What are the top 10 currency exchanges? The top 10 currency exchange lists are as follows: OKEx Exchange, Currency Exchange, Coinbase (United States), BitMEX (Hong Kong, China), Chinese Currency (ZB), Bitfinex, Gate.io, Coinbase, MXC Tea Exchange, A-Net (AOFEX).
Market share: 32 per cent
User ratio: 28 per cent
OKX, the largest exchange in the currency market, was also the first to open a contract deal among the three major players, and is gradually moving toward a contract position. In 2020, it was known as the year of the contract, and the OKX Exchange was instrumental in introducing a number of contract-playing methods.
Market share: 28 per cent
User ratio: 21 per cent
According to the relevant data analysis, the FireBy Exchange is currently basically the largest currency bulk in the currency market. As an old 13-year-old exchange, there are still a lot of fans. And, to be sure, the fire has succeeded in catching most of the diaspora’s demands in “ spot buying & & rdquao; & & & & ldquao; the spot market & & rdquao; and most of the best.
Market share: 20 per cent
User ratio: 15 per cent
Coinbase is the largest digital currency exchange in the world and, as at 31 December 2020, Coinbase had an encrypted loan of $193 billion, an increase of 141.7 per cent over 2019, with a composite growth rate of 258 per cent, representing 11.1 per cent of the total market share, and financial data for the first quarter of 2021, with a total revenue of approximately $1.8 billion, an increase of 844 per cent over the same period.
Market share: 15 per cent
User ratio: 10 per cent
BitMEX买卖 比特币以及其它数字货币合同,达到100倍杠杆。实行迅速、花费便宜、功能齐全、买卖灵巧。
BitMEX buys and sells bitcoins and other digital money contracts, amounting to 100 times the leverage.
Market share: 15 per cent
User ratio: 15 per cent
ZB is a global data-currency exchange that has now obtained exchange plates in Thailand and Dubai, with a four-year experience in block chain areas and company staff in China, the United States, Thailand, the Republic of Korea, Canada, and Dubai. There are more currencies, computers and mobile phones, easy to register, and rmb.
Market share: 9 per cent
User ratio: 8 per cent
Bitfinex is one of the world's largest bitcoin trading platforms, with sales and purchases in digitized currencies such as tayats, bitcoins and tufts amounting to more than RMB 3 billion a day, an information currency exchange with a full dollar and meta-net value, and one of the most frequently stolen bitcoin trading centres.
Market share: 6 per cent
User ratio: 6 per cent
Gate.io is the former Bitile Foreign Data and Currency Exchange, the head office of which is located in Hong Kong, China.
Market share: 5 per cent
User ratio: 4 per cent
Coinbase是英国第一家有着可靠车牌的比特币交易平台。2018年获得美政 府准许(英国中国证 监 会SEC和英国金融行业监管局FINRA)的发布交易证劵货币总车牌!Coinbase是全世界最有知名度的数据货币交易所之一!
Coinbase is the first British Bitcoin trading platform with a reliable license plate. In 2018, the United States government granted a licence to issue a trading license licence to SEC and FinRA of the British Financial Sector Supervisory Authority. Coinbase is one of the world’s most well-known data-currency exchanges!
Market share: 3 per cent
User ratio: 2 per cent
The MXC market is a digital currency trading platform dedicated to the communication and exchange of block-chain technical assets.
Market share: 3 per cent
User ratio: 2 per cent
AOFEX is based in London, and the Asia Regional General Corporation is located in Malaysia, the world’s leading secure digital money service platform, and has been exempted from permission by the United Kingdom’s MSB data currency trading license plate and Malaysia’s MAS service line. AOFEX has always complied with & ldquo; customer first, good faith and goodwill, STI inclusion, and the value of cooperation & rdquo; ldquao; become a highly visible data financial investment platform, offering services to 10 million investors and qualified investors & & rdquao; and corporate missions.
A so-called currency-circle exchange, a platform for brokering transactions between digital currencies and French currencies, is the main place for encrypted digital currency transactions and price-fixing. In addition to facilitating transactions, a digital currency exchange assumes the role of a marketer and an investment bank, as compared to a traditional stock exchange.
With the exception of the charging of currency, the functional requirements of a coin and the processing of block chains, most of the functions of the exchange are operated on its own servers, and the main functions of the exchange products are as follows:
用户系统:注册 、登录、 KYC认证
User system: register, login, KYC authentication
安全系统:密码修改 、短信绑定、 Google二次认证、 邮箱认证
Security systems: password changes, text binding, Google Second Authentication, Mailbox Authentication
资金系统:充币、 提币、 余额查询
Funds system: billing, billing, balance query
交易系统:买入 、卖出、 撮合功能
Trading system: buying, selling, collating
The most complex is the transaction system, which takes into account the real-time performance of many people online, as well as the correctness of matching. The most cumbersome are the charging of coins, the drawing of coins, and, if an exchange supports multiple currencies, the deployment of nodes in each currency and the automatic creation of wallet addresses for each registered user to distinguish between the charged values of different users and to check the node of the user's recharge in real time through the message queue to confirm the status.
What are the top 10 currency exchanges? More details about the top 10 currency exchange rankings on the top ten of the world’s top 10 exchange lists.
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