
资讯 2024-07-15 阅读:23 评论:0
深入理解Web3.0的主要特征:开放、隐私、共建 In-depth understanding of the main features of Web3.0: openness, pr...



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In-depth understanding of the main features of Web3.0: openness, privacy, co-construction


This paper is intended to convey more information about the market and does not constitute an investment proposal.


Editor: Keep an eye on it.


Source: National Institute for the Development of Block Chains.


Original title: TimeWeb3.0: Open, Private, Together


author: > ; ; > ; ; > ;


In the Web 2.0 era, with the Internet’s giants at its core forming multiple cyclings, core Internet companies have a monopoly on data, values, and network effects, and there are powerful ecological divides. The most important resource for the Internet world is the flow entrance (user attention and financial flows).


All of this will change profoundly in the Web3.0 era: the Web3.0 world will be fully open, where users will act free of ecological segregation, even assuming that users can travel freely (based on underlying logic) in the Web3 world; user data privacy will be adequately protected through encryption algorithms and distributed storage.


The Web3 world, where content and applications will be created and led by users, will fully realize the value of user co-building, co-governance and shared platforms.


The main features of Web3.0 are openness, privacy and co-construction.


Openness is expressed in:


1) Full freedom of access and low threshold for users in the “area” of an Internet application;


2) User behaviour is not restricted by third parties, Internet applications break the original so-called ecological and inter-ecological boundaries, and there is a high degree of combination and complexity between applications; a combination of synthetic assets, NFTs, etc., can even integrate traditional world wealth into Web3.0 without permission or delivery.


3) Furthermore, web3.0 internal connectivity between applications based on different infrastructure can be addressed by “cross-chain” agreements.


The privacy of


The co-construction of


The other aspect of co-building and sharing is co-management, the DAO.


New flow paradigm. Web3.0 will not simply compete for user attention and capital inflows. The number of calls is often more important because of the complex nature of the agreement, the openness of the user login, and so on. Meanwhile, Sandbox, Roblox, and my world have emerged, allowing markets to see a boost from 2D to 3D, and there will be more social space in addition to a more stereo presentation.

关于落地形态。Web3.0充满了想象力,其最终的落地形态现在并不能清晰判断。但其趋势已然出现苗头。在向Web3.0演进过程中,有很多Web 2.0和Web 3.0混合形态的产品出现。典型代表是Opensea和Metamask钱包。

about landing patterns. Web3.0 is full of imaginations, and its final landing patterns are not now clearly defined. The trend is already emerging. There are a lot of web 2.0 and Web 3.0 mixed products in the evolution towards Web3.

浏览器还是APP?现存的Web 3.0应用,在PC和手机主要以web浏览器方式访问。不同于Web 2.0时代厂商喜欢开发独立的移动端App和PC客户端,Web 3.0也许将打破这一现象。

browser or APP? 's existing Web 3.0 application is accessed mainly by web browsers in PCs and mobile phones. Unlike Web 2.0-era manufacturers, web 3.0 may break this phenomenon by developing independent mobile App and PC clients.

App和客户端对于用户行为数据收集可能更为方便、也方便核心厂商对生态应用的管理,这一点在注重隐私和开发的Web 3.0时代将改变。

App and client data collection on user behaviour may be easier and easier for core manufacturers to manage ecological applications, which will change in the age of Web 3.0, which focuses on privacy and development.

另外,本文对Web 3.0时代的监管也做了一些探讨和设想。1)稳定币——首当其冲,纳入传统监管框架;2)隐私性——底层KYC,应用层实现可控适度匿名;3)DAO治理——探讨阶段,传统监管介入。

The regulation of the Web 3.0 era has also been explored and conceived here. 1) Stability currency - first hit by traditional regulatory frameworks; 2) Privacy - bottom of the KYC, achieving controlled and moderate anonymity at the application level; 3) DAO governance - exploration phase, traditional regulatory intervention.


risk hint : block chain business models fall short of expectations; regulatory policy uncertainty.


i. Core point of view


What are the features of Web3.0? Why do we need Web3.0? As the first in the Web3.0 series of Web.0 reports of the National Academy of Block Chains, we will try to explore and analyse the above-mentioned issues for which there are no standard answers.


We believe that, at the macro level, Web3.0 will be the bottom-of-the-mode network architecture of the currently popular meta-cosmos. With the help of distributed technology (block chains), Web3.0 will destabilize the Web 2.0 Internet from three angles: openness, privacy and co-construction, creating a decentralized world dominated by the user community, and reshaping the value paradigm of Internet traffic.


Although remote, in the ideal Web3.0 paradigm, the advantages of the Web 2.0 era, such as ecology, data and flow values, will be minimal and replaced by a new world of openness, privacy and co-construction of the Internet.


Web3.0 applications will break the circumcosphere boundaries of Web 2.0, and the complexness and combination between applications will not be restricted. Users in the Web3.0 world will move forward in an open fashion, with full privacy protection and creativity, and will contribute to more innovative application development and content creation in the Web3.0 world, while the value of the flow will return to the users and communities.


Where do we come from, and where do we go? .


The current Web 2.0 Internet appears to be “absorbing” in all areas, and one can only talk about the disappearance of the Web 2.0 dividend. The block chain, which began in 2008 in a decentralized manner, began to hit the digital world as a whole from the initial point-to-point payments, especially in recent years, with the emergence of innovations such as smart contracts, DeFi, and NFT, giving rise to new paradigms in digital networks.


The digital world behind electronic screens and various types of terminal equipment will be driven by Web3.0, with the dominant power shifting from the Internet giant to the user.


Although the contours of Web3.0 remain blurred and the big Web 2.0 appear not to feel the pressure, innovations from the community will soon change all of this.

2.1. Web1.0到Web3.0:互联网经历了什么

2.1. Web1.0 to Web3.0: What has the Internet been through


Looking back at the evolution of the Internet from Web1.0 to Web 2.0, we can see a shift around traffic. Web1.0 to Web 2.0, flows from undersupply (the Internet has just appeared) to market for traffic access (Internet penetration) and, in the middle, from PC to mobile Internet.


