使用條款 | ChinaLoveCupid.com

资讯 2024-07-11 阅读:31 评论:0
(於2023年10月5日更新)(updated on 5 October 2023) 1. 網站Web site . 1.1 《使用條款》的接受1.1 Acceptance of the Terms of Us...



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(updated on 5 October 2023)

1. 網站

Web site .

1.1 《使用條款》的接受

1.1 Acceptance of the Terms of Use


Use this website, which means that you accept the Articles of Use and our . Whether you are a registered member or not, if you continue to use this site, it means that you have accepted any of the contents of the Articles of Use and the Declaration on Privacy Rights. We may change the Articles of Use and the Declaration on Privacy at any time.


Do not use this website if you do not agree to this User Regulation.

1.2 《使用條款》的適用性因居住地而異

1.2 The suitability of the use terms varies from place of residence to place of residence

(a) 歐盟國家/地區的居民適用於第16.7條和第18.8(a)條,而非第18.8(b)條。
(b) 非歐盟國家/地區的居民,則適用於第18.8(b)條,而非第18.8(a)條。
(c) 美國以下各州的居民則適用於第16.3(a)條:亞利桑那州、加利福尼亞州、康乃狄克州、伊利諾州、愛荷華州、明尼蘇達州、紐約州、北卡羅來那州、俄亥俄州或威斯康辛州。
(d) 美國以下各州的居民則適用於第16.3(b)條:加利福尼亞州、伊利諾州、紐約州或俄亥俄州。

(a) Residents of European Union countries/regions apply to articles 16.7 and 18.8(a) instead of 18.8(b).
Residents of non-European Union countries/regions apply to articles 18.8(b) instead of 18.8(a).
Residents of the following states of the United States apply to articles 16.3(a): Arizona, California, Connecticut, Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, or Wisconsin.
Residents of the following states of the United States apply to article 16.3 (b) Residents of the following states of the United States.

1.3 《用戶協議》

1.3 User Agreement


The Terms of Use are based on an agreement between you and your company (described below) regarding your use of this service and the integrity of the site.

1.4 聯絡方式

1.4 Contact

本網站由注册于澳大利亚的Cupid Media私人有限公司運營。公司依據針對非歐盟企業的電子服務增值稅(VoeS)註冊了歐盟增值稅。您可以透過以下任何方式與我們聯絡:

The website is operated by Cupid Media Pty Ltd, registered in Australia. The company is registered with the EU Value Added Tax on Electronic Services (VoeS) for non-European Union enterprises. You can contact us in any of the following ways:

線上支援表格: 點擊此處(選擇此方式獲得最快服務)

online support form: (check this option for the fastest service)



電話: +61 7 5571 1181

Telephone: +61 7 5571 1181

傳真號: +61 7 3103 4000

fax: +61 7 3103,4000

郵寄地址:ChinaLoveCupid, PO Box 795, Southport BC, QLD 4215, Australia

Postal address: ChinaCupid, PO Box 795, Southport BC, QLD 4215, Australia

如因隱私事宜或個人資料收集和使用的查詢與我們聯絡,請參閱我們的 《隱私權聲明》

If you contact us for privacy or personal data collection and use, please refer to .


If you are in the European Union, the company has designated VeraSafe as its representative for data protection. In addition to contacting us through the above contact, you can contact VeraSafe for personal data processing. If you need to consult, please fill in the following form to contact VeraSafe: .


You can also contact VeraSafe at the following address:

姓名:Matthew Joseph
地址: Zahradní?kova, 1220/20A, Prague 15000, Czech Republic;或

Name: Mathew Joseph
address: Zahradní?kova, 1220/20A, Prague 15,000, Czech Republic; or

名稱:VeraSafe Ireland Ltd
地址:Unit 3D North Point House, North Point Business Park, New Mallow Road, Cork T23AT2P, Ireland.

name: VeraSafe Ireland Ltd
Unit 3D North Point House, North Point Business Park, New Mallow Road, Cork T23AT2P, Ireland.

2. 會員

2. Members

2.1 符合條件

2.1 Matching condition


Registered service members or users of the site must be 18 years of age.

2.2 合同的訂立

2.2 Contract formation


Registering as a member means signing a contract with your company for free or fee-paying services on your website. You can upgrade the functionality of the membership. You need to select some of the functions and terms of the contract and choose how you will be paid.

2.3 會員身分

2.3 Membership

(a) 您可以免費成為該服務的成員。免費會員僅有權享有本服務提供的部分功能。如需訪問其他功能,必須成為本服務的付費使用者。因此,您必須支付相關費用才能使用這些附加功能。
(b) 您知曉並同意,為了保護本網站的使用者,如果您被定罪為可公訴罪行或重罪,則不得申請或成為會員。申請會員資格,即表示您聲明並保證您未被定罪為可公訴罪行或重罪,也非政府當局要求的按性犯罪者註冊。
(c) 您知曉,目前公司不會定期進行背景調查,核實使用者提供的資訊或對使用者進行刑事篩查。我們保留對所有會員進行調查和背調的權利,以確定您沒有違反任何保證,並判定您的陳述是否有誤。您同意允許本公司進行此類調查,而且,如果您違反承諾或您的陳述證明有誤,本公司有權拒絕和/或終止您的會員資格。

(a) You know and agree that, in order to protect the users of your website, if you are convicted of a public offence or a felony, you will not apply for or become a member of the service. We reserve the right to investigate and recognizable all members, in order to make sure that you are not convicted of a public offence or a felony, and that the non-governmental authorities require that sex offenders are registered.
You know that the company will not conduct background investigations on a regular basis, verify the information provided by the user or conduct a criminal investigation against the user.


