
资讯 2024-07-12 阅读:17 评论:0
本文檔介紹與FXOS平台相關的常見問題。This document presents the common problems associated with the FXOS platform....



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    This document presents the common problems associated with the FXOS platform.


    Firepower Extendable Production System (FXOS) is a bottom working system on Firepower or on a security firewall platform. According to FXOS, the configuration function, the monitor box status, and the interview platform for high-level trouble resolution. & nbsp;

    Firepower 4100/9300和Firepower 2100上的FXOS以及平台模式下的自適應安全裝置軟體允許配置更改,而在其他平台中,除特定功能外,FXOS是只讀的。

    FXOS on Firepower 4100/9300 and Firepower 2100 and self-adapted security device software under platform mode allow configuration changes, while FXOS is read-only in other platforms except for specific functions.

    自2.8.x版起,fprm已棄用。因此,FXOS 2.8.x僅支援機箱和刀片顯示技術。

    Since version 2.8.x, fprm has been abandoned. Therefore, FXOS 2.8.x only supports machine boxes and blade display techniques.

    KSEC-FPR4115-2-1(local-mgmt)# show tech-support fprm detail
    WARNING: show tech-support fprm detail command is deprecated.
    Please use show tech-support chassis 1 detail command instead.
    • 機箱:包含機箱、刀鋒、介面卡、基板管理控制器(BMC)和思科整合式管理控制器(CIMC)的記錄檔
    • 模組:包含邏輯裝置自適應安全裝置(ASA)或Firepower威脅防禦(FTD)所在刀片/模組的日誌檔案。這包括諸如appAgent等元件的日誌)

    在2.8.x之前的版本中,FXOS提供三種不同的show tech輸出。FPRM捆綁包包含管理輸入/輸出(MIO)(管理引擎)和服務管理器)的日誌檔案

    In the pre-2.8.x version, FXOS provides three different types of show tech output. The FPRM bundle contains journal files for managing input/output (MIO) (managing engine) and service manager

    通常,生成全部3個捆綁。使用show tech-support <option> detail生成用於TAC分析的3個不同日誌捆綁:

    Generally, all three bundles are generated. Show tech-support & lt; option> detail generates three different daily bindings for TAC analysis:

    FPR4140-A# connect local-mgmt
    FPR4140-A(local-mgmt)# show tech-support fprm detail
    FPR4140-A(local-mgmt)# show tech-support chassis 1 detail
    FPR4140-A(local-mgmt)# show tech-support module 1 detail
    • 如果不指定細節選項,則會在螢幕上獲得輸出
    • detail選項會建立tar檔案


    Check generated file name:

    FPR4140-A(local-mgmt)# dir techsupport/
    1 15595520 Apr 09 17:29:10 2017 20170409172722_FPR4140_FPRM.tar
    1   962560 Apr 09 17:32:20 2017 20170409172916_FPR4140_BC1_all.tar
    1  7014400 Apr 09 18:06:25 2017 Firepower-Module1_04_09_2017_18_05_59.tar


    To export packages from CLI, do the following:

    FPR4140-A(local-mgmt)# copy workspace:///techsupport/20170409172722_FPR4140_FPRM.tar ftp|tftp|scp|sftp://username@

    注意:除了FXOS show tech輸出外,邏輯裝置(例如ASA和/或FTD)還具有他們自己的獨立show tech功能。在多例項(MI)的情形中,每個例項還具有自己的獨立show-tech捆綁包。最後,FCM不支援MI show-techs

    Note : In addition to FXOS show tech output, logical devices (e.g. ASA and/or FTD) have their own independent show tech functions. In multiple cases, each case has its own separate show-tech bundle. Finally, FCM does not support MI show-techs.

    從FXOS 2.6開始,透過「工具」>「故障排除日誌」下的「Firepower機箱管理器(FCM) UI,可以生成和下載FXOS技術支援

    Starting with FXOS 2.6, FXOS technology support can be generated and downloaded through FXOS & gt; Firepower Box Manager (FCM UI) under the FXO Journal


    On FP9300:


    create and download technical support files


    On FP41xx:




    The methods used to verify the configuration of the management interface are as follows:

    FPR4115-2-1# show fabric-interconnect
    Fabric Interconnect:
        ID   OOB IP Addr     OOB Gateway     OOB Netmask     OOB IPv6 Address OOB IPv6 Gateway Prefix Operability Ingress VLAN Group Entry Count (Current/Max) Switch Forwarding Path Entry Count (Current/Max)
        ---- --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------- ---------------- ------ ----------- -------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
        A   ::               ::               64     Operable    0/500                                        14/1021


    FPR4115-2-1# scope fabric-interconnect a
    FPR4115-2-1 /fabric-interconnect # show
    Fabric Interconnect:
        ID   OOB IP Addr     OOB Gateway     OOB Netmask     OOB IPv6 Address OOB IPv6 Gateway Prefix Operability Ingress VLAN Group Entry Count (Current/Max) Switch Forwarding Path Entry Count (Current/Max)
        ---- --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------- ---------------- ------ ----------- -------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
        A   ::               ::               64     Operable    0/500                                        14/1021
    FPR4115-2-1 /fabric-interconnect # show detail
    Fabric Interconnect:
        ID: A
        Product Name: Cisco FPR-4115-SUP
        PID: FPR-4115-SUP
        VID: V01
        Vendor: Cisco Systems, Inc.
        Serial (SN): JAD12345NY6
        HW Revision: 0
        Total Memory (MB): 8074
        OOB IP Addr:
        OOB Gateway:
        OOB Netmask:
        OOB IPv6 Address: ::
        OOB IPv6 Gateway: ::
        Prefix: 64
        Operability: Operable
        Thermal Status: Ok
        Ingress VLAN Group Entry Count (Current/Max): 0/500
        Switch Forwarding Path Entry Count (Current/Max): 14/1021
        Current Task 1:
        Current Task 2:
        Current Task 3:


    To change IP settings:

    FPR4115-2-1# scope fabric-interconnect a
    FPR4115-2-1 /fabric-interconnect # set out-of-band
      gw       Gw
      ip       Ip
      netmask  Netmask
    KSEC-FPR4115-2-1 /fabric-interconnect # set out-of-band ip netmask gw
    KSEC-FPR4115-2-1 /fabric-interconnect* # commit-buffer


    About submission:

    FPR4115-2-1 /fabric-interconnect # commit-buffer verify-only    ! verify the change for error
    FPR4115-2-1 /fabric-interconnect # commit-buffer                ! commit the change
    FPR4115-2-1 /fabric-interconnect # discard-buffer               ! cancel the change


    If you need more details, check:

    Cisco Firepower 4100/9300 FXOS命令參考


    Navigator goes to locally managed CLI, and then uses ping command:

    FPR4115-2-1# connect local-mgmt
    FPR4115-2-1(local-mgmt)# ping
    PING ( from eth0: 56(84) bytes of data.
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=255 time=0.602 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=255 time=0.591 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=255 time=0.545 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=255 time=0.552 ms


    Navigator to manage the CLI area locally and use this command:

    FPR4115-2-1# connect local-mgmt
    FPR4115-2-1(local-mgmt)# show mgmt-ip-debug | begin eth0
    eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 78:bc:1a:e7:a4:11
              inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
              inet6 addr: fe80::7abc:1aff:fee7:a411/64 Scope:Link
              UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1
              RX packets:3420589 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
              TX packets:2551231 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
              collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
              RX bytes:419362704 (399.9 MiB)  TX bytes:1530147643 (1.4 GiB)

    除了scope fabric-interconnect a > show下的Operational外,您還可以使用此命令:

    In addition to scope fabric-intercontract a & gt; show on the Office, you can also use this command:

    FPR4115-2-1# connect local-mgmt
    FPR4115-2-1(local-mgmt)# show mgmt-port
    eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 78:bc:1a:e7:a4:11
              inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
              inet6 addr: fe80::7abc:1aff:fee7:a411/64 Scope:Link
              UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1
              RX packets:3422158 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
              TX packets:2552019 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
              collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
              RX bytes:419611452 (400.1 MiB)  TX bytes:1530247862 (1.4 GiB)

    或者,您可以使用此指令。Scope部分顯示Link UP。請注意,UP顯示於下一行:

    Alternatively, you can use this command. The Snape section shows Link UP. Note that UP is shown in the following row:

    FPR4115-2-1# connect local-mgmt
    FPR4115-2-1(local-mgmt)# show mgmt-ip-debug | begin eth0
    eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 78:bc:1a:e7:a4:11
              inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
              inet6 addr: fe80::7abc:1aff:fee7:a411/64 Scope:Link
              UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1
              RX packets:3420589 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
              TX packets:2551231 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
              collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
              RX bytes:419362704 (399.9 MiB)  TX bytes:1530147643 (1.4 GiB)

    : UP狀態是介面的管理狀態。即使拔下物理電纜或SFP模組,狀態仍為UP。 另一個重要點是RUNNING狀態,這意味著鏈路運行正常(線路協定為運行狀態)。

    comments : UP status is the management status of the interface. Even if you remove a physical cable or a SFP module, the status is UP. & nbsp; another important point is RUNNING status, which means that the link runs normally.


    Disable interface logical status:

    FPR4100-3-A(local-mgmt)# mgmt-port shut
    FPR4100-3-A(local-mgmt)# show mgmt-ip-debug ifconfig | b eth0
    eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 58:97:BD:B9:76:EB
              inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
              BROADCAST MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1
              RX packets:3685870 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
              TX packets:7068372 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
              collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
              RX bytes:295216623 (281.5 MiB)  TX bytes:1049391193 (1000.7 MiB)


    Question again:

    FPR4100-3-A(local-mgmt)# mgmt-port no-shut
    FPR4100-3-A(local-mgmt)# show mgmt-ip-debug ifconfig | b eth0
    eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 58:97:BD:B9:76:EB
              inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
              inet6 addr: fe80::5a97:bdff:feb9:76eb/64 Scope:Link
              UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1
              RX packets:3685885 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
              TX packets:7068374 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
              collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
              RX bytes:295218130 (281.5 MiB)  TX bytes:1049391353 (1000.7 MiB)

    :fxos模式下的show interface brief和show interface mgmt 0分別顯示mgmt0介面關閉和Admin down。請勿使用此參照它已關閉。

    notes : Shows mgmt0 interfaces closed and Admin down at 0 minutes for how interface brief and how interface mgmt in fxos mode. Do not use this reference is disabled.

    FPR-4110-A# connect fxos
    FPR-4110-A(fxos)# show interface brief | include mgmt0
    mgmt0  --           down                           --       1500
    FPR-4110-A(fxos)# show interface mgmt 0 mgmt0 is down (Administratively down) Hardware: GigabitEthernet, address: 5897.bdb9.212d (bia 5897.bdb9.212d) Internet Address is MTU 1500 bytes, BW 1000000 Kbit, DLY 10 usec reliability 255/255, txload 1/255, rxload 1/255 Encapsulation ARPA auto-duplex, auto-speed EtherType is 0x0000 1 minute input rate 3080 bits/sec 2 packets/sec 1 minute output rate 0 bits/sec 0 packets/sec Rx 977 unicast packets 12571 multicast packets 5229 broadcast packets 18777 input packets 2333662 bytes Tx 0 unicast packets 0 multicast packets 0 broadcast packets 0 output packets 0 bytes

    如果您在fxos模式下執行show run interface mgmt0,則在該介面下執行shutdown force。同樣地,請勿使用此參考指出其已關閉:

    If you run show run interface mgmt0 in fxos mode, do not use this reference to state that it is disabled:

    FPR4115-2-1(fxos)# show run interface mgmt0
    !Command: show running-config interface mgmt0
    !Time: Tue May  5 14:19:42 2020
    version 5.0(3)N2(4.81)
    interface mgmt0
      shutdown force
      ip address

    帶外管理僅依賴於預設網關集。因此,請確保選擇的預設網關允許連線到需要訪問系統的客戶端。connect fxos下有一個show ip route vrf all命令,但它不用於帶外管理。

    Extramural administration depends only on the default network set. Therefore, make sure that the selected default network allows access to the client that needs to be interviewed. Connect fxos has a show iip roote vrf all command, but it does not need to be managed externally.

    ARP表在FXOS CLI中不可見。您還可以在fxos模式(ethanalyzer)下使用資料包捕獲來捕獲ARP和/或檢查進出管理層的流量。

    The ARP table is not visible in FXOS CLI. You can also capture the ARP and/or check the flow into and out of management under the fxos mode (ethanalyzer).


    Here is an example of a captured ARP package. You can change capture-filter to any content. The filter is similar to a tcpdump filter:

    fp9300-A# connect fxos

    fp9300-A(fxos)# ethanalyzer local interface mgmt capture-filter arp
    Capturing on eth0
    2016-10-14 18:04:57.551221 00:50:56:85:be:44 -> ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff ARP Who has Tell
    2016-10-14 18:04:57.935562 00:12:80:85:a5:49 -> ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff ARP Who has Tell
    2016-10-14 18:04:58.167029 00:50:56:85:78:4e -> ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff ARP Who has Tell
    2016-10-14 18:04:59.156000 00:50:56:9f:b1:43 -> ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff ARP Who has Tell
    2016-10-14 18:04:59.165701 00:50:56:9f:b1:43 -> ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff ARP Who has Tell
    2016-10-14 18:04:59.166925 00:50:56:85:78:4e -> ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff ARP Who has Tell
    2016-10-14 18:04:59.268168 00:50:56:9f:b1:43 -> ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff ARP Who has Tell
    2016-10-14 18:05:00.150217 00:50:56:85:78:4e -> ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff ARP Who has Tell
    2016-10-14 18:05:00.268369 00:50:56:9f:b1:43 -> ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff ARP Who has Tell
    2016-10-14 18:05:01.150243 00:50:56:85:78:4e -> ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff ARP Who has Tell
    10 packets captured
    Program exited with status 0.


