来源 | 凤凰国际
strong & nbsp; Phoenix International
北京时间11月27日,俄罗斯卫星网援引加密货币专业媒体Cryptocoinsnews报道,美国太空探索技术公司(SpaceX)前实习生萨希尔·古普塔称,亿万富豪埃隆·马斯克就是比特币的创始人中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto)。
Sahir·, a former intern of Space Exploration Technology, Inc. (SpaceX); Gupta claims that billionaire Elon· Mask is Satoshi Nakamoto, the founder of Bitcoin.
Gupta introduced that Mask knew very well the C++ language used in creating Bitcoin.
, in addition, Musk always & ldquo; love to solve global problems & rdquao; Bitcoin, as a decentralized monetary system, was born during the 2008 world financial crisis. The owner of SpaceX also remained completely silent and never commented on any news about it.
Gupta concludes by emphasizing that Mask doesn't really need to create the assets that Bitcoin might acquire. Given the current exchange rate of Bitcoin, if the bitcoin in hand is sold, Masco will be able to get about $8 billion, which is less than half of his official assets ($19.7 billion).
Cryptocoinsnews则提出几个反面论据。首先,2008年对SpaceX和特斯拉(316.81, 1.26, 0.40%)来说是“最糟糕的一年”,可能妨碍马斯克专心研制比特币。
Cryptocoinsnews put forward several counter-arguments. First, 2008 was &ldquo for SpaceX and Tesla (316.81, 1.26, 0.40%); worst year & & rdquao; may prevent Musk from focusing on bitcoin.
and second, Musk was always under the watch of the journalist, and every move he made was well-known. Again, Mask's remarks about Bitcoin could have a negative effect on his exchange rate. In an interview, Mask was asked about the encrypted currency, saying that it was considered a good thing & rdquo; but it was also a tool for illegal transactions.
Last year there were reports that Craig & Middot, an Australian businessman and scientist, admitted and proved to be the founder of Bitcoin.
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