2.4 訂閱計劃與費用

2.4 Subscribe plans and fees


You know that there may be differences in subscription fees between jurisdictions, which reflect the costs appropriate for a particular jurisdiction and other business conditions associated with that jurisdiction.

2.5 免費試用與其他促銷活動

2.5 Free trial and other promotional activities


Any free trial or other promotion for the provision of fee-paying services must be used within the trial period.

2.6 付費

2.6 Fee

(a) 雖然某些服務是免費提供的,但您知曉,付費服務僅適用於有效訂閱或支付費用的會員。您可以按照升級會員頁面上的價格、時間段與指定的付款方式訂閱。除非另有說明,價格以升級會員頁面上顯示的貨幣表示,且所有適用稅費都包含在內。
(b) 您的會員資格將自動續期。您可以隨時取消自動續期。如果您未選擇取消,則將在所述期間自動續期訂閱。您可以依據本網站"幫助"部分中的說明取消自動續期。
(c) 如果我們提供定期結算工具用來支付適用於您選擇的訂閱計劃的訂閱費,您在此授權本公司定期(在合理的時間段內)收取這些費用。在這種情況下,本公司將在收到您終止授權的書面通知後停止收取費用。任何此類通知均不對公司合理行事前的收費產生任何影響。任何情況下,您必須提供最新、完整且準確的資訊,並定期更新,以便我們能正確收取訂閱費。
(d) 我們可能隨時更改訂閱價格。如果您在本網站發布新價格的詳細資訊後申請新訂閱(無論您是否是第一次訂閱),將按新費率計算。現有訂閱的自動續期將仍然採用原價進行。
(e) 如果付款出現異常,我們保留暫時或永久中止您的信用卡付款與/或與您、您的銀行或任何其他相關第三方聯絡以報告此異常活動與/或獲取其他資訊的權利。

(a), although some of the services are provided free of charge, you know that your membership will be used only for the automatic cycle of valid subscriptions or payments. You can cancel the automatic cycle at any time. If you do not choose to cancel, you will be allowed to do so during the specified period.

2.7 支付服務的《使用條款》

2.7 Usage terms for the payment of services


When you use a third party to pay for the service, you must accept and comply with the regulations governing the payment of the service.

2.8 黃金會員、白金會員和虛擬幣條款

2.8 Gold members, platinum members and virtual currency clause


Please note that fee-paying users are members of the Golden Council, the Platinum Council, and the Diamond Club (the company decides whether or not to provide it). Only platinum members and the Diamond Club have access to such functions as interviewing high-level pairings, translating messages, showing the results in double-spaced search and having free virtual currency.



Virtual currency is used to pay for services such as sending virtual gifts or communicating with the anchor.

服務 虛擬幣
向主播發送私信 10
查看主播的照片或視頻 150
向主播發送照片或視頻 150
向主播發送貼紙 50
向主播發送動態微笑 10
向另一位用戶發送虛擬禮物 10 - 4990


Unused virtual currency expired 365 days after buying it.

2.9 密碼安全

2.9 Password secure


As part of the registration process, you need to select a password. You select a complex password and make sure it is secure, and agree not to transfer or resell access to your website to any third party. If you have reason to suspect that your account has a security problem, you must inform us immediately, and you must update the account information in time to change the password.

2.10 身分驗證

2.10 Identification


We may at any time ask you to provide a relevant identification certificate to verify it:

(a) 您的身分證;
(b) 您提供的資訊;
(c) 您的支付與賬單資訊;和/或
(d) 您對我們《使用條款》的遵守情況。

(a) your identity card;
(b) your information;
(c) your payment and billing information; and/or
(d) your compliance with our Access Regulations.

3. 服務

3. Service


This service is an Internet information service that facilitates communication between members seeking friendship or love.

4. 服務的使用

4. Use of services

4.1 自擔風險

4.1 Self-inflicted Risk


You know that you will take the risk of using this service and website yourself.

4.2 準確的資訊

4.2 Precise information


You can state, promise and promise that the information and photographs you provide to this service, to this website and to this company are correct and will not be in violation of this agreement and will not harm anyone in any way.


Without limiting the aforementioned rules, you are not allowed to post or post any photograph on our website containing:

? 除您之外的任何人的照片;
? 裸體照;
? 您不在其中的其他個體的照片;
? 卡通或插圖(即便是您自己的)。

Photos of anyone other than you;
Photos of other bodies where you are not present;

4.3 非機密資訊

4.3 Unclassified information


You agree that you can use your material or information (including any personal data information, photographs, videos and audio recordings) and copy it to other contact sites where your personal data is returned to your company. You know that other members or users of this site can look at the material or information.