    In addition, you can save the capture to a file and then direct it to a remote server:

    FPR4140-A# connect fxos
    FPR4140-A(fxos)# ethanalyzer local interface mgmt capture-filter arp limit-captured-frames 0 write workspace:///ARP.pcap
    FPR4140-A# connect local-mgmt
    FPR4140-A(local-mgmt)# dir
    1 23075 Jan 12 13:13:18 2020 ARP.pcap
    FPR4140-A(local-mgmt)# copy  workspace:///ARP.pcap ftp://anonymous@

    使用show fault命令:

    Use show fault command:

    FPR4115-2-1# show fault
    Severity  Code     Last Transition Time     ID       Description
    --------- -------- ------------------------ -------- -----------
    Major     F0909    2020-04-26T21:19:37.520    554924 default Keyring's certificate is invalid, reason: expired.
    Major     F1769    2012-01-19T00:30:02.733    323268 The password encryption key has not been set.
    Minor     F1437    2012-01-19T00:30:02.732     32358 Config backup may be outdated


    You can also have a critical filtering failure:

    FPR4115-2-1# show fault ?
      0-18446744073709551615  ID
      >                       Redirect it to a file
      >>                      Redirect it to a file in append mode
      cause                   Cause
      detail                  Detail
      severity                Severity
      suppressed              Fault Suppressed
      |                       Pipe command output to filter
    FPR4115-2-1# show fault severity major
    Severity  Code     Last Transition Time     ID       Description
    --------- -------- ------------------------ -------- -----------
    Major     F0909    2020-04-26T21:19:37.520    554924 default Keyring's certificate is invalid, reason: expired.
    Major     F1769    2012-01-19T00:30:02.733    323268 The password encryption key has not been set.

    從FXOS UI Overview > FAULTS控制台也可看到相同的故障:

    The same failure can be observed on FXOS UI Overview & gt; FAULTS Console:


    serious and gross error

    在系統範圍下使用set name命令:

    Use set name commands in the system context:

    KSEC-FPR4115-2-1# scope system
    KSEC-FPR4115-2-1 /system # set name new-name
    Warning: System name modification changes FC zone name and redeploys them non-disruptively
    KSEC-FPR4115-2-1 /system* # commit-buffer
    KSEC-FPR4115-2-1 /system # exit


    Before using the newly installed security module, it must be validated and re-initiated. Even with RMA conversion devices.

    FPR9300# show server status
    Server  Slot Status                       Overall Status        Discovery
    ------- --------------------------------- --------------------- ---------
    1/1     Mismatch                          Compute Mismatch      Complete
    1/2     Equipped                          Ok                    Complete
    1/3     Empty


    Calculating mismatch may cause this failure:

    Service profile ssp-sprof-1 configuration failed due to compute-unavailable,insufficient-resources

    show service-profile狀態將顯示「Unassociated」,就像模組不存在一樣。

    how service-profile status will show "Unassociated" as the module does not exist.


    Checked from CLI:

    scope chassis 1
     acknowledge slot <slot#>


    Alternatively, you can use the box manager UI to confirm the module:


    security module


    indicates that after confirming the safety module, it has not been re-initiated:

    FPR9300# scope ssa
    FPR9300 /ssa # show slot
        Slot ID    Log Level Admin State  Operational State
        ---------- --------- ------------ -----------------
        1          Info      Ok           Token Mismatch
        2          Info      Ok           Online
        3          Info      Ok           Not Available
    FPR9300 /ssa #


    via CLI's re-introduction:

    scope ssa
    scope slot <#>

    在Firepower 41xx上,這也意味著SSD丟失或故障。在scope server 1/1下透過show inventory storage檢查SSD是否仍然存在:

    On Firepower 41xx, this also means that SSD is missing or malfunctioning. Checks whether SSD still exists under scope server 1/1 through how inventory system:

    FPR4140-A# scope ssa
    FPR4140-A /ssa # show slot 1

        Slot ID    Log Level Admin State  Oper State
        ---------- --------- ------------ ----------
        1          Info      Ok           Token Mismatch

    FPR4140-A /ssa # show fault severity critical
    Severity  Code     Last Transition Time     ID       Description
    --------- -------- ------------------------ -------- -----------
    Critical  F1548    2018-03-11T01:22:59.916     38768 Blade swap detected on slot 1

    FPR4140-A /ssa # scope server 1/1
    FPR4140-A /chassis/server # show inventory storage
    Server 1/1:
        User Label:
        Equipped PID: FPR4K-SM-36
        Equipped VID: V01
        Equipped Serial (SN): FLM12345KL6
        Slot Status: Equipped
        Acknowledged Product Name: Cisco Firepower 4100 Series Extreme Performance Security Engine
        Acknowledged PID: FPR4K-SM-36
        Acknowledged VID: V00
        Acknowledged Serial (SN): FLM12345KL6
        Acknowledged Memory (MB): 262144
        Acknowledged Effective Memory (MB): 262144
        Acknowledged Cores: 36
        Acknowledged Adapters: 2
            Product Name: Cisco Firepower 4100 Series Extreme Performance Security Engine
            PID: FPR4K-SM-36
            VID: V01
            Vendor: Cisco Systems Inc
            Serial (SN): FLM12345KL6
            HW Revision: 0

            RAID Controller 1:
                Type: SATA
                Vendor: Cisco Systems Inc
                Model: CHORLEYWOOD
                Serial: FLM12345KL6
                HW Revision:
                PCI Addr: 00:31.2
                Raid Support:
                OOB Interface Supported: No
                Rebuild Rate: N/A
                Controller Status: Unknown

                Local Disk 1:
                    HW Rev: 0
                    Operability: N/A
                    Presence: Missing
                    Size (MB): Unknown
                    Drive State: Unknown
                    Power State: Unknown
                    Link Speed: Unknown
                    Device Type: Unspecified

                Local Disk Config Definition:
                    Mode: No RAID
                    Protect Configuration: No


    This is configured in the context of the FXOS platform settings. The application file description: FXOS platform settings.


    Could not close temporary folder: %s

    KSEC-FPR4115-2-1# show clock
    Tue May  5 21:30:55 CEST 2020
    KSEC-FPR4115-2-1# show ntp
        NTP Overall Time-Sync Status: Time Synchronized


    To guide the CLI verification module/blade time from the module, use the following three commands:

    Firepower-module1>show ntp peerstatus
         remote           local      st poll reach  delay   offset    disp=======================================================================*      2   64  377 0.00006  0.000018 0.02789
    remote, local
    hmode client, pmode mode#255, stratum 2, precision -20
    leap 00, refid [], rootdistance 0.19519, rootdispersion 0.17641
    ppoll 6, hpoll 6, keyid 0, version 4, association 43834
    reach 377, unreach 0, flash 0x0000, boffset 0.00006, ttl/mode 0
    timer 0s, flags system_peer, config, bclient, prefer, burst
    reference time:      dbef8823.8066c43a  Mon, Dec  5 2016  8:30:59.501
    originate timestamp: 00000000.00000000  Mon, Jan  1 1900  2:00:00.000
    receive timestamp:   dbefb27d.f914589d  Mon, Dec  5 2016 11:31:41.972
    transmit timestamp:  dbefb27d.f914589d  Mon, Dec  5 2016 11:31:41.972
    filter delay:  0.00008  0.00006  0.00008  0.00009
                   0.00008  0.00008  0.00008  0.00009
    filter offset: 0.000028 0.000018 0.000034 0.000036
                   0.000033 0.000036 0.000034 0.000041
    filter order:  1        2        6        0
                   4        5        3        7
    offset 0.000018, delay 0.00006, error bound 0.02789, filter error 0.00412

    Firepower-module1>show ntp association remote refid st t when poll reach delay offset jitter==============================================================================* 2 u 37 64 377 0.062 0.018 0.017 ind assid status conf reach auth condition last_event cnt===========================================================1 43834 961d yes yes none sys.peer 1 associd=43834 status=961d conf, reach, sel_sys.peer, 1 event, popcorn, srcadr=, srcport=123, dstadr=, dstport=123, leap=00, stratum=2, precision=-20, rootdelay=195.190, rootdisp=176.407, refid=, reftime=dbef8823.8066c43a Mon, Dec 5 2016 8:30:59.501, rec=dbefb27d.f91541fc Mon, Dec 5 2016 11:31:41.972, reach=377, unreach=0, hmode=3, pmode=4, hpoll=6, ppoll=6, headway=22, flash=00 ok, keyid=0, offset=0.018, delay=0.062, dispersion=0.778, jitter=0.017, xleave=0.011, filtdelay=0.08 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.08 0.09 0.08 0.10, filtoffset=0.03 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.03 0.04 0.03 0.04, filtdisp=0.00 0.03 1.04 1.07 2.06 2.09 3.09 3.12

    Firepower-module1>show ntp sysinfo associd=0 status=0618 leap_none, sync_ntp, 1 event, no_sys_peer, version="ntpd 4.2.6p5@1.2349-o Fri Oct 7 17:08:03 UTC 2016 (2)", processor="x86_64", system="Linux/3.10.62-ltsi-WR6.0.0.27_standard", leap=00, stratum=3, precision=-23, rootdelay=195.271, rootdisp=276.641, refid=, reftime=dbefb238.f914779b Mon, Dec 5 2016 11:30:32.972, clock=dbefb2a7.575931d7 Mon, Dec 5 2016 11:32:23.341, peer=43834, tc=6, mintc=3, offset=0.035, frequency=25.476, sys_jitter=0.003, clk_jitter=0.015, clk_wander=0.011 system peer: system peer mode: client leap indicator: 00 stratum: 3 precision: -23 root distance: 0.19527 s root dispersion: 0.27663 s reference ID: [] reference time: dbefb238.f914779b Mon, Dec 5 2016 11:30:32.972 system flags: auth monitor ntp kernel stats jitter: 0.000000 s stability: 0.000 ppm broadcastdelay: 0.000000 s authdelay: 0.000000 s time since restart: 1630112 time since reset: 1630112 packets received: 157339 packets processed: 48340 current version: 48346 previous version: 0 declined: 0 access denied: 0 bad length or format: 0 bad authentication: 0 rate exceeded: 0 Firepower-module1>

    有關NTP驗證和故障排除的詳細資訊,請查閱本文檔:配置、驗證和排除Firepower FXOS裝置上的網路時間協定(NTP)設定故障

    Detailed information on NTP verification and troubleshooting can be found in this document file:


    For the ASA logical device, the FXOS engine requires intellectual clearance. For more detailed information, please refer to this document: ASA license administration


    Below are some examples of the status of the license:

    FPR4115-2-1# scope license
    FPR4115-2-1 /license # show license all
    Smart Licensing Status======================Smart Licensing is ENABLED
      Status: REGISTERED
      Smart Account: BU Production Test
      Virtual Account: TAC-BETA
      Export-Controlled Functionality: Not Allowed
      Initial Registration: SUCCEEDED on Dec 15 14:41:55 2015 PST
      Last Renewal Attempt: SUCCEEDED on Dec 23 09:26:05 2015 PST
      Next Renewal Attempt: Jun 21 07:00:21 2016 PST
      Registration Expires: Dec 23 06:54:19 2016 PST
    License Authorization:
      Status: AUTHORIZED on Apr 07 15:44:26 2016 PST
      Last Communication Attempt: SUCCEEDED on Apr 07 15:44:26 2016 PST
      Next Communication Attempt: May 07 15:44:25 2016 PST
      Communication Deadline: Jul 06 15:38:24 2016 PST
    License Usage==============No licenses in use
    Product Information===================UDI: PID:FPR9K-SUP,SN:JAD123456AB
    Agent Version=============Smart Agent for Licensing: 1.4.1_rel/31



    fp9300-A# connect local-mgmt
    fp9300-A(local-mgmt)# show license all

    Smart Licensing Status

    Smart Licensing is ENABLED

      Status: REGISTERED
      Smart Account: Cisco Internal
      Virtual Account: Escalations
      Export-Controlled Functionality: Allowed
      Initial Registration: SUCCEEDED on Feb 10 18:55:08 2016 CST
      Last Renewal Attempt: SUCCEEDED on Oct 09 15:07:25 2016 CST
      Next Renewal Attempt: Apr 07 15:16:32 2017 CST
      Registration Expires: Oct 09 15:10:31 2017 CST

    License Authorization:
      Status: AUTHORIZED on Sep 20 07:29:06 2016 CST
      Last Communication Attempt: SUCCESS on Sep 20 07:29:06 2016 CST
      Next Communication Attempt: None  Communication Deadline: None
    Licensing HA configuration error:
        No Reservation Ha config error

    License Usage

    No licenses in use

    Product Information

    Agent Version
    Smart Agent for Licensing: 1.6.7_rel/95


    Check the following files:

    檢查此文檔:在Firepower NGFW裝置上配置SNMP

    Check this file:


    This file can help you:


    Check the following files:


    For FP41xx and FP93xx platforms, use any of the following commands:

    FPR4115-2-1# connect fxos
    FPR4115-2-1(fxos)# show l2-table
    Ingress      MAC             Vlan Class VlanGrp   Status  Dst
    Eth1/1       78bc.1ae7.a45e  101  1     0         present 1
    Veth776      78bc.1ae7.a45e  101  1     0         present 1
    Po1          0100.5e00.0005  1001 1     0         present 1
    Po1          0100.5e00.0006  1001 1     0         present 1
    Po1          78bc.1ae7.a44e  1001 1     0         present 1
    Po1          ffff.ffff.ffff  1001 63    0         present 1
    FPR4115-2-1(fxos)# show mac address-table Legend: * - primary entry, G - Gateway MAC, (R) - Routed MAC, O - Overlay MAC age - seconds since first seen,+ - primary entry using vPC Peer-Link VLAN MAC Address Type age Secure NTFY Ports/SWID.SSID.LID ---------+-----------------+--------+---------+------+----+------------------ * 1001 0100.5e00.0005 static 0 F F Eth1/1 * 1001 0100.5e00.0006 static 0 F F Eth1/1 * 1001 78bc.1ae7.a44e static 0 F F Eth1/1 * 1001 ffff.ffff.ffff static 0 F F Eth1/1 * 101 78bc.1ae7.a45e static 0 F F Eth1/1 * 101 78bc.1ae7.a46f static 0 F F Veth776 * 4047 0015.a501.0100 static 0 F F Veth864 * 4047 0015.a501.0101 static 0 F F Veth1015 * 4043 78bc.1ae7.b000 static 0 F F Eth1/10 * 4043 78bc.1ae7.b00c static 0 F F Eth1/9 * 1 0015.a500.001f static 0 F F Veth887 * 1 0015.a500.002f static 0 F F Veth1018 * 1 0015.a500.01bf static 0 F F Veth905 * 1 0015.a500.01ef static 0 F F Veth1019


    Use the following command:

    FPR4115-2-1# connect fxos
    FPR4115-2-1(fxos)# show interface mac-address
    Interface                  Mac-Address     Burn-in Mac-Address
    Ethernet1/1                78bc.1ae7.a417  78bc.1ae7.a418
    Ethernet1/2                78bc.1ae7.a417  78bc.1ae7.a419
    Ethernet1/3                78bc.1ae7.a417  78bc.1ae7.a41a
    Ethernet1/4                78bc.1ae7.a417  78bc.1ae7.a41b
    Ethernet1/5                78bc.1ae7.a417  78bc.1ae7.a41c
    Ethernet1/6                78bc.1ae7.a417  78bc.1ae7.a41d
    Ethernet1/7                78bc.1ae7.a417  78bc.1ae7.a41e
    Ethernet1/8                78bc.1ae7.a417  78bc.1ae7.a41f
    Ethernet1/9                78bc.1ae7.a417  78bc.1ae7.a420
    Ethernet1/10               78bc.1ae7.a417  78bc.1ae7.a421
    Ethernet1/11               78bc.1ae7.a417  78bc.1ae7.a422
    Ethernet1/12               78bc.1ae7.a417  78bc.1ae7.a423
    port-channel1              78bc.1ae7.a417  78bc.1ae7.a41a
    port-channel48             78bc.1ae7.a417  0000.0000.0000
    mgmt0                      78bc.1ae7.a411  78bc.1ae7.a411
    Vethernet690               78bc.1ae7.a417  78bc.1ae7.a417
    Vethernet691               78bc.1ae7.a417  78bc.1ae7.a417
    Vethernet692               78bc.1ae7.a417  78bc.1ae7.a417
    Vethernet693               78bc.1ae7.a417  78bc.1ae7.a417
    Vethernet694               78bc.1ae7.a417  78bc.1ae7.a417
    Vethernet695               78bc.1ae7.a417  78bc.1ae7.a417
    Vethernet696               78bc.1ae7.a417  78bc.1ae7.a417
    Vethernet697               78bc.1ae7.a417  78bc.1ae7.a417
    Vethernet698               78bc.1ae7.a417  78bc.1ae7.a417
    Vethernet699               78bc.1ae7.a417  78bc.1ae7.a417
    Vethernet700               78bc.1ae7.a417  78bc.1ae7.a417
    Vethernet774               78bc.1ae7.a417  78bc.1ae7.a417
    Vethernet775               78bc.1ae7.a417  78bc.1ae7.a417
    Vethernet776               78bc.1ae7.a417  78bc.1ae7.a417
    Vethernet777               78bc.1ae7.a417  78bc.1ae7.a417
    Vethernet778               78bc.1ae7.a417  78bc.1ae7.a417
    Vethernet779               78bc.1ae7.a417  78bc.1ae7.a417
    Vethernet861               78bc.1ae7.a417  78bc.1ae7.a417
    Vethernet862               78bc.1ae7.a417  78bc.1ae7.a417
    Vethernet863               78bc.1ae7.a417  78bc.1ae7.a417
    Vethernet864               78bc.1ae7.a417  78bc.1ae7.a417
    Vethernet887               78bc.1ae7.a417  78bc.1ae7.a417
    Vethernet905               78bc.1ae7.a417  78bc.1ae7.a417
    Vethernet906               78bc.1ae7.a417  78bc.1ae7.a417
    Vethernet1015              78bc.1ae7.a417  78bc.1ae7.a417
    Vethernet1018              78bc.1ae7.a417  78bc.1ae7.a417
    Vethernet1019              78bc.1ae7.a417  78bc.1ae7.a417
    Vethernet1020              78bc.1ae7.a417  78bc.1ae7.a417
    Vethernet1021              78bc.1ae7.a417  78bc.1ae7.a417

    有關FP41xx和FP9300上的口令恢復過程,請參閱以下文檔:Firepower 9300/4100系列裝置的口令恢復過程

    For a return to the password on FP41xx and FP9300, please refer to the following file: Firepower 9300/4100 series of devices


    If you want to reset the logic device password, you need to reguide the device.

    • ASA/ FTD管理IP - IP、網路掩碼、網關、IPv6、字首長度
    • ASA密碼
    • FTD註冊金鑰、密碼、FMC IP、搜尋網域、防火牆模式、DNS伺服器、FQDN
    • ASA集群IP池、網路掩碼、網關、字首長度、虛擬IP。


    Note : The lead recovery must be performed in the maintenance window (MW) because it needs to reload the logic device

    範例 1

    Example 1

    您可以使用FXOS UI編輯邏輯裝置的載入程式設定。導航到Logical Devices(邏輯裝置)頁籤, Edit a device(編輯裝置)

    You can use FXOS UI to edit the loader settings for the logical device.


    Selection Channel 1


    Configure password:


    input ID and password


    Once you save this message, you will appear:


    startup settings confirmationFirepower 4100/9300升級路徑中對此進行了說明

    FXOS images are downgraded without formal support. The only way to lower the FXOS images is to re-enact the full remap of the running device Firepower 4100/9300


    Downgraded/upgraded ASA version:


    To make changes through CLI, use the following configuration guidance section:



    Note : Once a buffer zone has been submitted on CLI, it will restart the module immediately. Like this, the module will restart once the " OK" has been pressed on the case manager. There is no need to restart it manually.


    Upgrade complete when all components are in state of readiness:

    FP9300# scope system
    FP9300 /system # show firmware monitor
        Package-Vers: 2.0(1.37)
        Upgrade-Status: Ready

    Fabric Interconnect A:
        Package-Vers: 2.0(1.23)
        Upgrade-Status: Upgrading

    Chassis 1:
        Server 1:
            Package-Vers: 2.0(1.23)
            Upgrade-Status: Ready
        Server 2:
            Package-Vers: 2.0(1.23)
            Upgrade-Status: Upgrading


    Other useful orders

    FP9300 /firmware/auto-install # show fsm status
    FP9300 /firmware/auto-install # show fsm status expand

    首選方法是使用FCM UI。如果由於某種原因無法訪問使用者介面,請使用以下命令:

    The preferred method is the FCM UI. If, for some reason, the user interface is not available, use the following command:

    # scope chassis 1

    /chassis # scope server 1/1

    /chassis/server # reset ?
      hard-reset-immediate  Perform an immediate hard reset
      hard-reset-wait       Wait for the completion of any pending management oper

    /chassis/server # commit-buffer

    FXOS正常運行時間檢查在存在FXOS回溯時非常有用。您可以從UI (FCM)或CLI看到FXOS:

    You can see FXOS from UI (FCM) or CLI:

    FPR9K-1-A# connect fxos
    FPR9K-1-A(fxos)# show system uptime
    System start time: Sun Sep 25 09:57:19 2016
    System uptime: 28 days, 9 hours, 38 minutes, 14 seconds
    Kernel uptime: 28 days, 9 hours, 38 minutes, 41 seconds
    Active supervisor uptime: 28 days, 9 hours, 38 minutes, 14 seconds


    In addition, to determine the reasons for the last reload, use the following order:

    FPR9K-1-A(fxos)# show system reset-reason
    ----- reset reason for Supervisor-module 1 (from Supervisor in slot 1) ---
    1) At 212883 usecs after Fri Oct 21 22:34:35 2016
    Reason: Kernel Panic
    Version: 5.0(3)N2(3.02)

    2) At 106690 usecs after Thu May 26 16:07:38 2016
    Reason: Reset Requested by CLI command reload
    Version: 5.0(3)N2(3.02)


    For normal FP2100 run times, do the following:

    1. 獲取「show tech-support fprm detail」捆綁包

    1. Obtain the "show tech-support fprm binding package"

    2. 提取捆綁包的內容

    2. Content of the bundled package

    3. 檢視檔案tmp/inventory_manager.xml

    3. View filetmp/eventory_manager.xml


    has an entry showing the normal running time (in seconds):



    It is also known as the "workspace":

    FPR9K-1-A# connect local-mgmt
    FPR9K-1-A(local-mgmt)# dir
    1       29 Sep 25 09:56:22 2016 blade_debug_plugin
    1       19 Sep 25 09:56:22 2016 bladelog
    1       16 Aug 05 15:41:05 2015 cores
    1  2841476 Apr 26 14:13:12 2016 d
    2     4096 Dec 01 10:09:11 2015 debug_plugin/
    1       31 Aug 05 15:41:05 2015 diagnostics
    1  2842049 Feb 23 03:26:38 2016 dp
    1 18053120 Feb 23 11:10:19 2016 fpr9k-1-0-sam_logs_all.tar
    1 18176000 Feb 23 11:10:43 2016 fpr9k-1-1-sam_logs_all.tar
    1 19302400 Feb 23 11:11:07 2016 fpr9k-1-2-sam_logs_all.tar
    1 16312320 Feb 23 11:06:53 2016 fpr9k-1-3-sam_logs_all.tar
    1  2841476 Feb 22 18:47:00 2016 fxos-dplug.5.0.3.N2.3.13.67g.gSSA
    2     4096 Aug 05 15:38:58 2015 lost+found/
    1       25 Dec 01 11:11:50 2015 packet-capture
    1 18493440 Feb 23 10:44:51 2016 sam_logs_all.tar
    2     4096 Sep 14 11:23:11 2016 techsupport/
    Usage for workspace://
    4032679936 bytes total
    324337664 bytes used
    3503489024 bytes free

    FPR9K-1-A(local-mgmt)# dir volatile:/
    1 66 Oct 27 08:17:48 2016 xmlout_5816
    Usage for volatile://
    251658240 bytes total
    4096 bytes used
    251654144 bytes free


    Check the available space for leading flash flash memory. Note that this output also shows the size and usage of the workspace:

    FPR9K-1-A# scope fabric-interconnect a
    FPR9K-1-A /fabric-interconnect # show storage
    Storage on local flash drive of fabric interconnect:
        Partition        Size (MBytes)    Used Percentage
        ---------------- ---------------- ---------------
        bootflash        106490           9
        opt              3870             2
        spare            5767             1
        usbdrive         Nothing          Empty
        workspace        3845             9


    Use the following command:

    FPR9K-1-A# connect local-mgmt
    FPR9K-1-A(local-mgmt)# erase configuration


    comments : This operation will restart the system and remove the configuration, including the management of the IP address. Therefore, make sure that the control table is connected. Once the system is restarted, the installation application will be executed and you can re-enter the management group information.



