
资讯 2024-07-13 阅读:20 评论:0
文 | 懂懂笔记Man, Xiang, you know the notes. 最近一段时间,区块链话题又站在了风口之上。In recent times, the topic of block chains has been at t...



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文 | 懂懂笔记

Man, Xiang, you know the notes.


In recent times, the topic of block chains has been at the forefront of the debate.


As the block chain was again “heated” in late October, the authorities concerned have recently begun to indicate that they will be actively involved in the development of national standards for the block chain and in the process of international standardization of the block chain. At the same time, the block chain concept unit should be heard, increasing from less than 50 to more than 1,000 conceptual firms.


All of this, naturally, has been seen by the speculators and money-making agencies in the currency circles, while hoping to make a big party. However, with the media’s report that the block chain is not the same as bitcoin, the regulatory authorities have begun to “dismantling” the money-buying companies by filing lists.


According to analysts, central banks are about to launch a statutory digital currency, and various virtual currencies in the past are largely “cool.” So, after a series of block chains of good news, part of the currency was created, and the creators began to think of the transition as “cool.”


“My friends and colleagues, I wish to inform you of my formal departure from the former company today.”


On November 5, after sending out this circle of friends, Jung Yong seemed relieved. He told him that he understood the notes, and that since joining the current Virtual Currency Institute at the beginning of the year, as a co-founder and director of operations, he had a heart “mixed” far beyond his career in the past decade.


The so-called “research” institutions do not mean the exploitation of virtual money, its application value, and the bottom of technology. Instead, as with all virtual currency creations, they attract investors by issuing a virtual currency in Taiyeon and by publishing conferences and lectures.


“If there's a difference, and most of it is a money-producing agency, then the company has not yet run away.” Nevertheless, he has the same heart as the mirror, and now the company's business is being maintained by “sneaking”, “Think, it's not the mainstream virtual currency that can avoid risk, it's not linked to any industry, it's added value?


“This industry says that there is a high return on investment, especially when the chain of blocks is stung. But recently, the press has said that the formal army comes first and foremost to get rid of the bandits. I think it is best to leave as soon as possible.


Indeed, the institution in which he is based has been frequently sold by investors since March of this year, and problems have arisen with the money chain. “I thought before my resignation, it would be the best time to move.


The first wave of departures took place in 2017, when seven ministries issued a bulletin on protection against the risk of financing the issuance of token money, which characterized the ICO as “unlawful public financing” and was stopped. As a result, some of the money-issuing agencies began to go underground, quietly collecting money, and then “run” after “recording”.


Since then, a number of practitioners have been on the move: “The first half of 2018 was supposed to be the most frequent year in the currency world, when friends were talking about virtual currency, technology, and suddenly came up with a lot of insurance, training, studying and advertising, and there were few who insisted on remaining in the currency.”


Today, currency circles are mostly aware that the country is beginning to support the development of block-chain technology, and central banks are likely to issue statutory digital currencies, which is the end of the day for a virtual “non-mainstream” currency of the private sector. There are practitioners out of the circle for “risk avoidance,” but there are a small number of practitioners who want to “run again” in the segment-chain market.


“The virtual currency investment business is now decoupled from the company, and we now operate independently.”


As a job seeker, you know your notes and come to an interview at the last block chain technology firm located on Shenzhen Mingda Road.


However, when asked about ICO’s business, the head of human resources, Ms. Lai, said that the business had been run entirely by an independent company. It was interesting that what she called an independent company had only been established in September of this year.


“It must be business development to be independent, and we now focus on block chain training, which you see as the Department's promotion commissioner.” She tells me that from the beginning of the year, the company's top management has been looking at the future of block chain technology applications. In particular, the state supports block chain development, and there must be a large number of enterprises in the future associated with block chain technology.


According to Ms. Lai, the company has recently begun to recruit a large number of programmers skilled in mainstream development languages such as Golang, JAVA, C++, etc., for training of trainers. At the same time, a selection of engineers familiar with mainstream algorithms and block chain frameworks is planned, and the course has started in the near future. “At the beginning of next month, the company will officially launch a block chain technical training course and start publicizing and enrolling.”


The exchange revealed that a number of businesses involved in block chain finance (coins) have block chain technology classes. So, with the good news of the block chain industry, some of the business voyeurs intend to get involved in the training industry, “So our company's management has been saying that it's going to go ahead and be a North Bluebird in the block chain training industry.”


A simple analysis shows that, in addition to specialized R & D training institutions, a number of block information platforms and block chain financial institutions are involved in relevant training areas.


There are media reports that the technical training of the block chain seems to be on the rise and that various promotional and promotional activities have spread on the Internet and on the streets.


If training is “practical”, some institutions can no longer look back on the road of “during.” For example, third-party industry services.


“Whatever the area of the block chain is, does it have to do with white papers and commercial circuits?”


Kim was involved in road planning and documentation at the South China branch of a block chain financial institution in Guangzhou. He told him that he understood the notes and that his institution had hosted a number of ICO launches, investor salons and fund-raising road shows over the past few years.


At the beginning of 2018, however, similar market demands were significantly reduced. They also produced white papers related to block chains, which were reduced from two or three per month in the past to one or two per quarter.


“Many businesses in the ICO are under the banner of block chains, and in fact they are the routing of funds.” Kim said that he had learned that in more than a year there had been a number of money-giving agencies that had “sunked down” and that “the ICO, quietly and on a small scale, was harvesting the remaining vegetables, mainly in three or four-line cities and in the sunk market”.

业务减少,管理层也在计划裁减部分工作岗位,准备开始“过冬”, 小金也开始为自己的工作着落发愁。没想到,10月底媒体传来“国家扶持区块链发展”的利好消息,“我当时看到新闻时的第一想法就是,我应该不会失业了,大量需求在路上。”

Business is down, management is planning to cut some jobs and start “wintering”, and Kim is starting to worry about his own work. The good news from the media at the end of October was that the first thing I saw in the news was that I wasn't going to be unemployed and that there was a lot of demand on the way.


Kim told you to understand the notes, the good news is that a number of listed companies are competing with the chain of blocks, and the heat of the industry increases. In his view, the business of their own companies is bound to grow. “If you think so many companies want to be connected to the chain of blocks, you have to find intelligent teams to pack, including writing business plans, financing schemes. Those who are trained in the chain of education need to promote promotion and enrolment. Let's all tell stories and pack.”


Kim surmised that there should be a large number of investment agencies focusing on block chain areas in the next six months, looking for promising, investment-worthy block chain projects, start-up companies, “a year ago, founder finance said that they would be dubbed liars who would be making block chains, and they're supposed to be offered as “grandfathers” in the future.”


The view was expressed that the block chain “rightened” would give new business a real focus on block chain technology. But there was also a sound warning that, before the country truly adopted the block chain as an important entry point for core technological autonomy innovation, a large number of water-drawn fishers would once again take the opportunity to “crowd” again. During that time, what was real silver and what was a trickle, could you see it?




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