澄邁推動傳統產業數字化轉型 擁抱數字經濟新藍海

资讯 2024-07-15 阅读:20 评论:0
原標題:乘“雲”而上 借“數”騰飛   位於海南自由貿易港生態軟件園二期的騰訊生態村一期。騰訊生態村是海南自貿港首批開工建設的百億級產業項目,也是澄邁數字經濟發展的新高地。記者 蘇曉杰 攝   “瞧,最受歡迎的...



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原標題:乘“雲”而上 借“數”騰飛

  位於海南自由貿易港生態軟件園二期的騰訊生態村一期。騰訊生態村是海南自貿港首批開工建設的百億級產業項目,也是澄邁數字經濟發展的新高地。記者 蘇曉杰 攝


“Look, the most popular ones are the caricature box, which sells 1,072 items, and the beefballs have 79 orders!” On November 11, at the Mae Kee Business Center, located in the town of Kim Jiang, Siu Mai County, the centre is responsible for opening the phone to reporters to show them the sales of the “Meckle Bull” that are well known on the Internet.


In the past, because of the high cost of cattle raising, the lack of price competition for beef sales off the line, and the uncertainty of the sales path. “Now, by selling in China’s love-and-poor network and in the city of Micro-Credit, our orders have become more numerous and our sales have become wider.”


In recent years, China’s technology and technology companies have been targeting new industries, such as cloud computing, big data, networks, sector chains, and technology finance, to attract well-known Chinese firms, such as communications, and centurion, to speed up the development of the digital economy. On the other hand, electronic commerce and electronic commerce have been used to promote the digitalization and upgrading of traditional industries.

  新亮點 傳統產業“觸網”升級

The traditional industry's "trace" upgrade


At the moment, more and more businesses are exploring the use of the Internet to sell products and open the market, as is the case with the Hainan Reinforcing Technologies Corporation. Currently, more than 500 companies, companies and individuals have opened more than 1,600 shops in the City of Micro-Credit.


“In particular, during the period of control of the epidemic, the digital economy was extended to the base level, to the countryside, and the rural electricity suppliers accelerated their development, breaking down the distribution patterns of the past and creating a more efficient, safe, green, and intelligent system of marketing.” According to the relevant manager of the business department, in the previous three quarters of this year, the trade in electric and electronic commerce was $791 million, of which $256 million, or 44.08 per cent, in retail and Internet sales, was 44.08 per cent more than in the previous three quarters of this year.


In July of this year, the “intellectualization” APP upper line “coconut enrichment” product was a start-up to digitize, intelligently upgrade and promote local tourism cultural resources. “The popular theory is that the company uses games to exchange hotel rooms, attraction tickets, or agricultural products such as melons, stubs, etc..” The “coconut builder” developer, and the Vice-President of Coconut Network Technology Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the Coconut Network) explained that the company has mainly developed a business such as coconut buns, coconut tourism consumption, chains, large numbers, etc.


On August 18-31, the coconut cloud network launched a “summer delivery of cooling” event, which has been viewed by more than 10,000 people on a “smart” APP day. At present, the company has 62 partners, 296,000 live users and more than a billion people.


“The power of digital platforms, using new technologies such as cloud computing, big data, integrating user services on different topics, promoting the sharing of data across ministries, establishing the “most powerful brain” of the city's co-operation centre, which allows the community to enjoy easy service through mobile phone clients.” According to the manager for industrial information and technology in Chen Mai County, with two years of development, the “intellectuality” APP currently provides more than 40 user services to local residents, covering six major categories: “five risk one money”, human services, literature education, urban management, health care, transport tourism, etc.

  新浪潮 數字經濟迸發活力

♪ The new wave of digital economy ♪ ♪/ strong ♪


As a well-known national online social security platform, 51 social security and local tax departments work together to create new technologies to solve tax problems faced by Internet platform entrepreneurs, freelancers, tax administrations, and others.


In the context of the construction of the Hong Kong Trade Port in Hainan, the Director General of Hainan Biological Software Corporation Ltd. introduced the new generation of information technologies, especially sector chain technologies, which led to the creation of the district chain testing areas awarded by the country’s first provincial government, the promotion of the deep economic integration of sector chain technologies and the development of digital literature, digital health, digital finance, digital services, etc., and the development and development of hundreds of millions of digitized industries. This year, the first 12 national digit service export sites identified by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, the Central Network Office, the Union of Industry and Communications, were successfully entered into the district.


“This year, the business of the public sector has reached $2.6 billion, and the coconut network has become one of the top five companies in China’s bio-softland tax.” Chu is proud to say that the number of workers has increased from more than 30 to 80 in two years.


“Digital economic times, data are the most critical factor of production.” So, in the first three quarters of this year, Hainan Plantation, with its current revenues of $47.02 billion, realized tax revenues of $2.926 billion, a 59.7 per cent increase, will continue to develop technological excellence in the face of new-generation opportunities and challenges, driving innovation and institutional innovation through technology, and implementing the “Upper China” initiative to improve and accelerate the development of the Henan Trade Port digital economy.

  新理念 創新打開機遇之門

♪ New ideas ♪ ♪ New opening doors ♪ ♪/ strong ♪ ♪ to open doors ♪ ♪ to open ♪ ♪ to open doors ♪ ♪ to open ♪ ♪ to open doors ♪ ♪ to open ♪ ♪ to open doors ♪ ♪ to open ♪ ♪ to open doors ♪ ♪ to open doors ♪ ♪ to open ♪


In recent years, a new concept of development has been firmly established in the relevant ministries, with a sustained focus on the promotion of the industrial structure, the creation of new drivers and strategies for the development of the human capital, the writing of articles on the port of Ma, the homogenization of the Mandarin with the city, and three articles on the “port, city, network” of the Internet industry, and the acceleration of economic and social development in the county.


In order to improve the business environment, a comprehensive approach has been put in place to the reform of the “test separation” and “multi-evidence” system, with the establishment of the province's first medium-sized and micro-enterprise financing information platform, which will help to solve the problem of small and medium-sized enterprise financing; and the country's first initiative to introduce a new model for the collection of revenue from the platform, which has been included in the sixth wave of the Henan province's system, which has been introduced throughout the country.


“It will seize the development opportunities brought about by the construction of the Hainan Trade Port, targeting the world’s 500-strong, China’s 500-strong, and industry-led enterprises, and increase their efforts to attract resources.” According to the relevant officials of the Chumai County Commission, in accordance with the deployment requirements of the provincial commission and the provincial government, it will coincide with the objectives and work requirements related to the comprehensive deepening of reforms and the opening of the Hong Kong Trade Port, the development of the 14th Five-Year Plan, the acceleration of the development of new industries such as the Internet, the use of sector-link technology and the development of joint industries, the acceleration of the development of large data, artificial intelligence, the development of district-link technology, and the development of new cities such as China’s South Energy Park, China’s Science City, etc.


At the same time, it will speed up the construction of oil and gas exploration production facilities, actively plot to develop processing trade and cross-border power suppliers, explore the development of tax depots, bond processing, global central warehouse, etc., and fight for the early creation of the Ma village port as the world’s first-class port of New York.


Count it as a clear-cut digital economy.


At the moment, more than 500 shopping malls have been registered by various types of businesses.


There are over 1,600 shops in the city of Microbusiness, run by companies, individuals, etc.


During the first three quarters of the year, $791 million was traded in electronic commerce.


Internet retail sales of $256 million increased by 44.08 per cent.


Wisdom Clarification APP currently provides more than 40 user services.


Overwhelming the Five Risks, Talent Services, Humanities Education, Urban Management, Health Care, Transport Tourism 6




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