踩到这些坑,你就是被割的韭菜 投黑马

资讯 2024-07-04 阅读:24 评论:0
韭菜,多年生宿根蔬菜,可反复割,反复长,生生不息。The groceries, which have grown for many years, can be cut repeatedly, gro...



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The groceries, which have grown for many years, can be cut repeatedly, grow over and over again and live forever.


Deepwater Bombs


An investor who doesn't understand, has money, wants to earn some interest through the P2P platform, why does it end up like a chicken?


Xu, a 45-year-old general wage-earner, kept the rest of his savings from the day-to-day bank uninflationable, put the stock market at too high a risk and, on the advice of his friends, chose P2P.


For insurance purposes, Xu has placed 420,000 families in different baskets, mostly with a country-owned background and a well-known wind input, with returns ranging from 6 to 13 per cent (the black horse Tou.vc focuses on crowd-motivated platforms in the field of writing), with the platform committing to a rigid payout.


When the thunder broke out, he woke up to the fact that the strong's own carefully screened basket was actually in the same car, and that the P2P was a deep, undisguised pile of water and the sicklemen's steps.


Four of Old Seo's six platforms have stepped on the mine.


Each of the four platforms, without exception, has a pool of funds that attracts investors through false or multiple offers. The funds are deposited in the platform’s accounts and are centrally deployed by the platform.


And this is the soil where chaos breeds.


Some use new loans to pay old debts to meet rigid commitments; others use them directly, or even invest all of their funds in the business of their own enterprises.


"Strong" twigs make the old Xu Xu's Internet lending intermediary platform, one after another, a platform for illegal snorting and even fraud.


Most puzzlingly, many P2Ps claim to have listed corporate backgrounds, but are in fact ST companies that are faced with de-marketing; the so-called state business background is also cooperation based on the platform's “sending stock”.


Once the platform collapses, these tall mountain dumpers dump more than anyone else .


As for the platform’s owners, they had already fled before the blast. For example, four former directors had set up multiple shell companies and set aside $4.3 billion of investors.


These unconnected credit platform controllers were ready to run as early as the platform was established.


According to the data, in recent years there has been a sharp increase in the number of persons in the financial sector who are working abroad, of whom 80 per cent are founders or executives of the P2P platform.


Behind this is the brutal growth of the P2P industry in China.


The United Kingdom, as a source of P2P, has developed less than 10 P2P companies over a decade, similar to the United States. In China, more than 1,000 have emerged in just two years at its peak.


In the wake of a lack of risk awareness – the P2P industry, which now has more than 2,000 platforms with a total trade of $7 trillion, is experiencing an unprecedented challenge.


A lot of platforms are being held up, investors are rushing on like birds of surprise, and some are on their way to the police.


Private Motivation


Some argue that P2P harvests are small whites, do not know how to identify risks and leave them to professionals to manage their finances, which is much less risky. Those who hold such views may have to reverse them in the near future.


At the end of June, more than 8,000 private investors arrived at a dark moment — and their trust in Shanghai – was lost without warning to one of the private collectors and controllers. This was accompanied by the disruption of four private firms.


It is a back-to-back group, a large private enterprise that cuts across a wide range of areas, such as rare earth processing trade, commercial real estate and finance, with a total assets of over 35 billion.


This background, coupled with the fact that the funds under the flag are licensed and recorded, and the rate of return is not prohibitively high, has earned the trust of many investors.


What is it that leaves Chu's investor's interests to be ignored and he chooses to run?


With the involvement of the relevant sectors and the right of investors to defend themselves, many of the pretenses of private recruitment a few years ago have surfaced.


According to some investors, there are industrial funds that are invested in the Zhejiang Pu River Economic Development Area in products that are privately collected and distributed, but it was later verified that the funds were not in place and that the industry funds were lost as a result.


Moreover, similar problems exist in most of the other funds that have been released, resulting in a mystery of billions of dollars.


In fact, of the more than 100 products under the flag, 50 were managed by only 10 people and eventually turned into a Ponzi scam by borrowing old and new, interlocking plates.


It is even more unfortunate that P2P mines have also been stepped on, investing not only in the grass-roots finance of the recent blasts, but also in launching huge borrowings on its platform, with obvious self-sustainability.


was informed of this as a result of previous stock price manipulation by


In 2016, Li Wei Wei, a coalition of Hubei's first handlers, doubled the share price of Dalian ceramics in four months.


But in the follow-up operation, Li Wei Wei became a pig teammate, eventually leading to a loss of $551 million for the Qing Gang.


When the matter came to light, the Xinxing Group was under pressure from high leverage and had to obtain financing through the P2P, the issuing of a debt fund to its employees, etc.


Today, there are large delays in the Fund, including in the case of creditor products.


Privately collected products usually have a threshold of 1 million investments, 18 billion hard-earned dollars from 8,000 investors face the risk of being bloodless, and some investors may be hedged up to 20 million dollars.


During this year's Jiangsu meeting, Chui once described “finance as a double-edged sword, with which to use it and not to be hurt.” In just three months, he used the sword to hurt both others and himself.


Not only did it occur, but industry associations revealed that 161 private fund-raising funds were “unconnected” in the first half of the year (failure to update their registration every three months, as required), and that most of them faced the same problems as booming.


On the night of 30 August, one of Chu's absconding overseas was arrested and eventually unable to escape justice.




At a time when new finance is on fire, the desperate sickle-handlers cannot wait to put on their tech coats.


