The editor of reported that in 2014 > > 21 >, the central bank’s message in 2014 3 > 18 /span < span < span < span < span < span < span < span > 2014 >, and the message in [s] [spans] [s] [s] [s] [spanspans] [s]
The Circular on Protection against Bitcoin Risk, referred to by the Central Bank, was issued in , 2013, 2013, , 12, , 5, , , , , which requires that Chinese financial institutions and payment agencies must not engage in Bitcoin-related operations.
, based on data from third-party analysts , , 2013, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , and so far in China, the size of the TPN and Bitcoin China's accumulated bitcoin total volume of 26.37%, span, and , ,
So what's a bitcoin? Why does bitcoin always touch the nerves of central banks? Why is bitcoin getting hot in the government's warnings?
A decentralised virtual currency /span
- Bitcoin profile /span
{\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}Li Yingsa Lee {\cHFFFFFF}{\cH00FFFF}/span {\cHFFFFFF}{\cH00FFFF}
一 、敏感的比特币
One sensitive bitcoin /span
In recent times, the Central Bank of China has issued several circulars to the banking system to alert it to the financial risks associated with Bitcoin transactions and to strengthen its supervision. Similar warnings have been issued by multinational banks around the world. Some news of Bitcoin’s closure of the platform’s website has also been circulated, while bitcoin’s global transactions are becoming more and more intense.
So what's a bitcoin? Why does Bitcoin always touch the nerves of central banks? Why is Bitcoin getting hot in the government's warnings?
. . . . .
What's Bitcoin?
Simply put, Bitcoin is a fixed, virtual digital currency that is built on a global network of /span>P2P, with no national central bank participating in its issuance. /span
The traditional sovereign currencies, such as the United States dollar, the euro, the British pound, the Australian dollar, the Japanese yen, the rubles, the renminbi, etc., are issued and controlled by sovereign states. Bitcoin is a digital currency, issued by no country or organization, independent of any country or organization, and thus virtually unmanageable, even difficult to regulate.
How did Bitcoin come from /span ?
The official website of Bitcoin is registered in Helsinki, Finland, in 2008, in 2008, , , , , 18, in the name of , in the name of , in the name of , in the name of , in the name of , in the name of , in the name of Helsinki, in the name of , in the name of 比特币依靠P2P网络产生和运行。那么P2P网络是什么?它是指,通过允许单个节点与其他节点直接交互,从而形成比特币整体网络像有组织一样的严谨运作系统。 Bitcoin is generated and operated on the P2P
Each user in this network system is disseminating transactions from other users without any need for banks to act as third parties. The network system is based on a sophisticated code code code code, with very complex mathematical algorithms. On the network P2P, using its code code code code code code code code, the complex mathematical process is performed without interference by any person or organization; anyone can download and run a Bitcoin client and participate in the manufacture and acquisition of bitcoin. This process is commonly called “mining”.
Bitcoin network runs with very intensive mathematical calculations.
Numerous global networks P2P maintain Bitcoin's network 24/7. /span
英文:Bitcoin 是比特币货币符号,缩写为BTC或 XBT。
in English : Bitcoin is a bitcoin currency symbol with acronyms BTC or XBT.
> iv. Bitcoin has important attributes.
(一)去中心化 这是比特币的根本属性,由比特币创设之初就确立的。比特币的产生和运行机制表明它不依赖任何中央银行、政府、企业的支持或者信用担保,而是依赖对等网络中种子文件达成的网络协议。这一去中心化、自我完善的货币体制,理论上确保了任何人、任何机构和政府都不可能操控比特币。
(i) Decentralization is the fundamental attribute of Bitcoin, which was established when Bitcoin was created. The mechanism for the generation and operation of Bitcoin shows that it does not rely on any central bank, government, business support, or credit guarantees, but rather on network agreements made by peer-to-peer seed files. This decentralised, self-improved monetary system ensures in theory that no one, no agency, and no government can manipulate Bitcoin. /span >/b>
In late 2010 > >, the founder Ben-Sun withdrew completely from the bitcoin field, and the entire Internet hardly found any trace of this mysterious figure. To date, no one has seen him. If the information disclosed on the official web site is true, then he's Japanese, male, 40 this year. > > /span > > /span >.
Benji withdrew from the Bitcoin field and well reflected the properties of Bitcoin decentralisation.
(二)总量恒定 这是比特币的基本属性,由比特币机制确定的。比特币量是按照设计预定的速率逐步增加的,但增长的速率逐步放缓,直到在2040年达到2100万个的极限的终极总量。如果有需要,比特币可以切割为10的8次方份。
(ii) Total consistency is the basic properties of Bitcoin, as determined by the Bitcoin mechanism. Bitcoins are gradually increased according to the design rate, but the rate of growth is slowing down until 2040 reaches the limit of 2100. Bitcoin can cut the ultimate amount of 10span> sub-point 8 if necessary.