4.4 海外可見的資訊

4.4 Available overseas information

(a) 全世界任何地方的使用者都可在您的個人資料中查看您提供給我們的任何個人資訊。創建個人資料,即表示您知曉海外使用者都能查看您的個人資料。
(b) 本公司在全球範圍內使用伺服器存儲您的個人資料,這些伺服器可能並不在您所在國家/地區。
(c) 本公司在全球範圍內使用承包商對個人進行背景調查與犯罪記錄調查,這些承包商可能並不在您所在國家/地區。
(d) 為了提供客戶支持、執行後台辦公功能、執行防欺詐任務或向您提供服務,我們可能會允許我們的員工或供應商(可能位於或其資源可能位於您所在國家/地區以外) 訪問您提供的個人資料。

(a) Users anywhere in the world can view any personal information that you provide us with in your personal data. Create personal data, which means that you know that overseas users can access your personal data.
(b) The company uses servers to store your personal data globally. These servers may not be in your country/region.
The company uses contractors to conduct background and criminal record investigations around the world. These contractors may not be in your country/region.

(e) 您明確同意依據本條款第4.4(a)至4.4(d)條以及我們的《隱私權聲明》中的規定,向我們的會員、員工與第三方(您所在國家/地區之外的)轉讓並存儲個人資料,並完全了解可能由此轉讓與存儲而引起的風險,特別是當這些國家/地區的保護機制與您所在國家/地區有出入時。 Cupid Media將依據我們《隱私權聲明》中的條款為所有轉讓提供便利。依據我們《隱私權聲明》中列明的程式,您有權隨時撤銷您的同意或不贊成我們使用您的個人資料。

4.5 版權轉讓

4.5 Copyright Transfer


You may not distribute, transfer or supply any material or information that is copyrighted by another person or entity, and you can guarantee that all material and information you have provided is original and not from any third party.

4.6 合法訪問

4.6 legal interview


You must make sure that your visit to your website and your use of this service is legal or is permitted by law.

4.7 病毒風險

4.7 Virus risk


In order to avoid doubt, we are not responsible for any malfunctions in your computer system caused by the use of this service, this site or any connection to it.

4.8 個人資料的內容

4.8 Personal Data Content

(a) 您對您可能上傳到本服務或轉讓給本服務其他會員的個人資料、訊息、視頻與音頻記錄以及其他材料的內容負全部責任。
(b) 您同意您不會上傳或在您的個人資料或網站上發布任何以下內容:

(a) You are fully responsible for the contents of personal data, messages, video and audio records and other materials that you may upload to this service or transfer to other members of this service.
(b) You agree that you will not upload or post any of the following on your personal data or website:

(i) 我們認為帶有侮辱、淫穢、褻瀆、冒犯、性取向、威脅、騷擾、種族歧視性質,以及不正當或其他不恰當的內容;或
(ii) 描繪、描述、能夠識別或暗示除您自己以外的任何人的內容。

4.9 會員間的互動

4.9 Interaction among members


You are fully responsible for interaction with other members of this service.

4.10 消極承諾

4.10 Negative commitment


You declare, promise and promise:

(a) 不會未經他人事先同意就向任何人公開他人透過本服務向您提供的任何資訊;
(b) 不會透過本服務參與任何形式的騷擾或侵犯活動,包括但不限於散播任何有關性侵與或種族侵犯、侮辱謾罵、威脅挑釁、粗俗低劣、淫穢色情、騷擾侵犯、詆毀中傷、毀壞名譽或引起反感的任何活動,也不會參與任何非法或違規活動,或任何侵犯或違反第三方權利(包括但不限於知識產權與隱私權)的活動;
(c) 不會透過本服務參與群體性行為,徵詢婚外情、徵詢或參與嫖娼等所在國任何法律禁止活動;
(d) 不會假冒他人或虛報年齡或婚姻狀況或在個人資料的任何方面提供虛假或誤導資訊;
(e) 不會透過電子或其他方式在本服務中收取或搜集網站其他使用者郵箱地址或聯絡資訊或使用本服務發送"群發郵件"、連鎖信函、垃圾郵件或濫發任何來路不明的廣告郵件;
(f) 不會將本服務或本網站用於任何未經授權的商業用途;
(g) 不會刻意搜集或企圖搜集任何會員或本服務、本網站其他使用者的資金、銀行賬戶、信用卡詳情或保密財務資訊;
(h) 不會向任何在本網站交流或會見過的人匯款或提供財務資訊。如因上述行為蒙受損失(財務或其他),本公司概不負責。您同意透過聯絡客戶服務或使用會員個人資料界面"濫用報告"功能舉報集資或搜集財務資訊人員;
(i) 不會搜尋或企圖搜尋其他會員的密碼;
(j) 不會透過本服務發送、宣傳或單獨出版任何含有籌集資金、徵詢商品、服務的廣告或誘惑宣傳。
(k) 如有人嚴正提出終止交流, 則將不再持續攀談或騷擾;
(l) 不會發布或傳播含有病毒的材料,或其他企圖限製或破壞電腦軟體、硬體功能的其他計算機代碼、文件或程式;
(m) 不會以任何方式發布或傳播任何聯絡資訊,包括不限於郵箱地址、電話號碼、通訊地址、i messenger 賬號、Facebook使用者名、URL或透過您公開發布資訊的全稱;
(n) 不會使用非人工或殭屍網路登錄該服務;
(o) 與本公司客服人員通話或以其他方式溝通時,不會出現具有侮辱、淫穢、褻瀆、冒犯、性取向、威脅、騷擾或種族歧視等性質的言語("冒犯行為")。您同意如我方單獨裁決您有上述"冒犯行為",我方有權立即取消您的會員資格,您也無權索要已向我方繳納的任何訂閱費用。
(p) 已年滿18周歲。本網站所有會員必須年滿18歲。本公司絕不容忍任何會員企圖與任何不滿18歲人員發生任何形式的網路性愛、性傳播或性接觸行為。與未成年人發生非法或不當接觸者,一經發現,我們會向相應的執法機構報案。

