
资讯 2024-07-14 阅读:20 评论:0
(重定向自Futures Transaction) 期貨交易(Futures Transaction) Futures Trading 1 期貨交易的定義 2 期貨交...



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(重定向自Futures Transaction)

期貨交易(Futures Transaction)

Futures Trading


The future trade was developed on the basis of of to buy of


In , most businesses bought

  期貨交易(Futures Trading)是指交易者在交易所內以公開集中競價的方式買賣標準化的期貨合約,買賣雙方根據合約條款的規定,在未來某一特定時間和地點,按照合約成交的價格買賣某一特定數量和質量的資產或與某一資產有關的指標。期貨交易與通常的現貨交易相比,最主要的區別是買賣雙方先確定交易的價格過一段時間後再進行“錢貨兩清”的交割。期貨交易是在遠期交易的基礎上發展起來的,期貨交易與遠期交易最主要的區別是合約標準化。

Futures Trading refers to the sale of a priced future contract by the dealer in the exchange in the form of a public and centralized competition, where, at a particular time and place in the future, both parties, according to the terms of the contract, sell a specified amount and quantity of goods or a indicator relating to a particular asset at a specified price to be paid in accordance with the contract. The most important difference between futures and ordinary currents transactions is that the purchase and sale parties make a “treasure” of the price of the transaction after a certain period of time has elapsed. The trading of goods is developed at .


As a result of the development of the modern commodity economy and , Global Market"


"A href = https://wiki.mbalib.com/%E7%BE%8E%E%8A%A0%E5%E5%E5%E%E9F%E8E4%A7%BA%A%A%A%A%A%A%A%A%A%A%A%A%A%A'B'A'B'A'A'A'A'A'6%A'A'A'A'A'A'A'A's %A'A's %A's 5% A's 5% A'A'A'B'A's %A's %A'A's %A'A'B's %A's 5% A'A'B'A's %A's %A'B2% A'A'B's E's 3% A'E's E's 3% E'B's E's 3% A'E'A'A'B's #3% A'A'A'A'A'A'A'A'A'A'E'


Traders and processors in Chicago are faced with the same problems as local dealers, so they are willing to pay local dealers at a price lower than their estimated cut-off fares in order to avoid a fall in cut-off prices. As a result of low prices for Chicago traders and processors, local dealers in Chicago who go to negotiate a long-term deal have to go to a wider buyer for their own benefit, paying a better price for their grains. Some non-growers have found it advantageous to buy long-term contracts, sell them near the cut-off, and profit from them.


and a merger is considered to be the three milestones in the course of the future trade. In 1865, the Chicago stock exchange has reached the standard standard standard standard, with the first standard stock exchange < < < h/tw %D2 > > ; the contract is including the price, volume, > ; the purchase of the purchase order >, the purchase price for the sale of the sale of the purchase order > > >.



The futures deal has two purposes, namely, to make a profit, and hedging .


1. Launching


Definition: Futures transactions on the futures market with the aim of earning the difference in price.


Specific practice: based on his own judgement that futures price price price changers have been consistently bought or sold at higher profit margins.




Definition: Futures trading with the main aim of avoiding the risk of spot prices.

  具體做法:生產者、商人消費者在期貨市場做一個與現貨品種、數量完全相同而頭寸相反的交易,即在現貨市場上買進(或賣出)某種商品的同時,在期貨市場上賣出(或買入)同種、同量商品的期貨合約,以抵消或限制由於價格波動對現貨造成的風險。 套期保值的目的不為獲利,只在避險。

Specific practices: Producers, or exploitator number is exactly the same and opposite, i.e. 買入套期保值賣出套期保值兩種。

In the form of hedges, hedges can be divided into and .



Pursuant to the difference between , futures transactions may be divided into .


Depending on the participants in the futures market, futures transactions can be divided into , 套期保值交易投機交易

3. Futures transactions may be divided into and

  期貨市場(Future Market)是按一定的規章制度買賣期貨合約的有組織的市場。它由期貨交易所期貨佣金商清算所期貨交易參與者共同構成。


1. //b>


All the commodity exchanges Directorate , Director General > .