In 2017, the block chain technology exploded overnight, and its initial product, Bitcoin, was a limited number of only 21 million pieces worldwide, valuing global investors of the value they hold.


The rise of Bitcoin, which led to the emergence of dozens of national virtual currencies all over China overnight, went unchallenged.


At one point, everyone slashed their heads towards the coins, and closed their mouths to “one dollar a house.” Even when they were busy dancing in squares, they didn't understand what a virtual coin was, and they bought a currency for $3,000, turning it into 30,000 in less than a month.


The stories of the rich in various versions of the Strong have inspired the impulse of the one-night rush.


In all kinds of ICO (first currency issuance) trading platforms, investors don't care what the project does, do what it does, invest as long as there is an ICO.



Many publishers “without a company, without a team, without a web site, wrapping up a concept related to the block chain with tens of millions of dollars, finding the big man's endorsement, or even melting into billions of dollars”.


Under , all kinds of scams began to appear.


Some claim that their five-line issuances will completely replace the banknotes in the future, with 5,000 dollars to grow off the line, making at least 4 million dollars a year and making millions ofaires in three years.


There is also a peddling network miner, claiming that digital currency can be generated automatically.


The heart of Bitcoin’s father, who invented Bitcoin, was de-centralized. But all fraudulent virtual coins go in the opposite direction – highly centralized.


This kind of virtual currency is not open-sourced, and the total amount of money that you send is taken by the issuer. Even if it is legal, many of it is supported by stunned speculation, and those who enter the game will be the receivers at any moment.



On 19 August, in Li Lei, a doctor in genetics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences who knows 200,000 fans, the author was exposed to virtual currency cutting off all of his family and almost slept on the road.


There are, of course, sober people, like those who control the rules of the game.


In a private conversation, “bitcoin's richest” Lee laughed at a chilling truth:


"There's no value for investment here, there's no money in the ring, there's no money in it, there's no money in it, there's no money in it, there's no money in it, there's no money in it, there's no money in it, there's no money in it, there's no money in it, there's no money in it, there's no money in it, there's no money in it, there's no money in it, there's no money in it, there's no money in it, there's no money in it, there's no money in it, there's no money in it, there's no money in it, there's no money in it."



"Strong" coin rings are high, but if it's the highest cutter, it still makes the pickles think they're sickle.


In 2015, an O2O platform, called Healthy Cat, was launched with the aim of providing interfaces for private physical education teachers and trainees.


In less than two months, there are 3,000 private teachers, mostly college students in the Sports Department, and more than 40 world champions.


In order to compete for trainers' resources, healthy cats have also fought for money like take-out, cybercircumstances — in addition to receiving the full tuition of the trainees, private education can receive extra allowances from the platform up to 15 per cent of the time spent.


Healthy cats also encourage private leaders to receive appropriate allowances and promotions, and can become “leaders” by inviting 20 of them to register, with a monthly subsidy of $500.


so that the “smart” privates do only two things a day: sign up for themselves on one hand, brush, charge, pay and receive subsidies on the other; and introduce the registration of the new privates on the other hand.


There are more than 200 classes per day, and there are courses available until the age of 120.


And healthy cats never lack coaches, and the only thing that's missing is the trainees. Some privates say, "A healthy cat has never had a real user.


With the combined efforts of the pedagogues, the healthy cat has changed and has become a high-yielding financial tool that none of the P2Ps can match.


Elephant health technology, which is the manager of the platform, has been encouraging the billing of images, and has been “very thoughtful” in setting up loans and credit card portals at the platform.


There's a lot of private self-inflicted self-inflation, which leads to a high-leveraging path.


One postgraduate course at a sports college, which received $1.6 million through banks, Internet loans and credit cards, was all brushed in.


However, starting in May of this year, the entire platform was not available, resulting in the student becoming a million “negative” overnight.


There are many private teachings like Xiao Cheng, who join together to ask healthy cats to refund their money, but the platform bites back and asks for a settlement agreement on the grounds that a bill has been found, provided that the full subsidy and 70 per cent of the principal amount are deducted.


On August 27, healthy cats were characterized by the police as “illegally absorbing public deposits”.


According to some estimates, the incident involved a total of 250,000 people, with an average debt of hundreds of thousands per person and a high input of tens of millions.


You're the one who cut it.


The sicklemen are so pretentious that they can't protect themselves from it, and the pickles can't do anything about it.


Many put their risks behind their backs because of greed and profit.


Dr. Lee Ray, who was harvested by virtual coins, woke up afterwards: “Many news reports warned that these content (virtual currency) could be a fraud or even a liar's record, )


The same is true of the pickles harvested by P2P.


In fact, P2P exploded twice as early as 2013 and 2015, but many people went in with the temptation of high returns. Even a few hours before the owner of the state treasure ran off in July this year, he went to bid with 360,000.


Money management is a technical task, and many people struggle for 10,000 hours in their field of expertise, and remain cautious. But when they enter the financial market, they become confident that they will not be the last to be the best.


Because of ignorance, and more because of disregard for risk.


In a P2P victim survey involving tens of thousands of people, a large group invested 75 per cent, or even 100 per cent, of their household wealth in P2P, and even 19 per cent were net debtors.


So greedy that reason would have given way to adventures. And the sickle-knifes are the ones who love to find them.


There's always a sickle waiting for you if you want.


(eds. from: )




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