Bitget 研究院:BTC 站稳 71000 美元尝试突破新高,Aethir 宣布发币空投

资讯 2024-06-23 阅读:25 评论:0
昨日,比特币冲高到 71900 美元后回落至 71000 美元,加密市场整体市值稳定抬升:Yesterday, Bitcoin went up to $71,900 and fell back to $71,000. The over...



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昨日,比特币冲高到 71900 美元后回落至 71000 美元,加密市场整体市值稳定抬升:

Yesterday, Bitcoin went up to $71,900 and fell back to $71,000. The overall market value of the encryption market rose steadily:

  • 造富效应强的板块是: 比特币生态、Web3 游戏板块;
  • 用户热搜代币&话题为:CARV、CKB、TAIKO、FLOKI;
  • 潜在的空投机会有:Tonstakers、Bemo;

数据统计时间:2024 年 6 月 6 日 4:00(UTC+0)

Data Statistics Time: 6 June 2024 4 p.m. (UTC+0)

昨日美国俗称「小非农」ADP 就业人数公布,为今年 1 月以来最小增幅。此外,近期即将还有几个重要数据和政策公布,包括:6 月 6 日欧洲央行公布降息、6 月 7 日非农数据、6 月 12 日 CPI 数据。最近多国央行普遍开启降息,美国 9 月份降息的预期也进一步升高,有利于加密市场和风险资产。

In addition, several important data and policies are about to be published in the near future, including the announcement by the European Central Bank of interest reductions on 6 June, non-farm data on 7 June, and CPI data on 12 June. Most recently, multinational central banks have opened interest cuts, and expectations for US interest reductions in September have increased further, favouring encryption of markets and risk assets.

BTC ETF 方面,昨日 ETF 净流入 4.88 亿美金,已经呈现 3 日过亿的资金流入情况,比特币价格持续走强。交易所数据方面显示比特币的持仓量不断提高,资金费率和隐含波动率均显著提高,说明市场普遍看好接下来的行情走势。

For BTC ETF, yesterday’s net ETF inflows of US$ 488 million have already shown more than 300 million inflows, and Bitcoin prices have continued to rise. Exchange data show a steady increase in Bitcoin holdings, as well as significant increases in capital rates and implied fluctuations, suggesting that markets generally view the next movement as positive.

加密行业生态方面,伴随着近期大环境的向好,诸多项目也积极开始 TGE 计划,包括、Aethir 等,LayerZero 和 zkSync 也蓄势待发,投资者可以密切关注 Bitget 研究院的造富机会日报,获取第一手投资资讯。

The ecological aspects of the encryption industry, coupled with the recent improvement of the environment, have also been active in the TGE projects, including, Aethir and others, as well as in the efforts of LayerZero and ZkSync, which allow investors to pay close attention to the Bitget Institute's daily report on opportunities for enrichment and to obtain first-hand investment information.

主要原因:比特币生态多数都与比特币价格关系密切。例如资产发行协议 Ordinals 或者 Rune,资产均需要比特币 UTXO,随着比特币价格不断抬升,此类资产价格也会水涨船高。

The main reason is that most bitcoin ecology is closely related to bitcoin prices. For example, asset distribution agreements, Ordinals or Rune, require bitcoin UTXO, and as bitcoin prices rise, the price of such assets rises.

上涨情况:BB 近 7 日涨幅 23.9%、DOG 上涨 33.8%、MERL 上涨 11.4%;

Upturn: BB nearly 7 days 23.9 per cent, DOG 33.8 per cent, MERL 11.4 per cent;


Post-municipal factors:

  • BTC 价格:如前文所说,Ordinals 或者 Rune 均包含比特币,所以比特币价格上涨均会带来此类资产上涨。;
  • 创新突破:近期伴随着比特币脚本操作码 OP_CAT 讨论加剧,如果该操作码能够通过,将为比特币可执行逻辑带来更多的可能性,因此相关的 Layer2 或者资产将有更多的实际效用,会为资产价格带来实质性利好。

主要原因:随着 NOT 上线后引爆游戏赛道,加密行业的从业者和投资者都意识到了用户为王的这一基本商业诉求,用户量大、用户活跃度高的游戏项目和平台会再次受到资金的青睐。;

Main reasons: As NOT goes online and activates the game track, both operators and investors in the encryption industry are aware of this basic business claim of user ownership, and high-volume and user-active games and platforms will again be favoured by funding.

上涨情况:NOT 近 7 日涨幅 78.8%、PIXL 上涨 52.9%、BURGER 上涨 95.8%;

Upturn: 78.8 per cent increase in near 7 days for NOT, 52.9 per cent increase in PIXL and 95.8 per cent increase in BURGER;


Post-municipal factors:

  • 关注游戏走向和受众群体数量:本轮 Web3 游戏板块有所复苏主要依赖于 TON 生态的 NOT 代币表现带动。22-23 年很多 Web3 游戏进行了大量的融资,目前正在进入成熟期。投资者可以关注游戏的用户活跃度和用户总量,当 Web3 游戏真正走入 Mass Adoption 时,其币价表现必然优秀。

CARV(Dapp):项目做模块化数据层的产品,主要存储链上游戏、AI 数据,提供用户安全、自己控制的数据安全保障。项目近期完成一轮融资,总计融资有 1400 万美金,参投机构有 Animoca Brands、IOSG Ventures、OKX Ventures 等。近期项目开启节点销售活动,根据代币经济,未来将有 50% 以上的代币分配给节点购买者,与 Aethir 的运营逻辑类似。

CARV (Dapp): The project produces modular data layers of products, mainly storage chain games, AI data, and provides user security and self-controlled data security. The project recently completed a round of financing totalling $14 million, involving Animoca Brands, IOSG Ventures, OKX Ventures, etc.

