金色早报 | 美国政府出售BTC获利3.66亿美元 马斯克:将晚些时候推出Starlink mini

资讯 2024-07-16 阅读:30 评论:0
头条Headline▌自2014年以来美国政府已出售至少19.5万枚BTC,获利超过3.66亿美元At least 195,000 BTCs have been sold by the United States Government si...



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At least 195,000 BTCs have been sold by the United States Government since 2014 for more than $366 million

Casa联合创始人Jameson Lopp追踪了美国政府的比特币销售情况,发现自2014年以来,美国政府已扣押并出售至少195,091枚比特币,获利超过3.66亿美元。

Jameson Lopp, a co-founder of Casa, tracked the sale of Bitcoin by the United States Government and found that since 2014, the United States Government had seized and sold at least 195,091 bitcoins, making more than $366 million.

根据数据网站Bitcoin Treasuries的数据,美国政府目前拥有213,546枚比特币,按当前市场价格计算价值超过130亿美元,使其成为世界上最大的比特币持有者之一。与此同时,德国政府是世界第四大比特币主权持有者,仅次于中国和英国,持有46,359枚比特币。

According to data from the data website Bitcoin Treasuries, the US government currently owns 213,546 bitcoins, valued at more than $13 billion at current market prices, making it one of the world’s largest Bitcoins holders. At the same time, the German government is the world’s fourth largest Bitcoins sovereign, after China and the United Kingdom, holding 46,359 bitcoins.

马斯克:将于今年晚些时候推出Starlink mini

: Starlink Mini will be launched later this year

马斯克表示,将于今年晚些时候推出Starlink mini。

Mr. Mask said that Starlink Mini would be launched later this year.


Be good.


As of the release, according to Coingecko data:


BTC recently traded US$ 60781.83 and increased or decreased by - 1.6 % ;


ETH's latest offer was $3368.01, with an increase or decline of


The BNB has recently entered into a deal of $572.42, with an increase or decrease of -0.9 %;


SOL has recently entered into a deal of $136.67 with an increase or decrease of +0.1 % ;


DOGE recently traded US$ 0.1227 and increased or decreased by -2.7 %;


XPR recently awarded US$ 0.4697 and increased or decreased by -1.3 %.




the U.S. Department of Justice for the first time ruled that the encrypted token HYDRO belonged to securities .

美国司法部宣布判处HYDRO创始人Shane Hampton和财务工程主管Michael Kane有罪,罪名是操纵Hydrogen Technology的HYDRO代币价格。该执法机构还表示,两人出售HYDRO的行为构成了未注册的投资合同,二人分别被判处两年十一个月和三年九个月的有期徒刑。

The U.S. Department of Justice has found Shane Hampton, founder of HYDRO, and Michael Kane, Director of Finance Engineering, guilty of manipulation of the HYDRO token price at Hydrogen Technoroy. The law enforcement agency has also stated that the sale of HYDRO constituted an unregistered investment contract and that the two were sentenced to two years, eleven months and three years and nine months of imprisonment, respectively.

经调查发现,这两人雇佣了第三方公司南非的Moonwalkers Trading Limited,使用自动机器人向HYDRO市场投放了价值700万美元的虚假交易和价值超过3亿美元的虚假订单。

An investigation found that the two individuals had hired a third-party company, Moonwalkers Trading Limited of South Africa, to use automatic robotics to place $7 million in fraudulent transactions and orders worth over $300 million on the HYDRO market.

美司法部刑事部门负责人Nicole Argentieri表示:“Shane Hampton、Michael Kane及其同谋利用交易机器人操纵其公司的加密货币价格,从而欺骗投资者。这是联邦刑事审判中陪审团首次认定加密货币是一种证券,操纵加密货币价格属于证券欺诈。”

Nicole Argentieri, head of the criminal department of the United States Department of Justice, said: “Shane Hampton, Michael Kane and his accomplices used trade robots to manipulate the price of their companies’ encrypted money, thereby deceiving investors. This is the first time that a jury in a federal criminal trial has concluded that an encrypted currency is a security and that the manipulation of the price of an encrypted currency is a securities fraud.”