Web1.0 and Web 2.0 can be described as the era of mastery of flows. While innovation from the infrastructure to the application level continues, the logic of flow is constant. Behind the flow, ecological companies that control the flow of users will enjoy the most market dividends. By contrast, user behavioral data, user experiences, are performed within the limits of ecological companies, and user creation and construction activities are somewhat restricted and data returns are not available.


Similar cases are common, such as cross-platform restrictions on payment tools, cross-platform hyperlink barriers, and so on. Flows are not limited to user attention, but also financial flows, which amount to the erosion of Web 2.0 on traditional finance.


In the Web1.0 and Web 2.0 eras, users'behaviour was limited, user data privacy was not adequately protected, users'creativity and construction on the Internet was weak, even on short video platforms such as shivering, users'creation was regulated by the owner's platform, and the form and content created could not be separated from the guide and limitation of the platform itself; the platform led the content experience of the vast majority of users through a small flow of large V.


it can be said that in the Web 2.0 era, at the heart of the Internet giant, it formed an ecosphere within which the core Internet company “regulates” the ecology, monopolizing ecological data, values and network effects.


All of this will change profoundly in the Web3.0 era: the Web3.0 world will be fully open, where users will act free of ecological segregation, even assuming that users can travel freely (based on underlying logic) in the Web3 world; user data privacy will be protected through encryption algorithms and distributed storage.


The Web3 world, where content and applications will be created and led by users, will fully realize user co-building and co-governance (DAO, decentralised governance), while users will share the value of the platform (agreement).


In addition to a completely different Internet model and user experience, Web3 will bring new traffic entrance paradigms. The traffic entrance patterns that occupied user attention in the Web2 era will be subject to some interesting changes.


Driven by distributed technology, represented by block chains, from the decentralized point reconciliation book experiment to the decentralized smart contract platform, numerous new applications (Dapps) were created, and DeFi slowly formed “financial services” in the digital world, while NFT accelerated the asset chain.


We see that outside the traditional world (on-line and below-line), users are getting closer to an integrated digital world. To this end, people call for a new world of networks — the meta-cosmos — in which the social identity and assets of individuals can be trusted, and communities will have stronger ownership.


This is the brief history of the evolution of Web3.0.


The present report will provide an analysis of the features of Web3 openness, privacy and co-construction through specific cases, as well as an analysis of the content of new flow entrances and value paradigms.

2.2. Web3.0生态已现雏形

2.2. Web3.0 Ecology is emerging

Web 3.0技术堆栈主要可分为三层:协议层、应用层以及网络基础层。这一切主要是基于区块链构建的(当然协议层也可以有链下的辅助部分)。从应用角度看,Web 3.0则涵盖DAO(及工具)、隐私、应用、存储和数据、游戏、创作者经济平台、社交等几乎覆盖Web2.0的大部分领域。

The Web 3.0 technological stack can be divided into three main layers: protocol layer, application layer, and network base layer. All of this is based mainly on block chains (the protocol layer, of course, also has a chain of support). From an application point of view, Web 3.0 covers DAO (and tools), privacy, application, storage and data, games, creators'economic platforms, socialization, etc., which cover almost most of the areas covered by Web 2.0.


With the boom in the crypto-currency sector, a large number of Web3.0 applications have emerged in the last two years, and, of course, most of them may end up as transitional products. Even some of them are flawed in terms of economic models that address user pains and do not reflect a more real demand than Web 2.0.


In any event, the Web3.0 ecology has emerged and the veil of Web3.0 will be removed step by step in the course of continuous application exploration.


Label for III, Web3: Open, Private and Shared World

3.1. 开放:Web3.0打破生态界限

3.1. Open: Web3.0 Breaking the Ecological Boundaries


The openness of Web3.0 is reflected in:


用户行为不受第三方主体限制、互联网应用打破原有的所谓生态内、生态间的界限和隔阂,在复合代码运行逻辑的原则下,应用之间具有高度的组合性和复合性;最直接的案例就是所谓DeFi Lego,任何应用都可以对底层基础协议(如DEX)做调用或聚合,以及合成资产平台将现实世界资产映射到链上(无交割关系),这等于打破了所谓线上线下和虚拟与现实的界限。

The most direct case is the so-called DeFi Lego, where any application can be called or aggregated to the bottom base protocol (e.g. DEX) and the synthetic asset platform map the real world's assets into the chain (non-disconnectional), which is tantamount to breaking the so-called lineline and virtual with reality.


Furthermore, connectivity between Web3.0 internal applications based on different infrastructure can be addressed by “cross-chain” agreements; therefore, user behaviour in Web3.0 applications around the world can produce social relations-like maps that further enhance the potential of data values.


To give a metaphor for game applications, users have easy access to a world of games without third party restrictions; users can freely implant their favorite roles/image into the game, even allowing actors to move across platforms/areas, whereas the Web 2.0 era.


If a king honours a game like this, you cannot decide the choice of a role, let alone kill the preferred Sun Goku into the world of the beasts – a platform for connectivity that is not difficult, simply because control is not in the hands of the user. Of course, you can trade equipment such as character skin (through NFT) or even create a complex derivative market for game equipment based on other DeFi agreements.

本节将以ENS、MASK Network和Polkdot为例,阐释开放的意义。

This section will illustrate the meaning of openness in the case of ENS, MASK Network and Polkdot.

3.1.1. ENS(Ethereum Name Service):去中心化的身份验证和域名系统

3.1. ENS(Etheium Name Service): decentralised identification and domain name system

DNS(Domain Name System)是传统Web2.0的重要组成部分。当用户上网时,服务器会将用户的网址请求解析成IP地址返回给用户。

The DNS (Domain Name System) is an important part of the traditional Web 2.0. When users access the Internet, the server returns the user's request to an IP address.

如www. https://www.bilibili.com/域名对应的IP地址可能为http://。这种可读性更高的域名系统降低了用户访问网址时的难度,为Web2.0的建设做出了重要贡献。DNS解决了Web2.0访问的问题,然而随着网址的不断增多以及Web2.0中心化的特点。

For example, https://www.bilibili.com/domainnames may have an IP address at http:// This more readable domain name system reduces user access to the web site and makes an important contribution to the construction of Web 2.0. DNS addresses web 2.0 access issues, but with the increasing number of web sites and web 2.0 centralization features.


