Investigations are ongoing. In the country, e-rentals are investigated on suspicion of illegal operations, risk money has been frozen and the chairman of the board is under control, and abroad, high-level contacts are in trouble.
12月9日讯 继昨晚网易财经报道e租宝称其在中信银行有11亿元风险备用金后,今日,中信银行独家回应网易财经,e租宝在中信银行并无风险备用金账户,仅开立活期账户余额0元,不过其关联方有风险备用金10.71亿元已被警方冻结。
Last night, Xinhua released & ldquo; e-rental & rdquao; the website and information that the related company was suspected of operating in violation of the law under investigation.
2. 传雅虎不再寻求剥离所持阿里股票
激进投资者Starboard Value此前曾要求雅虎放弃剥离所持阿里股票的做法,称公司应该寻求出售其核心业务。雅虎董事会在上周的会议上曾考虑处理核心业务的方式,于是坊间传闻四起。
radical investor Starboard Value had previously asked Yahoo to abandon the practice of stripping his holdings of Ali, saying that the company should seek to sell its core business. At last week's meeting, Yahoo's Board considered how to deal with its core business, and there were four rumours.
3. 360奇酷开启全员持股 员工持股达60%
strang>3. 360
据相关人士透露,此次股权激励授予首授比例较大,授予员工总股权的60%作为本次首次授予的比例。同时预留40%做为对业绩优秀员工再次授予的资源池,360奇酷公司希望通过该政策鼓励员工积极投身工作,成为360奇酷的合伙人,与360奇酷共同成长、共赴未来、共享收益。 , according to the source, the first award of the equity incentive was greater, with 60% of the total employee share being granted as the percentage granted for the first time. At the same time, 40% is set aside as a pool of resources for the re-granting of highly performing employees, and 360 kooks want to encourage their employees to work actively through this policy, to become 360 octopus partners, to grow together, share in the future and share the proceeds with 360 kook. 4. 蚂蚁金服将入股邮储银行 未透露占股比例 strong> 4. 12月9日,蚂蚁金服对外宣布,已经与中国邮政储蓄银行达成战略合作——蚂蚁金服将投资入股邮储银行,双方还将展开战略合作。 蚂蚁金服CEO彭蕾表示,蚂蚁金服希望通过与邮储银行的战略合作伙伴关系,更好地发挥互联网推进器的作用,充分发挥双方各自的优势,共同探索农村金融和普惠金融的发展之路。 the ant goldsuit CEO Pengrey expressed the desire to better use the Internet as an enabler, through strategic partnerships with the Postal Bank, to take full advantage of each other's respective strengths and to explore the path to development of rural finance and inclusive finance. 5. 齐向东拟3亿美元收购360企业安全业务 12月9日消息,360私有化动作最近备受关注。继爆料360最快可能在12月中旬签署90亿美元规模私有化最终协议后,腾讯科技日前又获悉,360拟将旗下企业安全业务进行MBO(管理层收购)。 December 9, news that 360 privatizations have recently received attention. Following a final agreement on privatization of 9 billion United States dollars in size that could be signed by mid-December, Stewardship has recently been informed that 360 plans to carry out MBO (managerial takeovers) of corporate security operations under the flag. 一位知情人士日前对腾讯科技透露,主导360企业安全业务MBO的是360总裁齐向东,360企业安全业务MBO价格为3亿多美元。 A well-known source revealed that the 360 Enterprise Security Operations MBO is running eastbound by 360 CEOs, and the 360 Enterprise Security Operations MBO is worth more than $300 million. 6. 欧盟对高通展开反垄断调查 称其挤压对手 6. The European Union launched an anti-monopoly investigation against Hightower, calling it a crushing opponent . 12月9日消息,据华尔街日报报道,高通在欧盟也遇麻烦了。欧盟反垄断机构日前表示,该部门目前正在就高通是否在销售策略上存在恶意挤压竞争对手的行为展开调查。
欧盟对高通展开反垄断调查,使其正在接受调查的美国企业的名单又增添了一位。目前,包括Alphabet旗下的谷歌、微软以及英特尔等都正在接受欧盟调查。 The EU launched an anti-monopoly investigation against Hightower, adding to the list of American enterprises under investigation. Google, Microsoft and Intel under Alphabet are all currently under EU investigation. 根据法律,如果企业拒绝向欧盟认罪,可能会被处以最高全球全年营收额10%的罚金,然而如果企业认罪,并提出修改,则可避免被欧盟处罚。 In accordance with the law, an enterprise that refuses to plead guilty to the EU may be liable to a fine of up to 10 per cent of the global full-year charge, but can avoid being punished by the EU if the enterprise pleads guilty and proposes amendments. 7. Pinterest收购两家初创企业改进图片搜索技术 7. 12月9日消息,据《华尔街日报》网站报道,图片社交网站Pinterest周二宣布收购两家初创公司,以帮助其更好地向用户显示他们可能感兴趣的图片,这些图片被称为“pins”。 . Pinterest收购的两家初创企业包括社交购物服务The Hunt,以及一个将图像与用户生成的“模因(Memes)”相匹配的应用Pext。 Pinterest acquired two start-ups, including the social shopping service The Hunt, and an “ Memes & rdquo; matching application Pext. Pinterest发言人拒绝透露这两起交易的具体条款,这是该公司创立以来实施的第八起和第九起收购。 Pinterest's spokesperson refused to disclose the specific terms of the two transactions, which were the eighth and ninth acquisitions carried out by the company since its inception. 8. 澳大利亚警方今日突袭比特币发明者住宅 12月9日,国外媒体报道,澳大利亚警方周三突袭了被媒体认定为比特币发明者“中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto)”的住宅和办公室。 . 报道称,澳大利亚10几名警务人员今日突袭了克雷格·史蒂芬·莱特(Craig Steven Wright)的家中,房门由开锁公司打开。莱特今年44岁,目前在澳大利亚的公开身份是企业家和学者,但美国《连线》(Wierd)杂志此前宣称经过调查已确定他就是比特币发明者。 reports that 10 Australian police officers raided Craig & Middot; Stephen & Middot; at the home of Craig Steven Wright, the door was opened by a lock-up company. 融资消息: finance message: 1. Lemonade获Sequoia Capital(红杉海外) 1300万美元种子轮融资 2. 中国邮政储蓄银行获摩根大通、Temasek淡马锡/兰亭投资、蚂蚁金服、腾讯产业共赢基金451亿人民币战略投资 2. The Postal Savings Bank of China received 45.1 billion yuan in strategic investments from the Morgan Chase, Temasek Leamasi/Rantin investments, ant gold uniforms, and tether industry co-wins fund 3. 杭州四达获众信旅游战略投资 4.沙米获京东商城Pre-A轮融资 5. 遮遮获联基金数千万人民币Pre-A轮融资 6. 唯捷城配获大海航资本1000万人民币A轮融资 7. 兰渡文化获4000万人民币B轮融资 大佬声音: 任志强:很多在网上就业的人逃税漏税 我现在觉得遗憾的是个人所得税不知道该怎么征收,很多在网上就业的人逃税漏税。下一步我最希望看到的是,所有个人在网上进行交易时都能纳税,这个网也许就会培养出企业家精神。如果你连续偷税的话,不会对实业产生额外的价值创造,也不会让我们的良心更加纯洁。 I'm sorry I don't know how to collect personal income taxes, and many people who work online are tax evasions. Next thing I want to see is that all individuals can pay when they do business online, and this net may develop entrepreneurship. If you steal taxes on a continuous basis, it will not create additional value for the business or make our conscience more purer.
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