Abra and 25 states of the United States settled that $82 million would be returned to clients .

数字投资平台Abra及其创始人兼CEO William Barhydt已与美国25个州的金融监管机构达成和解。Abra因未获得适当许可证而运营其移动应用程序,将向这些州的美国客户退还高达8200万美元的加密货币。和解协议要求Abra停止接受美国Abra Trade客户的加密货币分配和交易。

The digital investment platform Abra and its founder, CEO William Barhydt, have reached a settlement with the financial regulators of 25 states in the United States. Abra will return up to $82 million in encrypted currency to American customers in those states for operating its mobile applications without proper licences.

Barhydt还同意在未来五年内不以任何身份参与这25个州内的资金传输或资金服务业务。华盛顿州金融机构部主任Charlie Clark表示,州金融监管机构将对违法行为严肃追究责任。

Barhydt also agreed not to participate in any capacity in money transmission or money service operations in the 25 states over the next five years. Charlie Clark, Director of Financial Institutions, Washington State, said that state financial regulators would be held seriously accountable for violations.

Abra的发言人指出,此次和解还解决了Abra与某些州证券监管机构的未注册证券销售问题。自2023年6月以来,Abra已退还超过2.5亿美元,约占其美国零售客户持有资产的99%。Abra继续通过SEC注册的投资顾问Abra Capital Management在美国运营。

Abra’s spokesperson noted that the settlement also resolved the issue of the unregistered sale of securities between Abra and certain state securities regulators. Since June 2023, Abra has returned more than $250 million, about 99% of the assets held by its retail customers in the United States.


or be the focus of the Biden and Trump debates

在即将举行的总统辩论中,加密货币可能成为讨论的焦点。为此,加密货币倡导组织Stand With Crypto发起了一项在线写信活动,已有近2300人签署,呼吁CNN主持人提出加密货币相关问题。组织发言人Sabrina Siddiqui表示,这将帮助选民了解总统候选人在这一重要经济问题上的立场。拜登总统的数字资产政策记录包括多项行政命令和监管机构的行动,而特朗普则从过去的怀疑态度转变为支持加密货币挖矿并反对中央银行数字货币(CBDC)。区块链协会CEO Kristin Smith称,这标志着加密货币在全国政治辩论中取得了重大进展。

President Biden’s digital asset policy record includes a number of executive orders and actions by regulatory bodies, while Trump’s shift from skepticism in the past to support cryptographic currency mining and opposition to the Central Bank’s digital currency (CBDC) is marked by significant progress in the national political debate, according to the organization’s block chain association CEO Kristin Smith.


Nigerian SEC requires crypto-currency companies to be registered within 30 days or face enforcement action

尼日利亚证券交易委员会 (SEC) 已给予加密货币交易所和数字资产交易商 30 天时间重新注册其业务,否则将面临执法行动的风险。

The Securities and Exchange Commission of Nigeria (SEC) has given secure currency exchanges and digital asset dealers 30 days to re-register their operations or face the risk of enforcement action.

此公告是尼日利亚监管数字资产交易计划的一部分。SEC 表示,新的注册旨在修改其关于数字资产发行、提供平台、交易所和虚拟资产服务提供商 (VASP) 托管的规则。

This announcement is part of Nigeria’s regulation of digital asset trading plans. SEC states that the new registration is intended to modify its rules on digital asset issuance, the provision of platforms, exchanges and virtual asset service providers (VASP) hosting.

该委员会在其网站上的一份声明中表示:“所有运营和潜在的 VASP 均须在本通函发布之日起 30 天内访问 SEC 电子门户网站,完成申请流程。”

In a statement on its website, the Commission stated that “all operational and potential VASP must visit the SEC electronic portal within 30 days of the date of this circular and complete the application process”.