2. futures commissioner/ >/b>


Also known as a company established by law with the primary purpose of acting agents, who buy futures, collect commissions, and are responsible to the exchange, clearing house and client. includes, inter alia,: 1 executor of a client transaction order, proxy delivery; 2 custody and processing of client guarantees; 3 client market information ; 3 client




The organization appears to be either an exchange or a complete independence. The clearing house is . It has subrogations, for buyers of futures contracts it represents the seller, and for sellers it represents the buyer, and it has a contractual obligation to carry out each of the contracts.


4. /b>


Participants in futures transactions are members of futures transactions, whose qualifications are not strictly regulated by national laws, either by a company or by a person without any restriction. But only members members of futures transactions > and >.


Participants may be divided into and hosters.

  (1)套期保值者(Hedgers)。一般是實際商品的生產商、加工商、儲運商和貿易商。他們參與期貨交易的目的,是在期貨市場建立與現貨交易相反的交易頭寸(Trading Position),以便將現貨市場價格波動風險轉嫁給第三方。簡而言之,就是在買入或賣出一種商品現貨的同時,又在期貨市場賣出或買進在各方面同等的期貨,以規避因市場價格波動而帶來的市場風險。

(1) ("https://wiki.mbalib.com/zh-tw/%E9%E9%E9%E8%BD%AC%A5%"title = "Risk risk transfer"

  (2)投機者(Speculators),也稱風險經營者,通常是指採用各種技術方法預測未來商品期貨價格,並試圖通過頻繁的買賣期貨合同以賺取買賣差價的市場參與者。通常分為“多頭”與“空頭”,前者的交易行為是首先買進期貨合約,而後在合適的價位上賣出;後者的做法則相反。但無論他們如何操作,其交易理念都是“低買高賣”(Buy Low and Sell High)

(2) () are also described as venture operators, usually using various technical techniques to predict the price of future commodities, and have tried to obtain > > >


Futures transactions have their own special features in their business processes as compared to ordinary current transactions. The futures trade operations typically include opening accounts, commissioning, accounting, and handing over. The futures trading rules require that participants in a transaction must first satisfy their opening when deciding to participate. To buy or sell a single (or more) deal, they must complete a basic process by way of an order, transaction or return.


1. Opening


Since futures transactions must be concentrated on the exchange, only the exchange's , including futures agents and self-employed members. Before entering the futures market, ordinary investors should first select a legitimate agent, reputational integrity, financial security, operating rules and more reasonable future manager /a>.


Investors can apply for a trust and open an account with the fixed-term agent after comparison and determination. The opening account is based on an investmentor () and a broker (agent) set up between .


A client should read it carefully and understand it, sign it in the Future Trading Risk Statement; after reading it carefully and understanding it, the client should have a statutory representative sign and post a single stamp on the Future Trading Risk Statement.


The individual client should sign the contract by http://www.kmb2's" >. The individual account should provide


Finally, guarantee . The future agent should deposit the bond paid by the client into the client's client account specified in the futures manager's contract for the client's futures transaction. The guarantee from the futures manager belongs to the client; the futures manager's firm, except for the deposit of the bond with the current stock exchange under , which ordered the deposit of the pledge to be made by the client.


2. Commission


Clients can start a transaction and commission a purchase order after paying their dues in accordance with the rules. The order is to reach to specify the types, quantities, prices, etc.



Internationally commonly used trade instructions are: , , 限定價格或更好的價格成交的指令。下達限價指令時,客戶必須指明具體的價位。它的特點是可以按客戶的預期價格成交,成交速度相對較慢,有時無法成交。

The price-limiting directive means that or better price-fixing order. When the price-limiting order is implemented, the client must specify the price. Its special point is that the transaction is made at a client's expected price at a slower pace than the transaction rate and sometimes it is not.


The damage order is one that is enforced by the market price level of . Clients use the damage order to effectively lock down profits, minimize potential losses, and create new positions relative to smaller risks. (There is currently no such directive)


Cancelling an order is a client’s order to cancel a particular order.


All futures agents' instructions to their acting clients must be consolidated through the exchange , not to be held in private, not to make profit guarantees to clients or to share the proceeds with them.



Clients should have detailed and detailed trading plans before entering into a formal transaction. After that, the client can account for a single transaction.


