
资讯 2024-07-10 阅读:23 评论:0
數據“所有權”和身份“自主權”將從大型平臺回歸到用戶手中,隨著全速接近的 Web3.0 時代,去中心化身份和各種 Web3.0 基礎設施和服務的出現,創建了豐富的應用系統其中包括可跨單個 DApp 和區塊鏈移植的可讀用戶名,我們已經看到這些...



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數據“所有權”和身份“自主權”將從大型平臺回歸到用戶手中,隨著全速接近的 Web3.0 時代,去中心化身份和各種 Web3.0 基礎設施和服務的出現,創建了豐富的應用系統其中包括可跨單個 DApp 和區塊鏈移植的可讀用戶名,我們已經看到這些應用程式極其強大地提高用戶無邊界訪問服務,它們無疑將成為未來世界的重要發展和社會結構組成部分。

Data that “ownership” and “ownership” of identity will return from large platforms to users, with the full-speed approach of the Web3.0 era, centralize identities and the emergence of various Web3.0 infrastructure and services, creating rich applications that include readable user names that can be transplanted across single Dapps and chains, and we have seen these applications extremely powerfully increase user-wide access, which will undoubtedly become an important part of the development and social fabric of the future world.


What's CREES?


Céres is a new financial solution to the chain based on bottom-to-chain technologies. Through bottom-to-chain technologies, it connects to a network of chains in all parts of the world, creating open-source, decentralized, high-performance value networks, empowering the financial sector, opening up a new financial era.

基於web3.0應用場景為發展核心,生態治理為發展理念,以DAO社區治理、Defi金融、借貸方式,NFT應用等產品進行價值賦能、並為每個用戶提供一個多鏈的名稱服務、以輕松建立和創建自己的一個Web3.0身份CERES是生態系統的原生代幣、可以在CERES平臺上使用、參與CERES DAO治理提案、指導協議發展方向。

Based on the web3.0 application, bio-governance is the concept of development, using DAO community governance, Defi finance, lending, and other products such as NFT applications to empower and provide each user with a multi-chain name service, the creation and creation of its own Web3.0 identity CCERES is the original currency of the biological system, which can be used on the CEES platform, participation in the CEES DAO governance proposal, and guidance on the direction of the development of the agreement.


CERES based on an anonymous bottom-level information interactive system


CREES uses the name of the communication service between people on the Internet to encrypt an identity by means of a public key, ensuring that only that identity can be decoded, that it can be signed with the sender’s private key to ensure that it does come from the sender, and that it provides a secure communication receipt certificate to the recipient that shared confidentiality provides a safe opportunity to communicate, including between groups, without the need to provide a receiving certificate.

在 Web 3.0 中,CERES匿名底層部分允許對方即時通信、更新和自組織,發佈優先順序應用資訊不需要本質上受信任或未曾發生的引用資訊,然而在傳統的 Web 中,這部分實現中通過 HTTP 傳輸的大量資訊,消息將具有存活時間,從而可以盡可能地消除 “活躍” 狀態的發佈消息,和希望在網路中儘快傳輸的即時信令消息之間的歧義,因此需要在延遲和壽命這兩者之間權衡。

In Web 3.0, the anonymous bottom layer of CENES allows for instantaneous communication, updating and self-organization of the other party to issue priority order applications without the need for trust in substance or non-occurring references, but in the traditional Web, this part of the reality is a huge amount of information transmitted through HTTP, and information will have the time to survive, so as to eliminate as much as possible the difference between the release of the “live” status and the instant letter message that wishes to be transmitted as quickly as possible on the Internet, and will therefore need to be balanced between delay and life expectancy.

CERES作為 Web 3.0 的結構化匿名信服務平臺,所有交互都將以保密的方式安全、可靠地執行,並且許多服務是去中心化信任,而對於那些需要第三方的訪問者,應用開發者將信任分散到多個不同的、可能相互競爭的實體上,從而極大地減少了單個實體掌握的信任變數。

CREES, as the structured anonymous letter service platform for Web 3.0, will perform all interactions safely and reliably in a confidential manner, and many of the services will be centralized, while for those who need a third party, the developers will spread the trust to a variety of potentially competing entities, reducing the trust variable held by a single entity from the extreme.


CERES biological deployment and development of DAO governance identity

在平臺技術競爭日益激烈的今天,CERES Dao將以技術創新為第一原動力,不斷運用最新的技術探索,發展自己的技術專長,實現可用性,可服務性以及高效性,形成極其成熟的生態應用體系,CERES Dao使用現有成熟Web3網路應用,收集模組化的網路數據,使CERES Dao的參與者,能夠快速的參與到社區自治身份和ID證明共同約束和治理 Dao生態建設,在生態治理中CERES作為生態治理代幣的價值和塑造,起到了至關重要的資源優勢,利益相關者並嘗試以各種應用設計場景、投票機制和DAO治理身份,因此我們正在部署和建立打造一個去中心化的DAO組織通過 DeFi2.0 全新的交易機制和激勵模型,提供一系列的服務和相關應用產品,如FREEPER,Port3,Typeit等應用。

Today, with a growing technological competition, CERES Dao will be able to rapidly engage in community self-government and ID certification of common bindings and governance, develop its technical expertise with the latest technology exploration, develop its current availability, serviceability and efficiency, develop its mature biological application system, CERES Dao uses the existing mature Web3 network applications, collect modular network data, enable participants in CERES Dao to rapidly engage in community self-governance and ID certification, provide a range of services and related products in biological governance through a new trading scheme and incentive model, as well as through the value and formation of CERES as a living alternative to governance.

我們相信web3.0時代已經來臨,CERES 將會通過基於CERES 應用網路擴展性、操作性、用於來發現、註冊、交易和管理Web3應用的名稱服務網絡聚合平臺,即將成為以DAO為核心公平機制身份治理,成為web3.0的最有理想和價值的土壤。

We believe that with the advent of the Web3.0 era, CERES will become the most ideal and valuable soil of the Web3.0 by using the name service Convergence, based on the application of CERES, to discover, register, trade and manage Web3 applications.




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