Block Chain Application


> Polkadot community proposal to develop interoperable bridges between Polkadot and Cardano

Polkadot社区正在讨论一项新提案,计划开发连接Polkadot和Cardano的桥梁。Unifires代理Felix透露,已提交Cardano-Polkadot轻客户端和NFT交换桥的提案,并计划提交给Polkadot的OpenGov。Polkadot首席大使Tommi Enenkel(Alice和Bob)表示,这可以通过在Cardano上验证Beefy证明来实现。该提案获得了社区的普遍支持。

The Polkadot community is discussing a new proposal for the development of a bridge linking Polkadot and Cardano. Unifaires, acting Felix, revealed that a proposal was submitted to the light client of Cardano-Polkadot and the NFT exchange bridge, and that it was planned to be submitted to OpenGov in Polkadot. Tommi Enenkel (Alice and Bob), the chief ambassador of Polkadot, said this could be achieved by validating the Beefy certificate on Cardano.


In addition, SnowBridge launched the bridge connecting Polkadot and Etheria on June 20. SnowBridge uses the first signature of the certifying authority to support the transfer of the assets of the ERC20 between the two networks, and is expected to deliver any information and start a liquidity plan in the future.


The BitZK service was launched by the BitZK virtual machine team to expand the Bitcoin network .

比特币虚拟机(BVM)团队上周推出BitZK,一种零知识证明(ZK)服务,旨在增强比特币的可扩展性。该服务允许用户创建汇总并将应用程序从以太坊迁移到比特币。BVM开发者@bird2836表示,这是主网上首次出现的比特币ZK汇总实例,标志着技术上的重大突破。BitZK服务的月费至少为99美元,已吸引早期用户包括RWA Chain、POWD3R Blockchain和Octopus Bridge。BVM于2023年1月推出,目标是使比特币网络具备以太坊等网络的功能,利用比特币的安全性和数据可用性,推动比特币扩展解决方案的发展。

The BVM team launched BitZK last week, a zero-knowledge proof (ZK) service to enhance Bitcoin expansion. The service allows users to create aggregations and move applications from Ether to Bitcoin. BVM developers @bird2836 indicate that this is the first example of a Bitcoin ZK aggregation on the main network, marking a major breakthrough in technology. BitZK services cost at least $99, and has attracted early users, including RWA Chain, PoWD3R Blockchain, and Octopus Bridge. The BVM was launched in January 2023, with the goal of providing the Bitcoin network with a network such as Taichay, using Bitco’s security and data availability to facilitate the development of Bitcoin extension solutions.


Encrypted Currency


USSEC may approve the spot ETF as early as 4 July.

行业高管和其他参与者透露,美国证交会(SEC)可能最早于7月4日批准现货以太坊ETF,因资产管理公司与监管机构之间的谈判已进入最后阶段。包括贝莱德、VanEck等八家在内的资产管理公司正在寻求SEC批准这些基金。他们表示,修改发行文件的过程已经进展到只需解决“小”问题。与其中一家发行公司合作的一位律师也表示,这只剩下“最后的润色”,批准可能不会超过一两周。ETF分析师Eric Balchunas此前预计为最早7月2日获批。

Industry executives and other participants revealed that the SEC could have approved the spot ETA ETF as early as 4 July, as negotiations between asset management companies and regulators are in the final stages. Asset management companies, including eight at Belede and Van Eckk, are seeking SEC approval for these funds. They said that the process of revising the release documents had progressed to a “small” problem.

若特朗普当选,他将选择Vivek Ramaswamy担任副总统

>. He will elect Vivek Ramaswamy as Vice-President ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

据Bitcoin Magazine在X平台表示,如果特朗普当选,他将选择Vivek Ramaswamy担任副总统。Vivek Ramaswamy支持比特币,并在总统竞选期间接受了BTC闪电网络捐款。

According to Bitcoin Magazine on platform X, if Trump were elected, he would choose Vivek Ramaswamy as Vice-President. Vivek Ramaswamy supported Bitcoin and accepted BTC Lightning Network donations during the presidential campaign.


UDPN introduced the monetized deposit and asset monetization system


UDPN officially launched its first production systems, including stabilization and asset monetization solutions. These systems were developed by Hong Kong Red Japan Technology in collaboration with the German consulting firm, GFT, to support interoperability among multiple banks.


