
资讯 2024-06-27 阅读:23 评论:0
作者:杜江茜   封面新闻首席记者 author: Dugancy & nbsp; & nbsp; lead journalist for cover news 来源:《全媒体探索...



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作者:杜江茜   封面新闻首席记者

author: Dugancy & nbsp; & nbsp; lead journalist for cover news


Source: Global Media Explorer, January 2023

摘   要:元宇宙技术正重塑传媒行业的模式和形态,表现为沉浸式传媒产品兴起、技术赋能延展产业边界、加深媒体的社交属性等。本研究通过分析封面新闻在打造“智能+智慧+智库”媒体中的具体实践,提出元宇宙在传媒行业的实践创新新路径,以探索与展望元宇宙在主流媒体内容生产与传播、传媒行业运营等方面的更多可能性。

extracts & nbsp; & nbsp; to: meta-cosm technologies are reshaping the pattern and shape of the media industry in the form of immersion of media products, technological empowerment to extend industrial boundaries, and deepening the social attributes of the media. By analysing the specific practices of cover news in creating “intellectual + intelligence + think tanks” media, the study proposes new ways of practical innovation in the meta-cosm in the media industry in order to explore more possibilities with the visual universe in the production and dissemination of mainstream media content, the operation of the media industry, etc.


keyword: meta-cosm technology; media industry; immersion products; intelligent applications


At this time, the media industry is exploring the application of meta-cosm technologies. Against this background, the emerging industries such as MR videos, virtual studios, AI virtual hosts, and 5G live studios are developing at a fast pace, followed by the applications of meta-cosmos and growing ecological enrichment, thus driving the media industry’s ongoing innovation.


. New power in the media industry of the Won-Cosmos era


1. The rise of immersed media products


One of the central logics of the meta-cosm is to digitize the individual senses and achieve a virtual world that is no different from the real world. Such characteristics determine the infinite content of the meta-cosm. With technology, social scenes are greatly enriched, prompting the rise of immersion media products.

其中,内容+新技术应用生成的各种沉浸式产品正成为各家媒体比拼的重点。基于机器人写作、3D建模、动态捕捉、语音合成等技术,以真实记者为蓝本的AI虚拟记者已成常态,实现在新闻发生后,媒体能在机器人写稿后,依托数字人迅速生成由虚拟记者播报的短视频新闻。此外,媒体通过搭建即时 VR 直播矩阵,全视角、全方位实时展播,为用户营造置身其中的现场感,利用 5G 技术打通与受众的互动渠道,提供沉浸式、参与式的直播享受。

Among them, content plus various impregnated products generated by new technology applications are becoming the focus of media struggles. The AI Virtual Journalists, based on robotic writing, 3D modelling, dynamic capture, and speech synthesis techniques, based on real journalists, have become the norm, enabling the media to rapidly generate short video news by virtual journalists after the news has been written by robots. In addition, the media, by setting up an instant VR live matrix, have a full view and a full range of real-time shows, create a live sense for users, use 5G technology to connect with the audience and provide invisible, interactive live coverage.


In addition, marketing models are being updated simultaneously. For example, the “Blue Universe” marketing space, built by the fully-owned blue-cosm of Uniblue under the blue flag, has declared that it has now completed a three-pronged meta-coastal panorama layout and marketing architecture in the consumer field, after officially entering the 100-dollar cosmopolitan platform in Greece.


2. Deepening of the boundaries of the technology-enabling industry


With the help of meta-cosm technology, the media industry is changing, and market boundaries break down the barriers of reality and virtual space. According to data, PricewaterhouseCoopers predicts that the market size of the meta-cosm will reach $1.5 trillion over the next 10 years.


At the beginning of 2021, a digital painting consisting of 5,000 smaller images was sold for more than $69 million. This shows the vast new space available in the digital collection.


In the same year, a digital collection platform was set up on the basis of payment treasures, tungsong, and Kyodong. Museums and major media outlets joined in and launched exclusive digital collections. For example, the famous National Paint Master Qui Qui Qi Qi's " Shrimp Map ", a socialized digital collection that was sold at a price of $300,000; the Xinhua News and Photography 2021 digital collection; and the Xinhua Network released 10,000 Tiger Year digital collections... & nbsp; & nbsp;


Media capital is being transformed into an application landscape under the power of meta-cosm technology, expanding industrial boundaries.


3. Deepening the social attributes of the media


What is an interactive mechanism of the meta-cosm? There is a balance between virtual and real interactions, including devices that are represented by smart glasses and worn devices. [1] Interactive socialization takes place in the meta-cosmos relative to the way traditional media are presented. Microblogging, for example, presents the effects of one-way speaking and sharing fragmentary content; microblogging is the dissemination of information among acquaintances in a relatively closed environment.


