随着 ETF 推出临近 以太坊网络活动激增 56%:ETH 价格会做出反应吗

资讯 2024-07-16 阅读:24 评论:0
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以太坊价格上周末在 3,550 美元 – 3,400 美元的窄幅区间内盘整,然而,链上活动的激增表明投资者现在正准备迎接未来一周市场势头的大幅转变。?

spent US$ 3,550 & #8211; US$ 3,400 in narrow areas last weekend at Taiping's prices. However, the surge in chain activity suggests that investors are now preparing for a significant shift in market momentum in the coming week.

过去一周,第二大加密货币ETH经历了剧烈的市场波动。新批准的 ETH 现货 ETF正式推出的长期拖延不仅引发了以太坊持有者的焦虑,也引发了全球加密货币市场投资者的焦虑。

Over the past week, the second largest encrypted currency, ETH, has experienced severe market fluctuations. The long delay in the official launch of the newly approved ETH spot ETF has caused anxiety not only among the Etherm holders, but also among investors in the global crypto-currency market.

然而,彭博社报道的最新文件显示,贝莱德和 VanEck 等公司对其以太坊 ETF 申请的最终调整做出了改变。

However, the latest documents reported by Bloomberg show that companies such as Belede and Van Eckk have changed the final adjustment of their ETA ETF application.

6月21日,彭博分析师Eric Balchunas透露,机构基金发起人已向美国证券交易委员会(SEC)提交了最终的S-1申请。

On 21 June, the Bloomberg analyst, Eric Balchunas, revealed that the institutional fund sponsors had submitted the final S-1 application to the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).


This brings applicants one step closer to final approval before the official listing date is announced, which could trigger a strong market reaction in the coming week.

Blackrock 和 VanECK 确认 S-1 文件后以太坊价格走势(ETH/USD)?Blackrock VanECK 确认 S 1 文件后以太坊价格走势 ETHUSD

Blackrock and VanECK confirm the S-1 document and the subsequent performance of the Taiyo price (ETH/USD)?

上图显示,ETH 价格从 6 月 21 日星期五创下的每日峰值 3,544 美元下跌了 4%,然后在 6 月 24 日星期一开盘交易至 3,419 美元左右。

The above figure shows that ETH prices fell by 4 per cent from a daily peak of $3,544 on Friday, 21 June, and then started trading around $3,419 on Monday, 24 June.


This reflects the overall trend in the crypto-currency market, as investors seem reluctant to build up large quantities of warehouses, but rather to remain neutral, pending the next update of the documents by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission.

就价格反应而言,以太坊市场对周五有关 S1 申请的消息没有反应。然而,从价格图表来看,以太坊网络使用情况发生了重大转变,这一举动表明投资者正为未来一周的重大交易活动做好准备。

As far as price responses are concerned, Taiyan market has not responded to Friday’s news about S1 applications. However, in price charts, there has been a major shift in the use of the network, a move that suggests that investors are preparing for major trading events in the coming week.

下面的 IntoTheBlock 每日活跃地址图表跟踪了特定交易日中已确认交易的唯一 ETH 钱包总数。这可以实时洞察网络活动水平和用户参与度的变化。

The day-to-day active address chart below tracks the total number of ETH wallets that have been identified for a given transaction day. This allows real-time insight into changes in the level of network activity and user participation.

以太坊价格与 ETH 每日活跃地址 | IntoTheBlock以太坊价格 vs ETH 每日活跃地址 | IntoTheBlock

into TheBlock

如上图所示,一周前的 6 月 17 日,有 515,610 个 ETH 钱包进行了有效交易。在 6 月 21 日星期五爆出 S-1 填写消息之前,网络使用率指标一直徘徊在 5% 的窄幅范围内。

As shown in the chart above, on June 17, a week ago, 515,610 ETH wallets were effectively traded. The Internet usage indicator remained within a narrow range of 5% until Friday, 21 June, when the S-1 message came out.

以太坊的网络活动量自此大幅增长 56%,截至 6 月 23 日收盘,其活跃 ETH 地址已达 806,500 个。

As of June 23, the number of active ETH addresses had reached 806,500.

当网络上进行交易的地址数量大幅增加时,这表明大量投资者很活跃,可能正在对重大事件做出反应或做好准备。从本质上讲,网络活动激增 56% 反映在以太坊价格走势上只是时间问题。

When the number of addresses traded on the Internet increases significantly, this indicates that a large number of investors are active and may be responding to or preparing for major events. In essence, the 56% surge in cyber activity is reflected only in time, as reflected in the trend in the prices of the Tails.

上周末,以太坊的价格在 3,550 美元至 3,400 美元的区间内盘整。链上活动的激增表明投资者正在为未来一周市场势头的重大转变做准备。

Over the last weekend, at the cost of 3,550 to 3,400 United States dollars ($) in the district. The surge in activity on the chain suggests that investors are preparing for a major shift in market momentum in the coming week.

根据 IntoTheBlock 的数据,以太坊的当前价格为 3,429.04 美元,正处于关键时刻。布林带下限代表的支撑位 3,334 美元左右似乎保持坚挺,而阻力位则位于上限 3,575 美元附近。

According to IntoTheBlock, the current price of the Tailings is US$3,429.04, which is at a critical juncture. The bottom position of the Boolins representative appears to be strong around US$ 3,334, while the resistance position is near the upper limit of US$ 3,575.

以太坊价格预测 | ETH/USD | TradingView以太坊价格预测 | ETHUSD | TradingView

 pro for ETH/USD  TradingView

市场紧张不安,等待美国证券交易委员会发布以太坊现货 ETF 的最新消息。积极的消息可能会引发看涨突破,推动以太坊价格升至 4,000 美元大关。

The market is tense, waiting for the US Securities and Exchange Commission to release the latest ETF news from ETA. Positive news could trigger a breakthrough and push ETA prices to the US$4,000 threshold.

在 Blackrock 和 VanEck 等机构投资者的大力支持下,价格大幅上涨的可能性很高。在投资者等待美国证券交易委员会的决定之际,该网络活动活跃度的提高(每日活跃地址增加了 56%)表明,该网络已准备好利用任何积极发展。

With the strong support of institutional investors such as Blackrock and Van Eck, prices are highly likely to rise significantly. As investors await the decision of the US Securities and Exchange Commission, the increased activity of the network (a 56% increase in active daily addresses) suggests that the network is ready to take advantage of any positive developments.

即将发布的 ETF 新闻可能是突破所需的催化剂。随着网络活动持续飙升,表明投资者兴趣增加,以太坊很有可能在短期内突破 4,000 美元以上的新高。

The upcoming ETF news could be the catalyst for a breakthrough. As web activity continues to soar, an increase in investor interest is likely to break out of the new high of $4,000 or more in the short term.




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