Because the total amount of Bitcoins issued is fixed, there are no traditional sovereign currency issuers that would increase their money supply to the market in the light of the “quantitative easing” often used in the financial situation, or “shrunk money” to recover the currency from the market, Bitcoins would not theoretically create inflation or deflation. This is also an important reason why most bitcoins favor it.
(三)越来越少 这是由比特币的总量恒定基本属性自然演绎的派生属性。由于这一属性,致使全球大量的人“争时间”、“抢速度”加紧从事着“挖矿”工作。
(iii) is less and less a derivative of the natural evolution of the basic attribute of Bitcoin's total persistence. As a result of this attribute, a large number of people around the world “challenged” and “grabbing” have intensified their “mining” work. /span > /span >
. . V. Bitcoin circulation /b>
bitcoin has two elements. The Bitcoin address and the Bitcoin private key appear in pairs, "one pair." You can store bitcoin with a randomly generated bitcoin address. Every bitcoin address is created with a private key corresponding to that address. This private key can prove your ownership of bitcoin on the address. You can generate a number of bitcoin addresses, which have a number of private keys corresponding to a given address./span
The relationship between the Bitcoin address and the private key is like the relationship between the bank card number and the password. You can only use the money on the bank card if you know not only the bank card number but also the code to which it corresponds. You know that someone else's bitcoin address can transfer bitcoin, but you can't transfer bitcoin from another person's bitcoin address.
Bitcoin uses electronic signatures for tenure recognition and verification by means of a distributed network of P2P. Each bitcoin is generated and consumed by automatically recording and informing the whole network via a distributed network of P2P, so that there is no possibility of forgery. Its decentralizing characteristics and complex algorithms can themselves ensure that the value of the bitcoins cannot be artificially controlled by mass-manufacturing bitcoins. In the network of P2P, you can receive bitcoins from others from your Bitcoin address on the global network, or you can transfer bitcoins from your Bitcoin address to others' bitcoins.
But a Bitcoin private key can find a bitcoin address to that private key, but a bitcoin address cannot calculate the private key to that address. So, remember your bitcoin address and your private key. Once you forget your bitcoin private key and remember only your bitcoin address, the bitcoin on that address is not yours. This is particularly important.
By the way, the Bitcoin address is a twenty-seven to thirty-four-digit string generated by mathematical algorithms, usually starting with the number “1” or the number “/span>3. Bitcoin's private key is also made up of a string of characters, usually starting with the number “5.
How to get Bitcoin /span
(i) Obtained by "mining"
In the early days of the city of Bitcoin, a lot of people are interested in it, and there are modest achievements. Some information reveals that as more people are involved in mining, one person “excavates” 50 >, one month “excavates” , one person “excavates” >, one person “span >, one person “excavates” >, one person “span , one bank >, one person “span >, one person may be able to take up a mine, one person >s, one person, one person is less powerful, but less powerful, and less powerful.
It's easy to see that the difficulty of bitcoin mining is positively related to, or even proportional to, the amount that has already been mined. The more difficult it is going to be. It is predicted that after thousands of bitcoins have been mined in the year /span > 2030 /span > 2000 /span , the remaining number of bitcoins is likely to take decades to be fully mined. /span > 100 /span > span > >. /span < /span > >.
has information that bitcoin has now been mined in thousands of bitcoins. > 1250 /span >. /span /span >
(ii) Getting /span /span >
It's common to say that you can sell other people's goods and pay you bitcoin. Open the shop, open the net, sell the goods, sell the services, collect the bitcoin. It's easy to understand. It's not redundant.
(iii) Access to sovereign currency transactions
It's also popular to say that you buy and get bitcoin in sovereign currency. Instead, you sell bitcoin and get sovereign currency. Now it's commonly said that bitcoin's sale is mainly the exchange of sovereign currency with bitcoin. Bitcoin's current sale is the most interesting and attractive.
Among the three ways to get bitcoin, in the early days of the Bitcoin market, more “mining” was used to obtain bitcoin, in the case of commodities that were especially in need of secrecy, most of which were paid in bitcoin; at this stage, Bitcoin is the most popular and popular trade with sovereign currencies. /span>/span
(i) Invisible > /span /span >
, as stated above, it is easy to see that the acquisition or circulation of bitcoins, whether in the form of “mining”, commodity exchange payments, and sovereign currency transactions etc., is hidden and cannot be known except by the users themselves. Even if you know the amount of bitcoins in circulation, you cannot find the true identity of the natural person. /span
(ii) Easy /span
is a situation in which a bitcoin is received from someone else or assigned to someone else's bitcoin, as already stated, provided only to someone else's own bitcoin address.
