0c; the meta-cosm has entered mainstream public awareness.

尽管这个概念可能看起来是新的、前沿的,但元宇宙的概念在流行文化中已经确立了几十年。这个词最早是由尼尔·斯蒂芬森于1992年在他的科幻小说《雪崩》中创造的,指的是一个模拟、增强和连接物理现实的包罗万象的3D虚拟世界。从那时起,元宇宙与主流不期而遇,《Ready Player One》、《Tron》和《黑客帝国》中都出现了这个概念的版本。但实际上元宇宙是什么?

Although the concept may seem new and forward xff0c; but the concept of the meta-cosm has been established in popular culture for decades. The word was first created by Neil Stephenson in 1992 in his science fiction, Avalanche xff0c; it refers to an all-embracing 3D virtual world that simulates, enhances and connects physical realities. Since then, xff0c; the meta-cosmos and mainstream encounters xff0c; Ready Player One, Tron, and the Black Empire. But what is the meta-cosm? xff1f;


dollar universe interpretation


Simply xff0c; the metacosystem is a parallel digital universe xff0c; coexists with the real world. Given its emerging nature xff0c; how the metacosystem will emerge xff0c; there are many different views xff0c; and even the debate about whether the metacocosystem already exists today.


In the most ideal description, xff0c; the metaspace is a virtual world xff0c; it offers parallel experiences to the real world xff0c; it has the potential for empowerment xff0c; it is like the world made by robots in the Hacking Empire. In more real recitation maps xff0c; the use of sophisticated motion tracking mechanisms and virtual real-world earphones for physical interaction in the virtual world xff0c; in virtual world xff0c; in virtual world xff0c; in the form of virtual incarnation xff0c; playing games #xff0c; living a falsely anonymous life. Sometimes xff0c; the existence of digital products currently owned by users xff0c; the traditional rare nature, value and history of the real world xff0c; so-called evidence of the metacosystem already exists.


However, xff0c; although these different visions xff0c; the core concepts behind the metacosystem are clear. The sense of improvisation is defined as a state xff0c; it allows the presence of xff0c in virtual space; this is the key to promoting the experience of the metacosystem. Whether through a combination of immersion AR and VR technologies, digital goods driven by block chains xff0c; or playing games xff08; Morpgxff09; xff0c; metacosystems are reflected in our ability to build virtual spaces xff0c; these virtual spaces make us feel #xff0c; even physical.



The meta-cosm exists around us in a very real way. MORPG’s early experiments & #xff0c; e.g. Second Life and The Monster World & #xff0c; introduction of the concept of a game-based social platform & #xff0c; immersion of players into a digital object & #xff0c; from weapons, clothing to playhouse #xff0c; are all places of great real value. Existing social networking platforms xff0c; e.g. Facebook, Instagram and Twitter #xff0c; allowing the creation of a fake anonymous Internet identity and interactive virtual room #xff0c; users can share news, discuss information and chat with friends there.


Whether it's a Twitter space gathering, talking to co-workers Zoom #xff0c; #xff0c in a multi-player game; no one's familiar with digital immersion via an external screen. However, #xff0c; and there are emerging technologies that have the potential to give the digital world more importance, sustainability and viability.


An important factor contributing to raising the sense of improvisation is our ability to replicate human experience & #xff0c; this will contribute to the development of the meta-cosm. Here & #xff0c; Virtual reality & #xff08; VR) Headphones and motion tracking devices can play a key role & #xff0c; increasingly compelling depictions create a state of complete sensory immersion. Some examples of early innovations include SuperHot, this is a matrix game #xff0c; time moves as fast as players #xff0c; and VR chat #xff0c; a social platform #xff0c; players can create 3D bodies in public virtual rooms to interact.


While virtual reality aims to create a immersion virtual world separate from physical space xff0c; but enhances reality xff08; ARxff09; adds virtual displays to physical reality. A striking example is Microsoft Hololens, this is an AR headphone xff0c; it can track what we are watching and our physical movements xff0c; superimplifies virtual images and icons xff0c; thus provides a striking example xff0c; helps us navigate, identify objects and interact with the physical world in a virtual way.