Bitget 研究院:BTC 站稳 71000 美元尝试突破新高,Aethir 宣布发币空投  第1张

Nervos Network(CKB):CKB 作为 UTXO Stack 原型项目备受青睐,被认为是比特币 Layer2 技术层面最优秀的代表之一。从合约市场上看,近期有主力资金大幅流入,6 月 4 日主力合约净买入近 3.1 亿枚代币,约流入 500 万美金的资金。导致代币价格短期暴涨 30%。从合约数据上看,主力资金并没有完全平仓,可以持续关注。

Nervos Network (CKB): CKB is favoured as a UTXO Stack prototype and is considered to be one of the best representative at the technical level of Bitcoin Layer2. In terms of the contract market, there has been a recent surge in major capital inflows, with a net buy-in in June 4 of close to 3.1 billion tokens, amounting to about $5 million. This has led to a short-term surge of 30%.

Bitget 研究院:BTC 站稳 71000 美元尝试突破新高,Aethir 宣布发币空投  第2张


from a global perspective:

TAIKO:Taiko 是一个去中心化的 evm 等效的 zk rollup 二层网络。EVM 等效做的最好,技术水平是该赛道的龙头,用户和品牌没有 zksync、starknet 有声量,属于潜在的黑马项目。Upbit 久违宣布首发上线 TAIKO,目前代币已经上线 Bitget 开放交易。

TAIKO: Taiko is a decentralised evm equivalent zk rollup second-tier network. The EVM equivalent is the best. The technology is at the top of the track. Users and brands don't have the volume of zksync, starknet, and are part of a potential black horse project. Upbit has long failed to announce the launch of TAIKO, and the tokens are now online. Bitget is open for trading.

FLOKI:项目利好不断,FLOKI 早先宣布交易机器人完成了 Beta 版本的内测,未来上线后收取的手续费将用于回购 FLOKI;DWF Labs 将购买价值 1200 万美元 FLOKI 代币以支持 FLOKI 生态系统,项目代币近期暴涨,市场热度非常高,未来交易机会明显,可以持续关注

FLOKI: Project benefits continue, FLOKI announced earlier that trading robots had completed the Beta version of in-house measurements, and that the fees to be charged after future online visits would be used to buy back FLOKI; DWF Labs would purchase $12 million worth of FLOKI tokens to support the FLOKI ecosystem, the project's currency had recently surged, the market heat was very high and future trading opportunities were clear and could be followed up on an ongoing basis.


from the regional heat search:

(1)亚洲地区的热搜上,WAVES 最为突出,自从 WAVES 宣布被 Binance 下线后暴跌 40%,风险比较高。

(1) In the hot search of the Asian region, WAVES has been the most prominent, with a 40 per cent drop in risks since its announcement that it had been deactivated by Binance.

(2)欧美地区,关注有基本面的项目,主要聚焦于 RWA、DePIN、POW 公链,出现的热搜项目有 KAS、ONDO、GRASS 等;另外,该地区对符文的关注度逐渐提高,DOG 出现在几个欧洲国家的榜单上。

(2) In the European and American region, attention is focused on projects with basic features, focusing mainly on RWA, DePIN, Pow public chains, with hot search projects such as KAS, ONDO, GRASS, etc.; in addition, attention to the symbols has gradually increased in the region, with the DOG appearing on the lists of several European countries.

(3)CIS 地区关注 TON 生态、AI 项目,NOT Coin、ARKM 等赛道资产出现在昨日 Google 热搜中。

(3) The CIS region is concerned with Ton Ecology, AI Project, NOT Coin, ARKM, etc., whose track assets appeared in the Google hot search yesterday.


Tonstakers 是 TON 生态最大的流动性质押服务商,用户可以将 TON 在该协议质押获得年化 3.8% 的收益。目前项目 TVL 有 2.56 亿美金,潜在的估值比较高。

Tonstakers is the largest eco-mobile security service provider that users can reap an annual 3.8% gain from the TON pledge. The current project TVL has $256 million, with a potentially high valuation.

项目获得 Ton 基金会的关注,目前协议有 6.8 万个质押者。项目和 Ton 核心开发者、Tonkeeper、OKX 等机构合作,未来发币有支持。

The project has received the attention of the Ton Foundation, which currently has 68,000 pledgeers.

具体参与方式:1)访问项目官网,点击「stake now」;2)链接 Ton 钱包进行质押。

(a) Visit the Project Officer's Network and click on “stake now”; and (b) link to Ton's wallet for pledge.


Bemo 是 TON 生态第二大的流动性质押服务商,用户可以将 TON 在该协议质押获得年化 3.9% 的收益。目前项目 TVL 有 7600 万美金,属于 Ton 生态的早期项目,空间较大。

Bemo is the second-largest mobile security service provider for the Ton Ecology, and users can reap 3.9% annualized benefits from the TON pledge. The current project TVL has $76 million, which is part of an early Ton Ecologic project, and has a larger space.

项目官网开放空投运营活动,Bemo 的应用质押者可以获得 xtXP 的奖励,未来可以换成 $BMO 代币。

The network of project officers is open to airdrop operations, and Bemo's application pledgeers are rewarded with xtXP, which can be replaced in the future by $BMO tokens.




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