    FPR9K-1# connect local-mgmt
    FPR9K-1(local-mgmt)# erase configuration
    All configurations are erased and system must reboot. Are you sure? (yes/no): yes
    Removing all the configuration. Please wait....
    /bin/rm: cannot remove directory `/bootflash/sysdebug//tftpd_logs': Device or resource busy
    sudo: cannot get working directory
    sudo: cannot get working directory
    Configurations are cleaned up. Rebooting....
    System is coming up ... Please wait ...
    System is coming up ... Please wait ...
    2016 Oct 28 06:31:00  %$ VDC-1 %$ %USER-0-SYSTEM_MSG: Starting bcm_attach - bcm_usd
    System is coming up ... Please wait ...
    2016 Oct 28 06:31:06  %$ VDC-1 %$ %USER-0-SYSTEM_MSG: Finished bcm_attach... - bcm_usd
    2016 Oct 28 06:31:07  %$ VDC-1 %$ %USER-0-SYSTEM_MSG: Enabling Filter on CPU port  - bcm_usd
    System is coming up ... Please wait ...
    2016 Oct 28 06:31:11 switch %$ VDC-1 %$ %VDC_MGR-2-VDC_ONLINE: vdc 1 has come online
    System is coming up ... Please wait ...
    nohup: appending output to `nohup.out'
               ---- Basic System Configuration Dialog ----
      This setup utility guides you through the basic configuration of
      the system. Only minimal configuration including IP connectivity to
      the Fabric interconnect and its clustering mode is performed through these steps.
      Type Ctrl-C at any time to abort configuration and reboot system.
      To back track or make modifications to already entered values,
      complete input till end of section and answer no when prompted
      to apply configuration.
      You have chosen to setup a new Security Appliance. Continue? (y/n):
    FPR4100-3-A# scope ssa
    FPR4100-3-A /ssa # show configuration
     scope ssa
         enter logical-device FTD4150-3 ftd 1 standalone
             enter external-port-link Ethernet16_ftd Ethernet1/6 ftd
                 set decorator ""
                 set description ""
                 set port-name Ethernet1/6
             enter external-port-link Ethernet17_ftd Ethernet1/7 ftd
                 set decorator ""
                 set description ""
                 set port-name Ethernet1/7
             enter external-port-link Ethernet18_ftd Ethernet1/8 ftd
                 set decorator ""
                 set description ""
                 set port-name Ethernet1/8
             enter mgmt-bootstrap ftd
                 enter bootstrap-key DNS_SERVERS
                     set value
                 enter bootstrap-key FIREPOWER_MANAGER_IP
                     set value
                 enter bootstrap-key FIREWALL_MODE
                     set value routed
                 enter bootstrap-key FQDN
                     set value FTD4150-3.lab.com
                 enter bootstrap-key SEARCH_DOMAINS
                     set value lab.com
                 enter bootstrap-key-secret PASSWORD
     !               set value
                 enter bootstrap-key-secret REGISTRATION_KEY
     !               set value
                 enter ipv4 1 firepower
                     set gateway
                     set ip mask
             set description ""
             set res-profile-name ""
         scope slot 1
             enter app-instance ftd
                 set startup-version
             set log-level info
         scope app asa
         scope app ftd


    This is equivalent to:


    logical device


    If you want to view all FXOS configurations, add the key word "all" (with several page lengths):

    FPR4100-3-A /ssa # show configuration all
    FPR4100-3-A# scope eth-uplink
    FPR4100-3-A /eth-uplink # scope fabric a
    FPR4100-3-A /eth-uplink/fabric # show interface Interface: Port Name Port Type Admin State Oper State State Reason --------------- ------------------ ----------- ---------------- ------------ Ethernet1/1 Data Disabled Admin Down Administratively down Ethernet1/2 Data Disabled Admin Down Administratively down Ethernet1/3 Data Disabled Admin Down Administratively down Ethernet1/4 Data Disabled Sfp Not Present Unknown Ethernet1/5 Data Disabled Admin Down Administratively down Ethernet1/6 Data Enabled Up Ethernet1/7 Mgmt Enabled Up Ethernet1/8 Data Enabled Up FPR4100-3-A /eth-uplink/fabric #


    This is equivalent to:


    all interfaces

    FPR9K-2-A# connect fxos
    FPR9K-2-A(fxos)# show system resources
    Load average:   1 minute: 1.60   5 minutes: 1.30   15 minutes: 1.15
    Processes   :   967 total, 1 running
    CPU states  :   1.8% user,   1.1% kernel,   97.1% idle
    Memory usage:   16326336K total,   4359740K used,   11966596K free


    Note : Even for two devices of the same type, the total number shown in the output may be different. Specifically, the total number is taken from free command output, while the free command output is taken from/proc/meminfo.


    Can not open message

    FPR4100-8-A /fabric-interconnect # show detail
    Fabric Interconnect:
        ID: A
        Product Name: Cisco FPR-4140-SUP
        PID: FPR-4140-SUP
        VID: V02
        Vendor: Cisco Systems, Inc.
        Serial (SN): FLM12345KL6
        HW Revision: 0
        Total Memory (MB): 8074
        OOB IP Addr:
        OOB Gateway:
        OOB Netmask:
        OOB IPv6 Address: ::
        OOB IPv6 Gateway: ::
        Prefix: 64
        Operability: Operable
        Thermal Status: Ok
        Current Task 1:
        Current Task 2:
        Current Task 3:


    Verifying memory usage check for each progress (RES = actual memory):

    FPR4100-2-A-A# connect local-mgmt
    FPR4100-2-A-A(local-mgmt)# show processes
    Cpu(s):  8.0%us,  4.2%sy,  3.9%ni, 83.8%id,  0.0%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.1%si,  0.0%st
    Mem:   8267648k total,  3866552k used,  4401096k free,      288k buffers
    Swap:        0k total,        0k used,        0k free,  1870528k cached
     5024 root      -2   0  354m 114m  34m R   43  1.4   7976:51 /isan/bin/bcm_usd
     1096 root      20   0 10352 3992 3332 S    0  0.0   0:00.28 sshd: admin@pts/1
     1140 root      20   0  117m  78m  53m S    0  1.0   0:00.42 /isan/bin/ucssh --ucs-mgmt -p admin
     1856 root      20   0  2404  632  512 S    0  0.0   2:29.32 /nuova/bin/cmcmon -f /etc/cmcmon.conf
     1859 root      20   0 23804 1932 1532 S    0  0.0   1427:47 dmserver -F
     1860 root      20   0  2244  472  404 S    0  0.0   0:00.01 /sbin/hotplug2 --persistent --set-rules-file /etc/automount.rules --set-worker /lib/worker_single.so
     1861 root      20   0 57116  10m 6552 S    0  0.1   7:28.76 /isan/sbin/sysmgr -V
     1864 root      20   0 14044 4136 1072 S    0  0.1   1:06.19 rsyslogd -c3 -i/var/run/rsyslogd.pid
     4909 root      20   0  3568 1100  876 S    0  0.0   0:00.48 /isan/sbin/xinetd -syslog local7 -loop 250 -stayalive -reuse -dontfork
     4911 root      20   0 58232  12m 6152 S    0  0.2  18:39.24 /isan/sbin/syslogd -d -n -m 0 -r
     4912 root      20   0 20076 3532 2368 S    0  0.0   0:00.02 /isan/bin/sdwrapd
     4913 root      21   1  2756  300  192 S    0  0.0   0:00.04 /usr/sbin/in.tftpd -l -c -s /bootflash
     4914 root      20   0 58312  17m 8724 S    0  0.2  13:45.34 /isan/bin/pfm
     4937 root      20   0  2208  332  272 S    0  0.0   0:00.01 /sbin/klogd -2 -x -c 1
     4939 root      20   0 26692 4656 3620 S    0  0.1   0:24.01 /isan/bin/vshd

    1. 收集show process memory輸出
    2. 將輸出貼到Linux機器上的檔案中(cat > top.log)
    3. 根據RES欄排序檔案

    1. Collects how process memory output
    2. Sort files according to RES column (cat & gt; top.log)


    This will show GB, MB, etc.

    mzafeiro@MZAFEIRO-JA2YS:$ cat top.log | sort -V -k 6
     1954 root      20   0 1645m 1.6g 1372 S  0.0 20.7 793:32.99 dmserver
     7556 root      20   0  207m 9.8m 6184 S  0.0  0.1  73:52.25 udld
     5563 root      20   0  333m 9.8m 7032 S  0.0  0.1   5:08.65 cdpd
     5523 root      20   0  327m 103m  28m S  0.0  1.3   0:12.38 afm
    24040 daemon    23   3  592m 115m  33m S  0.0  1.5  74:56.57 httpd
     5329 root      -2   0  384m 132m  29m S  9.4  1.7  27130:09 bcm_usd
     5317 root      20   0  401m 150m  35m S  0.0  1.9  33:19.05 fwm
     5625 root      24   4  450m 179m  35m S  0.0  2.3 275:38.25 svc_sam_statsAG
     5614 root      23   3  495m 247m  54m S  0.0  3.2 355:59.95 svc_sam_dme
    21688 root      20   0  2672 1080  880 S  0.0  0.0   3:15.29 ntpd
     8819 root      35  15  2408 1084  748 R  5.6  0.0   0:00.06 top

    在Firepower 4100/9300中,使用此命令:

    In Firepower 4100/9300, use this command:

    FPR9K-2-A# connect fxos
    FPR9K-2-A(fxos)# show interface e1/3 transceiver details
        transceiver is present
        type is 1000base-T
        name is CISCO-METHODE
        part number is SP7041-R
        revision is
        serial number is FLM12345KL6
        nominal bitrate is 1300 MBit/sec
        Link length supported for copper is 100 m
        cisco id is --
        cisco extended id number is 4
    DOM is not supported


    For luminium, output is:

    FPR4100-1-A(fxos)# show interface e1/1 transceiver details
        transceiver is present
        type is 10Gbase-SR
        name is CISCO-JDSU
        part number is PLRXPL-SC-S43-CS
        revision is 1
        serial number is FLM12345KL6
        nominal bitrate is 10300 MBit/sec
        Link length supported for 50/125um OM2 fiber is 82 m
        Link length supported for 62.5/125um fiber is 26 m
        Link length supported for 50/125um OM3 fiber is 300 m
        cisco id is --
        cisco extended id number is 4
        Calibration info not available

    在Firepower 1000/2100中,使用此命令:

    In Firepower 1000/2100, use this command:

    FPR2100# scope fabric-interconnect
    FPR2100 /fabric-interconnect # show inventory expand detail | egrep ignore-case "Port|Xcvr"
    Slot 1 Port 13:
    Xcvr: 10 Gbase SR
    Xcvr Model: PLRXPL-SC-S43-C
    Xcvr Vendor: Cisco Systems, Inc.
    Xcvr Serial: ABCD1234
    Slot 1 Port 14:
    Xcvr: 10 Gbase SR
    Xcvr Model: PLRXPL-SC-S43-C
    Xcvr Vendor: Cisco Systems, Inc.
    Xcvr Serial: VWXY1234
    Slot 1 Port 15:
    Xcvr: Non Present
    Xcvr Model:
    Xcvr Vendor:
    Xcvr Serial:
    Slot 1 Port 16:
    Xcvr: Non Present
    Xcvr Model:
    Xcvr Vendor:
    Xcvr Serial:

    此命令顯示機箱和模組(網路模組)的產品ID (PID)和序列號(SN)

    This command shows product ID (PID) and serial number (SN) of the box and module (network module)

    FP4110-7-A# connect fxos
    FP4110-7-A(fxos)# show inventory NAME: "Chassis", DESCR: "Firepower 41xx Security Appliance" PID: FPR-4110-SUP , VID: V02 , SN: FLM12345KL6 <--- Chassis SN NAME: "Module 1", DESCR: "Firepower 41xx Supervisor" PID: FPR-4110-SUP , VID: V02 , SN: FLM12345KL6 <--- Embedded module on FPR4100 NAME: "Module 3", DESCR: "Firepower 6x10G FTW SFP+ SR NM" PID: FPR-NM-6X10SR-F , VID: V00 , SN: FLM12345KL6 <--- FTW Netmode SN


    FPR4110 has two slots for network modules (2 and 3) and the device in the example has a FTW network module installed in slot 3.

    FPR9K-1-A# scope chassis 1
    FPR9K-1-A /chassis # show inventory server
    Chassis 1:
            Server 1/1:
                Equipped Product Name: Cisco Firepower 9000 Series High Performance Security Module
                Equipped PID: FPR9K-SM-36
                Equipped VID: V01
                Equipped Serial (SN): FLM12345KL6
                Slot Status: Equipped
                Acknowledged Product Name: Cisco Firepower 9000 Series High Performance Security Module
                Acknowledged PID: FPR9K-SM-36
                Acknowledged VID: V01
                Acknowledged Serial (SN): FLM12345KL6
                Acknowledged Memory (MB): 262144
                Acknowledged Effective Memory (MB): 262144
                Acknowledged Cores: 36
                Acknowledged Adapters: 2
            Server 1/2:
                Equipped Product Name: Cisco Firepower 9000 Series High Performance Security Module
                Equipped PID: FPR9K-SM-36
                Equipped VID: V01
                Equipped Serial (SN): FLM12345KL6
                Slot Status: Equipped
                Acknowledged Product Name: Cisco Firepower 9000 Series High Performance Security Module
                Acknowledged PID: FPR9K-SM-36
                Acknowledged VID: V01
                Acknowledged Serial (SN): FLM12345KL6
                Acknowledged Memory (MB): 262144
                Acknowledged Effective Memory (MB): 262144
                Acknowledged Cores: 36
                Acknowledged Adapters: 2
            Server 1/3:
                Equipped Product Name: Cisco Firepower 9000 Series High Performance Security Module
                Equipped PID: FPR9K-SM-36
                Equipped VID: V01
                Equipped Serial (SN): FLM12345KL6
                Slot Status: Equipped
                Acknowledged Product Name: Cisco Firepower 9000 Series High Performance Security Module
                Acknowledged PID: FPR9K-SM-36
                Acknowledged VID: V01
                Acknowledged Serial (SN): FLM12345KL6
                Acknowledged Memory (MB): 262144
                Acknowledged Effective Memory (MB): 262144
                Acknowledged Cores: 36
                Acknowledged Adapters: 2


    Server 1/1 = Module/Knife1


    Server 1/2 = module/knife 2


    Server 1/3 = module/knife 3


    FPR41xx Model PID:

    • FPR4K-SM-12=FPR4110
    • FPR4K-SM-24=FPR4120
    • FPR4K-SM-36=FPR4140
    • FPR4K-SM-44=FPR4150
    • FPR4K-SM-24S=FPR4115
    • FPR4K-SM-32S=FPR4125
    • FPR4K-SM-44S=FPR4145


    You can also get additional information within < box ID/Knife ID> range:

    FP9300-A# scope server 1/1
    FP9300-A /chassis/server # show inventory
      >        Redirect it to a file
      >>       Redirect it to a file in append mode
      adapter  Adapter
      bios     Bios
      board    Board
      cpu      Cpu
      detail   Detail
      expand   Expand
      memory   Memory
      mgmt     Mgmt
      storage  Storage
      |        Pipe command output to filter