The list below, i.e., the client himself fills out the transaction form, and then signs it to the trading department of the futures agent, which then sends the exit representative of the futures agent through a telephone report to the company's exit representative at the futures exchange, . By using the paper list, the client must have expired the company's business site, which has two artificial mid-points, which are less efficient and likely to be wrong, and which has become history.


The transaction order may be to reach the end of the company's trading office, and then be notified of the listing by the trading office. The trading firm must record the client's order in order to support the check. After the event, the client should sign the order. After receiving the order, the firm should notify the representative of the market in due time. The firm should conduct the bidding process at the end of the computer terminal at which the customer's order is to be entered into the trading seat.


, i.e. a transaction software supplied by a client via a computer and a futures agent company that automatically transmits a transaction order via the Internet to a mature dealer company , which is currently one of the most convenient mode of dealing.


In the next one-way process, the client also has to choose whether to open a warehouse or a warehouse, where the future dealer buys or sells a future and does not have to do with the originally held futures contract; and where the futures dealer buys or sells a future goods contract of the same type, quantity, and direction of the transaction.



The price of the computer trading system of the in-country exchange is typically , when the purchase price is greater and the sale price is made self-initiated, the transaction price is e.g. .


and are to be collected by > > >.


By using the maximum value of the transaction, the sum of the transaction will be the maximum amount. The purchase claim for a price higher than the one generated by the bid is fully paid; the sale claim for a price lower than the one generated by the bid is paid; and the purchase or sale claim for a price equivalent to that generated by the bid will be paid on the basis of the amount of the claim for purchase and sale, according to the amount of the claim for sale.



Upon receipt of the transaction order, the company's exit representative confirmed that the order was entered into the computer for a synthesizing transaction as quickly as possible. When the computer showed the order, the company's outgoing representative had to return the transaction to the firm's trading department. The company's trading department recorded the outcome of the transaction back from the company's exit representative on the transaction list and time stamped it. The return record should include the transaction number, , the return time etc.


If the client disagrees with the transaction order, it should file a written disagreement with the futures agent before the opening of the next transaction date; if the client has no problem with the transaction result record, it should sign a confirmation on the transaction order or confirm it in the manner specified in the contract with the futures account. If the client does not record a transaction order, it should make a written disagreement with the futures manager. If the client does not do so, it should verify the transaction order as a confirmation of the transaction order. If the client disagrees, the futures manager should verify the transaction record and .


3. Finalization


The calculation is based on the outcome of the transaction and the relevant rules of the exchange for the calculation and planning of members' transactions, gains and losses, fees, cut-off payments and other related payments. The calculation includes the accounting for members of the exchange and the accounting for their clients by the members of the stockbrokers, whose calculations will be accounted for in the client's Secured account /a>.



The futures exchange has a guaranteed system, a daily debt-free system and a risk-readiness system. The futures market hierarchy is appropriate, and futures transactions are graded and graded. units and individual pass-through stock companies.


First, each will account for each member's loss, transaction costs, transaction guarantees, etc. The accounting results will be that the member will verify the basis of the transaction and the client's accounting for the transaction on that day. If the member is able to obtain the member's daily balance sheet at the scheduled time of each trading day, the member will open the day-to-date balance sheet, the member's day-to-date schedule and the member's fund balance sheet on that day.


At the end of each transaction, the transaction balance is calculated in the same way as the exchange. At the end of each transaction date, the transaction fee is calculated for each client’s profit, transaction fee, transaction guarantee, and so on. The transaction fee is usually not less than three times the trading rate stipulated in the terms of the contract.



The unsettled stock agreement is calculated on the basis of


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History warehouse surplus and loss = [sales warehouse price - previous trading day value] + [sale price on previous trading date - buy-in warehouse price] + buy-in warehouse volume]

  平當日倉盈虧=∑[(當日賣出平倉價-當日買入開倉價)×賣出平倉量]+ ∑[(當日賣出開倉價-當日買入平倉價)×買入平倉量]

The average warehouse = [the day the price was sold - the day the price was bought into the warehouse] + [the day the price was sold - the day the price was bought into the warehouse] + [the day the price was sold - the day the price was bought in the warehouse]


Warehouse surplus/loss = historical surplus/loss + warehouse/loss on day


Historical warehouse surplus/loss - (current price - previous date price) x warehouse holdings