Applications and trends in the media industry


In 2019, the cover news explicitly proposed a redefinition of the media with AI. In subsequent years, the cover news actively created “smart + smart + think tank” through the full application of artificial intelligence technology, block chain technology, 5G technology, etc.


1. Digital people are the first to land with a immersion experience


Digital people should be one of the first technologies to be understood by audiences in the meta-cosmos world. As technologies such as rendering, motion, and modelling are developed, they are expanding the boundaries of visual areas like video, news, and live broadcasting.


The cover news has been focused on cutting-edge research and development of inclusive technologies, and is one of the country’s leading media outlets in artificial intelligent writing and virtual hosts. The most well-known of these are virtual hosts, such as the “small envelope” robots and the “sisters of Qing” that have been successfully built by the cover news.


Of these, the "small envelope" is a full-time employee with cover number 240, which is a vehicle for human face recognition technology and smart chat technology. It is worth mentioning that the robot that it represents has written 3,000 copies per month and has successfully entered the top 10 names of the "Associative Smart Writing Platform" on the 2019 China Artificial Smart Cataloguing List.


As the “souls” of the video, the virtual anchor, “Simple Sisters” quickly synthesized the text on the basis of which the cover story was developed in September 2020 and speeded up the “simple” in Sichuan to a second level. Over the past two years, the “simple-simple” has changed from 1.0 to 2.0 versions, and the image of the “Simple Sisters” has evolved from a second to a more sophisticated three-dimensional version, and is about to be upgraded to 3.0 versions. In effect, only four issues of the “simple-s” in 2022, 12 issues of the “Simple-Simple-Simple” series, 12 issues of the “Simple-Simple-Simple-Simple” video, 12 issues of the “Simple-Simple-Simple” video, 12 issues of the “Simple-Simple-Si-Si-Si-Si-Si-Si-Si-Si-Si-Si-Si-Si-Si-Si-Si-Si-Si-Si-Si-Si-Si-Si-Si-Ti-Ti-Ti-Ti-Ti-Ti-Ti-Ti-Ti-Ti-Ti-Ti-Ti-Ti-Ti-Ti-Ti-Ti-Ti-Ti-Ti-Ti-Ti-Ti-Ti-Ti-Ti-Ti-Ti-Ti-Ti-Ti-Ti-Ti-Ti-Ti-Ti-Ti-Ti-Ti-Te-Ti-Ti-Ti-Ti-Ti-Te-Te-Ti-Ti-Ti-Ti-Te-Te-Te-Te-Te-Te-Ti-Ti-Ti-Ti-Ti-Ti-Ti-Ti-Ti-Ti-Ti-Te-Ti-Ti-Ti-Ti-Ti-Ti-


The industry is generally of the view that digitalists with lower technological thresholds and mature ways of becoming a reality are the mainstream of technology, but there are also new issues that need to be addressed. Lee Shi-Yu, the head of the 100-degree smart cloud interactive laboratory, has pointed out that the digital industry still faces three major challenges, namely, the fragmentation of the industrial chain, the failure of service scenes and the high cost of meeting high-frequency demand.[2]


2. Digital asset trading platforms appear and digital collections have wide boundaries


For the media, providing unique and exclusive news content for users is the value of their digital collections.


On January 31, 2022, the cover story released a series of exclusive reports from the Northeast Tigers National Park, visiting wildlife homes under the control of the Tiger Panthers, and revealing China's biodiversity by dedicating the Integrated Tigers Monitoring System. On this basis, on January 31, 2022, the cover news released a digital collection of “National Parks? North-East Tigers,” with a limit of 2022 copies, which was collected by users as soon as they were online.


On the whole, the boundaries of digital collections are wide, and there is now a good basis for practice in different fields, such as games, music, video, etc. At the same time, there are still issues that need to be addressed, such as how to effectively save costs, balance security and secure physical location; how to address the issue of joint authentication, joint transactions, etc., between the physical world and the virtual world assets.[3]


3. Virtual, scenery combination applied to news and video production


How can a super-hydro power station be more visualized? In the 3D modeled studio produced on the cover of the MR video, virtual reality emerges. With the moderator’s introduction, electricity generation and storage capacity of the hydroelectric plant continues to change between minutes and seconds.


This was one of the features of the cover news virtual studio system in early 2019. As one of the innovative forms of coverage that featured during the two national conferences in 2019, the MR video, virtual live studios, and virtual scenes have been used to date and are constantly being explored.


The cover story also uses this technology for breaking news and original programming. While journalists arrive at the scene at the first minute of breaking news, the technical team is providing users with more intuitive and comprehensive access to information through fast three-dimensional modelling of the information already available.


This practice also gives the cover news a sample of the next step of in-depth research. In this regard, the cover technology has created an XR studio to explore the applications of XR, VR, and virtual digital users in general content production, giving more possibilities for video news to be enriched and for news to be broadcast.