    FP9300-A /chassis/server # show inventory storage
    Server 1/1:
        User Label:
        Equipped PID: FPR9K-SM-36
        Equipped VID: V01
        Equipped Serial (SN): FLM12345PBD
        Slot Status: Equipped
        Acknowledged Product Name: Cisco Firepower 9000 Series High Performance Security Module
        Acknowledged PID: FPR9K-SM-36
        Acknowledged VID: 01
        Acknowledged Serial (SN): FLM67890PBD
        Acknowledged Memory (MB): 262144
        Acknowledged Effective Memory (MB): 262144
        Acknowledged Cores: 36
        Acknowledged Adapters: 2
            Product Name: Cisco Firepower 9000 Series High Performance Security Module
            PID: FPR9K-SM-36
            VID: V01
            Vendor: Cisco Systems Inc
            Serial (SN): FLM12345KL6
            HW Revision: 0

            RAID Controller 1:
                Type: SAS
                Vendor: Cisco Systems Inc
                Model: UCSB-MRAID12G
                Serial: FLM12345KL6
                HW Revision: C0
                PCI Addr: 01:00.0
                Raid Support: RAID0, RAID1
                OOB Interface Supported: Yes
                Rebuild Rate: 30
                Controller Status: Optimal

                Local Disk 1:
                    Product Name:
                    Vendor: TOSHIBA
                    Model: PX02SMF080
                    Vendor Description:
                    Serial: FLM12345KL6
                    HW Rev: 0
                    Block Size: 512
                    Blocks: 1560545280
                    Operability: Operable
                    Oper Qualifier Reason: N/A
                    Presence: Equipped
                    Size (MB): 761985
                    Drive State: Online
                    Power State: Active
                    Link Speed: 12 Gbps
                    Device Type: SSD

                Local Disk 2:
                    Product Name:
                    Vendor: TOSHIBA
                    Model: PX02SMF080
                    Vendor Description:
                    Serial: FLM12345KL6
                    HW Rev: 0
                    Block Size: 512
                    Blocks: 1560545280
                    Operability: Operable
                    Oper Qualifier Reason: N/A
                    Presence: Equipped
                    Size (MB): 761985
                    Drive State: Online
                    Power State: Active
                    Link Speed: 12 Gbps
                    Device Type: SSD

                Local Disk Config Definition:
                    Mode: RAID 1 Mirrored
                    Protect Configuration: Yes

                Virtual Drive 0:
                    Type: RAID 1 Mirrored
                    Block Size: 512
                    Blocks: 1560545280
                    Operability: Operable
                    Presence: Equipped
                    Size (MB): 761985
                    Lifecycle: Allocated
                    Drive State: Optimal
                    Strip Size (KB): 64
                    Access Policy: Read Write
                    Read Policy: Normal
                    Configured Write Cache Policy: Write Through
                    Actual Write Cache Policy: Write Through
                    IO Policy: Direct
                    Drive Cache: No Change
                    Bootable: True
    FP9300-A /chassis/server #

    :在FP41xx平台上,由於未使用RAID,show inventory storage會將「Controller Status」顯示為「Unknown」。它們不是RAID的主要原因是第二個SSD用於FTD邏輯裝置上的MSP(惡意軟體儲存包)等其他功能。

    Note : On the FP41xx platform, because of the non-use of RAID, how inventory store shows "Controller Status" as "Unknown". The main reason they are not RAID is that the second SSD uses other functions such as the MSP (virulent software package) on the FTD logic device.

    在FCM GUI上:

    On FCM GUI:

    要從GUI中刪除,請導航到System > Updates並刪除影象:

    To delete from GUI, direct to System & gt; Updates and delete the image:




    From FXOS CLIbrb

    FPR4100# scope ssa
    FPR4100 /ssa # show app
        Name   Version    Description Author     Deploy Type CSP Type    Is Default App
        ------ ---------- ----------- ---------- ----------- ----------- --------------
        asa    9.6.1      N/A         cisco      Native      Application Yes
        ftd N/A         cisco      Native      Application No
        ftd  N/A         cisco      Native      Application Yes
    FPR4100 /ssa # delete app asa 9.6.1
    FPR4100 /ssa* # commit
    FPR4100 /ssa # show app
        Name       Version    Description Author     Deploy Type CSP Type    Is Default App
        ---------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ----------- ----------- --------------
        ftd N/A         cisco      Native      Application No
        ftd  N/A         cisco      Native      Application Yes


    There are several ways to do this.


    Mode 1

    FPR4100# show fabric-interconnect firmware
    Fabric Interconnect A:
        Running-Kern-Vers: 5.0(3)N2(4.01.65)
        Running-Sys-Vers: 5.0(3)N2(4.01.65)
        Package-Vers: 2.0(1.86)
        Startup-Kern-Vers: 5.0(3)N2(4.01.65)
        Startup-Sys-Vers: 5.0(3)N2(4.01.65)
        Act-Kern-Status: Ready
        Act-Sys-Status: Ready

    這與FCM GUI中顯示的相同:

    This is the same as shown in FCM GUI:


     Version 2.0(1.86)


    Mode 2

    FP4145-1# show version
        Version: 2.6(1.192)
        Startup-Vers: 2.6(1.192)

    預設情況下,Firepower 4100/9300機箱支援超巨型幀。您可以使用以下命令檢查介面MTU:

    You can check the MTU interface using the following command:

    FPR9K-1-A# connect fxos
    FPR9K-1-A(fxos)# show hardware internal bcm-usd info phy-info all +-----------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ | port phy info | +-----------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ front-port : 1 asic-port : 125 sfp installed : yes enable : ena speed : 1G autoneg : on interface : (10)XFI duplex: half linkscan : sw pause_tx : 0x0 pause_rx : 0x0 max frame : 9216 local_advert : 0x20 remote_advert : 0x420 port_40g_enable : 0 local_fault : 0x1 remote_fault : 0x0 xcvr sfp type : (1)PHY_SFP_1G_COPPER TSC4 registers: txfir(0xc252):0x0000 txdrv(0xc017):0x0000 lane(0x9003):0x1b1b Asic 56846 Registers signal_detect(1.0x81d0):0x0000 link_status(1.0x81d1):0x0000 rx_link_state(1.0x0):0x0000 pcs_rx_tx_fault(1.0x0008):0x0000 pcs_block_status_0x20(1.0x20) :0x0000 pcs_block_status_0x21(1.0x021) : 0x0000 transmitter_reg(1.0x8000):0x0000 micro_ver(1.0x81f0):0x0000


    Or, check the MTU in fxos command shell:

    KSEC-FPR4112-4# connect fxos
    <output is skipped>

    KSEC-FPR4112-4(fxos)# show interface ethernet 1/1
    Ethernet1/1 is up
     Dedicated Interface
      Hardware: 1000/10000 Ethernet, address: 14a2.a02f.07c0 (bia 14a2.a02f.07c0)
      Description: U: Uplink
      MTU 9216 bytes, BW 1000000 Kbit, DLY 10 usec

    從機箱CLI使用命令scope ssa,然後使用show slot expand detail。

    Use command ssa from the machine box CLI and then show slot expand detail.

    可以在機箱show tech bundle內的檔案sam_techsupportinfo上找到相同資訊。

    The same information can be found on the file sam_techssupportinfo in the boxhow tech bindle.

    `scope ssa`
    `show slot expand detail`
        Slot ID: 1
        Log Level: Info
        Admin State: Ok
        Operational State: Online
        Disk State: Ok
        Clear Log Data: Available
        Application Instance:
            Application Name: asa
            Admin State: Enabled
            Operational State: Online
            Running Version: 9.6.2
            Startup Version: 9.6.2
            Externally Upgraded: No
            Cluster Oper State: Not Applicable
            Current Job Type: Start
            Current Job Progress: 100
            Current Job State: Succeeded
            Clear Log Data: Available
            Error Msg:
            Current Task:
            App Attribute:
                App Attribute Key: mgmt-ip
                App Attribute Key: mgmt-url
                Last Received Time: 2017-03-15T10:25:02.220
                Heartbeat Interval: 1
                Max Number of Missed heartbeats Permitted: 3
                Allocated Core NR: 46
                Allocated RAM (KB): 233968896
                Allocated Data Disk (KB): 20971528
                Allocated Binary Disk (KB): 174964
                Allocated Secondary Disk (KB): 0
            Last Received Time: 2017-03-15T10:25:00.447
            Heartbeat Interval: 5
            Max Number of Missed heartbeats Permitted: 3
            OS Version: 9.6(1.150)
            CPU Total Load 1 min Avg: 48.110001
            CPU Total Load 5 min Avg: 48.110001
            CPU Total Load 15 min Avg: 48.110001
            Memory Total (KB): 264377600
            Memory Free (KB): 236835112
            Memory Used (KB): 27542488
            Memory App Total (KB): 233968896
            Disk File System Count: 5
            Blade Uptime: up 1 day,  6:56
            Last Updated Timestamp: 2017-03-15T10:24:10.306
            Disk File System:
                File System: /dev/sda1
                Mount Point: /mnt/boot
                Disk Total (KB): 7796848
                Disk Free (KB): 7694456
                Disk Used (KB): 102392
                File System: /dev/sda2
                Mount Point: /opt/cisco/config
                Disk Total (KB): 1923084
                Disk Free (KB): 1734420
                Disk Used (KB): 90976
                File System: /dev/sda3
                Mount Point: /opt/cisco/platform/logs
                Disk Total (KB): 4805760
                Disk Free (KB): 4412604
                Disk Used (KB): 149036
                File System: /dev/sda5
                Mount Point: /var/data/cores
                Disk Total (KB): 48061320
                Disk Free (KB): 43713008
                Disk Used (KB): 1906892
                File System: /dev/sda6
                Mount Point: /opt/cisco/csp
                Disk Total (KB): 716442836
                Disk Free (KB): 714947696
                Disk Used (KB): 1495140


    Port Channel Validation Command

    檢查 1

    Check 1


    To verify which ports are currently configured on the engine box, do the following:

    FPR9K-1-A# connect fxos
    FPR9K-1-A(fxos)# show port-channel summary Flags: D - Down P - Up in port-channel (members) I - Individual H - Hot-standby (LACP only) s - Suspended r - Module-removed S - Switched R - Routed U - Up (port-channel) M - Not in use. Min-links not met -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Group Port- Type Protocol Member Ports Channel -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 Po11(SU) Eth LACP Eth1/4(P) Eth1/5(P) 15 Po15(SD) Eth LACP Eth1/6(D) 48 Po48(SU) Eth LACP Eth1/2(P) Eth1/3(P)

    檢查 2

    Check 2


    Could not close temporary folder: %s

    FPR9K-1-A# scope ssa
    FPR9K-1-A /ssa # show configuration
     scope ssa
         enter logical-device ftd_682021968 ftd "1,2,3" clustered
             enter cluster-bootstrap
                 set chassis-id 1
                 set ipv4 gateway
                 set ipv4 pool
                 set ipv6 gateway ::
                 set ipv6 pool :: ::
                 set virtual ipv4 mask
                 set virtual ipv6 :: prefix-length ""
     !           set key
                 set mode spanned-etherchannel
                 set name 682021968
                 set site-id 0
             enter external-port-link Ethernet11_ftd Ethernet1/1 ftd
                 set decorator ""
                 set description ""
                 set port-name Ethernet1/1
             enter external-port-link PC11_ftd Port-channel11 ftd
                 set decorator ""
                 set description ""
                 set port-name Port-channel11
             enter external-port-link PC48_ftd Port-channel48 ftd
                 set decorator ""
                 set description ""
                 set port-name Port-channel48

    檢查 3

    Check 3


    Check port traffic statistics for each port:

    FPR9K-1-A(fxos)# show port-channel traffic interface port-channel 11
    ChanId      Port Rx-Ucst Tx-Ucst Rx-Mcst Tx-Mcst Rx-Bcst Tx-Bcst
    ------ --------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
        11    Eth1/4  62.91%    0.0%  58.90%  49.99% 100.00%    0.0%
        11    Eth1/5  37.08%    0.0%  41.09%  50.00%    0.0%    0.0%

    檢查 4

    Check 4


    Check specific Port-Channel details:

    FPR9K-1-A(fxos)# show port-channel database interface port-channel 11
        Last membership update is successful
        2 ports in total, 2 ports up
        First operational port is Ethernet1/4
        Age of the port-channel is 0d:20h:26m:27s
        Time since last bundle is 0d:18h:29m:07s
        Last bundled member is Ethernet1/5
        Ports:   Ethernet1/4     [active ] [up] *
                 Ethernet1/5     [active ] [up]

    檢查 5

    Check 5


    Check local LACP system ID:

    FPR9K-1-A(fxos)# show lacp system-identifier

    檢查 6

    Check 6


    Checking LACP system ID and LACP status labels for upstream devices:

    FPR9K-1-A(fxos)# show lacp neighbor
    Flags:  S - Device is sending Slow LACPDUs F - Device is sending Fast LACPDUs
            A - Device is in Active mode       P - Device is in Passive mode
    port-channel11 neighbors
    Partner's information
                Partner                Partner                     Partner
    Port        System ID              Port Number     Age         Flags
    Eth1/4      32768,4-62-73-d2-65-0  0x118           66828       FA
                LACP Partner           Partner                     Partner
                Port Priority          Oper Key                    Port State
                32768                  0xb                         0x3d
    Partner's information
                Partner                Partner                     Partner
    Port        System ID              Port Number     Age         Flags
    Eth1/5      32768,4-62-73-d2-65-0  0x119           66826       FA
                LACP Partner           Partner                     Partner
                Port Priority          Oper Key                    Port State
                32768                  0xb                         0x3d

    檢查 7

    Check 7


    Check the history of the port corridor incident:

    FPR9K-1-A(fxos)# show port-channel internal event-history all
    Low Priority Pending queue: len(0), max len(1) [Thu Apr  6 11:07:48 2017]
    High Priority Pending queue: len(0), max len(16) [Thu Apr  6 11:07:48 2017]
    PCM Control Block info:
    pcm_max_channels        : 4096
    pcm_max_channel_in_use  : 48
    pc count                : 3
    hif-pc count            : 0
    Max PC Cnt              : 104
    Load-defer timeout      : 120====================================================PORT CHANNELS:
    2LvPC PO in system : 0
    channel       : 11
    bundle        : 65535
    ifindex       : 0x1600000a
    admin mode    : active
    oper mode     : active
    fop ifindex   : 0x1a003000
    nports     : 2
    active     : 2
    pre cfg    : 0
    ltl        : 0x0 (0)
    lif        : 0x0
    iod        : 0x78 (120)
    global id  : 3
    flag       : 0
    lock count : 0
    num. of SIs: 0
    ac mbrs    : 0 0
    lacp graceful conv disable   : 0
    lacp suspend indiv disable   : 1
    pc min-links                 : 1
    pc max-bundle                : 16
    pc max active members        : 32
    pc is-suspend-minlinks       : 0
    port load defer enable       : 0
    lacp fast-select-hot-standby disable   : 0
    ethpm bundle lock count : 0
    bundle res global id    : 2
    Ethernet1/4 [bundle_no=0]
    Ethernet1/5 [bundle_no=0]
    port-channel external lock:
    Lock Info: resource [eth-port-channel 11]
      type[0] p_gwrap[(nil)]
          FREE @ 246108 usecs after Wed Apr  5 14:18:10 2017
      type[1] p_gwrap[(nil)]
          FREE @ 436471 usecs after Wed Apr  5 16:15:30 2017
      type[2] p_gwrap[(nil)]
          FREE @ 436367 usecs after Wed Apr  5 16:15:30 2017
    internal (ethpm bundle) lock:
    Lock Info: resource [eth-port-channel 11]
      type[0] p_gwrap[(nil)]
          FREE @ 246083 usecs after Wed Apr  5 14:18:10 2017
      type[1] p_gwrap[(nil)]
          FREE @ 610546 usecs after Wed Apr  5 16:19:04 2017
      type[2] p_gwrap[(nil)]
          FREE @ 610437 usecs after Wed Apr  5 16:19:04 2017
    >>>>FSM: <eth-port-channel 11> has 194 logged transitions<<<<<
    1) FSM:<eth-port-channel 11> Transition at 557291 usecs after Wed Apr  5 16:04:27 2017
        Previous state: [PCM_PC_ST_WAIT_REL_RESRC]
        Triggered event: [PCM_PC_EV_REL_RESRC_DONE]
        Next state: [PCM_PC_ST_INIT]
    2) FSM:<eth-port-channel 11> Transition at 49036 usecs after Wed Apr  5 16:07:18 2017
        Previous state: [PCM_PC_ST_INIT]
        Triggered event: [PCM_PC_EV_L2_CREATE]
        Next state: [PCM_PC_ST_WAIT_CREATE]
    3) FSM:<eth-port-channel 11> Transition at 49053 usecs after Wed Apr  5 16:07:18 2017
        Previous state: [PCM_PC_ST_WAIT_CREATE]
        Triggered event: [PCM_PC_EV_L2_CREATED]
        Next state: [PCM_PC_ST_CREATED]

    檢查 8

    Check 8

    Debug lacp all會產生非常大的輸出:

    Debug lacp all produces very large output:

    FPR9K-1-A(fxos)# debug lacp all
    2017 Jul 11 10:42:23.854160 lacp: lacp_pkt_parse_pdu(569): lacp_pkt_parse_pdu: got packet from actorport=220a partnerport=43 2017 Jul 11 10:42:23.854177 lacp: lacp_pkt_compute_port_params(1163): Ethernet1/3(0x1a002000): pa aggregatable state=1 ac aggregatable state=1 pkt sync=1 port_stateactive=1 2017 Jul 11 10:42:23.854190 lacp: lacp_pkt_compute_port_params(1170): p_el=(8000, 2-0-0-0-0-1, 136, 8000, 220a) 2017 Jul 11 10:42:23.854198 lacp: lacp_pkt_compute_port_params(1172): p_el_pkt=(8000, 2-0-0-0-0-1, 136, 8000, 220a) 2017 Jul 11 10:42:23.854207 lacp: lacp_utils_get_obj_type_from_ifidx(390): lacp_utils_get_obj_type_from_ifidx: For if-index 1a002000 , if_type=26 2017 Jul 11 10:42:23.854218 lacp: Malloc in fu_fsm_event_new@https://www.cisco.com/c/zh_tw/support/docs/security/utils/fsmutils/fsm.c[5317]-ty[1]0x9bf719c[124] 2017 Jul 11 10:42:23.854228 lacp: lacp_utils_cr_fsm_event(572): Called from lacp_utils_create_fsm_event_with_params: Create event 0x9bf719c 2017 Jul 11 10:42:23.854237 lacp: Malloc in fu_fsm_event_pair_new@https://www.cisco.com/c/zh_tw/support/docs/security/utils/fsmutils/fsm.c[5327]-ty[2]0x9bf730c[132] 2017 Jul 11 10:42:23.854248 lacp: fu_fsm_execute_all: match_msg_id(0), log_already_open(0) 2017 Jul 11 10:42:23.854257 lacp: Malloc in fu_fsm_event_new@https://www.cisco.com/c/zh_tw/support/docs/security/utils/fsmutils/fsm.c[5317]-ty[1]0x9bf719c[124] 2017 Jul 11 10:42:23.854268 lacp: fu_fsm_execute: (Ethernet1/3) 2017 Jul 11 10:42:23.854275 lacp: current state [LACP_ST_PORT_MEMBER_COLLECTING_AND_DISTRIBUTING_ENABLED] 2017 Jul 11 10:42:23.854283 lacp: current event [LACP_EV_PARTNER_PDU_IN_SYNC_COLLECT_ENABLED_DISTRIBUTING_ENABLED] 2017 Jul 11 10:42:23.854291 lacp: next state [FSM_ST_NO_CHANGE] 2017 Jul 11 10:42:23.854304 lacp: lacp_proto_get_state(969): IF Ethernet1/3(0x1a002000): end PartnerEnd(2): state TimeOut(1): enable_flag False 2017 Jul 11 10:42:23.854314 lacp: lacp_proto_record_pdu(2266): Recording PDU for LACP pkt on IF Ethernet1/3(0x1a002000) 2017 Jul 11 10:42:23.854325 lacp: lacp_proto_set_state(900): IF Ethernet1/3(0x1a002000): Set end ActorEnd(1): state Defaulted(6) from False to False 2017 Jul 11 10:42:23.854335 lacp: lacp_proto_get_state(969): IF Ethernet1/3(0x1a002000): end PartnerEnd(2): state TimeOut(1): enable_flag False 2017 Jul 11 10:42:23.854344 lacp: lacp_proto_update_ntt(2211): updateNTT called for IF Ethernet1/3(0x1a002000) 2017 Jul 11 10:42:23.854355 lacp: lacp_proto_get_state(969): IF Ethernet1/3(0x1a002000): end ActorEnd(1): state TimeOut(1): enable_flag True 2017 Jul 11 10:42:23.854362 lacp: lacp_timer_start_w_chgd_time(681): lacp_timer_start_w_chgd_time: starting timer with time in ms=15000 2017 Jul 11 10:42:23.854377 lacp: lacp_timer_start(637): Timer Started: Timer_Arg ([rid type IF-Rid: ifidx 0x1a002000: ch_num 0: event_id LACP_EV_RECEIVE_PARTNER_PDU_TIMED_OUT(17): timer_id 426092: type PartnerTimedOut: active True: period_in_ms 15000]) 2017 Jul 11 10:42:23.854386 lacp: lacp_timer_start(638): Timer period=15 seconds 2017 Jul 11 10:42:23.854396 lacp: Free ptr in fu_fsm_execute@https://www.cisco.com/c/zh_tw/support/docs/security/utils/fsmutils/fsm.c[1091] for addr 0x9bf719c 2017 Jul 11 10:42:23.854408 lacp: fu_fsm_execute_all: done processing event LACP_EV_PARTNER_PDU_IN_SYNC_COLLECT_ENABLED_DISTRIBUTING_ENABLED 2017 Jul 11 10:42:23.854419 lacp: fu_mts_drop ref 0x9bf7320 opc 90117 2017 Jul 11 10:42:23.854434 lacp: fu_fsm_execute_all: MTS_OPC_NET_L2_RX_DATA_HDR(msg_id 2623696) dropped 2017 Jul 11 10:42:23.854445 lacp: fu_fsm_engine_post_event_processing 2017 Jul 11 10:42:23.854453 lacp: end of while in fu_fsm_engine 2017 Jul 11 10:42:23.854461 lacp: fu_handle_process_hot_plugin_msg: Entered the function line 143 2017 Jul 11 10:42:23.854468 lacp: begin fu_fsm_engine: line[2357] 2017 Jul 11 10:42:24.361501 lacp: lacp_pkt_encode_pdu_helper(770): lacp_pkt_encode_pdu_helper: pkt_len=LACP_PDU_LEN=110 periodic_rate:1 2017 Jul 11 10:42:24.361530 lacp: lacp_pkt_encode_pdu_helper(797): lacp_pkt_encode_pdu_helper: if_idx=Ethernet1/3(0x1a002000) partner-mac=0-a6-ca-f3-c7-83 port_num=43 2017 Jul 11 10:42:24.361542 lacp: lacp_debug_wrapper_tl(1718): Executing [mcecm_api_is_pc_mcec] 2017 Jul 11 10:42:24.361551 lacp: lacp_debug_wrapper_tl(1718): input: if_index=[0x16000000] 2017 Jul 11 10:42:24.361559 lacp: lacp_debug_wrapper_tl(1718): Executing [mcecm_cache_is_pc_mcec] 2017 Jul 11 10:42:24.361568 lacp: lacp_debug_wrapper_tl(1718): output:0 2017 Jul 11 10:42:24.361589 lacp: lacp_pkt_encode_pdu_helper(842): 0x1a002000: Set short_timeout to periodic_rate:1 2017 Jul 11 10:42:24.361599 lacp: lacp_pkt_encode_pdu_helper(879): lacp_pkt_encode_pdu_helper: actor-port-state=3f agg=1 insync=1 coll=1 dis=1 active=1 short_timeout=1 2017 Jul 11 10:42:24.361612 lacp: lacp_pkt_encode_pdu_helper(906): lacp_pkt_encode_pdu_helper: if_idx=Ethernet1/3(0x1a002000) partner-port-state=3d agg=1 insync=1 coll=1 dis=1 active=1 short-timeout=0 2017 Jul 11 10:42:24.361624 lacp: lacp_pkt_encode_pdu_helper(910): lacp_pkt_encode_pdu_helper: if_idx=Ethernet1/3(0x1a002000) partner-mac=2-0-0-0-0-1 port_num=220a 2017 Jul 11 10:42:24.361636 lacp: lacp_net_tx_data(206): lacp_net_tx_data: Sending buffer with length 110 2017 Jul 11 10:42:24.361648 lacp: lacp_net_tx_data(215): 01 01 01 14 ffff 2017 Jul 11 10:42:24.361658 lacp: lacp_net_tx_data(215): ffff 2017 Jul 11 10:42:24.361668 lacp: lacp_net_tx_data(215): 00 00 00 02 14 ffff 2017 Jul 11 10:42:24.361678 lacp: lacp_net_tx_data(215): ffff 2017 Jul 11 10:42:24.361689 lacp: lacp_net_tx_data(215): 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2017 Jul 11 10:42:24.361700 lacp: lacp_net_tx_data(215): 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2017 Jul 11 10:42:24.361710 lacp: lacp_net_tx_data(215): 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2017 Jul 11 10:42:24.361721 lacp: lacp_net_tx_data(247): Ethernet1/3(0x1a002000): Tx LACP PDU len: 110 As:3f, Ps:3d 2017 Jul 11 10:42:24.361753 lacp: lacp_proto_get_state(969): IF Ethernet1/3(0x1a002000): end PartnerEnd(2): state TimeOut(1): enable_flag False 2017 Jul 11 10:42:24.361764 lacp: lacp_proto_restart_tx_timer(1802): lacp_proto_restart_tx_timer: got enable flag=0 before sending on interface Ethernet1/3(0x1a002000) 2017 Jul 11 10:42:24.361773 lacp: lacp_proto_restart_tx_timer(1825): lacp_proto_restart_tx_timer: flag 0 interface Ethernet1/3(0x1a002000) periodic_timer is fast 2017 Jul 11 10:42:24.361782 lacp: lacp_timer_start_w_chgd_time(681): lacp_timer_start_w_chgd_time: starting timer with time in ms=1000 2017 Jul 11 10:42:24.361798 lacp: lacp_timer_start(637): Timer Started: Timer_Arg ([rid type IF-Rid: ifidx 0x1a002000: ch_num 0: event_id LACP_EV_PERIODIC_TRANSMIT_TIMER_EXPIRED(19): timer_id 400214: type PDUSendTime: active True: period_in_ms 1000]) 2017 Jul 11 10:42:24.361807 lacp: lacp_timer_start(638): Timer period=1 seconds 2017 Jul 11 10:42:24.361820 lacp: lacp_pkt_encode_pdu_helper(770): lacp_pkt_encode_pdu_helper: pkt_len=LACP_PDU_LEN=110 periodic_rate:1 2017 Jul 11 10:42:24.361833 lacp: lacp_pkt_encode_pdu_helper(797): lacp_pkt_encode_pdu_helper: if_idx=Ethernet1/4(0x1a003000) partner-mac=0-a6-ca-f3-c7-83 port_num=44 2017 Jul 11 10:42:24.361841 lacp: lacp_debug_wrapper_tl(1718): Executing [mcecm_api_is_pc_mcec] 2017 Jul 11 10:42:24.361849 lacp: lacp_debug_wrapper_tl(1718): input: if_index=[0x16000000] 2017 Jul 11 10:42:24.361857 lacp: lacp_debug_wrapper_tl(1718): Executing [mcecm_cache_is_pc_mcec] 2017 Jul 11 10:42:24.361865 lacp: lacp_debug_wrapper_tl(1718): output:0 2017 Jul 11 10:42:24.361879 lacp: lacp_pkt_encode_pdu_helper(842): 0x1a003000: Set short_timeout to periodic_rate:1 2017 Jul 11 10:42:24.361888 lacp: lacp_pkt_encode_pdu_helper(879): lacp_pkt_encode_pdu_helper: actor-port-state=7f agg=1 insync=1 coll=1 dis=1 active=1 short_timeout=1 2017 Jul 11 10:42:24.361899 lacp: lacp_pkt_encode_pdu_helper(906): lacp_pkt_encode_pdu_helper: if_idx=Ethernet1/4(0x1a003000) partner-port-state=0 agg=0 insync=0 coll=0 dis=0 active=0 short-timeout=0 2017 Jul 11 10:42:24.361910 lacp: lacp_pkt_encode_pdu_helper(910): lacp_pkt_encode_pdu_helper: if_idx=Ethernet1/4(0x1a003000) partner-mac=0-0-0-0-0-0 port_num=0 2017 Jul 11 10:42:24.361920 lacp: lacp_net_tx_data(206): lacp_net_tx_data: Sending buffer with length 110 2017 Jul 11 10:42:24.361930 lacp: lacp_net_tx_data(215): 01 01 01 14 ffff 2017 Jul 11 10:42:24.361940 lacp: lacp_net_tx_data(215): ffff 2017 Jul 11 10:42:24.361950 lacp: lacp_net_tx_data(215): 00 00 00 02 14 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2017 Jul 11 10:42:24.361960 lacp: lacp_net_tx_data(215): 00 00 00 00 00 00 03 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2017 Jul 11 10:42:24.361971 lacp: lacp_net_tx_data(215): 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2017 Jul 11 10:42:24.361981 lacp: lacp_net_tx_data(215): 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2017 Jul 11 10:42:24.361991 lacp: lacp_net_tx_data(215): 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2017 Jul 11 10:42:24.362001 lacp: lacp_net_tx_data(247): Ethernet1/4(0x1a003000): Tx LACP PDU len: 110 As:7f, Ps:00 2017 Jul 11 10:42:24.362022 lacp: lacp_proto_get_state(969): IF Ethernet1/4(0x1a003000): end PartnerEnd(2): state TimeOut(1): enable_flag False 2017 Jul 11 10:42:24.362032 lacp: lacp_proto_restart_tx_timer(1802): lacp_proto_restart_tx_timer: got enable flag=0 before sending on interface Ethernet1/4(0x1a003000) 2017 Jul 11 10:42:24.362042 lacp: lacp_proto_restart_tx_timer(1825): lacp_proto_restart_tx_timer: flag 0 interface Ethernet1/4(0x1a003000) periodic_timer is fast 2017 Jul 11 10:42:24.362050 lacp: lacp_timer_start_w_chgd_time(681): lacp_timer_start_w_chgd_time: starting timer with time in ms=1000 2017 Jul 11 10:42:24.362062 lacp: lacp_timer_start(637): Timer Started: Timer_Arg ([rid type IF-Rid: ifidx 0x1a003000: ch_num 0: event_id LACP_EV_PERIODIC_TRANSMIT_TIMER_EXPIRED(19): timer_id 399340: type PDUSendTime: active True: period_in_ms 1000])