Previously, UDPN carried out conceptual validation of several high-profile institutions, including Chartered Bank, Deutsche Bank, KPMG, and CBDC developers, Giesecke+Deveritt. These systems are integrated through API with traditional back-end systems that enable banks to set up business nodes on UDPN to provide monetized deposit services to business clients to bypass the limitations of traditional banking systems.


UDPN plans to move forward in the future with the building of institutional governance structures to further decentralize the functioning of its network.


Tofu Bank, in partnership with Galaxy, launched a new strategy for digital assets .

道富银行(State Street Global Advisors)与Galaxy Asset Management宣布合作推出新一代数字资产投资策略,旨在超越加密货币范畴,为投资者开辟新机会。这一合作将结合两大行业领先者的力量,为投资者提供经理指导的策略,直接参与总值达2.4万亿美元的数字资产生态系统。

The State Street Global Bank announced a partnership with Galaxy Asset Management to launch a new generation of digital asset investment strategies that would go beyond encrypted currency and open up new opportunities for investors. This collaboration would combine the power of two major industry leaders to provide managers with a strategy for investors to participate directly in digital asset ecosystems with a total value of $2.4 trillion.

加密勒索软件泄露Evolve Bank客户数据

Encrypted Extortion Software > leaks Eve Bank client data

加密友好的Evolve Bank的客户数据被Lockbit泄露。Lockbit最初威胁要发布包含美国银行秘密的联邦储备数据,但最终泄露了33TB的Evolve Bank and Trust数据。

The encrypted and friendly client data of the Evolve Bank were leaked by Lockbit. Lockbit initially threatened to release federal reserve data containing American bank secrets, but eventually leaked the 33TB data of the Evolve Bank and Trust.

泄露内容包括联邦储备对Evolve Bank施加的执法行动细节,以及Evolve Bank在与金融科技合作中涉及的不安全和不健全的银行业务实践。据报道,泄露文件中包含了终端用户的个人身份信息,如社会安全号码、卡号PAN、电汇和结算文件。

The leaks include details of enforcement actions imposed by the Federal Reserve on Evolve Bank, as well as unsafe and inadequate banking practices involved in cooperation with financial science and technology. The leaks reportedly contain personal identification information from end-users, such as social security numbers, card numbers PAN, wire transfers and settlement documents.

Lockbit设定了截止日期要求支付赎金,但显然未获支付。Evolve Bank在客户通知中承认了这些报道,并正在积极调查事件的详情。

Lockbit has set a deadline for the payment of ransom, but it is clear that it has not been paid.

ZynCoin与Philip Morris达成和解

ZynCoin and Philip Morris reach a settlement

一种以尼古丁袋命名的meme代币ZynCoin,与财富500强公司Philip Morris达成和解。Philip Morris最初要求ZynCoin停止使用“ZYN Coin”及其相关标识,但由于ZynCoin去中心化,没有中心化实体,无法起诉或停止该代币。最终双方达成妥协,保留“zyn”前缀,并对营销做出小幅修改。

Philip Morris initially asked ZynCoin to stop using “ZYN Coin” and its associated logos, but because ZynCoin was decentralized, it was impossible to prosecute or stop the token. Eventually, both sides reached a compromise, retaining the prefix “Zyn” and making minor marketing changes.


: The sale of 4,000 bitcoins by the United States Government is unlikely to have an impact on the market

CryptoQuant CEO Ki Young Ju在X平台发文称,美国政府出售4000枚比特币,但不太可能对市场产生什么影响。因为在现货ETF流入量高时,Coinbase Prime每天能处理20,000至49,000枚BTC的卖方流动性,在现货ETF流入量低时,每天处理6,000至15,000枚BTC的流动性。Ki Young Ju表示:“发布此贴是因为我厌倦了政府出售的FUD”。

CryptoQuant Ceo Ki Young Ju wrote on platform X that the United States Government sells 4,000 bits of bitcoins, but is unlikely to have any impact on the market. Because when spot ETF inflows are high, Coinbase Prime can handle 20,000 to 49,000 BTC sellers per day and 6,000 to 15,000 BTCs per day when spot ETF inflows are low. Ki Young Ju says: “I am tired of government sales of FUD”.


the privacy agreement ATOR announces the change of name to Everyone


The privacy agreement ATOR announced a change of name to Everyone, the original ACAT indentifiable currency to ANYONE, accompanied by a revised version of the economics of the currency. According to the information received, the ACAT pool is ranked by the top 15 Uniswap pools in the Tails, and in February 2023, the ACAT shifted to a completely decentralised layer and rapidly expanded to more than 1,800 relays. The design of the Anione protocol brings multiple layers of collusiveness and aims to provide developers and projects with a platform to construct applications in a safe and private manner.


