What do you mean by bitcoin ponds? bitcoin ponds are organizations where a group of bitcoin miners share their computing capabilities through the network and receive incentives based on their respective contributions. Joining a pond can stabilize the miners' incomes or reduce the difficulty and cost of mining. However, different ponds have different fees, payment methods, incentive mechanisms and quality of services.
The ranking of the Bitcoin ponds can be based on a variety of criteria, such as network computing, block numbers, cost, credibility, security, etc. The more network computing the ponds are, the more likely they are to dig into blocks, the more stable their income, but also the more competitive they are, the less personal returns. Moreover, different payment and incentive mechanisms can affect the miners’ income.
- PPS(按份额支付):矿池根据每个矿工提交的有效份额数来支付固定的比特币奖励,无论矿池是否挖到区块。这种方式风险最低,但费用最高。
- PPLNS(按最后N份额支付):矿池根据每个矿工在最后一个区块被挖出前提交的有效份额数来支付比特币奖励。这种方式风险较低,费用较低。
- FPPS(按份额加交易费支付):矿池根据每个矿工提交的有效份额数来支付固定的比特币奖励,同时还会支付区块中包含的交易费用。这种方式风险最低,收入最高,但费用也最高。
- SOLO(单独挖矿):矿工不加入任何矿池,自己挖区块,如果成功,就获得全部的比特币奖励和交易费用。这种方式风险最高,收入最不稳定,但没有任何费用。
On the basis of the above criteria, we can draw from the rankings and data of the bitcoin ponds available on a number of websites, the following better bitcoins:
- F2pool:F2pool是目前全球最大的比特币矿池之一,拥有超过20%的网络算力。它成立于2013年,是中国最早的比特币矿池之一。它支持多种支付方式,包括PPS+、PPLNS和SOLO。它的费用为2.5%,并且提供了多种语言和服务。
- BTC.com:BTC.com是另一个全球领先的比特币矿池,拥有超过15%的网络算力。它成立于2016年,由Bitmain旗下的Bitdeer运营。它采用FPPS方式支付奖励,费用为4%。它还提供了丰富的数据和分析工具。
- Poolin:Poolin是一个快速增长的比特币矿池,拥有超过10%的网络算力。它成立于2017年,由前F2pool的联合创始人创建。它采用FPPS方式支付奖励,费用为2.5%。它还提供了多种语言和服务。
- ViaBTC:ViaBTC是一个创新的比特币矿池,拥有超过7%的网络算力。它成立于2016年,是第一个支持比特币现金(BCH)的矿池之一。它支持多种支付方式,包括PPS+、PPLNS和SOLO。它的费用为4%、2%和1%。它还提供了多种语言和服务。
- Antpool:Antpool是一个老牌的比特币矿池,拥有超过5%的网络算力。它也是由Bitmain旗下的Bitdeer运营的矿池之一。它支持多种支付方式,包括PPLNS、FPPS和SOLO。它的费用为0%、4%和1%。它还提供了多种语言和服务。
Of course, the choice of a pond is also based on your own mining equipment, costs, benefits, and risk preferences. You can also view more information and evaluation online, or try different ponds, and find the one that is best for you.
That's what's good for a bitcoin pond? More details about the bitcoin pit are recommended for ranking, more information about the bitcoin pond, and other relevant articles from the Script House!
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