    Check whether the LACP data package is received from a peer. For example, the Ethernet1/3 interface receives the LACP data package, but Ethernet1/4 does not:

    2017 Jul 11 10:42:25.641920 lacp: lacp_net_get_pkt_info(746): Packet received on phy_if_idx Ethernet1/3(0x1a002000): log_if_idx Ethernet1/3(0x1a002000): pkt_len 124 l2 header len 14  
    2017 Jul 11 10:42:25.641937 lacp: lacp_net_process_rx_data(480): Ethernet1/3(0x1a002000): Rx LACP PDU len: 124 As:3f, Ps:3d 

    檢查 9

    Check 9


    In this output, interface Ethernet 1/4 is a member of Port-Channel, but in a different mode (placed on the switchboard):

    ciscofcm01-A(fxos)# show lacp internal event-history interface ethernet 1/4
    >>>>FSM: <Ethernet1/4> has 549 logged transitions<<<<<
    1) FSM:<Ethernet1/4> Transition at 385779 usecs after Wed Jul  5 13:13:03 2017
        Previous state: [LACP_ST_PORT_IS_DOWN_OR_LACP_IS_DISABLED]
        Triggered event: [LACP_EV_CLNUP_PHASE_II]
    2) FSM:<Ethernet1/4> Transition at 955546 usecs after Wed Jul  5 13:13:03 2017
        Previous state: [LACP_ST_PORT_IS_DOWN_OR_LACP_IS_DISABLED]
        Triggered event: [LACP_EV_LACP_ENABLED_AND_PORT_UP]
    3) FSM:<Ethernet1/4> Transition at 962224 usecs after Wed Jul  5 13:13:10 2017
        Triggered event: [LACP_EV_RECEIVE_PARTNER_PDU_TIMED_OUT]
        Next state: [FSM_ST_NO_CHANGE]
    4) FSM:<Ethernet1/4> Transition at 963838 usecs after Wed Jul  5 13:13:13 2017
        Triggered event: [LACP_EV_RECEIVE_PARTNER_PDU_TIMED_OUT]
        Next state: [FSM_ST_NO_CHANGE]
    5) FSM:<Ethernet1/4> Transition at 964002 usecs after Wed Jul  5 13:13:13 2017
    6) FSM:<Ethernet1/4> Transition at 735923 usecs after Wed Jul  5 13:13:36 2017
        Previous state: [LACP_ST_INDIVIDUAL_OR_DEFAULT]
        Triggered event: [LACP_EV_UNGRACEFUL_DOWN]

    檢查 10

    Check 10

    在此輸出中,雖然屬於PortChannel1的成員的Ethernet1/4處於獨立模式,但介面Ethernet1/3仍可正常工作並屬於PortChannel1。請注意,Ethernet1/3傳送(tx)和接收(rx)封包,但Ethernet1/4僅傳送(rx) no tx:

    In this output, while Ethernet1/4 belonging to Port Channel1 is in stand-alone mode, the interface Ethernet1/3 still works and belongs to Port Channel1. Note that Ethernet1/3 sends (tx) and receives (rx) packages, but Ethernet1/4 only sends (rx) no tx:

    ciscofcm01-A(fxos)# debug lacp pkt
    ciscofcm01-A(fxos)# 2017 Jul 11 11:04:05.278736 lacp: lacp_net_process_rx_data(480): Ethernet1/3(0x1a002000): Rx LACP PDU len: 124 As:3f, Ps:3d 
    2017 Jul 11 11:04:05.602855 lacp: lacp_net_tx_data(247): Ethernet1/3(0x1a002000): Tx LACP PDU len: 110 As:3f, Ps:3d 
    2017 Jul 11 11:04:05.983134 lacp: lacp_net_tx_data(247): Ethernet1/4(0x1a003000): Tx LACP PDU len: 110 As:7f, Ps:00 
    2017 Jul 11 11:04:06.249929 lacp: lacp_net_process_rx_data(480): Ethernet1/3(0x1a002000): Rx LACP PDU len: 124 As:3f, Ps:3d 
    2017 Jul 11 11:04:06.602815 lacp: lacp_net_tx_data(247): Ethernet1/3(0x1a002000): Tx LACP PDU len: 110 As:3f, Ps:3d 
    2017 Jul 11 11:04:06.992812 lacp: lacp_net_tx_data(247): Ethernet1/4(0x1a003000): Tx LACP PDU len: 110 As:7f, Ps:00 
    2017 Jul 11 11:04:07.163780 lacp: lacp_net_process_rx_data(480): Ethernet1/3(0x1a002000): Rx LACP PDU len: 124 As:3f, Ps:3d 
    2017 Jul 11 11:04:07.602814 lacp: lacp_net_tx_data(247): Ethernet1/3(0x1a002000): Tx LACP PDU len: 110 As:3f, Ps:3d 
    2017 Jul 11 11:04:08.002817 lacp: lacp_net_tx_data(247): Ethernet1/4(0x1a003000): Tx LACP PDU len: 110 As:7f, Ps:00 
    2017 Jul 11 11:04:08.102006 lacp: lacp_net_process_rx_data(480): Ethernet1/3(0x1a002000): Rx LACP PDU len: 124 As:3f, Ps:3d 
    2017 Jul 11 11:04:08.612810 lacp: lacp_net_tx_data(247): Ethernet1/3(0x1a002000): Tx LACP PDU len: 110 As:3f, Ps:3d 
    2017 Jul 11 11:04:09.002811 lacp: lacp_net_tx_data(247): Ethernet1/4(0x1a003000): Tx LACP PDU len: 110 As:7f, Ps:00 
    2017 Jul 11 11:04:09.091937 lacp: lacp_net_process_rx_data(480): Ethernet1/3(0x1a002000): Rx LACP PDU len: 124 As:3f, Ps:3d 
    2017 Jul 11 11:04:09.622810 lacp: lacp_net_tx_data(247): Ethernet1/3(0x1a002000): Tx LACP PDU len: 110 As:3f, Ps:3d 
    2017 Jul 11 11:04:10.002807 lacp: lacp_net_tx_data(247): Ethernet1/4(0x1a003000): Tx LACP PDU len: 110 As:7f, Ps:00 
    2017 Jul 11 11:04:10.004411 lacp: lacp_net_process_rx_data(480): Ethernet1/3(0x1a002000): Rx LACP PDU len: 124 As:3f, Ps:3d 
    2017 Jul 11 11:04:10.632806 lacp: lacp_net_tx_data(247): Ethernet1/3(0x1a002000): Tx LACP PDU len: 110 As:3f, Ps:3d 
    2017 Jul 11 11:04:10.854094 lacp: lacp_net_process_rx_data(480): Ethernet1/3(0x1a002000): Rx LACP PDU len: 124 As:3f, Ps:3d 
    2017 Jul 11 11:04:11.002789 lacp: lacp_net_tx_data(247): Ethernet1/4(0x1a003000): Tx LACP PDU len: 110 As:7f, Ps:00 
    2017 Jul 11 11:04:11.642807 lacp: lacp_net_tx_data(247): Ethernet1/3(0x1a002000): Tx LACP PDU len: 110 As:3f, Ps:3d 
    2017 Jul 11 11:04:11.714199 lacp: lacp_net_process_rx_data(480): Ethernet1/3(0x1a002000): Rx LACP PDU len: 124 As:3f, Ps:3d 


    Read this file: & nbsp;


    Mode 1

    在FPRM tar檔案中,擷取FPRM_A_TechSupport.tar.gz檔案的內容。然後開啟sam_techsupportinfo檔案並搜尋Package-Verse:

    In the FPRM tar file, take the contents of the FPRM_A_TechSupport.tar.gz file. Then open the sam_techssupportinfo file and search the Package-Verse:



    FPR4140-A# show fabric-interconnect firmware
    Fabric Interconnect A:
        Running-Kern-Vers: 5.0(3)N2(4.11.74)
        Running-Sys-Vers: 5.0(3)N2(4.11.74)
        Package-Vers: 2.1(1.77)
        Startup-Kern-Vers: 5.0(3)N2(4.11.74)
        Startup-Sys-Vers: 5.0(3)N2(4.11.74)
        Act-Kern-Status: Ready
        Act-Sys-Status: Ready


    Mode 2

    在FRPM tar檔案中,擷取FPRM_A_TechSupport.tar.gz檔案的內容。然後開啟/var/sysmgr/sam_logs/svc_sam_dme.log檔案並搜尋aInPlatformVersion關鍵字:

    In the FRPM tar file, retrieve the contents of the FPRM_A_TechSupport.tar.gz file. Open/var/sysmgr/sam_logs/svc_sam_dme.log and search for aInPlatformVersion key:


    它使用MIO App-Agent元件。

    It uses the MIO App-Agent component.