(a) will not disclose to anyone any information provided through this service without prior consent;
(b) will not engage in any form of harassment or aggression through this service, including, but not limited to, the dissemination of any related sexual and/or racial aggression, insults, threats, grossness, pornography, harassment, victimization, destruction of, damage to, damage to, or aversion to, the Internet; will not engage in any illegal or illegal activity, or any activity that violates or violates the rights of third parties (including but not limited to the rights to know property and privacy);
(c) will not participate in the commercialization of the service, in matters of outside marriage, inquiry, or in any activity involving users of the Internet; (st) ; [stwetststwet/tstwetwetst; > >st/twetwetwet/twetwetwetstwetwetwetwetwetwet/twetwetwetwetwet; >; > will nottwet/twetwetwetwetststwetst >; > will nottwetwetwetwetwetwetwetwetwetwettwettt or used or used > >; >

4.11 版權侵權通知

4.11 Copyright notice

(a) 本公司尊重他人的知識產權。如果您在本網站上看到您認為屬於您或第三方的內容,且該內容以某種方式侵犯或似乎侵犯了您的版權或其他知識產權或第三方的知識產權,您可以向本公司提供包含以下資訊的通知:

(a) The company respects the intellectual property rights of others. If you see on this site what you believe belongs to you or to a third party and which in some way violates or appears to violate your copyright or other intellectual or intellectual property rights of a third party, you can provide the company with a notification containing the following information:

(i) 您的聯絡資訊——包括地址、電話號碼與電郵地址;
(ii) 獲授權代表版權或其他知識產權權益所有人行事的個人的電子或物理書名;
(iii) 對您聲稱被侵犯的版權作品或其他知識產權的描述;
(iv) 您聲稱被侵犯的資料所在網站的名稱;
(v) 對您聲稱正在受侵犯的材料在本網站上位置的描述;
(vi) 一份聲明:
(A) 概述您有足夠理由相信爭議用途未經版權擁有者、其代理或者法律授權的;
(B) 您作出的如果不實甘受偽罪證懲罰的聲明,聲明您通知中的上述資訊均為準確資訊,且您是版權或知識產權的所有人或已獲得授權、可代表版權或知識產權所有人行事。

ChinaLoveCupid, PO Box 9304, Gold Coast MC, QLD 9726, Australia

The notification may be sent to:
China LoveCupid, PO Box 9304, Gold Coast MC, QLD 9726, Australia


Use of 4.12 pictures


In addition to the provisions of section 4.5, you provide any photographs, materials, information or content to our company, indicating that you are aware of and agree that the company may:

(a) 重製、使用、複製、執行、展示、分配並利用這些材料、資訊或內容;
(b) 製作這些材料、資訊與內容的衍生作品,或將其與其他作品與其他媒體文件整合;及
(c) 授予他人在上述第4.12(a)與4.12(b)條中所陳述的授予本公司的相同權利,您還同意任何與所有此類使用,包括但不限於任何促銷或商業目的。同時,您承諾您有權授予本條所述的同意。

(a) reproducing, using, copying, executing, displaying, distributing and using these materials, information or content;
(b) producing derivatives of these materials, information and content, or integrating them with other works and other media documents; and
(c) granting the same rights as those granted to the company, as stated in sections 4.12(a) and 4.12(b) above, and agreeing to any use of these types, including but not limited to any promotional or business purpose.

4.13 郵購新娘婚姻

4.13 Mailing bride marriage


You know that your jurisdiction may prohibit the promotion of marital services or incitement to marriage.

如果您位於菲律賓、白俄羅斯或任何禁止向其居民提供婚配服務的司法管轄區,您在此保證、聲明並承諾您對本服務或本網站的使用不會違反任何禁止婚配的法律。 您在此知曉並同意,您全權負責確保您不違反任何婚配禁令,並進一步確認並同意第17條所載的賠償將適用於您對任何禁止婚配法律的違反情況。

If you are in the Philippines, Belarus, or any other jurisdiction that prohibits marriage-related services for your residents, you can assure, declare and promise that your use of this service or of this website will not violate any of the laws prohibiting marriage. You know and agree that you are fully responsible for ensuring that you do not violate any of the marriage-related prohibitions, and for further confirmation that the compensation contained in section 17 will be appropriate for any violation of the law prohibiting marriage-making.

4.14 地區限制

4.14 Area limits


(i) Cuban, Iraqi, Libyan, North Korean, Iranian, Syrian, Belarusian, Russian Federation-held territories or residents of the United States and/or any other country where goods are prohibited by the European Union; or
of the United States Department of Finance or any person listed on the list of specially designated persons of the United States Treasury or of the United States Department of Commerce.
The use of the services or mobile applications of this website indicates and guarantees that you are not in any of the above-mentioned countries/regions, that you are not under their control, that you are not a national or resident of any of the above-mentioned countries/regions, or that you are not in any of the above-mentioned list.