The warehouse was opened at a cost or loss on that day [sold the warehouse at that date] [sold the warehouse at that date] [sold the warehouse at that date - bought into the warehouse at that date] [sold the warehouse at that date] [sold the warehouse at that date] [sold the warehouse at that date] [sold the warehouse at that date] ]


According to the above formula, the current day's gains and losses can be combined into a total calculation formula as follows:


Gains and losses on that date = [(valued on the day of sale) + sales + + (pay on the day of purchase) + purchase on the day of sale + + (pay on the date of the previous transaction — pay on the day) + (sale on the day of the previous transaction — buy on the day of the previous transaction) + (buy on the day of the previous transaction)



The profit and loss is calculated on a daily basis, when the profit and loss accrues to the member 交割結算價


As noted earlier, commodity futures transactions typically take the form of /a>. Although the final delivery of the goods is a very small share, it is this very small amount of real goods that links the future market to the current market, which provides an important prerequisite for the performance of the future market function.


At the futures market, the delivery of goods is guaranteed by a system that promotes a consistent price between futures and current prices . When the price of the futures falls significantly short of the current price, traders trade in futures, prices in futures, prices in futures, prices in futures, prices in the future, prices in the future, prices in the future, prices in the future, prices in the future, prices in the future, prices in the future, prices in the current market, prices in the future, prices in the current market, prices in the current market, prices in the current market, prices in the future, prices in the current market, prices in the future, prices in the future, prices in the future, prices in the current market, prices in the future, prices in the current market, prices in the current market, prices in the future, prices in the current market, prices in the current market, prices in the future, prices in the current market, prices in the future, prices in the current market, prices in the future, prices in the current market, prices in the future, prices in the current market, prices in the future, prices in the prices in the current market, and prices in the current market.


In practice, some hedgers familiar with the current distribution channels throw or buy the goods directly in the future market, according to relevant information from the current market. The method of doing so eliminates to some extent the risks posed by a variety of input factors, and provides a reasonable guide to production. According to the timing of the delivery, the delivery can also be divided into a centralized sex cutting and a decentralized sex cutting. A centralized sex cutting, i.e. all maturing contracts at


The cut-off price of our national stock exchange is usually the final price of the cut-off date or the final trading date of the cut-off date. The cut-off price is based on the cut-off price, plus the different levels of the quality of the goods raised water, as well as the upgrading of the cut-and-try warehouse and the subsite.



The formula for handing over tradable goods is generally: at , the seller's offer to deliver , the seller's offer to the exchange , the seller's intention to sell the goods, the seller's number of items, the quantity of items, the number of items, the number of items, the number of items, the number of items, the number of items, the number of items, the number of items, etc.


The standard warehouse order, where the goods are delivered on the exchange, is handed over to the seller's agent after the seller's investor has endorsed the book: to the exchange after the seller's member's endorsement; to the buyer after the stamp of the exchange; to the buyer's investor after the buyer's member's endorsement; to the buyer's non-manager, the buyer's investor, after the book has been written by the buyer's agent, to the warehouse; and to the buyer's non-manager, the buyer's investor, after the stamping of the warehouse, for the buyer's withdrawal or transfer of the goods.



First, both parties to the futures contract are classified as breaching the terms of the contract if the seller fails to deliver a valid warehouse order within the prescribed delivery period; if the buyer fails to pay or fails to pay within the scheduled delivery period; and if the seller does not deliver the goods within the prescribed criteria.


In the case of a breach of contract, the exchange is required to perform the contract on behalf of the member in the event of a breach of contract. The exchange may deal with the breach in the form of a requisition and a sale, and the applicant shall be liable for the loss and expense incurred. The exchange may also pay [編輯]



  即客戶在選擇和期貨經紀公司確立委托過程中產生的風險。客戶在選擇期貨經紀公司時,應對期貨經紀公司的規模、資信、經營狀況等對比選擇,確立最佳選擇後與該公司簽訂《期貨經紀委托合同》。 投資者在準備進入期貨市場時必須仔細考察、慎重決策,挑選有實力、有信譽的公司

This is the risk that the client has commissioned the process. In selecting the futures agent, the client should choose . .