Imagine a world xff0c; you can wear AR glasses xff0c; you can see which virtual shoes a person chooses to wear xff0c; or you can play games on a fully virtual screen on a desk. AR glasses can update xff0c in real time based on sensors; provide information and emphasize daily experiences. This is AR's goal xff0c; it's seamless integration of virtual and physical xff0c; and improve daily life in an exciting, practical and real way.


Real-time AR and VR are inspiring technologies & #xff0c; play a role in developing experiences that define the future vision of the meta-cosm. However, , interactive and immersion experiences are only part of the puzzle & #xff1b; the meta-cosm will require a value layer based on decentralised infrastructure such as block chains & #xff0c; enhance the ability of users and platform developers to construct meta-cosm.



Some aspects of the current meta-cosm experience inhibit immersion. Players and users are constantly reminded & #xff0c; the current version of meta-cosmos is not their growth and development & #xff0c; it is owned by those who create them. For example & #xff0c; players cannot hold their rare monster world sword & #xff0c; sell it #xff0c; then buy a house in their second life & #xff0c; and the activity is restricted by the owner of the centralized platform. Twitter and Instagram are separate xff1b; although there are social channels to link them #xff0c; there is no formal information or value transfer between them because they are created by different companies.



Ideally xff0c; further meta-cosm development will bridge all fragmented ecosystems of independent value xff0c; combine them into an integrated virtual environment xff0c; define them as seamless interoperable between each side xff0c; construct a sum greater than its parts xff1a; an open world xff0c; people can co-exist in a shared virtual network xff0c; not a decentralized ecosystem xff0c; and the networks are separated through different hardware and software, different geographical locations and boundaries established by competing entities.


Systems that work in this way will present real parallel realities constructed through virtual space. You can have goods & #xff0c; appear as an identifiable incarnation & #xff0c; and cross the virtual world & #xff0c; just like you do in the physical world. The vision of a meta-cosm application, experience, and digital commodity interconnectivity has been fulfilled & #xff0c; and is being constructed through block chain technology and a combination of decentralised prophecy machines.



As a shared network not controlled by any single entity xff0c; xff0c compared to traditional networks; block chains have inherent advantages in collusiveness and transparency. In block chains xff0c; from game projects and decentralized finance xff08; DeFi) protocol to NFT art collection xff0c; all content connected through bottom infrastructure xff0c; thus achieving seamless transfer of value xff0c; and fast-paced economic models with empirical certificates reflecting the attributes required by the metacosystem xff1a; true ownership and interoperability.




Today xff0c; the largest enterprise in the world relies on rent-seeking business models to facilitate the transfer of digital goods. Users do not own the music they listen to, movies and programmes xff0c; they do not even have an account that represents their virtual identity. All of this is for users to charge or hide their costs xff08; usually in the form of advertising or data mining xff09; rented.


Through block chains & #xff0c; encrypt currency and NFT digital ownership & #xff0c; users can buy and sell their digital commodities at will. This is the main catalyst for the meta-cosm economy that users own. Digital products can be found outside of the projects that build them xff0c; persistently xff0c when the project fails; just like old shoes that you can own a failed company.


Through the block chain & #xff0c; users can own digital items in the form of DVDs, clothing or any other physical item for the first time in history. In the block chain network, there is a unique difference between transferable digital ownership and leased digital ownership. Once transferred to the user's digital wallet & #xff0c; the token or NFT is certifiable to the user. This helps a meta-cosm experience xff0c; because NFT further advances the concept of digital persistence and identity xff0c in virtual space; imitates the intangible social framework that constitutes our physical reality xff0c; and creates a physical-digit parallel in a way that may deepen the digital world error.




Another hallmark of the network of blocks such as the Taiwan is their incomparable interoperability. All projects based on the block chain are able to communicate with each other xff0c; they share bottom infrastructure xff0c; they create an interconnected ecosystem xff0c; and they create a unified experience.