Users often have to register a large number of website accounts to access different sites. In response, while many applications support direct access to more mainstream third-party socialization APPs (e.g. micro-mails), overall, the fragmentation of these large sites, leading to a large number of accounts that users need to register, remains a problem.


In general, users need to register to be able to access applications using a centralized agency-managed domain name and account system.

不同于Web2.0的中心化特点,Web3.0世界用户登录行为依靠去中心化身份,DID (Decentralized IDentity)。最常用的一类DID即用户仅使用一个链上账号(区块链公钥地址,以0x开头的42位字符串)来访问各类Web3.0的DApp,即单点登录。

Unlike the centralization features of Web 2.0, Web3.0 world users rely on decentralised identity, DD (decisionralized identity). The most common type of DD, i.e. users, uses only one chain account number (block chain public key address, 42-digit string at 0x) to access all types of Web3.0 Dapps, i.e. single-point login.

虽然为Web3.0的用户安全提供更自由、门槛更低的访问体验,然而过长的公钥显然难以记忆、可读性差。构建在以太坊上面的域名系统,ENS(Ethereum Name Service)的出现正是致力于这一问题的解决,将用户的钱包地址与自定义的域名进行连接,如将类似0xaa111aaa1aa11aaa11a111a111aa1a1a11a11111的钱包地址改为GuoSheng.eth。

While providing a freer and lower-threshold access experience for Web3.0 users, it is clear that too long public keys are difficult to remember and have poor readability. The emergence of ENS (Etheeum Name Service), built on a domain name system above the Etherm, is precisely the solution to this problem by connecting the user's wallet address to a custom domain name, such as changing a wallet similar to 0xaa111aaaa11aa111a111a aa11111 to GuoSheng.eth.


This more readable domain name. When you log in all types of DApp, you can log in using the GuoSheng.eth domain name, which allows transfer interactions among users, etc.


In summary, a more open Web3.0 supports the use of only one account (the wallet address) to complete access to Dapp and interact with other users. The emergence of ENS solves the readability challenge of user interaction in Web3.0 and creates more convenient conditions for single-point login.

构建在以太坊上的ENS可以 支持多链地址的解析。用户可以将同一个ENS域名在比特币、以太坊和莱特币等不同链解析的不同的地址,同时ENS也具备内容寻址的功能(不同于Web2.0的IP寻址),解析到互联网应用网站平台。

The ENS, which is built in the Tai Chamber, supports multi-chain addresses . Users can interpret the same ENS domain in different chains, such as Bitcoin, Taiya and Letco, and the ENS also has content search functions (different IP addresses from Web 2.0) to the Internet application website platform.


It is conceivable that in the future Web3.0 era, users travel in the meta-cosm (which can cross multiple applications) without a licence to register, and simply log in through a short domain name account.

3.1.2. MASK Network:通向Web3.0的开放大门

3.1.2. MASKNetwork: Open gate to Web3.0

Mask Network是一组连接传统Web2.0应用与Web3.0应用的插件,为前者用户提供了进入Web3.0的大门。其开发的技术框架Dapplet(Decentralized Applet)支持在目标网站(如Facebook、Twitter等传统Web2.0网站)。

Mask Network is a set of plugins linking traditional Web 2.0 applications to Web3.0 applications, providing the former users with access to Web3.0. The technology framework it developed is Dapplet (decisionralized Applet) supported on target sites (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, etc.).


It then works with Arweave to support the uploading and storage of decentralised documents on Facebook and Twitter.

当前,用户只用在浏览器中安装Mask插件,即可在Twitter或Facebook上查看Token价格、进行swap、参与ITO(Initial Twitter Offering)以及参与社区投票(借助如snapshot等Web3.0应用)。同时还支持用户将链上资产(包括NFT收藏、捐赠记录)汇总至Twitter。

Currently, users can only install Mask plugins in browsers to view Token prices on Twitter or Facebook, to do swap, to participate in the International Twitter Network and to participate in community voting (by using Web3.0 applications such as snapshot). Users are also supported in bringing assets from the chain (including NFT collections, donated records) to Twitter.


The openness brought about by Mask is obvious, i.e. any user in Web 2.0 has direct access to Web3.0 and related activities through Mask, without any centralized APP or platform.


The Web 3.0 world, which Mask will open, is presented to every Web 2.0 user in a zero-threshold way. That is, MASK connects Twitter to block-chain platforms and allows users to travel freely between multiple platform applications. This is almost impossible under the Web 2.0 ecology.

3.1.3. Polkdot:连接Web3.0内鸿沟的桥

3.1.3. Polkdot: Bridge connecting the gap within Web3.0


Investors often ask: Is the future a meta-cosmos or a multi-cosmos? Can they connect?


One important question is how do digital assets, such as NFT, are interoperable, whether stored in a chain of alliances (ant, to letter, to long-term security, etc.) or in a public chain (Etheria, Bitcoin, etc.), where cross-links are essential, and where the chain itself is a time-stamped account book, how can they be interoperable?


There is no direct transmission of messages and operationalization between the different public chains, and the gap between the many application agreements within Web3.0 (which may be based on different bottom public chains) tends to be interconnected across the chain.


Of course, the trans-shipment between the Web3.0 agreements generally does not require authorization (registration) by third-party subjects, which remains in line with the principle of openness of Web3.0. Cross-links can be cross-chain asset bridges (like multi-chain asset exchange banks) or multi-chain agreements such as Poca and Cosmos.

波卡(Polkadot)是一个可伸缩的异构多链系统,能够传递任何数据(不只限于代币)到所有区块链,实现各个链之间资产与数据的互相流通。波卡是由Web3基金会发起的项目,由以太坊前CTO Gavin Wood主导的Parity团队进行设计和开发。

Polkadot is a scalable multi-chain system that transmits any data (not limited to tokens) to all block chains and allows the flow of assets and data between the various chains. Poca is a project initiated by the Web3 Foundation, designed and developed by the Paris team led by the former CTO Gavin Wood in Etheria.

波卡网络的基础构架包括中继链(Relay Chain)、平行链(Parachain)和转接桥(Bridge),波卡是一个真正的多链应用环境,使跨链注册和跨链计算等类似操作成为可能。

The basic architecture of the Boca network consists of Relay Chain, Parachain and Bridge, a truly multi-chain application environment that allows for similar operations such as cross-chain registration and cross-chain computing.


