
资讯 2024-07-01 阅读:24 评论:0
3月12日,是比3天前美股熔断,还悲惨的一天;全球股市都在发生熔断!March 12 is a sad day, three days ago, when the American stock wa...



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March 12 is a sad day, three days ago, when the American stock was melted; the global stock market is melting!


The world’s stock market, the same sky, is one and the same. It is not just a day of collapse, it is a day of smelting. The Philippine stock market is melting, the Thai stock market is melting, the Pakistani stock market is smelting, and the American stock is smelting away, as is the case in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Indonesia, etc. The world seems to be smelting apart from China.


This melting of the United States stock was the second time in history this week; it fell by almost 30 per cent from a high position, officially entering the Bear City! This global collapse, more than in 2008, is more dangerous than the economic crisis! What is surprising is that we are witnessing not only the new history of the United States share!


According to the Treasure Global Station data, BTC fell by more than 20 per cent over a half-hour period. At 18.47, a fall of 5.44 per cent was recorded, directly reducing the price by $555.555. The market value evaporated by $21.1 billion.


The saddest of all is that the contract market has exploded. By contrast, the market for digital money contracts has not been spared. The latest data from Coin shows that the entire network has exploded for the last 24 hours, amounting to $2 billion. Of this amount, $1.29 billion has exploded in Bitcoin, $174 million in Taiku, $6.27 million in EOS, $8.42 million in BCH, $28.6 million in LTC, $3.64 million in XRP, $4.76 million in BSV, $9.83 million in ETC, and $3.61 million in TRX. The largest single-bureau has been destroyed at the Coal Exchange, with $5.832 million in BTC. According to QKL123, the total value of encrypted money has dropped by more than 24 per cent in 24 hours, with only $130,000 in LTC, and nearly 80,000 people have been victims of the explosion during this rapid crash.


From $7,400 to $555.55, the short-term fluctuation of $1,900 has already caused Bitcoin prices to fall by half from its peak price of $125,449 in 2019, reaching a new low since the beginning of May 2019, close to the pre-Ball Falls in November 2018. It can be said that half of Bitcoin production has not yet come, and half of prices have come ahead of it.


Are the myths of Bitcoin's “risk-free assets” broken down in the past, and even become a noun for high-risk assets?


Anyway, we also need to have an objective and rational understanding of this bitcoin fall and to adjust our investment strategy in a timely manner.


The deterioration of the external environment Bitcoin is inevitable


According to incomplete statistics, on 12 March, eight countries, the United States, Brazil, Canada, Thailand, the Philippines, the Republic of Korea, Pakistan and Indonesia, experienced a break-up in stock markets, with India's stockboards without a break-up mechanism falling by more than 8 per cent, the largest single-day fall since 2008.


International oil prices continue to fall sharply, and market concerns about the imbalance between supply and demand are further exacerbated. As journalists write, the WTI crude oil master contract fell by more than 4 per cent, and the Brent crude oil master contract fell by more than 6 per cent.


Cash gold fell by $1.580 per ounce, more than 3 per cent per day, and spot silver fell by 5.2 per cent per day.


Added to this is the fact that the Chicago Business Exchange and the Chicago Futures Exchange’s parent company, the CME Group, stated on 11 March local time that, in order to reduce major gatherings that could contribute to the spread of the new crown virus, it would close its Chicago trading hall after Friday. This is the first major exchange in the United States to close the trading hall in response to the epidemic.


The deterioration of the external environment has led to a sharp drop in Bitcoin. For example, the Covid-19 coronary virus was declared a global pandemic by the World Health Organization on Wednesday, which will further inflame the panic of the global economy into recession, including the collapse of stocks, crude oil, garbage debt, all risky assets, lack of cash in the market, and by nature Bitcoin.


What about the bitcoin cut in half?


In Bitcoin’s history, halving the first two rounds of Bitcoin will drive the price of bitcoin up sharply. But this pattern seems to have failed this year.


However, Bitcoin has been falling since its peak of $10,457 in 2020. On 20 February this year, Bitcoin fell by almost $1,000 a day; on 8 March, Bitcoin lost $8,000, by more than 10%, and the hoped-for “50%” was not spared: by halving reserves, it meant halving the value of its assets by half.

加密交易所BitMex首席执行官Arthur Hayes仍然相信比特币作为避险资产的地位,并称2020年底,比特币还是可能会反弹至2万美元。

Arthur Hayes, Chief Executive Officer of the encryption exchange BitMex, continues to believe in the status of Bitcoin as a hedge asset, stating that by the end of 2020 Bitcoin could still rebound to $20,000.


Data show that Bitcoin is occasionally an effective alternative to traditional markets. Wind’s analysis of global asset classes shows that by the beginning of 2020 to date, Bitcoins had a rate of return of 10.53%, ranking first among global assets, and COMEX gold ranked second. It is worth noting that Bitcoins had a rate of return of 87.48% in 2019.


At the same time, according to the statistics for the first two halves of bitcoin:


In 2012, 60 days before the halving of the scale, the period was roughly halved by the upward trend of shocks, followed by a 20-fold rise in a major wave after the reduction in the length of the scale.


Sixty days before the halving of 2016, BTC suddenly launched a wave of 70% rises after a “silent” period, ending up about 20 days before the reduction in real terms and moving back through the halving node. Of course, as you can see, the BTC has since started the largest ever round of cattle.


In this way, historical data tell us that, at this time, the BTC is about 60 days away, and that price trends are in line with the historical pattern of the two previous halves.


And the duration of each dress is around a year. This time, influenced by the Black Swan, may be a good time for low-level warehousing.


Mining to the edge of life and death


In fact, the continued decline of the encrypt currency, which affected not only the shrinking wealth of the currencyholders, but more so the miners on the industrial chain and the miner, would be a nightmare for the miners.


A miner with a 16nm mine said, “A half may be a disaster, but if the currency doesn’t rise, the daily gains will fall off a cliff.”


What's worse is that less than 50% of the electricity costs are just the latest ants miners S19 and S19PRO. What is the concept? Bitcoin is expected to halve by 58 days, that is, assuming that the currency is still the same, and the returns are reduced by half, the vast majority of the machines will be in a state of survival.


It can be foreseen that the fall was yet another large-scale shuffling of encrypt money investors and the mining industry.

特别声明:本号只做区块链资讯,本文不代表“洋洋说币” 公众号的立场,且不构成投资建议,请谨慎对待。

Special statement: This number only provides information on block chains. This document does not represent the position of the > Oceanic Notes public, and does not constitute an investment proposal. Please be cautious.




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