Through block chain technology xff0c; users can borrow xff0c from the DeFi protocol; play revenue-generating games xff0c; and buy NFT, all of this is on an overall platform. In each case, xff0c; users are accessing a connected ecosystem xff0c; in this ecosystem xff0c; NFT can be sold to obtain loans xff0c; or game revenue can be used to buy NFTs. Because everything happens on a network of block chains xff0c; there is an inherent consistency xff0c; it enables users to travel online experiences based on block chains in a harmonious manner — a key part of the overall metacosystem.


Case study #xff1a; Decentraland


A central example of how a meta-cosm based on block chains will work is Decentraland, it is a virtual reality platform based on a tampon & #xff0c; it can also be accessed from mobile devices and computers. Decentraland users can buy custom-made “land” & #xff0c in the virtual world; interact with others through digital incarnation & #xff0c; and visit social events constructed by a large number of users. This marks one of the first experiments in meta-cosm experiences driven by a block chain & #xff0c; and combine real ownership and game social functions with the interoperability of block chains.

目前,数字土地所有者能够举办虚拟活动,如音乐会、抽奖等,其体验结合了早期元宇宙先驱第二人生和流行的VR游戏VRChat的各个方面。然而,与这些个人体验不同的是,Decentraland用户能够将自己的地块出售给以太坊网络参与者,以类似于在现实生活中购买地块的方式,仅在数字媒体上授权和丰富用户。此外,Decentraland的本地代币MANA也被添加为MakerDAO平台的抵押品类型,该平台是DAI稳定币背后的去中心化组织。由于Decentraland的虚拟现实平台存在于以太坊区块链上,它已经成为一个更大的元宇宙体验的一部分,该体验与所有以太坊驱动的应用程序直接或切向相关,从MakerDAO的稳定币和Axie Infinity的游戏赚取游戏到Aave的借贷平台。

At present xff0c; Digital Land Owners are able to organize virtual events xff0c; such as concerts, drawings, etc. xff0c; their experience combines various aspects of the VR game VRChat, the second-life and popular VR game of the early meta-coastal pioneers. However, xff0c; unlike these individuals, it is xff0c; Decentraland Users are able to sell their plots to DAI network participants xff0c; xff0c, in a way similar to buying plots in real life; xff0c, in a way that authorizes and enriches users only on digital media.


Block chains are public ecosystems & #xff0c; they promote meta-cosmies, meta-cosmos economics and meta-cosm experiences & #xff0c; they address a large part of the problem of interoperability and digital ownership. However, , they themselves are fragmented & #xff0c; each of them cannot communicate directly with each other. To build a cohesive meta-cosmos #xff0c; infrastructure is needed to connect the grids xff0c; and they are connected to centralized social media platforms, video games, etc.



While block chains provide greater interconnectivity & #xff0c than the current metaspace alternatives, they cannot address debris ecosystems alone & #xff0c; they function as highly safe but unconnected environments & #xff0c; safety predictions are needed to fill this gap.


Decentralized predictive networks, such as Chainlink, enable smart contracts built on and around block chains to interact safely with real world data and services outside the block chain network. Through Chainlink,, block chains can communicate with each other in a transparent, safe and efficient manner xff0c, and with traditional systems xff0c; thus enhancing the metacosystem experience.


Chainlink is essentially not associated with block chains xff0c; it is currently a generic framework xff0c; it is used to provide extra-chain data and decentralised calculations for industry-led block chains. These are block chain interoperability and meta-cosm key mission services xff0c; provides the following functions xff1a;

去中心化数据源-元宇宙经济将促进用户拥有的价值转移,并托管借贷、保险等金融工具。Chainlink Price Feeds为基于区块链的项目提供了强大和安全的价格数据,帮助整个元宇宙经济建立在彼此成功的基础上,而Chainlink data Feeds可以提供重要成果,巩固在基础区块链上,例如建立游戏内元宇宙项目、奖励等转移到用户所需的区块链。

Decentralizing the data source – the meta-cosm economy will facilitate the transfer of value owned by users xff0c; and hosting financial instruments such as lending, insurance, etc. Chainlink Price Feeds provides strong and secure price data for block-based projects xff0c; helps the entire meta-cosm economy to build on each other’s success xff0c; Chainlink datafeeds can provide important results xff0c; consolidates on the base block chain xff0c; and, for example, creates a chain of blocks needed to transfer to users such as meta-cosm projects, incentives, etc.