If Bitcoin is a calculator (electronic cash system) and Ether is a block-chained world computer, then Boca is a router or a switch that transmits data between computing devices (whether windows or apple systems, or even mobile devices) to achieve a 10,000-chain connection.


From this perspective, Poca is addressing not just the public chain’s own bottlenecks in performance (a faster processing of transactions), but also expansion from a more enriching perspective – making the previously incompatible chains interoperable and providing a hub or route for a future world of multi-chain coexistence. The Poca system is made up of an array of independently operating blocks that provide a relay to these chains (which become parallel chains).



This is very important, since the current block chain, as a distributed book, is handled mainly by miners who maintain accounts, the most central data in the block is the account token balance, other text data can be written as notes, but it is difficult to transmit messages freely between blocks; and the two interlocking blocks chain can be of different types (or even private chains).


Based on the fact that Poca can transmit this data between public, open, unauthorized block chains and private, licensed block chains. Poca is the true multi-chain application environment in which cross-chain registration forms and cross-chain calculations can be performed. For example, a private academic record chain in a school’s licensing chain can send proof of intellectual contracts to degrees in a public chain.


For example, Boca provides interoperable and cross-linkage communications, unlike networks that previously operated mainly as independent environments. This opens the door to new and innovative services, while allowing users to transmit information between chains.

3.2. 隐私:数据所有权和价值的转移

3.2. Privacy: ownership of data and transfer of value


Data privacy has become the focus of global regulation, and the current solution is to strengthen legal protection to make users aware of the illegality of misappropriation of user data, and to introduce privacy calculations to ensure that data are explicitly invisible in their use through technologies such as homogenous encryption, multiple-safe computing, and a credible enforcement environment.


In the Web3.0 era, users will tend to protect personal data privacy in a more thorough manner, thereby triggering a transfer of ownership and value. As the application is decentralised, the user’s behaviour, the resulting data, and even the application protocol are subject to privacy protection.


This section explores the privacy features of Web3.0 in the case of Horizen, NuCypher, which can provide users (including business users) with a basic block chain platform that can be developed without sending local privacy data, and which can be used by businesses to provide service to users in relation to the block chain.


However, business privacy data are fully protected; the latter provides a distributed private key sharing/hosting platform for Web3.0 users, and unlike the way the Web 2.0-era centralization institutions host user accounts (transfer partial privacy), the management of Web3.0 can also be centrally handed over to the network.

3.2.1. Horizen:保护隐私前提下的开发平台

3.2.1. Horizen: Platform for development in the context of privacy protection


Horizen, originally known as Zencash, works to build a platform for privacy protection and basic block chains that can be developed by users or businesses without sending local privacy data.


The Horizen main chain mainly provides a simple and secure value transfer and storage layer for users'interactions, supports the ecological functioning of the entire Horizen through the native management of Zen, and provides the necessary infrastructure for the side chain.


The realization of specific functions and the development of network infrastructure are accomplished by the development of side chains, which allow for more complex performance optimization for specific cases, enhancing their scalability and security. The Horizen side chain, also known as Zendoo, is extremely expansive and design-oriented. The side chain has independent consensus mechanisms and encryption algorithms, and is truly decentralised.


The developers can quickly complete the development of the block chain through a standard generic module, ZEN Side Chain Development Suite (SDK), which is open in Horizen, thereby saving the building time of the block chain. The development of business needs can be done using the zero-knowledge proof tool attached to the side chain without sending local privacy data.

同时,主链与侧链之间可以通过其独创的跨链传输协议CCTP(The CrossChain Transfer Protocol)实现代币ZEN以及数据的互联传输,为解决可扩展性问题提供基础保障。

At the same time, the connection between the main chain and the side chain can be achieved through its original trans-chain transmission protocol, the CrossChain Transfer Protocol, which provides a basic safeguard for addressing the problem of scalability.


Horizen built a web3.0 block chain platform with very high privacy protection and safety through security solutions such as Zk-snark (zero knowledge certificate) and 51 per cent protection against attacks, which provides privacy protection to users and developers.

3.2.2. NuCypher:Web3.0的分布式密钥管理系统

3.2. NuCypher: Distributed key management system for Web3.0


Unlike key hosting (generally hosted by Internet companies or third parties) for Web 2.0 applications, block chain private key management is a challenge for many primary users, while multi-shared private key management (decentralized) is a more realistic need. How can users safely manage and share private keys using Internet protocol?


In other words, multi-shared private key management can host a decentralised network protocol (rather than Web 2.0) and securely share among designated users, allowing users to address their most basic needs before entering Web3.0.


NuCypher is able to share private keys among any number of users on the Internet, while using its core technology, proxy re-encryption, to understand confidentiality. The original NU is used primarily to reward network node participants for key management and permission agent/recycling operations.


The user keys of the traditional centralised key management system (KMS) are placed in centralized third-party storage and, subject to the security of third-party storage institutions, the user keys are more adequately and securely protected.


When both users need data transmission, the data sender needs to encrypt the data from the public key of the recipient of the data from a third-party institution, after which the data recipient uses its own private key to decrypt the data. The disadvantage is that the data sender can only encrypt the data by using the public key of the data recipient and the data recipient can permanently retain access to the data after the data transfer.


The proxy encryption of KMS by NuCypher uses a third-party node distribution to store the key information of the user. When the user transmits the data, the data sender first uses its own private key and the data recipient's public key to generate the encryption key, then divides the key into [n] paragraphs and distributes each segment to the Node on NuCypher for preservation.


Thereafter, data recipients only have access to the information within a time period established by the data sender, and data senders can withdraw data recipients'access at any time.


In this way, NuCypher guarantees the encryption authorization initiative of the data sender, while the distributed key storage scheme ensures the security of the user's key storage and provides secure security for the key management of Web3.0 data transmission.

3.3. DAO:共建、共治和共享价值的网络世界

3.3. DAO: Networked world of shared, shared and shared values


The content creation of users in Web 2.0 Internet applications is limited in many ways (by platform audits and cross-platform restrictions) and more so in community governance, thus limiting the value capture of users in the economic sharing of creators. The Web3.0 principle of openness will break these limitations, while incentive mechanisms in block chains effectively feed back the value of the content economy to creators.

