比特币:观点 | 2025年,1 BTC 能达到100万美元么?

资讯 2024-07-02 阅读:25 评论:0
编者注:原标题为《观点|比特币达到100万美元一枚现实么?》Editor's Note: The original title was "A realistic one for 1 million dollars i...



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Editor's Note: The original title was "A realistic one for 1 million dollars in bitcoin? "


The supporters of Bitcoin have been talking about how the price of a bitcoin could reach $1 million. Until then, it was speculation. Now, some big coins think it's nailed.


Given the prevalence of the new coronary disease, central banks are implementing large-scale quantitative easing schemes, prompting predictions that by 2025 the price of Bitcoin will reach $1 million. Experts argue that the Bitcoin stock-to-flow ratio is approaching gold levels, which means that Bitcoin’s market value is likely to increase significantly.


Large-scale global quantitative easing has rekindled projections of a $1 million bitcoin. In the context of the new coronary pandemic, is this price reality being realized?


There are predictions that Bitcoin's prices will reach $1 million by 2025.


GlobalMacroInvester has just released a report outlining the future direction of global financial markets.

观点:加密货币交易量达16万亿美元,已超越FAANG年交易量:8月11日消,据Ark Investment Management 分析师 Yassine Elmandjra在推特上表示,加密货币交易已经超越FAANG年交易量。FAANG是指Facebook、苹果(Apple)、亚马逊(Amazon)、Netflix 和谷歌(Google),这五大科技巨头在公开股票市场的年交易量约为12万亿美元,而加密货币在 2020 年和 2021 年产生了超过 16 万亿美元的交易量。2021年,加密市场交易量呈现爆发式增长,以Coinbase最近发布的二季度报告显示,当季该公司交易量达到4600亿美元。[2021/8/11 1:49:00]

Opinion: Encrypted currency transactions amounting to $16 trillion, surpassing the annual transactions of FAANG: on August 11, the five major technology giants traded approximately $12 trillion in the open stock market, while encrypted currency generated more than $16 trillion in 2020 and 2021. In 2021, cryptomarket transactions increased in an outbreak, with the company trading reaching $46 billion in the current season, as recently reported by Coinbase in its second quarterly report. [2021/8/11:499]


The price of gold is likely to rise three to five times over the next three to five years. Bitcoin could reach $1 million over the same period.


The view was expressed that the market value of Bitcoin would increase from $200 billion to $10 trillion in asset classes, while the market value of gold would increase from $15 trillion to $60 trillion over the same period.


At present, the total supply of Bitcoins in circulation is just over 18 million and the market value of $10 trillion means that the value of each bitcoins will be just over $550,000.

观点:全球加强虚拟货币监管:6月21日,中国人民银行就虚拟货币炒作交易提供服务问题约谈工商银行、农业银行、建设银行、邮储银行、兴业银行和支付宝(中国)网络技术有限公司等6家机构,进一步加大了对虚拟货币的监管力度。相关金融机构纷纷作出表态,比特币中国也表示响应国内政策已完全退出虚拟货币交易业务。全球监管者也日益关注虚拟货币市场。韩国将加强对虚拟货币企业运营商的管理,以提高交易透明度,并认为虚拟货币“不可被识别为货币或金融产品”。俄罗斯要求选举候选人披露其加密货币持有、消费和购买情况。日本央行行长黑田东彦称比特币交易多被用于投机活动,波动过大,且并未被真正用于结算目的。在欧洲央行行长拉加德看来,比特币是一个高度投机的资产,不是一种货币。(山西新闻网)[2021/6/28 0:11:06]

On 21 June, China’s People’s Bank interviewed six institutions, such as business banks, agricultural banks, construction banks, postal banks, boom banks, and payment funds (China) Network Technology Ltd., on the issue of virtual currency trading services. The financial institutions have come to the fore, and Bitcoin China has responded to domestic policies that have completely withdrawn from virtual currency transactions. Global regulators are also increasingly focusing on virtual money markets. South Korea will strengthen the management of virtual money business operators in order to increase transparency of transactions and consider virtual money “unidentifiable as money or financial products.” Russia calls for election candidates to disclose their secure currency holdings, consumption and purchases.


A billionaire saw the potential for bitcoin to rise.


SocialCapital’s CEO, former head of Facebook, Chamath Palihapitiya, also argued that Bitcoin’s prices were likely to reach seven digits. According to Forbes early in April, Palihapitiya told Anthony Pompliano of MorganCreekDigital that he believed that the price of Bitcoin was either zero or millions of dollars, spurred by the outbreak of the new crown disease.