5. 資訊

5. Information

5.1 資訊的監控

5.1 Information monitoring


In order to ensure that personal data, information, chatting, instant information, video and voice are in line with the above-mentioned Access Regulations, we reserve the right to monitor the records of these events. We have hired one or more third-party teams responsible for Internet security to provide the best services and the most secure Internet environment for our clients. Therefore, some non-personal data will need to be collected from the computer or other end-of-life that you connect to your site.


5.2 Information Editor


Although it is not possible or possible for us to examine all information or other information that members issue or transmit through this service, and are not responsible for its content, it is not our duty to delete, remove or edit any information or data that we deem to be contrary to the above-mentioned use regulations or unacceptable (including personal data, messages, videos and voice records).

5.3 資訊的安全保障

5.3 Information security


Unfortunately, Internet data transfer cannot guarantee absolute security. While we are extremely protective of this data, we cannot promise to ensure that any information that you send to us and to other authorized third parties under the Declaration of Privacy is safe. Therefore, you know that any information you send to us is self-inflicted.



Despite the above, we will be responsible for the security of your information as soon as it is received.

6. 限制使用

6. Restricted use


Unless we agree otherwise in writing, you can visit the site only for the purposes of personal use. Businesses, groups, organizations, and registered members of the company are prohibited.

7. 廣告營銷

7. Advertisement marketing


8. 通訊

8. Communication


The company reserves the right to send e-mails to you about changes or additions to its services, or about any products and services of the company and its affiliates.

9. 廣告

Advertisement 9.

9.1 自擔責任

9.1 Self-responsibility


Advertiseers are responsible for the content of the ads that appear on their websites (including the superlinks to their own websites). The placement of the ads does not constitute a recommendation or approval by the company for the commercials’ products or services.

10. 知識產權所有權

10. Intellectual property rights


The company reserves all the rights, ownership and rights of the service and its website and associated intellectual property rights, as well as all rights that have not been expressly granted.

10.1 版權

Copyright 10.1


With the exception of the 1968 Copyright Act (Cth) and similar legal requirements applicable to your region, as well as the explicit authorization contained in the Terms of Use, you may not in any way or by any means:

(a) 從本服務或本網站的任何部分改編、複製、儲存、分配、打印、顯示、執行、發布或創建衍生作品;或
(b) 對從本服務或本網站的任何部分獲得的任何資訊、產品或服務進行商業化;

(a) commercializes any information, products or services obtained from this service or any part of this website from any part of this service or site; or
(b) from any part of this service or website;


These actions require our prior written permission.

10.2 商標

10.2 Trademark


If you refer to our activities, products or services using any of the company’s logos, you must declare the company’s ownership.

(a) 作為您自己商標的全部或部分使用;
(b) 與不是我們的活動、產品或服務相關聯;
(c) 用來迷惑、誤導或欺騙別人;或
(d) 用來毀謗我們或我們的資訊、產品或服務(包括但不限於本服務與本網站)。

(a) is used in whole or in part as your own label;
(b) is associated with activities, products or services that are not ours;
(c) is used to confuse, mislead or deceive others; or
(d) is used to destroy our information, products or services (including, but not limited to, this service and this website).

11. 外鏈網站

11. Outlink site

11.1 僅出於提供便利目的的連結

11.1 Links for the sole purpose of facilitating


This site may contain links to other sites ("outlink sites"). These links are provided only for convenience purposes and may not be up-to-date or maintained.

11.2 不背書

11.2 No endorsement


Unless otherwise specified, our connection to the outer chain site should not be regarded as recognition, approval or endorsement of any information, graphics, materials, products or services mentioned or contained on the company’s website to the owner or operator of the outer chain site.

12. 《隱私權聲明》

12. Statement of privacy

我們承諾遵守本網站 《隱私權聲明》的條款,並可能會不時地依據適用法律與我們的運營情況對其加以修訂。

We promise to comply with the terms of our website the declaration of privacy and may be amended from time to time in accordance with the law and our operating conditions.



13. 本網站或本服務的銷售

We will not sell or provide personal data to a third party for any business purpose (unless the business purpose is explicitly mentioned in this Declaration of Privacy). We will provide your personal data to our third party service providers in the time and manner prescribed in the declaration of privacy under the circumstances specified in the declaration of privacy.

13. Sales of this website or service


You agree and expressly agree that, in order to provide you with services and advertisements directly, if the company sells the site, the service or its business (or any part thereof) or the control of the company changes, the company has the right to disclose, transfer or transfer personal data and any other information (including photographs and public data) that you upload to the site or to the personal data of the service.


You know and expressly agree that the buyer or the person with new control may not be from your country/region, and you agree to send your personal data to another country/region.

14. 免責聲明與責任限制

14. Exemption statement and limitation of liability

14.1 《澳洲消費者保護法》所規定的消費者權益

14.1 Consumer rights under the Australian Consumer Protection Act


The ACL Act grants you a range of rights and compensation for individuals in the Australian judicial jurisdiction.

14.2 個人、家庭或居民使用或消費的商品與服務的保障

14.2 Security of goods and services used or consumed by individuals, families or residents


In Australia's judicial jurisdiction, we provide goods or services for personal, family or residential consumption, without any restriction or exclusion of user protection under the Australian Consumer Protection Act.

