China has always been a major participant in the crypto-currency market, even in the leading areas of encrypt currency transactions, but with changes in regulatory policy this has had a significant impact on the pattern. The country is currently in a state of ambiguity, not illegal, but not explicitly legal.
Domestic encrypted currencies may be traded mainly by BTC, ETH, BNB, SOL, XRP, etc. The following is a detailed description of the weights:
Bitcoin is the first and most famous public-chain currency that operates on the Bitcoin block chain, using the PoW consensus mechanism. Bitcoin is an alternative form of digital currency that is not issued by the state or by companies, and is not controlled by financial intermediaries such as banks.
Etherium is a public-chain platform that supports smart contracts, with raw encrypted currency in Teen currency. It allows developers to build and deploy decentralised applications on its platform. Etheeum is a decentralised, open-source public-sector chain platform with smart contract functions, and Ethercoin is a native encrypted currency.
Binance Coin是由币安发行的代币,简称BNB,是基于以太坊Ethereum的去中心化的区块链数字资产。发行总量恒定为2亿个,每个季度根据币安平台当季交易量对BNB进行销毁,销毁记录将会第一时间公布,用户可通过区块链浏览器查询,确保公开透明,直至销毁到总量为1亿个BNB币为止。
Binance Coin, a currency issuer known as BNB, is based on decentralised block chain digital assets in the Taikum Etheeum. The total number of issuances is consistently set at 200 million, BNB is destroyed every quarter on the basis of the currency security platform's transactions during the current season. The destruction record will be published at the first possible time, and users can access the block web browser to ensure transparency until a total of 100 million BNB dollars is destroyed.
SOL is the original and currently the most popular encrypted currency in the block chain of Solana, which is used to govern, pay, pay for transmission costs, etc., as well as to verify the transaction through the pledge of SOL's encrypted token running nodes and to ensure the safety of Solana's chain.
Ripple is a virtual currency issued by OpenCoin, called RipleCredits, or XRP, or Chinese. Ripple is the first open payment network in the world through which any currency can be transferred, easily and quickly, with transactions confirmed to be completed in a few seconds, with transaction costs almost zero, no so-called cross-border and cross-border payments.
China's platforms for the exchange of encrypt currency are mainly exchange points such as currency security, Oye, coins, sesame openings, currency bookings, etc., as described below:
The Currency-Binnance Exchange (
OKX欧易(点击注册)是全球著名的数字资产交易平台之一,主要面向全球用户提供比特币、莱特币、以太币等数字资产的币币和衍生品交易服务,其丰富的数字资产种类、全球化的交易服务以及多种交易方式使其在市场上具备较强的竞争力,作为2017年就成立的老牌交易所在币圈占有不可撼动的地位。 One of the world's well-known digital asset trading platforms is 火币交易所(点此注册)原英文名Huobi现已更名为HTX,在2017年初次币圈牛市时候的火币可谓是火遍半边天,一度荣登全球交易量最大的加密货币交易平台,当时火币公司近200名成员具有长期的互联网和金融领域产品研发和运营经验,致力打造最安全可信赖的比特币交易平台。2016年12月22日,火币网第10次刷新平台比特币日交易额纪录,日成交量达501万枚比特币,单日交易额突破300亿人民币。截止2016年末,火币累计成交额达20000亿人民币。 The original English name Huobi,
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