3.3.1. Mirror:完全由用户主导的内容创作平台

3.3.1. Mirror: a fully user-led content creation platform


Mirror is like a content creation platform for blogs like Medium, Substack, etc.. The problem is that in traditional media, content creators can export ideas, but gain limited benefits and face IP theft, and can they be solidified into assets and support transactions? Mirror’s main current functions include:


1) Works (Entries):


Entries is Mirror's main content creation module, where creators can edit documents and edit formats that support pure text + Markdown (like a subject label), while Mirror also supports the direct migration of articles from other platforms, such as Medium or Substack, to Mirror.


For every product produced by the creator, Mirror supports its creation as a direct NFT. When NFT is finished on the chain, the creator sells its work in the form of NFT.


2 Crowdfunds:


The crowd-mobilization module supports the creators in any form of content, and can be based on the amount of funding each backer distributes to its supporters the corresponding tokens (created by its sponsors), and the top three get a unique NFT reward.


If the work is forged as a NFT, the proceeds will be distributed accordingly for the benchmark.


3 (Splits):


The split module supports the creator in distributing the proceeds of the work or auction to multiple other entities as a means of sharing the proceeds of the common work with the collaborators.


Thus, after the creators pre-arranged rates and rules for the distribution of proceeds, each gain will be automatically completed by an intelligent contract, avoiding a lack of transparency in the distribution of centralized proceeds.


NFT casting (Editions):

Editions模块为Mirror的NFT铸造模块,用户可以使用此模块在Mirror上铸造NFT作品,其中包括价格、媒体文件(当前支持.jpg, .png, .gif, 和.mp4四类文件)、总供应量以及资金首款地址四个创作者自定参数。铸造好之后会生成该NFT地址,同时会加上相应的editionID,该地址可以直接嵌入Mirror的其他文章,在链接下方显示NFT。

The Editions module is an NFT casting module for Mirror, which users can use to cast NFT works on Mirror, including prices, media files (currently supporting.jpg,.png,.gif, and.mp4, the total supply and the four creators' self-defined parameters for the initial address of the fund. The NFT address will be generated after the casting and will be accompanied by the corresponding editionID, which can be directly embedded in other Mirror articles, showing NFT under the link.


5) auctions:


The auction can also create a corresponding URL address embedded in the Entries module, and the proceeds from the auction can be transferred directly to the wallet address set by the creator or to the public fund-raising or profit-splitting module.

6)投票(Token Race):

6 Voting (Token Race):


The voting function serves the DAO, which is similar to the one created by Snapshot. The popular participants naturally form the DAO, through which they can participate in the decision-making process of the DAO and implement community resolutions, which result in the closing of the creative community’s capacity.


Mirror, one of the most important content creation platforms in Web3.0, allows any Web3.0 user to create his own work and carry out all kinds of activities around it.

通过Crowdfunds,Splits和Token Race等模块,创作者可以创建属于每位社区成员的内容社区,并与成员共同建设属于每个人的社区。

Through modules such as Crowdfunds, Splits and Token Race, creators can create content communities belonging to each member of the community and work with them to build communities belonging to everyone.


As a cutting-edge and idealistic exploration of Web3.0, Mirror's programme remains relevant.

3.3.2. Gitcoin:代码与资源的共享共治平台

3.3.2. Gitcoin: Platform for Shared Governance of Codes and Resources


In the traditional web world, what if you have a new idea that needs to be realized? To set up a company to get winddrops? To get an innovation department in a big company? To go to a crowd-sourcing platform? To hit luck with garage coffee? These seem to be inefficient. Can there be a platform to build bridges between novel ideas, investors and code performers?


Gitcoin is a decentralised collaborative platform built by the Tails, which provides developers with a collaborative platform for development and a donor platform for investors (encrypted money donation). It can be understood simply as a crowd-sourcing and shared platform for project codes and funds. Its core functions are:


1) Bonus:


The division is aimed primarily at a wide range of Web3.0 developers, who can seek external help on a given issue by issuing a bounty (Bounty), and others can get a reward for solving the problem.


2) Hackathons:


There are many Hackathon projects integrated in the subsector, where developers can join the hacker pine competition sponsored by individual project participants to develop their products according to their themes.


3 (Grants):

在捐赠分区,用户可以向一些初创且具有公共物品性质的项目进行捐赠,捐赠结束后,部分项目可能会向捐赠用户给予空投回报。Gitcoin捐赠的核心创新在于二次方融资(Quadratic Funding)。在进行二次方融资时,项目所获资金为社区成员捐出资金的“平方根之和的平方”,即

The core innovation of Gitcoin’s donation is Quadratic Funding.


There are two projects, Grant 1 and Grant 2, for which Grant 1 receives an encoded monetary contribution of US$ 1 from 10 individuals for a total of US$ 10.


Grant 2 received a $10 donation from one individual, which is also $10. At this point, if the Foundation makes a contribution of $1,100, Grant 1 will get a second-party financing vote based on the Qualitative Financing formula.


And the number of second-party financing votes that Grant 2 gets is...


. Therefore, according to the number of votes for the secondary financing of the two projects, the grant of the grant available to Grant1 is:


And the grant that Grant 2 can get is:


In this way, it is often the projects that receive grants from foundations that have more votes than the ones that have the most votes. On the one hand, more users are encouraged to participate in donor voting, thus voting for the most public-service projects. On the other hand, the costs of sourcing grants from foundations have been greatly increased, reducing the risk of donations.


4 (Quests):


The plate supports users in finding out about the Web3.0 world and the various ecosystems in a game-by-play way, where users choose topics of their interest to study, then test learning results in the form of question-and-answer attacks (where each answer is correct, the robots generated by the system are reduced by one drop of blood) and receive a corresponding reward for defeating the robot, which is therefore one of the types of Learn2Earn.