    For example, when a new port channel is assigned to the FTD from MIO:


     Port Channel 11


    FTD application agent error shows:

    firepower# debug app-agent 255
    appagent : part 0 : ftd_001_JAD19500BAB0Z690F2.interfaceMapping.update
    appagent : part 1 : ssp-xml:3
    appagent : part 2 : 7
    appagent : part 3 : appAG
    appagent : part 4 : <interfaceMappingConfigUpdateRequest><interfaceMapping action="insert"><externalPort><portName>Port-channel11</portName><vlan>1011</vlan><role>data</role><mode>individual</mode><mc_mode>individual</mc_mode><status>down</status><speed>1000</speed><mac type="system">5897.bdb9.367e</mac></externalPort><internalPort><bladeVNIC>9</bladeVNIC>
    <bladeVNIC>22</bladeVNIC></internalPort></interfaceMapping></interfaceMappingConfigUpdateRequest> appagent : Process the request message appagent : It is an update request command appagent : Invoke request msg handler for cmd interfaceMapping.update appagent : Processing InterfaceMapping Update Message appagent : Creating Interface Mapping Structure. appagent : Processing the tag externalPort. appagent :================================appagent : PortName=Port-channel11 appagent : ftw capability=0 appagent : no available ftw peers appagent : cleaning external_port_ftw_peers_t appagent : Sending Response message for Interface Mapping update Message appagent : Send response message to appAG appagent : resp_msg->cmdName=appAG.interfaceMapping.update appagent : resp_msg->content_version=ssp-xml:3 appagent : resp_msg->msgId=7 appagent : resp_msg->statuscode=100 appagent : resp_msg->data=<interfaceMappingConfigUpdateResponse> <response> <code>100</code> <message>Request success</message> </response> </interfaceMappingConfigUpdateResponse> appagent : part 0 : ftd_001_JAD19500BAB0Z690F2.interfaceStatus.update appagent : part 1 : ssp-xml:3 appagent : part 2 : 8 appagent : part 3 : appAG appagent : part 4 : <interfaceStatusUpdateRequest><interface><interfaceName>Port-channel11</interfaceName><externalOperationalStatus>down</externalOperationalStatus><internalOperationalStatus>up</internalOperationalStatus></interface></interfaceStatusUpdateRequest> appagent : Process the request message appagent : It is an update request command appagent : Invoke request msg handler for cmd interfaceStatus.update appagent : Processing Interface Status Update Request. appagent : The Fxos version is 2.1.1 or newer appagent : Parsing interface status update request message for FXOS > 211 appagent : Parsing Interface Status Req. appagent : Interface Status Successfully Updated. appagent : Sending Response for Interface Status Update Request appagent : Send response message to appAG appagent : resp_msg->cmdName=appAG.interfaceStatus.update appagent : resp_msg->content_version=ssp-xml:3 appagent : resp_msg->msgId=8 appagent : resp_msg->statuscode=100 appagent : resp_msg->data=<interfaceStatusUpdateResponse> <response> <code>100</code> <message>Request success</message> </response> </interfaceStatusUpdateResponse>


    Wirepower has multiple SNs in the box. The RMA request command can be obtained from the following output:

    FP4120-5-A# scope chassis 1
    FP4120-5-A /chassis # show inventory
    Chassis    PID             Vendor            Serial (SN) HW Revision
    ---------- --------------- ----------------- ----------- -----------
             1 FPR-4120-K9     Cisco Systems Inc FLM12345KL6 0



    FP4120-5-A# connect local-mgmt
    FP4120-5-A(local-mgmt)# show license all
    Smart Licensing Status======================Smart Licensing is ENABLED
      Status: UNREGISTERED
      Export-Controlled Functionality: Not Allowed
    License Authorization:
      Status: No Licenses in Use
    License Usage==============No licenses in use
    Product Information===================UDI: PID:FPR-4120-SUP,SN:JAD19500BAB



    FP4120-5-A# scope license
    FP4120-5-A /license # show license all
    Smart Licensing Status======================Smart Licensing is ENABLED
      Status: UNREGISTERED
      Export-Controlled Functionality: Not Allowed
    License Authorization:
      Status: No Licenses in Use
    License Usage==============No licenses in use
    Product Information===================UDI: PID:FPR-4120-SUP,SN:JAD19500BAB


    The short answer is no. SSD1 contains application images (e.g. FTD or ASA). If you remove SSD1 from the box and insert it in a different box, the module will not appear and will show the following errors:

    F1548 2017-11-08T11:36:40.095 427280刀鋒交換偵測到插槽1

    F1548 2017-11-08T11:36:40.095,427280 FLDS detected in slot 1




    Security module image does not match


    security model image not matching


    Missing local disk 1 on server 1/1



    從FXOS 2.2.1版本開始,您可以使用命令show environment summary:

    Starting with the FXOS version 2.2.1, you can use the commandshow environment submary:

    FPR4100-1 /chassis # show environment summary
    Chassis INFO :
        Total Power Consumption: 440.000000
        Inlet Temperature (C): 21.000000
        CPU Temperature (C): 39.000000
        Last updated Time: 2018-07-01T09:39:55.157
        PSU 1:
            Type: AC
            Input Feed Status: Ok
            12v Output Status: Ok
            Overall Status: Operable
        PSU 2:
            Type: AC
            Input Feed Status: N/A
            12v Output Status: N/A
            Overall Status: Removed
        FAN 1
            Fan Speed RPM (RPM): 12110
            Speed Status: Ok
            Overall Status: Operable
        FAN 2
            Fan Speed RPM (RPM): 12110
            Speed Status: Ok
            Overall Status: Operable
        FAN 3
            Fan Speed RPM (RPM): 12100
            Speed Status: Ok
            Overall Status: Operable


    For additional information please see:


    FPR-4110-7-A# scope chassis 1
    FPR-4110-7-A /chassis # scope server 1
    FPR-4110-7-A /chassis/server # scope adapter 1
    FPR-4110-7-A /chassis/server/adapter # show version detail
    Adapter 1:
    Running-Vers: 5.3(1.91)
    Package-Vers: 2.3(1.88)
    Update-Status: Ready
    Activate-Status: Ready
    Bootloader-Update-Status: Ready
    Startup-Vers: 5.3(1.91)
    Backup-Vers: 5.3(1.48)
    Bootloader-Vers: MF-111-234949


    When installed or updated by FXOS, the system may show a serious malfunction on your security device, indicating that an upgrade to the interface will be required:

    Critical F1715 2017-05-11T11:43:33.121 339561 Adapter 1 on Security Module 1 requires a critical firmware upgrade. Please see Adapter Bootloader Upgrade instructions in the FXOS Release Notes posted with this release.


    A program to load the program upgrades is described in this connection by:


    Try using the "Force" option if the following error occurs during the upgrade of the pilot loader.

    FPR-4110-7-A# scope chassis 1
    FPR-4110-7-A /chassis # scope server 1
    FPR-4110-7-A /chassis/server # scope adapter 1/1/1
    FPR-4110-7-A /chassis/server/adapter # show image
    Name Type Version
    --------------------------------------------- -------------------- -------
    fxos-m83-8p40-cruzboot. Adapter Boot 4.0(1.62)
    fxos-m83-8p40-vic. Adapter 4.0(1.51)
    fxos-m83-8p40-vic. Adapter 5.3(1.2)
    fxos-m83-8p40-vic. Adapter 5.3(1.48)
    fxos-m83-8p40-vic. Adapter 5.3(1.91)
    FPR-4110-7-A /chassis/server/adapter # update boot-loader 4.0(1.62)
    Warning: Please DO NOT reboot blade or chassis during uprgade, otherwise, it may cause adapter UNUSABLE
    After upgrade completed, blade must be power cycled automatically
    FPR-4110-7-A /chassis/server/adapter* # commit-buffer
    Error: Update failed: [This adaptor is not applicable for boot-loader upgrade.] 


    This is very useful in laboratory testing and troubleshooting. Note that this is an absolute time-out of the best safety practice. For non-zero values, note this if it is to be completed temporarily in the user environment. & nbsp; & nbsp;

    FPR-4115-A# scope security
    FPR-4115-A /security # scope default-auth
    FPR-4115-A /security/default-auth # show detail

    Default authentication:
    Admin Realm: Local
    Operational Realm: Local
    Web session refresh period(in secs): 600
    Idle Session timeout(in secs) for web, ssh, telnet sessions: 3600
    Absolute Session timeout(in secs) for web, ssh, telnet sessions: 3600
    Serial Console Idle Session timeout(in secs): 3600
    Serial Console Absolute Session timeout(in secs): 3600
    Admin Authentication server group:
    Operational Authentication server group:
    Use of 2nd factor: No

    FPR-4115-A /security/default-auth # set absolute-session-timeout 0
    FPR-4115-A /security/default-auth* # commit-buffer
    FPR-4115-A /security/default-auth # show detail

    Default authentication:
    Admin Realm: Local
    Operational Realm: Local
    Web session refresh period(in secs): 600
    Idle Session timeout(in secs) for web, ssh, telnet sessions: 3600
    Absolute Session timeout(in secs) for web, ssh, telnet sessions: 0
    Serial Console Idle Session timeout(in secs): 3600
    Serial Console Absolute Session timeout(in secs): 3600
    Admin Authentication server group:
    Operational Authentication server group:
    Use of 2nd factor: No

    發往Firepower 4100/9300機箱管理引擎(控制平面)的LACP資料包封裝在特定資料包的資料部分內,並可使用ethanalyzer命令在內部入站- 高介面上捕獲。從值為01 80 C2 00 00 02(IEEE 802.3 Slow_Protocols_Multicast地址)的位元組開始嵌入LACP PDU位元組,直至資料部分結束:

    The LACP data package , which is sent to Firepower 4100/9300 engine (control plane), can be sealed in the data section of a particular data package and ethanalyzer command can be used to capture 01 80 C2 0002 (IEE 802.3 Slow_Protocols_Muldicast) the locale of

    firepower# connect fxos
    firepower(fxos)# ethanalyzer local interface inbound-hi limit-captured-frames 10000 limit-frame-size 9000 detail
    Capturing on 'eth4'

    Frame 1: 188 bytes on wire (1504 bits), 188 bytes captured (1504 bits) on interface 0
        Interface id: 0 (eth4)
            Interface name: eth4
        Encapsulation type: Ethernet (1)
        Arrival Time: Dec  5, 2023 09:16:06.736180828 UTC
        [Time shift for this packet: 0.000000000 seconds]
        Epoch Time: 1701767766.736180828 seconds
        [Time delta from previous captured frame: 0.000000000 seconds]
        [Time delta from previous displayed frame: 0.000000000 seconds]
        [Time since reference or first frame: 0.000000000 seconds]
        Frame Number: 1
        Frame Length: 188 bytes (1504 bits)
        Capture Length: 188 bytes (1504 bits)
        [Frame is marked: False]
        [Frame is ignored: False]
        [Protocols in frame: eth:ethertype:vlan:ethertype:data]
    Ethernet II, Src: 02:10:18:a3:4f:f5 (02:10:18:a3:4f:f5), Dst: 58:97:bd:b9:36:4e (58:97:bd:b9:36:4e)
        Destination: 58:97:bd:b9:36:4e (58:97:bd:b9:36:4e)
            Address: 58:97:bd:b9:36:4e (58:97:bd:b9:36:4e)
            .... ..0. .... .... .... ....=LG bit: Globally unique address (factory default)
            .... ...0 .... .... .... ....=IG bit: Individual address (unicast)
        Source: 02:10:18:a3:4f:f5 (02:10:18:a3:4f:f5)
            Address: 02:10:18:a3:4f:f5 (02:10:18:a3:4f:f5)
            .... ..1. .... .... .... ....=LG bit: Locally administered address (this is NOT the factory default)
            .... ...0 .... .... .... ....=IG bit: Individual address (unicast)
        Type: 802.1Q Virtual LAN (0x8100)
    802.1Q Virtual LAN, PRI: 0, DEI: 0, ID: 4048
    000. .... .... ....=Priority: Best Effort (default) (0)
        ...0 .... .... ....=DEI: Ineligible
        .... 1111 1101 0000=ID: 4048
        Type: Unknown (0xde08)

    Data (170 bytes)
    0000  b8 50 20 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 81 00   .P .............
    0010  00 00 00 00 00 04 09 04 cd 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   ................
    0020  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 80   ................
    0030  c2 00 00 02 58 97 bd b9 36 51 88 09 01 01 01 14   ....X...6Q......
    0040  80 00 58 97 bd b9 36 4d 00 28 80 00 00 44 3f 00   ..X...6M.(...D?.
    0050  00 00 02 14 80 00 00 17 df d6 ec 00 00 33 80 00   .............3..
    0060  02 2c 3d 00 00 00 03 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   .,=.............
    0070  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   ................
    0080  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   ................
    0090  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   ................
    00a0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00                     ..........
        Data: b85020040000000000000000000081000000000000040904...


    Hexadecimal converts to PCAP using a network tool.


    All the FXOS versions referred to in section of from provide SSD information inside the engine:

    KSEC-FPR4112-4 # scope chassis 1
    KSEC-FPR4112-4 /chassis # show sup version detail
            Running-Vers: 1.0.15
            Package-Vers: 1.0.18
            Activate-Status: Ready
            Upgrade Status: SUCCESS
            Running-Vers: 2.00
            Package-Vers: 1.0.18
            Activate-Status: Ready
            Running-Vers: MU03
            Model: Micron_M500IT_MTFDDAT128MBD

    安全引擎(刀鋒) SSD:


    KSEC-FPR4112-4# show server storage detail
    Server 1/1:
    <output skipped>
            RAID Controller 1:
                Type: SATA
                Vendor: Cisco Systems Inc
                Model: FPR4K-PT-01
                Serial: JAD260508TZ
                HW Revision:
                PCI Addr: 00:31.2
                Raid Support:
                OOB Interface Supported: No
                Rebuild Rate: N/A
                Controller Status: Unknown

               Local Disk 1:
                    Vendor: INTEL
                    Model: SSDSC2KG48
                    Serial: PHYG109603PA480BGN
                    HW Rev: 0
                    Operability: Operable
                    Presence: Equipped
                    Size (MB): 400000
                    Drive State: Online
                    Power State: Active
                    Link Speed: 6 Gbps
                    Device Type: SSD

                Local Disk 2:
                    Vendor: INTEL
                    Model: SSDSC2KG96
                    Serial: PHYG143301JG960CGN
                    HW Rev: 0
                    Operability: Operable
                    Presence: Equipped
                    Size (MB): 800000
                    Drive State: Online
                    Power State: Active
                    Link Speed: 6 Gbps
                    Device Type: SSD

                Local Disk Config Definition:
                    Mode: No RAID
                    Protect Configuration: No


    See article .




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