“Linking” connectivity, enabling media change


In the context of the blow-out development of the digital content market, copyright protection of works is a challenge. Block chain technology is providing effective technical support, based on characteristics such as indeterminability and security against forgery.


In 2020, the block-chain digital content copyright system, developed by the cover news, was officially launched. The core of the system is the copyright management union chain of the cover news “Smart Cloud” 3.0. All content is processed with a back-office authorization, with a dedicated manual management module with the advantages of security, timeliness, and ease.


In addition to text and pictures, audio and video, media coverage, etc., all the areas addressed by the cover block chain copyright protection solution can be packaged to create independent certificates.


At present, with the participation of the party media, such as the Daily Light and the Sichuan daily newspapers, the chain of copyright unions in the cover block chain is gradually developing and growing, becoming a whole new attempt to deal with copyright protection in the media sector.


The future development path of the Won Universe in the media industry


1. Support for the development of a media-wide communications system


& nbsp; media products or services such as media opinion, advertising campaigns, book-visions, etc., are related to the great cause of bringing together the nation’s peoples to build a modern socialist power, and to the major issues and social concerns of the population’s high-level spiritual and cultural life that can be effectively met.[4] The functioning and development of the Yuan Universe therefore require a sound public opinion orientation, active promotion of the core values of socialism and the creation of a more positive atmosphere of the meso-cosm culture.[4]


The meta-cosmos can also serve as an important platform for the dissemination of mainstream values and for public opinion to guide positions, giving rise to a deeper guiding force that promotes the formation of a good network ecology and contributes to the development of a media communications system.


2. Innovative media industry management mechanisms and business models


Currently, a hierarchical operating mechanism in the media industry affects the speed and effectiveness of the dissemination of information, as well as the immediate responsiveness of media subjects to the user market, resulting in inefficient interaction and less stickyness.[5] This requires work on innovative management mechanisms and operating models for the media industry.[5]


For example, it promotes the integration and sharing of data, technology, platforms, human resources, etc. among the various units within media institutions. It supports media institutions working with digital technology companies to explore the extension of technologies such as artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and to develop digital virtual media and smart media robots that collect information, produce content, distribute and so forth.


3. Development of composite media talent that meets the needs of the meta-cosmos era


At the same time, there is a greater use of content creation and branding. Overall, the media industry in the meta-cosmos encompasses both the real world and the presentation and exchange of individual social attributes in the virtual world.


>, concluding remarks


It is to be hoped that the continuous evolution of meta-cosm technologies will continue to bring about a change in the power and better representation of the media industry and re-create the meaning of news dissemination in the convergence between the real and virtual worlds.


There is a need for deeper integration between the vision and reality of the meta-cosm, where technology, information and industrial ecology are not yet fully mature, and where the media industry is strategically scheming, setting up the meta-cosm industry and promoting the development of the entire media chain from the front end to the centre to the back end to the back end.


& nbsp; Despite the challenges and uncertainties of the media industry of the time of the meta-cosmos, it is more of an opportunity and a change. So, with the help of meta-cosm technology, to embrace better change in the media industry requires the combined wisdom and power of industry practitioners, technocrats, expert scholars, etc.




& nbsp; [1] Xue Jeong Yi... Exploration and Application of the Yuan Cosmos in the Wide Power Industry [J]. Radio and Television Network, 2021, 28(10): 102-103+107.


[2] Li Shi-Iu. The size of the digital population is at stake in three major challenges. China Operations, 2022.01.15.


[3] Research into the impact of the use of TFT dollar cosmic digital assets on the media and related industries [J]. Rental intelligence, 2022 (08): 56-58.


[4] Li Yong. Challenges, opportunities and paths to development of the media industry in the Won-Cosmos [J]. Journal of Hunan School of Administration, 2022 (05): 78-84.


[5] Yiu Yiu Yiu, Xie Shenzhen. Core issues and innovative pathways for building intelligent media on the platform [J]. Chinese editor, 2020 (05): 68-73.

《全媒体探索》杂志是由大众报业集团主管主办的新闻传播类专业期刊,国内统一连续出版物号CN 37-1526/G2,国

The full-media exploration magazine is a specialized news and communications journal run by the head of the mass media industry, with a unified national publication No. 37-1526/G2,

际标准连续出版物号ISSN 2097-048X。2021年8月创刊。

International Standard Series Publication No. ISSN 2097-048X. Launched in August 2021.


Purpose of the publication: to focus on the front lines of media integration, to share practical lessons learned, to strengthen public opinion orientation, to develop research and communication platforms, and to contribute to the full and in-depth integration of the media




Main columns: monographs, first-line focus, integration transition, dissemination point, situational observation, news practice, audio-visual dissemination, district-level mediation, case resolution, intelligence


It can be applied, media rule of law, mass media, business management, etc.


Mailbox: qmtsbj@126.com


Contact: 0531-85196441




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