观点:股市回调风险犹在,比特币作为对冲工具或迎来利好:比特币在1万美元的技术阻力位下方谨慎交易了一个多月。但在防御性投资组合中,再度买入避险资产的乐观情绪,可能在2020年推高比特币价格。纽约梅隆资产管理公司(BNY Mellon Asset Management)的Shamik Dhar在向英国《金融时报》发表的最新声明中表达了看涨的观点。

But, in a defensive portfolio, optimism about buying up risk-free assets again could push bitcoin prices up in 2020. Shamik Dhar, of the New York company BNY Mellon Asset Management (BNY Mellon Asset Management), expressed a strong view in his latest statement to the British Financial Times.


The chief economist said that, because of a series of conflicting indicators, many investors did not buy a current stock market rebound. Thus, hedge funds buy hedge assets. He proposed that “taking into account the current risk balance, it is recommended that sovereign bonds, gold and other hedging instruments be purchased for the portfolio to provide insurance for the portfolio”. (Bitcoinist) [2020/6/8]


In the view of Palihapitiya, the global economy may be heading towards a period of rapid devaluation of the French currency, and against this background “bitcoin will become a hedge asset”.


The former head of Facebook said that this process could take 10 years. He said:


By 2030, it is likely that we will not be able to solve existing economic problems through inflation. In essence, the only way to contain inflation is to create some form of gold standard, but it is almost impossible for governments and central banks to do so.

比特币共识大会第三天观点汇总:1、Square首席执行官Jack Dorsey:数字货币是未来的发展方向。互联网理应拥有一个原生货币,且它将拥有一个原生货币,我希望它会是比特币。使用比特币或其他加密货币作为全球货币,将降低Dorsey’s payments进入新市场的障碍。Dorsey对 Lightning Labs CEO表示:“我们想要回到最初的想法——用比特币购买咖啡,这就是我们与你们合作的原因。”2、Coinbase的CTO Balaji Srinivasan称,目前像微软这样的公司正在密切关注数字货币行业。目前有三种类型的投资者入场,投资者数量正在迅速增加,第一波组是数字黄金,第二波是智能合约,我认为第三波将是小额支付。3、Ledger CEO Eric Larcheveque称,计划启动机构加密交易。他表示:“如果想扩大加密交易的规模,不能单靠区块链。”4、Union Square Ventures合伙人Fred Wilson认为,现在的一些加密货币在十年后会变得令人感到惊讶。此外,他还表示价值是在代币中的,而非建立在这些加密货币之上的企业中。[2018/5/17]

One, Jack Dorsey, Chief Executive Officer of the Bitcoin Consensus: Digital Currency is the future direction of development.” Two, CTO Balaji Srinivasan of Coinbase says that companies like Microsoft are paying close attention to the digital money industry. Three types of investors are now entering the market, investors are rapidly increasing, the first wave is digital gold, the second wave is smart contracts, and I think the third wave will be small payments, which is why we're working with you to buy coffee in Bitco.


What about the basics of Bitcoin?

金色财经现场报道 圆桌环节嘉宾关于区块链3.0时代的发展方向是什么的观点:金色财经现场报道,今日在纽约举行的2018区块链无国界峰会上金色财经合伙人佟扬主持了圆桌环节,讨论了有关区块链3.0时代的发展方向。对此,Certik联合创始人哥大助理教授顾荣辉表示,区块链1.0是存储数据的区块链,区块链2.0存储的是可以操作数据的程序,而区块链3.0意味着可以在区块链之上继续加载区块链,是终极的区块链。星云链联合创始人钟馥百表示,区块链3.0偏重区块链技术的落地,区块链3.0面临经济模型和技术方面的挑战。区块链3.0可以在经济模型上激励更多的人,提供门槛更低的开发平台。IOST联合创始人及CEO钟家鸣表示,比特币仍然是最适应区块链的,区块链3.0包含目前区块链还不包括的一些功能。 Hydro Protocol联合创始人王博闻表示,以太坊区块链的效率低下,需要解决TPS问题,下一代的区块链技术需要解决是否能使TPS以指数增长的问题。[2018/5/13]

In response, the Co-founder of Certik co-founder, Prof. Guo Quanhui, said that block chain 1.0 was a segment chain in which data could be stored, that block chain 2.0 was a program for which operational data could be stored, and that block chain 3.0 meant that the block chain could continue to be built over the block chain and that the block chain was the ultimate block chain. The co-founder of the star cloud chain, the co-founder of the co-founder's bell, indicated that the block chain of 3.0 was located in the middle of the block chain, and that the block chain of 3.0 was faced with economic modelling and technical challenges. The block chain 3.0 could stimulate more people on the economic model and provide a lower threshold development platform.