5) Honours (Kudos):


Kudos is a new way of expressing mutual appreciation and building relationships among users. If user A wishes to thank user B through Gitcoin, it can purchase a medal of honour at Kudos market and give it to user A. (The medal itself can be considered as some form of NFT)


6 (Kernal):


Kernal is a point-to-point learning community that provides an excellent platform for users who want to deepen their understanding of Web3.0 through an eight-week course organized by community members, which includes a wide range of knowledge such as Taiwan's development history, the global financial system, and the economics of tokens.


Gitcoin provides the most friendly incubation and learning platform for all types of Web3.0 start-up projects and users who want to learn more about Web3.0. For the project, from the beginning of hackers to the development of donations, Web3.0 is developed with the support of each user, and eventually returns to Web3.0 users.


For users, we know about Web3.0 here, we support Web3.0, we build Web3.0 through donations to projects. Here, everyone can contribute to the construction of Web3.0 and achieve true co-construction, sharing and co-governance.

3.4. 元宇宙:Web3推动“现实世界”与“虚拟世界”的融合

3.4. Metaspace: Web3 promotes the integration of the “real world” with the “virtual world”


In the Web3.0 era, the meta-cosm will be a highly imaginative and creative form of network. In the Web2, people used the “virtual world” and “real world” as the boundaries of the world below the line. The meta-cosm, built on the Web3, will be a deep blend of the so-called “real world” and “virtual world”.


There are clear ecological boundaries in the Web2 era (as a result of the way in which centralized companies operate), core access to the ecology is controlled by an Internet giant, and there are relatively few cross-ecological applications — for example, cross-ecological restrictions on online payment tools, and barriers to hyperlinks between important Internet access points.


So-called Internet applications are actually limited to activities in different ecological local areas. And the “disparities” and boundaries of the Web2 era will be broken in the meta-cosmos world of the Web3 era.


In addition to the cross-chain application mentioned in the preceding section, which solves the problem of integration between different chains of ecology, the world of the meta-cosmos and the so-called “real world” will continue to be integrated. For example, the subject of a meta-cosm, in addition to engaging in economic activity in the DeFi market, can also hold real-world asset rights.


In other words, there is no separation between the “virtual world” account and the “real world” account system in the metacosystem, which is a form of integration between the “real world” and the “virtual world.” It is generally believed that, while the world of the metacosystem is built by users together, it can be integrated freely by all means, but the virtual world of the metacocosystem cannot connect with the real world’s asset accounts.


Because there is ecological isolation in the real world, the “external metacosystem” is less able to penetrate the ecology of the current Web2 era. Based on the synthetic asset applications of DeFi (e.g., Mirror and 3.3 projects renamed in this section, different projects) or synthetix, we will see how the assets of the Web2 world can be mapped to the Web3 world in a reduced-dimensional mode.

上线于2020年12月4日的Mirror Protocol(基于Terra公链)是一个可追踪股票、期货、交易所交易基金和其他传统金融资产价格的合成资产(Mirrored Assets,MmAssets)铸造平台——甚至可以将加密货币(比特币、以太坊等)映射到平台铸造代币的代币,MIR(Mirror Token)为平台的治理代币。

Mirror Protocol (based on Terra's public chain) on 4 December 2020 is a synthetic asset (Mirrored Assets, MmAssets) that can trace the prices of stocks, futures, exchange funds and other traditional financial assets — and can even map encrypted currency (bitcoin, Ether, etc.) into the monetized token of the platform, and Mir (Mirror Token) is the platform's governing token.

用户可以通过超额抵押UST(TerraUSD,锚定美元的稳定币)或者已有的mAssets合成mAssets,不同的mAsset将会与不同的股票、期货、基金等资产的价格对应。赎回时,需要用户通过Mirror平台销毁铸造时产生的 mAssets,智能合约会收取一部分手续费并返还给用户铸造时抵押的 UST 或 mAssets。

Users can over-encumber UST (TerraUSD, a stable dollar anchor) or the existing mAssets synthesize mAssets, with different mAssets corresponding to the prices of different stocks, futures, funds, etc.


Simply put, Mirror is a way of synthesizing the assets of traditional financial markets (or encrypted markets) into Token, mapping the world of encrypted currencies. For example, a stock pass that can be forged on the Mirror platform – mTSLA – or it can be said that the ETH token is mapd on the Mirror platform – the mETH token.


In fact, the acquisition of mAssets by users is not equivalent to the purchase of the corresponding financial assets, so there are no dividends such as equity dividends - because prices are linked to financial assets and collateral supports the value of synthetic assets, it can be understood that a share of the proceeds of the corresponding financial assets can be obtained for synthetic assets and can be compared to futures (non-distributable) of the financial assets.


Twenty-six synthetic assets, including Tesla, Apple and BTC, ETH and others, are currently online, with Tesla shares, for example, having a 24-hour liquidity taste of $14.8 million, transactions in millions of United States dollars, and the Mirror platform, for its total liquidity, already exceeding $1 billion.


How does the share price on the Mirror platform anchor the real realization market? This requires a prognostic mechanism to link the prices of the two markets through a program algorithm.


Synthetic asset applications such as Mirror or Synthetix are equivalent to mapping assets to the Web3 world without any sense of the Web2 world. In this sense, a metacosystem based on Web3 can integrate “real world” assets. This is also an example of the “open” character of Web3.


iv. New paradigm evolution towards Web3.0 flow value


The value of the important traffic (entry) on the Internet, what kind of paradigm would it be in the Web3.0 era?


Web 2.0 competes for user attention and financial flows to realize the value of the flow. In the Web3.0, the value of the flow entrance remains important, but it is not limited to that.

例如,推动“DeFi Summer”的最大功臣之一的Uniswap,从面向用户的角度来说,同样想Web2.0一样的流量入口——用户利用其DEX协议完成交易兑换功能,用户支出的手续费作为协议(平台)的流量变现(其中一部分反馈给LP)。

For example, Uniswap, one of the top protagonists of the DeFi Summer, wants the same flow portal as Web 2.0 from a user-oriented point of view - users use their DEX protocols to complete their transaction exchange functions, and user fees as traffic realizations of the agreements (platforms) (part of which is fed back to LP).


From this point of view, Uniswap is not substantially different from the other Web 2.0 applications. But, as a basis for the DEX agreement, Uniswap can be called by other protocols, creating complex features (the so-called DeFi Lego).


