币圈孙宇晨竞得巴菲特慈善午宴 系13家企业法人

资讯 2024-06-29 阅读:122 评论:0
  中国网财经6月5日讯 (记者 杨畅)昨日,孙宇晨发布微博称其以历史新高4,567,888美元成功拍下沃伦巴菲特20周年慈善午宴,他表示希望邀请区块链行业知名人士一起与巴菲特交流,从而增进顶级传统投资人与数字货币的理解和友谊。孙宇...



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  中国网财经6月5日讯 (记者 杨畅)昨日,孙宇晨发布微博称其以历史新高4,567,888美元成功拍下沃伦巴菲特20周年慈善午宴,他表示希望邀请区块链行业知名人士一起与巴菲特交流,从而增进顶级传统投资人与数字货币的理解和友谊。孙宇晨微博谈到,外媒报道称“孙宇晨表示希望能与巴菲特充分交流加密货币与其底层的区块链技术,巴菲特表示十分期待与孙宇晨,他的朋友们共同会面。”公开消息显示,巴菲特曾将比特币比作“老鼠药”,并称炒币“类似赌博”。

Yesterday, 5 June, China’s Wikimedia Commons (journalist Yang Yuon), released a tweet saying that Sun Woo had successfully filmed the 20th anniversary charity luncheon with an historic height of US$ 4,567,888. He expressed the hope that prominent members of the block chain industry would be invited to interact with Buffett, thereby promoting understanding and friendship between top traditional investors and digital money. Sun Woo Weibo spoke of the foreign media’s report that “Sun Woo wanted to be able to communicate fully with Buffett’s cryptographic currency and its bottom sector chain technology, and Buffett expressed great expectation that he would meet with his friends.” The public news indicated that Buffett had compared Bitcoon to “rat medicine” and called it “similar gambling”.


In Weibo, Chinese financial journalists confirmed to Sun Woo's morning that “the competition for a Buffett charity luncheon was a personal or corporate act” and did not receive a response before the release.


According to CoinMarketCap.com, it is an encoded currency with a global market of 11 large, with a market value of $2.56 billion, while industry boss Bitcoin has a market value of nearly $152 billion. According to media reports, since the announcement of the news, it has risen by 1.43 per cent, and prices have risen by about 100 per cent since the year.


  孙宇晨公布竞拍成功后的一条微博,谈到了波场TRON和BitTorrent项目。他写道“ 很高兴能够与前辈校友巴菲特先生共进午宴,相信这次不仅可以学到投资和人生的经验,也是波场TRON和BitTorrent项目新的起点,对于整个区块链行业也有着重大的意义。”(2017年7月,孙宇晨创建区块链项目“波场TRON”,致力于构建全球去中心化自由内容娱乐体系。)

Sun Woo announced a microblog after the success of the contest, referring to the Bountain Tron and BitTorrent projects. He wrote: “It is a pleasure to have a luncheon with his alumni, Mr. Buffett, who believes that this time will not only learn from investment and life, but will also be a new starting point for the Tron and BitTorrent projects, and will be of great importance for the entire sector of the block chain.” (Sun Woo morning, July 2017, created the Band Tron project, which is dedicated to building a global free content entertainment system.)

  此外,该条微博还附上了“致社区的一封信”。信中,孙宇晨谈到他对巴菲特曾发表唱衰比特币言论的看法“这位伯克希尔•哈撒韦(Berkshire Hathaway)公司的首席执行官曾公开表示,他认为世界上最大的加密货币比特币并没有“独特的价值”。但他也指出了区块链作为所有加密货币底层技术所蕴藏的潜力”。

In addition, the article is accompanied by a “letter to the community”. In the letter, Sun Woo-moo spoke of his view of Buffett's “blackshire & #8226; the Chief Executive Officer of Berkshire Hathaway has publicly stated that he believes that the world's largest encrypted currency bitcoin does not have a “unique value.” He also pointed to the potential of block chains as a technology at the bottom of all encrypted currencies.