, futures are difficult to make quick, timely and convenient transactions. This risk is particularly pronounced when clients build and levelret 5%E5%E5%E5%C5%E5%E5%E5%Eref = httpswiki.malib.com/zh%B5%B%B"B%B%B%2%E9%E9%Ekl%E9E9%Ew2%E9E9%Ew2%E9E9E9%Ew2% A9%Ew2%A2%A2%A2%A2%A2%A2%A2%E9%E9%E9E9%A9%A9%A9%E9%A9%E9%E9%E9%E9%E9%A9%E2%A2%A2%A2%A2%A2%A2%A2%A2%A%A2%A2%A%A%A%A%A%A%A%/E%A%A%A%A%A%A%A%A%%A%A%A%A%%A%A%A%A%A%A%A%A%A%%A%A%A%A%A%A%A%%%%%A%A%A%A%A%A%A%A%/E 9%2%E 9%A%A%A%A%A%A%A%A%A%A%/E 9%2%A%A%A%A%A%A%A%A%A%A%A%E 9%E 9%A%A%E 9%E 9%A%E%E%A%A%A%A%A%A%A%A%A%E%E%E%A%A%A%A%E%E%E%A




. > > > > >, > > > > > > > < B > > < B < B > < B < B % < B < B % < B < B < B < B < B %bt < B %b %b < B > > < B > > < B < < < < < > > < B < B > < < < < Bl/b < B < < < < B < B < B < Bl < < < < B



  期貨合約都有期限,當合約到期時,所有未平倉合約都必須進行實物交割。因此,不准備進行交割的客戶應在合約到期之前將持有的未平倉合約及時平倉,以免於承擔交割責任。 這是期貨市場與其他投資市場相比,較為特殊的一點,新入市的投資者尤其要註意這個環節,儘可能不要將手中的合約,持有至臨近交割,以避免陷入被"逼倉"的困境。

When the contract expires, all unaltered contracts will have to be carried out.




The biggest risk for customers in futures deals stems from the volatility of market prices. Such price movements bring with them the risk of profit or loss of the transaction. Because of the principle of the bar, the risk is magnified and investors should always be wary.


Unindebted Debt Accounting System and


The current trade, regardless of whether


2. The bulk of the trading body's different real-estate transactions are mainly producers, dealers and consumers; the bulk of futures transactions are hedgers, agents and investors.


3. In different current transactions, except for and exceptionally special reasons, the parties to the transaction are generally required to deliver the goods except for force majeure and the participants in the future trade are not required to invest


4. Transactions are generally decentralized and there is no specific place where transactions are conducted. The terms of the transaction are negotiated by both parties, are not subject to public disclosure; while the deal is conducted in an open and fair manner by an agent on the stock exchange, the transaction price is determined by public bidding, the transaction price is publicly available and any transaction , any private transaction (e.g.g. private business) is not effective and illegal.


In futures transactions, where two parties to a transaction have to assume contractual responsibility directly, there is no direct contractual relationship between .


6. The transaction guarantees different current transactions in Laws such as on the Republic of China's People's Republic of China's Contract Law are guaranteed, contracts cannot be settled in time by law or arbitration

  1. 1.0 1.1 姚錚.證券與期貨.清華大學出版社,2008.10.
  2. 2.0 2.1 易法海.貿易經濟學(第二版).中國農業出版社,2008.2.



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    比特币是市场上最大的加密货币,它再次打破了重要的7万美元门槛。 在短短的四舍五入(67,000美元到69,000美元之间)之后,价格在这一水平上遇到了强烈的抵制。 然而,势头的不断增强表明,比特币可能形成一个超过70 000美元的板块,为重新测试下一个抵抗阵地71 300美元和3月份可能攀升到历史最高点73 700美元铺平了道路。 问题仍然是:比特币能否维持预期的上升趋势并继续大幅上升?    分析家预计比特币价格将上升到74,400美元。 加密货币分析师Ali M...
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    “区块链”的概念可以说是异常火爆,好像互联网金融峰会上没人谈一谈区块链技术就out了,BAT以及各大银行还有什么金融机构都在开始自己的区块链研究工作,就连IBM最近也成立了自己的区块链研究实验室,但其实区块链到底是什么?大家或许并不清楚,停留在雾里看花的状态。从今天开始,就让我们一起走进区块链,揭开区块链的神秘面纱吧!The concept of a block chain can be described as an unusually hot one, as if no...