Users complete the DeFi “mining” benefits, transactional exchange functions on these applications, often behind the call of Uniswap and other DEX protocols, which are hidden for users and may be separated from multiple protocols. But the effect is the same for Uniswap underlying flow realization.



The platforms of socialization (tweets, tweets), entertainment, finance, etc. that we're seeing today are the beneficiaries of Web1.0's evolution to Web 2.0. What is the shape of the future's evolution to Web3.0?

Web3.0充满了想象力,其最终的落地形态现在并不能清晰判断。但其趋势已然出现苗头。在向Web3.0演进过程中,有很多Web 2.0和Web 3.0混合的形态的产品出现。这方面典型的代表是NFT交易平台Opensea和Metamask钱包。

Web3.0 is full of imagination, and its final landing pattern is not now clear, but its trend is already emerging. During the evolution to Web3.0, there are a lot of Web 2.0-Web 3.0-mixed products. This is typically represented by NFT trading platforms Opensea and Metamask wallets.


Opensea relies on NFT transaction fees, which are similar to those used in traditional power suppliers or centralized exchanges. Metamask’s wallets are embedded in PC browser plugins and mobile phone apps, such as Chhome’s, and, as an important user portal, Metamask is integrated into a swap aggregation function that allows users to exchange their currency directly through their call to DES agreements, with extra fees paid to the Metamask platform.

这两者都是典型的Web 2.0产品。但用户在这两个平台上操作则是Web 3.0世界的典型产品或功能。

Both are typical Web 2.0 products. However, users operate on both platforms as typical products or functions of the Web 3.0 world.


With the boom in the NFT trading market in the second half of 2021, Opensea’s entry and turnover surged during the month of August, with single-month transactions exceeding $3.4 billion. The value of Metamask’s flow entrance, as the most widely applied browser wallet plugin, is reflected in a significant increase in user fees based on its use of swap transactions and platform fees.

这也许是目前最有意思的一个现象。用户基于对Web 3.0的信仰和向往,却化为Web 2.0商家的流量和收入。严格来说,Opensea和Metamask是再典型不过的Web 2.0产品,其流量变现模式极为简单和传统。

This is perhaps the most interesting phenomenon at present. Users, based on their faith in and desire for Web 3.0, translate into Web 2.0 business flows and revenues. Strictly speaking, Opensea and Metamask are the most typical Web 2.0 products, whose flow realization patterns are very simple and traditional.

NFT交易和DeFi挖矿,这些看似是Web 3.0世界的基础构成,却最终为Web 2.0产品创造了流量价值。也许正是因为这个原因,Elon Musk在其推特上提到:“有人看到过Web 3.0吗?我没有”。

The NFT deal and the DeFi mine, which appear to be the basic composition of the Web 3.0 world, ultimately creates a flow value for Web 2.0 products. Perhaps that's why Elon Musk, on his Twitter page, said: "Did anyone see Web 3.0? I didn't?"

当然,这只是过渡时期的形态,也许这种形态要存在很长一段时间,但我们相信Web 3.0新的应用、新的产品逻辑和新的流量范式正在发生。

Of course, it's just a pattern of transition, perhaps for a long time, but we believe that new Web 3.0 applications, new product logic and new flow paradigms are happening.


From 2D to 3D?


The evolution from 2D to 3D is expected to be the most accessible change for ordinary users. Using the Virtual Headquarters of the National Seizing Block Chain Institute in Decentraland, the virtual building itself is the front page of the team, where research products and teams can be displayed, and interactively, of course, through virtual people.


When you need a road show, you can show a PPT or an access stream of media on the second floor, and the audience can use the logo NFT for white list management. We judge that the flow of more social attributes will be upgraded to 3D in 2022, based on the gradual completion of the IT infrastructure.


In the traditional Web 2.0, the users of the first page do not interact with each other, and when they enter the 3D world, the social desire will be stronger and individual resolution can be enhanced through NFT, skin, etc. We believe that the meta-cosm is more social, sharing, and economic activities than only AR/VR.


From 2D to 3D, it evolved to Web3.0? Of course not. This is just an upgrade of the interface that users see, and more deeply how to motivate players to create, share, and interact. In short, if Roblox and TikTok do not have economic incentives, will so many users be able to create the content of games, short videos? In essence, the immersion is built from internal sharing, the sense of self-satisfaction generated by creation, and the intensity of the external economy.


Browser or APP?

Web2.0时代,各类APP成为应用的主阵地,催生了买量、刷机等生意,用户的大量时间、数据被捆绑在头部APP中。而现存的Web 3.0应用,在PC端主要以web浏览器方式访问。手机端为web浏览器访问,钱包App也可以作为入口,但仍以web方式访问具体应用。

In the Web 2.0 era, various types of APPs became the dominant positions for applications, giving rise to business such as buying, brushing, etc., and users were tied to their heads for a large amount of time and data. The existing Web 3.0 applications, accessed mainly by web browsers at the end of the PC.

不同于Web 2.0时代厂商喜欢开发独立的移动端App和PC客户端,Web 3.0也许将打破这一现象。App和客户端对于用户行为数据收集可能更为方便、也方便核心厂商对生态应用的管理(类似appstore那样的应用商店审核和管理),这一点在注重隐私和开发的Web 3.0时代将改变。也许Web 3.0正如其名字一样,web将作为一切应用的基础。

Unlike Web 2.0, where producers prefer to develop independent mobile App and PC clients, Web 3.0 may break this phenomenon. App and client data collection on user behaviour may be easier and easier for core manufacturers to manage ecological applications (appstore-like application shop audit and management), which will change in the WEB 3.0 age, where privacy and development are emphasized. Maybe Web 3.0, like its name, web will serve as the basis for all applications.


V, > regulatory thinking in the Web3.0 era


The regulatory challenges posed by Web3.0 are undoubtedly enormous, and openness, privacy, and co-construction do not mean that Web3.0 applications do not require regulation. But there is no doubt that, because of the huge innovations in the Web3.0 application of business models, the regulatory approach is bound to change dramatically in order to adapt to new developments.