14.3 非個人、家庭或居民使用或消費的商品與服務的保障

14.3 Security of goods and services used or consumed by non-persons, households or residents


In Australia's judicial jurisdiction, we provide goods and services that are not used or consumed by individuals, families or residents at a cost of not more than $40,000. The protection of consumers' rights is limited to:

(a) 就商品來說:

(a) For commodities:

(i) 替代商品或等价商品的提供;
(iii) 支付此類替代商品或购买等价商品;或
(iv) 支付此類商品的维修费用;及


(b) for services:

(i) 服务的再次提供;或
(ii) 支付再次提供服务的费用。

14.4 不保證準確性

14.4 Unguaranteed accuracy


In accordance with articles 14.2 and 14.3 of the Articles of Use, we are not responsible for any loss caused by any information or information that you use or believe in on our website (including personal information, advice, views, statements, or other information that is displayed, uploaded or disseminated by our own company or by any member or any individual or entity), and do not make any statement or promise about the continuity, timeliness, and security of access to this service or website.

14.5 不保證可用性

14.5 Not guaranteed availability

按照《使用條款》第14.2 與14.3規定,我方不能保證本服務或本網站不會中斷或運行無誤。本服務按"原樣"分佈。本服務或本網站的運行可能出現延遲、遣漏或中斷。在法律許可的情況下,您知曉,本服務(及本網站的可用性)的提供沒有任何形式的(明示或暗示的)保證,包括對適銷性、適用於特定用途的默示保證。

In accordance with regulations 14.2 and 14.3 of the Regulations of Use, we cannot guarantee that this service or this website will not be interrupted or operated. This service will be distributed as it is. There may be delays, leaks or interruptions in the operation of this service or this site.

14.6 排除默示保證

14.6 Exclusion of implied assurances

在法律許可的情況下,依據本《使用條款》第14.2 與14.3規定,特此排除任何在《使用條款》中可能發生的默示保證或條件。如有法律默示的任何條件或保證,以及有法律禁止應用的任何上述條件與保證,或限制我方刪除或修改的權利,該類條件與保證就會視作保留,但我方的權限就從違反該條件或保證變為違反以下一項或多項條款:

Where the law so permits, any implied undertaking or condition that may arise in the use clause may be excluded in accordance with the provisions of Articles 14.2 and 14.3 hereof. If any of the conditions or assurances implied in the law, as well as any of those which are prohibited by the law, or the right of our parties to delete or modify them, such conditions and guarantees shall be regarded as reservations, but our rights shall be subject to one or more of the following:

(a) 如條款違反涉及商品:

(a) if the provision is contrary to the goods:

(i) 替代商品或等价商品的提供;
(ii) 此類商品的维修;
(iv) 支付此類商品的维修费用;及

(b) 如果條款違反與服務相關:

(b) if the provision is contrary to the service:

(i) 服務的再次提供;或
(ii) 支付再次提供服务的费用。

14.7 損失免責

14.7 Losses are exempt from liability


We are not responsible for using this service, for direct or indirect damage (whether due to negligence or no) caused by links to the site or any website, and for any damage caused by the use or belief of the service or information provided on the site. To avoid doubt, and without prejudice to the generality of the above-mentioned rules:

(a) 由於您不論以任何方式使用本服務或網站或因出現延遲或無法使用的情況,或由於使用本網站或服務的任何資訊、產品或其他服務,或由於本著合同、過失或其他侵權、嚴重責任使用本網站(即使本公司已被通知這種損害可能發生)而導致的任何直接、間接、不確定、特殊或相應損害,本公司概不負責;
(b) 對任何您上傳本服務或本網站的資料資訊,以及其他會員或使用者使用或濫用您上傳至本服務或本網站的資料資訊,本公司概不負責;
(c) 對於本服務的任何會員或其他使用者的行為,包括但不限於任何導致任何人人身傷害的行為,本公司概不負責。

(a) is not responsible for any direct, incidental, uncertain, special or correlative use of this service or website, regardless of whether you use it in any way or because of delayed or unserviceable circumstances, or for any information, product or other service using it, or for any use or misuse of information by other members or users of this service or website, even if the company has been notified that such damage may occur;
is not responsible for the actions of any member or other user of this service, including, but not limited to, any action leading to personal injury.

15. 有關線上交友的特別警告

15. Special warning for online dating

15.1 風險

15.1 Risk


You are aware of the risks involved in making friends online, including, but not limited to, dealing with minors without knowledge, or with persons who are under a false name or for the purpose of committing a crime. You agree to take all necessary precautions when communicating or meeting with other users, especially when you decide to meet yourself in person.

15.2 會員身分無保證

15.2 Membership is not guaranteed


You know that it is very difficult to do user identification online. The company cannot guarantee or guarantee that every member or user of the service is its own. Moreover, the company cannot guarantee or guarantee the authenticity, accuracy or completeness of the membership data. Therefore, care must be taken when you deal with other members or users of the service or the site.

16. 終止


16.1 會員協議的生效

16.1 Entry into force of the membership agreement


The effectiveness of this agreement is not affected when you are a member of this service or when you are using this site.