  孙宇晨也谈到了他对本次午宴的目的和看法“我认为,此次与巴菲特共进午宴,将是一个谋求互相理解和成长的机会。 为了增进对话并支持整个加密货币和区块链社区,我将邀请数位区块链业界领袖一道,前往纽约共赴午宴。”

Sun Woo-moo also spoke about his purpose and views for this luncheon: “I think this luncheon with Buffett will be an opportunity for mutual understanding and growth. In order to enhance dialogue and support the entire community of encrypted money and block chains, I will invite the leaders of the digital block chain to New York for the luncheon.”

  孙宇晨的币圈生涯 曾宣称“342亿TRX锁仓期至2020年”回应“割韭菜”质疑

"34.2 billion TrX locks to 2020" in response to the question of "cuttering."

  据公开信息,自2013年至今,孙宇晨历任Ripple Labs大中华区首席代表,特别代表,顾问。2014年,他回国创立锐波并兼任CEO,锐波也成为中国首家从事去中心化清算系统产品开发的互联网科技公司,同年,RippleLabs任命孙宇晨为大中华区代表处首席代表,全权负责大中华区的所有业务。

According to public information, from 2013 to date, Sun Woo has served as Chief Representative, Special Representative, and Adviser, in the Ripple Labs Great China District. In 2014, he returned home to create and act as CEO, and became China’s first Internet technology company to develop products for the centralization of the clearing system. In the same year, RippleLabs appointed Sun Woom as Chief Representative of the Great China District Representative, with full responsibility for all operations in the Great China China District.


In July 2017, Sun Woo-moo created the second project, “Tron of Waves,” in which Li Fong and Hanko Xue are investors. The project aims to build a global decentralised free content entertainment system, the business model being the ICO, which is the currency.


According to public information, on 22 August 2017, at 12 noon, a decentralized content agreement based on the block chain — the Wavefield Tron (binance.com), one of the world's largest block chain asset trading platforms, carried out a total of 500 million waves of TRON official tokens (TRX) purchases, all of which were stolen within 53 seconds.


According to media reports, the ICO was completed one week earlier because of regulatory pressure. The next day, the Supervisory Council issued a bulletin on protection against the risk of financing the issuance of token money, calling for the withdrawal of the ICO campaign. According to media reports, Sun Woo had raised more than 400 million funds at that time and had to return the funds collected for security reasons.


In April 2018, media sources reported that Sun Woo-ming had converted TRX into an Etherm, with 12 billion people fleeing to the US. According to reports, Sun Woo-moo’s wallet records showed that he sent 200 million of them a day to a trading platform to exchange it, and that for 19 days he had exchanged 6 billion of them, amounting to nearly 12 billion at that price.


Sun Woo issued a rumour statement on the evening of April 9, 2018. The statement stated that “The Bounty Foundation had 34.2 billion TRX in its possession to provide open lock-ups to the community as early as 19 December 2017 at a public address, and that it had never lost its stock until 2020.



Sun Woo's morning encyclopedia shows people's stories and 13 corporate corporations

  记者注意到,孙宇晨的微博简介为“锐波&陪我,董事长兼CEO,TRON 基金会创始人 ,BitTorrent CEO”。其微博签名为“马云湖畔大学首期学员 陪我APP董事长兼CEO 微博签约自媒体”。

The reporter noted that Sun Woo's Weibo profile was "Accompanies Me, Chairman and Founder of the CEO, Tron Foundation, BitTorrent CEO." It was signed as "The First Fellow of the Lake Mawin University, accompanied me as Chairman of the APP and CEO Weibo under contract from the media."


The 100-degree encyclopedia shows that Sun Woo was a 90-year-old entrepreneur, with eight major achievements, more than 6,000 characters and 60 references.



According to the Shinbao data, Sun Woo's 17 affiliated enterprises and 13 legally represented enterprises are concentrated in the areas of software and information technology services, science and technology promotion and applications services, and business services.




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