Therefore, we believe that in the Web3.0 era of regulation will show the following trends:


1) For communicating the corridors/operations of the Web 3.0 and Web 2.0 worlds, it will take the lead in seeking appropriate regulatory models to accommodate the development of Web3.0:

例如稳定币作为传统世界财富进入Web3.0世界的重要通道,将最先产生监管行为 我们在《DeFi新金融(二):超额抵押与资产映射》报告中层指出,长期而言,稳定币与现实经济世界融合是大趋势,稳定币是沟通两个世界财富的重要桥梁。

For example, stabilizing the currency as an important route to the Web3.0 world of traditional world wealth will lead to regulatory action . , in DeFi New Finance (II): Overcollateralization and Asset Mapping, we note that, in the long run, the integration of the stable currency into the real world is a big trend, and the stable currency is an important bridge between two world wealth.


The biggest problem with stabilizing the currency is now in conflict with current monetary policy. Clearly, stabilizing the currency acts as a “French currency” in an encrypted currency market, in some way contrary to the monetary policy of current countries (with the possibility of violating other financial regulatory policies, such as securities, futures, and even tax policies).


This is also a common problem for encrypted monetary assets. In November 2020, the People’s Bank of China Financial Stability Report (2020) made the first reference to a stable currency (the Financial Stability Analysis Group of the People’s Bank of China 2020), and the White Paper of July 2021 on the progress of the development and development of the Chinese digital renminbi states that some commercial institutions plan to introduce a global stable currency, which will pose a number of risks and challenges to the international monetary system, the payment settlement system, monetary policy, and the management of cross-border capital flows, among others, and include stable currency in the regulation of virtual currency.


For global markets, however, currency stability may be expected to grow rapidly with crypto-currency markets. Thus, the conflict between currency stability and regulation will be a broader context for industry development for some time to come.


The end result, perhaps, is a convergence of innovation and regulation, a push for regulatory evolution and succession, a first step towards greater integration of crypto-currency markets with traditional financial markets, such as in Europe and the United States, and the integration of stable currencies into the monetary regulatory system by central banks, with future monetary policies likely to include a stable currency policy.


All this is premised on the premise that a clear stabilization of the regulatory positioning of the currency — the prohibition of the use, acceptance as a currency or recognition as a new financial product — is a potential option, depending on the different market conditions of each country.

2) 隐私和匿名方面,有可能存在底层实现KYC,应用层实现适度匿名:

2) The privacy and anonymity aspects of are likely to exist at the bottom of KYC and the application level is reasonably anonymous:


There is a need for privacy and anonymity with respect to the privacy and anonymity that distributed networks provide, while not privacy and anonymity mean total neglect of regulation. In the real world, regulation must exist, and Web3.0 will explore ways to integrate regulation.


One approach seems to be feasible: regulation at the bottom of the block chain network means that there will be regulatory constraints such as KYC on the bottom account, and appropriate anonymity at the intermediate protocol and application levels. Of course, regulatory instruments are flexible, and information such as KYC on the user can be stored in multiple-sign networks with regulatory participation.


3) In the DAO governance process, regulation will inevitably be introduced as the governance side:


DAO is an important governance mechanism operating in the Web3.0 world, but the ideal DAO programme does not seem to solve all the problems and often has a very real role for real social institutions and regulators after issues such as the need for arbitration, the recovery of stolen assets, etc.


For example, it is not enough to rely solely on DAO in the case of frequent hacking in the DeFi system, and other unforeseeable losses. This is often done by means of real social governments and laws. For example, when the DeFi project is at risk, de-centralized governance alone may not urge development teams to protect or recover the user’s encrypted assets.


On the contrary, when a crisis occurs, it is true that it can deter the attackers, or that it is a central institution and a legal deterrent in a real society. For example, when part of hacker’s personal information is exposed and part of its assets frozen by a central institution, hackers are willing to negotiate with development teams and promise to return stolen assets.

例如,2021年8月Poly Network项目被盗事件中,被盗资金中最为安全的部分就是被稳定币发行公司Tether宣布冻结的3300万美元等值的资产——作为中心化公司,Tether拥有冻结链上USDT资产的权限。

For example, in the case of the theft of the PolyNetwork project in August 2021, the safest part of the stolen funds was the $33 million worth of assets that had been declared frozen by the stable currency issuer, Tether, which, as a central company, had the authority to freeze the assets of USDT in the chain.

由此我们可以设想, DAO的治理,势必少不了现实社会监管机构的参与,监管机构作为DAO的治理一方似乎是非常理想的方案。

Thus, we can imagine that the governance of DAO is bound to be accompanied by the participation of real social regulators, who, as the governing side of DAO, appear to be a very desirable option.


risk hint


The block chain business model fell short of expectations: Web3.0 was based on block chains, cryptography, etc., and the technology and projects were in the early stages of development, and there was a risk that the business model would fall short of expectations.


Uncertainty in regulatory policy: Web3.0 operationally involves a number of financial, network and other regulatory policies, and national regulatory policies are still at the stage of research and exploration, and there is no mature regulatory model, so industry faces the risk of regulatory policy uncertainty. returned to search for more





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    加密货币之王重回王位:比特币飙升至 71,000 美元,还能再涨多少?
    比特币是市场上最大的加密货币,它再次打破了重要的7万美元门槛。 在短短的四舍五入(67,000美元到69,000美元之间)之后,价格在这一水平上遇到了强烈的抵制。 然而,势头的不断增强表明,比特币可能形成一个超过70 000美元的板块,为重新测试下一个抵抗阵地71 300美元和3月份可能攀升到历史最高点73 700美元铺平了道路。 问题仍然是:比特币能否维持预期的上升趋势并继续大幅上升?    分析家预计比特币价格将上升到74,400美元。 加密货币分析师Ali M...
  • 几张图看懂区块链技术到底是什么?https://www.cnblogs.com/behindman/p/8873191.html

    “区块链”的概念可以说是异常火爆,好像互联网金融峰会上没人谈一谈区块链技术就out了,BAT以及各大银行还有什么金融机构都在开始自己的区块链研究工作,就连IBM最近也成立了自己的区块链研究实验室,但其实区块链到底是什么?大家或许并不清楚,停留在雾里看花的状态。从今天开始,就让我们一起走进区块链,揭开区块链的神秘面纱吧!The concept of a block chain can be described as an unusually hot one, as if no...