16.2 由您提出的會員註銷

16.2 Members declared upon your proposal


You can cancel a member at any time or for any reason, as soon as we have received a written notice from your member. You can send or send a notice of cancellation to the address or mailbox in the "contact us" column of your website, or click on the member's "closing the member" link.

16.3 一些美國本土使用者的特殊註銷權

16.3 Special rights of access for some indigenous users in the United States


If you live in Arizona, California, Connecticut, Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, New York, North Carolina, Ohio or Wisconsin, the following provisions apply:

(a) 如在訂閱服務費用三(3)個工作日(取消期)內任何時間取消本協議,無需支付任何罰款或承擔任何義務。要取消本協議,您必須透過註冊或認證郵件向我方發送您的署名及取消日期,說明您將取消本協議,或類似內容。該通知應發送至: ChinaLoveCupid, 聯絡人:Refund Request, PO Box 9304, Gold Coast MC, QLD 9726, Australia。如您在取消期內發送或郵寄取消訂閱協議的通知,公司將在規定時間內退還您已支付的受此條款約束的費用。

(a) If the agreement is cancelled at any time within three (3) working days (cancellation period) of the subscription fee, there is no penalty or obligation to pay. To cancel the agreement, you must send me your signature and cancellation date by registration or by e-mail, indicating that you will cancel the agreement, or something like that. The notification should be sent to: ChinaLoveCupid, contact: Refund Request, PO Box 9304, Gold Board MC, QLD 9726, Australia. If you send or mail a notice of cancellation of the agreement during the cancellation period, the company will return the funds that you have already paid for this provision at the scheduled time.


If you live in California, Illinois, New York or Ohio, the following provisions apply:

(b) 如您在訂閱期完結前逝世,在您逝世後,我方將退還您訂閱發生的部分任何費用至您的遺產。如您在訂閱期完結前發生嚴重殘疾(且不再有使用本網站的能力),您向本公司以下地址:ChinaLoveCupid, 聯絡人:Refund Request, PO Box 9304, Gold Coast MC, QLD 9726, Australia發送殘疾說明通知後,本公司將退還您訂閱發生的部分費用。

(b) If you die before the end of the booking period, we will refund to you, after your death, some of the costs of your booking.

16.4 終止服務訪問

16.4 End of service interview


We may, for any reason, including but not limited to any fraud, insult or other illegal activity or other good experience of other users of this service, exercise absolute discretion at any time, whether notified or not, to prevent, terminate or determine access to all or part of this service.

16.5 由我方提出的會員註銷

16.5 Member declared by our offer


If we decide that you are in breach of this agreement, we will immediately terminate your membership and your access to this service at any time. The notice of the member will be sent to your last reserved mailbox. After deduction of the costs or losses incurred by the company as a result of the cancellation of your membership, the company will refund the remaining advance costs of the member's release.

16.6 帳戶的停用

16.6 Deactivate account


If you do not use this service for six months in a row and do not have a valid subscription, we may cancel your account.


16.7 End of implementation under the 2013 Consumer Pact (Information, Cancellation and Surcharge)


This provision will be appropriate only if you meet the definition of "coster" as defined in the Consumer Contract (Information, Cancellation, and Surcharge) Regulations 2013, and if you are a resident of the United Kingdom, and you have not yet started using this service.

(a)如您在依據2013年《消費者契約(資訊、取消及附加費用)規則》的十四 (14) 天取消期内开始使用我们向您提供的服務,您將被視為已要求我們提供該服務。如您要求我們提供服務,您將需要支付服務費用,直到您取消該服務為止。執行以下任何一項操作,您將被視為已開始使用該服務:

(a) If you start using the services that we have provided to you during the 14 (14) days of cancellation of the Consumer Pact (Information, Cancellation and Surcharge) in 2013, you will be deemed to have requested us to provide the service. If you request us to provide the service, you will need to pay for the service until you cancel it. If you do any of the following, you will be considered to have started using the service:


16.8 依據《消費者權利指令( 2011/83/EU )》執行的終止

16.8 End of operation under the Consumer Rights Directive (2011/83/EU)

此條款僅適用於當您是《消費者權利指令( 2011/83/EU)》("指令")中定義的"消費者"並且居住在歐盟境內且尚未開始使用該服務。如果本指令適用於本《使用條款》,您可以在註冊成為服務會員後十四 (14) 天內通過提供書面通知終止您的會員資格。註冊成為會員後,您可以立即使用該服務。

This provision applies only if you are a "crowder" as defined in the Consumer Rights Directive (2011/83/EU) ("Directive") and live in the European Union and have not started using the service. If this instruction is appropriate for this User Regulation, you can use the service within fourteen (14) days of being registered as a service member by providing a written notification that your membership will be terminated.

(a) 如果在依據《消費者權利指令( 2011/83/EU)》 提供的十四 (14) 天取消期內開始使用我們的服務,您將被視為已要求我們提供服務。如果您要求我們提供服務,您將需要支付從開始使用服務到您取消服務為止期間的費用。以下行為將視為您已開始使用服務:

(a) If you start using our services during the 14(14) cancellation days under the Consumer Rights Directive (2011/83/EU), you will be considered as having requested us to provide our services. If you request us to provide our services, you will have to pay for the period between the start of the service and your cancellation of the service.