On this basis, another situation is the use of a network platform provided by a number of specialized service providers to circulate on the client side. Both cases are easy to communicate with bitcoin.
(iii) Security /span
The hidden nature of Bitcoin circulation makes it easy to know that no one knows who's a natural person in circulation. Naturally, no one knows the number of bitcoins and their increase or decrease in the amount of bitcoins held by a particular natural person. Of course, there are no cases of Bitcoins being “confiscated” or stolen. That is, the circulation of bitcoins is safer. /span
Of course, there have been media reports that some of the Bitcoin trading sites have been hacked and have had little impact on thousands of websites around the world.
span>8; common question on Bitcoin
(i) is Bitcoin a distribution or fraud? /span >
bitcoin is completely different from the distribution profit model. A fundamental feature of distribution is that a centralized organization controls the sale of goods, services, project investments, etc., requiring participants to qualify for membership by paying fees or purchasing goods, services, investments, etc., and distributing the organization’s interest structure into pyramid shape. And bitcoin is not controlled by any central organization, and even Bitcoin users recommend that others buy bitcoin without any form of dividends or benefits, and any users do business with bitcoin on a voluntary and independent basis. Bitcoin is therefore neither a distribution nor a fraud.
(ii) Can you make big money in bitcoin? /span
Like other trading markets in the financial field, such as stock gold, no one can guarantee that your bitcoin sales will make money. If people have confidence in its mechanisms and prospects, they will accept it, and vice versa, they will abandon the use of bitcoins if they are thought to be unreliable.
But the early bitcoin diggers, the bitcoin "excavated" by bitcoins, if stored in storage, and the bitcoins that were purchased earlier, should now be added to the value. At some stage of the Bitcoin circulation, or with a good grasp of the sharp swings in bitcoins, they can make money or even large sums of money. This is exactly the same as in other trading markets. Bitcoin is generally considered to be a high-risk and high-yielding currency.
also argues that because bitcoin is a relatively fair mechanism and constant aggregates, the exchange value for sovereign currencies must increase over the long term; one can benefit from this stable, fast, cheap and widely used virtual currency. Based on this recognition, many people buy bitcoin, store and expect long-term value added, like antiques.
(iii) Is it legal to use or trade bitcoin?
First of all, what is the attitude of sovereign states towards it? I venture to suggest that, in general, it can be summarized in the words 12. Bitcoin distribution and circulation completely reversed the traditional rules of the game, which had an impact on the global economy, reduced or diverted government revenues, in particular in the financial field, and which could pose a potential risk in some parts or parts of the world and seem difficult to identify; a number of containment measures seemed to be squeezing and unfavorable; while some countries tried to contain it, on the one hand, vaguely, tacitly, and crafted legislation to try to integrate it into the traditional power building.
Second, because bitcoin is a new thing, the number of people who care about it is small, the number of people with whom it is used is smaller, the overall volume of transactions has little impact on society as a whole, and public opinion is mixed, scholars and governments are working hard on it, and the government has few laws and regulations in place for it.
Third, in accordance with current legal principles, acts not prohibited by laws and regulations cannot be considered illegal. There are differences in the attitude of different countries, few laws and regulations are in place, they do not cover all aspects of Bitcoins, and regulation is very difficult. Therefore, the use and circulation of Bitcoins is legitimate, and readers are confident that they can make their own judgements.
(iv) Will Bitcoin be used for illegal acts? > /span
But historically, before the birth of Bitcoin, any sovereign currency, such as the United States dollar, the euro, the roubles, the yen, the renminbi, etc., was used in various illegal acts, such as money-laundering, so that Bitcoin as a currency was a tool and had no necessary link to the illegal act. /span >
(v) Will Bitcoin be affected if the Bitcoin trading website or related bitcoin services are banned?
bitcoin is a decentralised monetary system built on a global network. Binteng took the issue of regulation seriously when designing Bitcoin. Because of the decentralised nature of Bitcoin, any exchange or service ban and closure on Bitcoin could only have short-term, if not no, effects on Bitcoin. /span
nine, how to make bitcoin transactions /span
(i) Bitcoin trading mode
After the advent of Bitcoin, a large number of Bitcoin service providers have emerged around the globe. These service providers have created dedicated websites offering trading platform mode and various services. Japan is the country with the largest Bitcoin service provider trading platform. On the Bitcoin service provider trading platform, Bitcoins wallets allow you to trade with the world as a whole.