Despite the controversy, the stock-to-low model shows that after this halving, the scarcity of Bitcoin will approach gold.


The S2F model is a measure of the value of scarcity. It is a ratio of the current supply of assets divided by the new supply. For example, the S2F ratio for silver is 22.


PlanB was the first investor to use the S2F model to calculate the scarcity of bitcoins in order to assess the long-term value of bitcoins. The current S2F ratio of bitcoins is 27, which exceeds the value of silver. The S2F ratio of gold is 62.


In the case of gold, the S2F ratio of 62 means that, at the current rate of mining, the supply of gold will take 62 years to double, so that gold is extremely scarce. Using this scarcity model, one can try to predict future prices for commodities.


After halving in May 2020, the S2F ratio of Bitcoin will double to 52, and its scarcity will be closer to gold. According to this model, Bitcoin’s expected price after halving will reach $55,000.


If gold and bitcoin are hedge assets of similar value, then, according to the S2F model, the two assets may theoretically be similarly scarce. So, if bitcoin's market value soars to gold, each bitcoin will be worth more than $500,000. If paper gold is also included in the gold's market value, then the price per bitcoin will be up to $800,000.


In addition, the analyst PhilipSwift presented the view that the price per bit was approaching $100,000, as the price of Bitcoin followed the same trend as the S2F ratio.


Bitcoin prices and S2F trend maps, provided by PhilipSwift


PlanB has also recently updated the S2F model map, which predicts that the price per bitcoin will reach $288,000 between 2020 and the fourth halving of Bitcoin.


The latest S2F model from PlanB


Bitcoin demand is strong


The price of Bitcoin is already close to $8,000, based on the current supply of bitcoin. The increase in supply will be halved by mid-May. So, until the full impact of the decline in output in the new currency begins to emerge, the price increase in bitcoin is actually demand-driven.


Grayscale’s 2019 investor study found that about 36% of US investors were interested in investing in bitcoin. Eighty-three% of respondents said that Bitcoin’s “growth potential” was one of the reasons for their interest in bitcoin. Moreover, the scarcity of bitcoin has generated strong resonance among investors.


Grayscale’s quarterly report also shows that institutional investors’ interest in bitcoin is growing. In the first quarter of 2020, institutional investors’ demand for bitcoin was the strongest in history, with more than $500 million flowing into the fund.


Of that amount, 79 per cent went to hedge funds and other institutional investors. About $400 million went to the company’s Bitcoin Trust and $100 million to the Etheraya Trust.


Financial flows to the Encrypted Currency Trust Fund in the first quarter of 2020


The quarterly report of Grayscale reflects the needs of the investor, which is an important holder of digital assets. By the end of the first quarter of this year, the company held 1.7% of the Bitcoins in total circulation. This also means that the company held 1.2% of the total market value of encrypted monetary assets.


Grasysaclebitcoin Trust as a percentage of Bitcoin circulation supply


Last year, quarterly inflows to the company’s Bitcoin products doubled. While the figure below shows a stagnation in inflows from the second, third and fourth quarters of 2019, this is actually the result of Graysale’s cessation of new funding.


When the Fund is oversubscribed, the asset management firm will cease to receive new inflows on a cyclical basis. Thus, the absence of inflows does not mean that investors have no demand for their products, but rather the result of artificial asset-management caps.


In the past year, the flow of funds to Bitcoin through Grayscale doubled in every quarter, from about $100 million in the second quarter of 2019 to $200 million in the third quarter of 2019 to $400 million in the fourth quarter of 2019 and $800 million at the end of March 2020. This represents a continuing upward trend in agency demand for bitcoin.


Financial flows to Grayscale over the past year


The value of global derivatives ranges from $630 trillion to $1.2 trillion in nominal terms, as shown by the data provided by VillalCapitalist. If only a fraction of these funds were to shift from derivatives to digital assets, the price of bitcoins could rise dramatically.


By the fourth half of Bitcoin, four years from now, the number of bitcoins in circulation will reach 1968.750 million. Its S2F ratio will double again and go far beyond gold. If by then Bitcoin has become a hedge asset, the price of bitcoin will be huge.


While $1 million in bitcoin may seem somewhat out of reach in 2020, it is also difficult to imagine that bitcoin could reach today's prices in 2016.


Of course, we need to be cautious about all price forecasting models. Because errors in the dots in the prediction models can have a great impact on the end result.


By 2025, will we see a bitcoin of $1 million? No one really knows. But the analysis above shows that this is entirely possible.

标签:比特币区块链加密货币RAY比特币中国官网购买能找回吗wpc币区块链数字货币和加密货币的区别在哪StrayCats Coin





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