NFT market recorded a 45% drop in sales in the second quarter of 2024


NFT sales fell by 45% in the second quarter of 2024, in line with the trend in the bear market in Bitcoin. CrystalSlam data reveal that NFT sales fell to $2.24 billion, the lowest level since the third quarter of 2023. This sharp decline contrasts with sales of $4.1 billion in the first quarter of 2024, when sales continued the growth trend of $2.9 billion in the fourth quarter of 2023.


There was also a significant decline in June 2024, with the average sales value of NFT falling by 59 per cent from March. This month is also expected to record the lowest number of NFT transactions since March 2021.


Key economic developments


All major banks in the United States were cleared in the Federal Reserve annual pressure test, paving the way for more pies

美国大型银行通过了美联储的年度压力测试,为更高派息铺平了道路。美联储周三在声明中表示,在经济衰退的情景假设之下,每家公司都保持在最低资本要求之上。该监管机构表示,这些银行总体将承受近6,850亿美元损失 —— 带来的资本下降规模大于去年的情景分析,但“处于近期压力测试的范围内”。

In its statement, the Fed stated that, under the economic downturn scenario, each company would remain above the minimum capital requirement. The regulator said that these banks would suffer losses of nearly $685 billion overall – a capital decline that was larger than last year’s scenario analysis, but “in the range of recent stress tests”.


The Fed's probability of maintaining interest rates constant in August is 90.7%


According to CME, the Fed observed: 90.7 per cent probability of maintaining interest rates constant in August, 9.3 per cent probability of reducing 25 basis points, 37.2 per cent probability of maintaining interest rates constant in September, 57.3 per cent probability of cumulative interest reductions in 25 basis points and 5.5 per cent probability of cumulative interest reductions in 50 basis points.




The three main indices of the United States dollar have increased collectively by 0.04 per cent, the index by 0.49 per cent, the index by 0.16 per cent, the pip 500 by 0.16 per cent, the majority of the popular science and technology units by almost 5 per cent, Tesla by almost 5 per cent, Amazon by almost 4 per cent, market value by over $2 trillion and Apple by 2 per cent.


Gold encyclopedia.


What's an infinity moustache attack?


Infinite mooring attacks are those in which the attackers manipulate contract codes to create new forms of money that go beyond authorized supply restrictions. Malicious actors may profit from such attacks by selling illegally created tokens or disrupting the normal functioning of the affected network of blocks.


disclaimer: Gold Books serve as a block chain information platform, with articles published for information purposes only and not as an actual investment recommendation. Please develop a sound investment concept, so that risk awareness is raised.




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    比特币是市场上最大的加密货币,它再次打破了重要的7万美元门槛。 在短短的四舍五入(67,000美元到69,000美元之间)之后,价格在这一水平上遇到了强烈的抵制。 然而,势头的不断增强表明,比特币可能形成一个超过70 000美元的板块,为重新测试下一个抵抗阵地71 300美元和3月份可能攀升到历史最高点73 700美元铺平了道路。 问题仍然是:比特币能否维持预期的上升趋势并继续大幅上升?    分析家预计比特币价格将上升到74,400美元。 加密货币分析师Ali M...
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    “区块链”的概念可以说是异常火爆,好像互联网金融峰会上没人谈一谈区块链技术就out了,BAT以及各大银行还有什么金融机构都在开始自己的区块链研究工作,就连IBM最近也成立了自己的区块链研究实验室,但其实区块链到底是什么?大家或许并不清楚,停留在雾里看花的状态。从今天开始,就让我们一起走进区块链,揭开区块链的神秘面纱吧!The concept of a block chain can be described as an unusually hot one, as if no...