(b) 如果您在十四 (14) 天取消期限內未開始使用我們的服務,依據《消費者權利指令( 2011/83/EU)》,我們將在收到您的終止通知前 14 天內退还您所支付的任何費用。

(b) If you do not start using our services within the fourteen (14) days of cancellation, we will return any fees paid to you in accordance with the Consumer Rights Directive (2011/83/EU) within 14 days of receiving your termination notification.

17. 賠償



Within the limits permitted by law, you agree to protect your company, its affiliates, associated corporate groups, stockholders, high-ranking employees, employees, agents and representatives from any and all claims, losses, damages, taxes (including taxes on goods and services), liabilities and/or fees (including full legal fees) arising from or related to:

(a) 任何您違反這些條款的行為;
(b) 任何未經授權使用與您有聯絡或相關的網站;
(c) 任何您違反法律的行為;及
(d) 任何您可能對本網站的作為或不作為。

(a) Any act that you violate these provisions;
(b) Any unlicensed use of a website associated or related to you;
(c) Any act or omission that you violate the law; and
(d) Any action or omission that you may take on this site.


If you are responsible for any such claim, we reserve the right to defend and control exclusively (but without obligation) any claim for compensation.

18. 總則


18.1 未能遵守

18.1 Failure to comply


The company has no responsibility if the conditions beyond our reasonable control lead to non-compliance with these Terms of Use.

18.2 非棄權

18.2 Non-exemption


If we give up at some point any of the rights conferred on us by the Terms of Use, it does not mean that we will give up these rights automatically in any other place.

18.3 可分割性

18.3 Separability


The effect of any of these use clauses is not affected if any of them is considered invalid, unenforceable or illegal for any reason.

18.4 協議語言

18.4 Agreed language


The language of the agreement is English. If the company provides a translation of the English version of the agreement, you agree that the translation should be made available only for reference. If there is a difference between the English version of the agreement and the translation, the English version should be used.

18.5 變更

18.5 Change


We reserve the right to change these usages at any time. These changes will be announced on the website for immediate effect.

18.6 轉讓

18.6 Transfer


The company has the right to transfer to any third party any or all of its rights and duties under this agreement or under this service.

18.7 關係

18.7 Relationships


You agree that, under this cooperation agreement, or when you use this service or your website, you do not have a partnership, partnership, employment or representation with your company.

18.8 適用法律

18.8 Applicable law

(a) 歐盟國家的使用者同意本協議受英格蘭及威爾斯現行法律約束,並同意接受該司法管轄區法院之獨家司法權。
(b) 非歐盟國家的使用者同意本協議受澳大利亞昆士蘭州現行法律約束,並同意接受該司法管轄區法院之獨家司法權。

(a) Users from European Union countries agree to be bound by the existing laws of England and Wales and to accept the exclusive jurisdiction of the judicial jurisdiction court.
Users from non-European Union countries agree to be bound by the existing law of Queensland, Australia, and to accept the exclusive jurisdiction of the judicial jurisdiction court.


19. Definition


In the Articles of Use, the relevant technical terms are as follows:


"claim" means claims, claims, relief, prosecution, injury, damage, loss, expense, liability, complaint, suit, claim, claim, claim or claim, or compensation for the liability that has occurred or for which the person claims compensation, whether incurred or not, or whether it is established or not, or whether it is imminent, future or accidental;


"commercialization" means the use, marketing, promotion, development, integration, research, marketing and development of any other activity for profit or reward;

"公司" 是指註冊於澳大利亞新南威爾士州的Cupid Media私人有限公司(公司註冊號碼為为104 844 564),並包括其相關法人團體或合作公司(Cupid Media私人有限公司《2001年公司法》定義的條款);

Corporation means Cupid Media Pty Ltd, registered in New South Wales, Australia (with a company registration number of 104,844,564) and includes provisions defined in the Companies Act 2001 by its associated corporate group or collaboration (Cupid Media Pty Ltd.);


"European Union" refers to the political and economic union of European member states.

"歐盟國家" 是指歐盟條約下的現任成員國,即奧地利、比利時、保加利亞、克羅地亞、塞浦路斯、捷克共與國、丹麥、愛沙尼亞、芬蘭、法國、德國、希臘、匈牙利、愛爾蘭、意大利、拉脫維亞、立陶宛、盧森堡、馬耳他、荷蘭、波蘭、葡萄牙、羅馬尼亞、斯洛伐克、斯洛文尼亞、西班牙與瑞典。

"European Union countries" refers to the current member states under the European Union agreements, namely Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden.


"personal data" refers to any information that points to an identifiable natural person (the "data body”). An identifiable natural person can be identified directly or indirectly, especially by reference to names, identification numbers, location data, online identification, or by reference to one or more physical, physical, genetic, psychological, economic, cultural or social characteristics.


"fee services" refers to functions and services provided by the paid members who effectively subscribe to the site;


, a statement of privacy rights , refers to corporate privacy policies on the website.


"service" refers to the functions provided to members via the website;


's special type of personal data refers to personal data, genetic data that reveal national or ethnic background, political standing, religious philosophy or membership of a trade union, your criminal record, which is designed to identify biological data on a particular natural person, data relating to the physical state of physical health, sexual orientation and personal sexual life of a natural person.

"網站" 是指由本公司所有並運營的網站;

website refers to websites owned and operated by the company;


"Use terms"


"We" and "we" and "us" mean our company.




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