
资讯 2024-07-01 阅读:22 评论:0
:随着比特币生态系统的蓬勃发展,市场对顶级加密货币的态度日益明晰。当前格局主要围绕两大维度展开竞争与发展:: As the Bitcoin ecosystem flourishes, the ma...



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As the Bitcoin ecosystem flourishes, the market’s attitude towards top encrypted currencies becomes clearer. The current pattern is centred on competition and development around two dimensions:


小标题一:横向拓展 - 铭文赛道的群雄逐鹿

1. 各大公链如以太坊(eths)、狗狗链(dogi)和Solana(sols)等纷纷涉足铭文技术领域,形成了激烈的“铭文赛道”争夺战。

The various public chains, such as Eths, Dogi and Solana, have been involved in the technical area of the Mandarin, creating a fierce battle for the Motion Track.

2. 公链通过在自身网络中应用铭文技术,为加密货币创造了更多元化的应用场景与可能性。

Public chains have created a more diversified set of applications and possibilities for cryptographic currency through the use of oblique technology in their own networks.

小标题二:纵向深耕 - BTC生态的繁荣景象

1. BTC生态中,Ordinals协议及BRC-20标准作为先锋力量,成功引领了第一波流量和财富集聚,构建起BTC生态的新一轮热潮。

1. In the BTC ecology, the Ordinals Agreement and the BRC-20 standards have successfully spearheaded the first wave of flows and wealth gathering to build a new wave of BTC ecology.

2. 新兴协议如Atomicals/Runes(待发布)将接力BRC-20的关注度与资金流动,进一步丰富和完善比特币生态。

2. Emerging agreements such as Atomicals/Runes (to be published) will provide a relay to BRC-20 attention and financial flows to further enrich and refine the Bitcoin ecology.

3. 此外,多个尚处于构建阶段的BTC Layer 2项目、DeFi项目受到开发者和资本的高度关注,这些创新不仅限于铭文技术,更深层次地强化比特币生态基础架构,并提升总锁定价值(TVL)。

1. SATS:目前市值排名第1,流通市值达到16.13亿美元。作为基于比特币网络的BRC-20代币,SATS凭借其对区块链技术和社区参与的成功探索,从娱乐性质的meme代币快速成长为热门投资标的。

In addition, several of the BTC Layer 2 projects and the DeFi project, which are still in the construction phase, have received a high degree of attention from developers and capital. These innovations are not limited to enthronement technology, strengthening the Bitcoin ecological infrastructure at a deeper level and raising the total lock value (TVL).
strong > Title III: The eco-demonstrator’s market value has been interpreted as
>p>1. SATS: currently ranked 1st in market value, with a market value of $1.613 billion. As BRC-20 deodes based on the Bitcoin network, SATS, with its successful exploration of block chain technology and community involvement, has grown rapidly from the recreational mede to the hot investment mark.

2. STX:紧随其后,市值排名第2,流通市值15.13亿美元。Stacks平台通过STX原生代币及其PoX共识机制,实现了在比特币区块链上的智能合约执行与扩展,为DeFi和NFT等领域打开了新的大门,并推出去中心化挂钩比特币的产品sBTC。

2. STX: Immediately thereafter, the market value was ranked 2nd and the market value in circulation was $1,513 million. The Stacks platform, through STX and its PoX consensus mechanism, achieved intelligent contract enforcement and expansion on the Bitcoin block chain, opened new doors to areas such as DeFi and NFT, and introduced the decentralized Bitcoin-linked products SBTC.

3. ORDI:作为首个基于Ordinals协议部署的BRC-20代币,ORDI市值排名第3,流通市值13.76亿美元。其价格飙升至54美元,展现出惊人的增长潜力和市场认可度。

ORDI: As the first BRC-20 token to be deployed on the basis of the Ordinals agreement, ORDI is ranked 3rd in market value, with a circulation market value of $1,376 million. Its prices skyrocketed to $54, demonstrating an amazing potential for growth and market recognition.

4. RATS:这个以老鼠为灵感的meme代币以其独特的社区凝聚力和娱乐属性,在比特币生态中取得不俗表现,市值排名第4,流通市值3.7亿美元。

4. RATS: This mouse-induced meme token, with its unique community cohesion and recreational attributes, has achieved a remarkable performance in the Bitcoin ecology, ranked 4th in market value and $370 million in circulation.

5. ATOM:ATOM作为Atomicals协议下的ARC-20代币,通过解决比特币上任意可替代资产表示问题,市值跃居第5,流通市值2.83亿美元。

5. ATOM: As a token of ARC-20 under the Atomicals agreement, by resolving the issue of alternative asset representation in Bitcoins, the market value jumped to the fifth and the market value in circulation was $283 million.

6. MUBI:双向桥接平台Multibit推出的MUBI代币,旨在促进不同区块链之间的互操作性,市值排名第六,流通市值2.15亿美元。

6. MUBI: MUBI tokens launched by the two-way bridge platform Multibit, designed to promote interoperability between the various block chains, ranked sixth in market value and $215 million in circulation value.

7. ALEX:基于Stacks的比特币DeFi平台ALEX,致力于打破比特币L1与L2间的壁垒,其原生代币ALEX市值排名第7,流通市值2.05亿美元。

ALEX: ALEX, a Bitcoin DeFi platform based on Stacks, is committed to breaking the barriers between Bitcoin L1 and L2, its original currency ALEX is ranked 7th in market value and its circulation market value is $205 million.

8. RIF:RIF作为RSK基础设施框架的原生代币,市值排名第8,流通市值1.31亿美元,通过RSK侧链提供兼容EVM的智能合约平台,赋予比特币更强的可编程性。

RF: RIF, as the original intergenerational currency of the RSK infrastructure framework, is ranked 8th in market value, with a circulation market value of $131 million, providing an intelligent contract platform compatible with EVM through the RSK side chain, giving Bitcoin a stronger programming capability.

9. PIPE:PIPE协议受RUNES启发,引入新颖功能并优化比特币链上minting和传输体验,其代币市值排名第9,流通市值1.26亿美元。

9. The PIPE: PIPE agreement, inspired by RUNES, introduces innovative features and optimizes the minting and transmission experiences of the Bitcoin chain, ranking its currency 9th in market value and circulation in market value of $126 million.

10. TRAC:TRAC(Ordinals)是一个表现活跃的BRC-20代币,市值排名第10,流通市值1.09亿美元,展现强劲上涨势头。

TRAC: TRAC (Ordinals) is an active BRC-20 token with a market value of 10 and a liquidity value of $109 million, demonstrating a strong upward trend.

11. STAMPS:4.SRC-20代币STAMPS采用独特方式嵌入数据到比特币区块链,保证了永久存储的NFT特性,市值排名第11,流通市值0.68亿美元。

11. STAMPS: 4.SRC-20 token STAMPS embedded data into the Bitcoin block chain in a unique way, guaranteeing permanent storage of NFT characteristics, ranked 11th in market value, and circulation market value of $68 million.




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