What's a bitcoin wallet? The Bitcoin wallet concept is roughly the same as an alternative to a real wallet in a bitcoin network, which actually contains your private key, which allows you to spend the bitcoin that is assigned to your bitcoin address in the chain. Each bitcoin wallet shows the total bitcoin balance of all bitcoins it contains.
The three most common modes of trading are: software wallets, mobile wallets, online wallets.
The software wallet is usually a bitcoin client that can be run on a local computer. The use of the software wallet is the safest.
The mobile wallet is a bitcoin wallet on a cell phone, and you can use bitcoin anywhere you want.
Online Wallet allows you to use bitcoin anywhere, and online service providers help to protect bitcoin. But you have to carefully select high-quality online wallet providers.
(ii) Process for Bitcoin transactions
First, your computer should install the latest bitcoin client of your selected online wallet provider and automatically download all transactional information data on the network to your computer when you open the client. /span
Second, to carry out a transaction on a trading platform.
如果买入比特币,分四个步骤: 一是注册,也就是在服务商的网站上登记,建立帐户,将你钱包中转到平台给定的地址上;二是充值,就是存入一定数量的比特币或当地主权货币(如果在中国,就是人民币);三是根据客户端实时交易信息数据,以当地主权货币下单买入比特币;四是交易成功后,提现比特币到你的个人钱包。
If bought into Bitcoin, four steps : is registered, i.e. register on the service provider's website, establish an account, transfer your wallet to the address given by the platform; a full value, i.e. deposit of a certain amount of bitcoin or local sovereign currency (in the case of China, renminbi); third, purchase of bitcoin in local sovereign currency on the basis of real-time transaction information from a client; and fourth, when the transaction succeeds, mention of bitcoin to your personal wallet.
if you sell bitcoin, there are three steps: first, transfer your wallet to the address given by the platform; second, sell bitcoin on the basis of the customer's real-time transaction information data; and third, withdraw the local currency (in the case of China, the renminbi) from your account. /span
Here, it is important to note that, in order to ensure the security of transactions, emphasis is often placed on confirmation of transactions. Bitcoin transaction instructions are usually issued within seconds and are confirmed within minutes of 10. During that time, the transaction is considered real, but still reversible. A confirmation is usually provided. If you cannot wait for 1 to be confirmed, or if you are not reassured that a small transaction fee can be paid to accelerate confirmation of transactions, or to use an unsafe transaction detection system to increase the safety factor. For every transaction that is larger, such as
(iii) Bitcoin transaction costs
on most trading platforms, Bitcoin's buying-and-transfer service providers charge a certain amount of money. These costs are lower, and normally they cover only the cost of 0.0001 BTC to 0.0005 BTC. These costs are used to encourage global BitcoinP2P web node for the maintenance of the special currency network.
By the way, Bitcoin has several hierarchical units.
1 BTC=1 比特币
1 BTC=1 bitcoin /span
0.01 BTC=1 cBTC=1 分比特币 (也称为 Bitcent)
> (also known as bitcoin > /span > also known as Bitcent > /span >
0.001 BTC=1 mBTC=1 毫比特币 (也称为 mbit 或 millibit 或 bitmill)
.001 BTC=1 mBTC=1mbitcoin (>) also known as
0.000 001 BTC=1 μBTC=1 微比特币 (也称为 ubit 或microbit)
<0.000,001 BTC=1 BTC=1 microbitcoin () also known as ubit or microbit>
ten, Bitcoin in China > /span /span
China has many bitcoin trading platforms. 2011 > 7 month, BitcoinChina - BTCCHINA was established as the first trading platform to be established in China. This trading platform claims that they have the highest turnover in China and third in the world. This trading platform provides users with currency trading bitcoins services.
另外,中国还有《火币网 》、《中国比特币》、《OKCoin 》、《比特币交易网》等等比特币交易平台。具体情况,读者容易在网上查询到。
In addition, China also has Bitcoin, China, , OKcoin, Bitcoin Trading Network, etc. Bitcoin trading platforms. Readers can easily access them online. /span
In summary, Bitcoin is a super-invent of the digital age that completely reverses traditional rules of the game in the financial field, bringing with it new mechanisms, models, concepts, understandings. I think that Bitcoin, as a decentralised virtual innovation currency, will receive increasing attention and will attract more and more participants; that research institutions, service organizations and trading platforms will flourish; and that it will inevitably have an increasingly visible impact on traditional sovereign currencies and gradually occupy an important place in the market. This may be a major trend in the development of Bitcoin.
& nbsp; & nbsp; 19 May 2014 /span>
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