链外计算-Chainlink VRF为metaverse应用程序提供了一个可证明公平、信任最小化的随机数生成器,用于玩游戏、抽奖和赠品。Chainlink Automation帮助区块链项目执行关键服务,并在所有系统(集中式或分散式)之间构建真正的自主流程。

An off-link calculation - Chainlink VRF provides a random number generator & #xff0c for the metaverse application that can prove fairness and trust minimization; is used to play games, draw prizes and gifts. Chainlink Automation assists block chain projects in the implementation of key services & #xff0c; and builds a true autonomous process between all systems & #xff08; centralized or decentralized #xff09; and between #xff09.


Cross-chain connections - cross-chain interoperability protocols & #xff08; CCIP) is a global standard & #xff0c; allows any block-based project to be easily connected to other chains. Through secure cross-chain connections & #xff0c; metaverse can cross multiple block chains & #xff0c; these block chains optimize xff0c for different uses; provides an efficient multi-chain ecosystem xff0c; and any user can easily access them.


If the metaspace looks like the world we live in today xff0c; then the individual company and the centralized metaspace environment will be cities xff0c; the block chain will be the country xff0c; and Chainlink will be the infrastructure to connect them in a safe, reliable and decentralized manner.


For example, xff0c; considering a future meta-cosm xff0c; where the main participants are VR headphones in Meta and Microsoft HololLens, where they can access meta-cosmos xff0c in the real world and online; where the block chain is a bottom-floor decentralised structure xff0c; where users can protect digital goods and provide an incentive for a unified virtual environment. Chainlink can serve as a safety connection for all three technologies xff0c; where it can safely facilitate the transfer of values and information between network devices, block chains and centralized meta-cosm applications in a way that minimizes trust. Real world data from physical outcomes and weather readings to meta-cosyc-related events xff0c; Chainlink serves as an infrastructure for minimal trust xff0c; for connecting the real world and online experience xff0c; and thus achieving the immersion of meta-cos.


With the development of the metacosystem xff0c; the ability of Chainlink to provide a trust-minimization link between the entities outside the chain and the block chain will contribute to the further realization of an interoperable, fully integrated metacosystem xff0c; seamless integration of all metacosystem-related platforms, real world experiences, etc.



Over the past few years, xff0c; the metacosystem has moved from the illusions of the future in novels to the physical reality of real existence xff0c; although it is in the early stages of development. The next immersed metaspace application is ready for xff0c; the core technology behind it is steadily developing.

很难说我们会看到一个反乌托邦的现实,比如《冰雪奇缘》和《黑客帝国》中描绘的现实,还是一个充满复古色彩的游戏化虚拟世界,比如《Ready Player One》。也许元宇宙将以我们尚未想象的方式形成。由于元宇宙的未来状态仍在变化中,构建一个用户拥有的数字世界取决于建设者、创造者、用户和梦想家,而这个数字世界的定义是去中心化、沉浸式和连通性。

It is hard to say that we will see a reality that is anti-Utopia #xff0c; a reality that is described in the Ice Age and the Hacker Empire & #xff0c; or an antiquated virtual world of games & #xff0c; e.g., Ready Player One. Maybe the meta-cosm will be formed in a way that we have not yet imagined. Because the future state of the meta-cosmos is still changing xff0c; building a user-owned digital world depends on builders, creators, users and dreamers #xff0c; and the definition of the digital world is decentralization, immersion and connectivity.




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