
资讯 2024-07-02 阅读:25 评论:0
  Web3.0是一个宏大的概念,汇聚了我们对下一代互联网的美好向往和愿景。它是一场数据变革,数据“所有权”和身份“自主权”将从大型平台回归到用户手中,互联网将更加平等,更加开放,更加符合群体利益。Web3.0 is an ambitiou...



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Web3.0 is an ambitious concept that brings together our vision and vision for the next generation of the Internet. It is a data change, where data “ownership” and identity “ownership” will return from large platforms to users, and the Internet will become more equitable, open and community-friendly.


Web3.0 is a data change


Both Web1.0 and Web 2.0 rely on specific Internet platforms for online activity. Even in the Web 2.0 era, users can be producers of content, but rules are developed by Internet platforms and users lack autonomy. Web3.0 is centred on users, emphasizing user autonomy.


First, in the Web1.0 and Web 2.0 eras, users lack autonomy over digital identities. Users can only get digital identities for participating in the corresponding online activities if they create an account on an Internet platform and lose their rights if they sell it. Each time they create an account, users have to fill in personal information once.

  而Web3.0将赋予用户自主管理身份 (SSI) 的权利。用户无需在互联网平台上创建账户,而是可以通过公私钥的签名与验签机制建立数字身份。为了在没有互联网平台账户的条件下可信地验证身份,Web3.0还可利用分布式账本技术,构建分布式公钥基础设施(DPKI)和一种全新的可信分布式数字身份管理系统。分布式账本是一种严防篡改的可信计算范式,在这一范式中,发证方、持证方和验证方之间可以端到端地传递信任。

Web3.0 will give users the right to manage their identity autonomously (SSI). Instead of creating an account on an Internet platform, users can create digital identity through a public-private key signature and verification mechanism. In order to reliably verify identity without an Internet platform account, Web3.0 can also use distributed account technology to construct distributed public key infrastructure (DPKI) and a new, credible distributed digital identity management system.


Second, in the age of Web1.0 and Web 2.0, users lack autonomy over personal data. Individual users are relatively vulnerable in the face of large Internet platforms. Faced with the option of “consensual or unserviceable” users can only agree that personal data is collected or even overcollected.

  而Web3.0不仅赋予用户自主管理身份的权利,而且打破了中心化模式下数据控制者对数据的天然垄断。分布式账本技术可提供一种全新的自主可控数据隐私保护方案。用户数据经密码算法保护后存储在分布式账本中。将身份信息与谁共享、作何种用途均由用户决定,只有经用户签名授权的个人数据才能被合法使用。通过数据的全生命周期确权,数据主体的知情同意权、访问权、拒绝权、可携权、删除权 (被遗忘权)、更正权、持续控制权能够得到更有效的保障。

Web3.0 not only gives users the right to manage their identity autonomously, but also breaks the natural monopoly on data by data controllers under a centralized model. Distributive booking technology provides a completely new program for protecting the privacy of autonomously controlled data. User data is stored in distributed accounts as protected by password algorithms. Users decide who shares the identity information and what uses it is. Only personal data authorized by a user's signature can be used legally. The right to informed consent, access, denial, portability, removal (forgotten), right to correct, and continued control of data subjects can be more effectively guaranteed through data validation throughout their life cycle.


Finally, in the Web1.0 and Web 2.0 eras, users lack autonomy in the face of algorithms. Arithmetic is at the heart of Internet platforms. Arithmetic can provide unique client insight into the creation of “thousands of faces” of user portraits, which can become a winning tool for the network economy.


Wib3.0 will greatly enhance user autonomy in the face of algorithms. Smart contracts are a program that can be called, fully functional, flexible and controlled on distributed books, with the advantage of transparency and credibility, automatic execution, and mandatory performance. When it is deployed in distributed books, the code of the program is open and transparent. Users can inspect and verify possible algorithm abuse, algorithm bias, and algorithm risk at any time. Smart contracts cannot be tampered with and will be executed according to predefined logic, producing the desired results. The contract's implementation will be recorded, monitored over time, an algorithm auditable, and can provide strong evidence for user queries and complaints. Smart contracts are not dependent on a given centre, any user can initiate and deploy, and natural openness and open source greatly enhances the end user's ability to control the algorithms.


At the same time, Web3.0 is a trust change in which the information Internet will evolve into a credible value Internet, with distributed economics and distributed finance that are different from traditional models. It is an organizational change in which businesses are either “disguised”, with no board, no management, no company charters. It is based on algorithms alone. The “organic organizational power” will be an intrinsic driving force of the economic system. It is an empirical change in which the Internet will become more intelligent, human and personal. By enhancing reality/virtual reality/extended reality (XR), wearable equipment, human interfaces, etc., everyone will have their own “soul” in the whole-body space of the body. It is a social change that covers socialization, recreation, production, consumption, commerce.


But, in the end, it is a fundamental technological change that encompasses cutting-edge technologies such as the industrial Internet, chips, artificial intelligence, cloud computing, block chains, big data, cryptography, virtual reality, bioengineering, and so on, and is called a “frozen martial arts innovation explosion.” Some argue that this fundamental shift may take 25-30 years, but others believe that it has already begun.



Many high-tech companies are accelerating the Web 3.0 layouts. “+Web3.0” has become another word after the mobile Internet. “Social +Web3.0” “Recreation +Web3.0” “Commerce +Web3.0” is gradually becoming a trend. In 2021, Zuckerberg changed the name of Facebook to Meta, announced that it would move the ultimate interconnectivity of science fiction into the real world within five years, making Meta a “Megaspace company”. Twitter has already set up various applications on Web3.0 in its main product. Google in its official blog states that the Web3.0 boom is like the rise of the Internet 10 years ago, and formed the Web3.0 team in May 2022, with a large banner in the Web3.0 army.

  Web3.0浪潮不仅发生在桌面端,在移动端也正展现出巨大的潜力。在应用层方面,去中心化应用程序(DApp)已经远远超过100万个,并诞生了边跑步边赚钱的Web3.0应用(StepN)、开源的以太坊钱包(Metamask)等百万甚至千万级别用户量的产品;在偏基础层方面,Web3.0钱包项目(相当于App Store)已经超过95个,公链项目(相当于苹果操作系统)高达127个。从公链、钱包、DApp,到DApp Store,再到Web3.0手机软件、Web3.0手机,一整套体系或将改变手机生态,甚至颠覆目前的移动互联网。越来越多的手机厂商开始关注并探索移动Web3.0的开发和应用。例如2022年6月,宏达国际电子股份有限公司(HTC)发布了新版本的Web3.0手机,这款手机内置了一个加密硬件钱包,便于用户在以太坊上购买和存储加密货币和NFT资产,同时,还尝试通过“加密货币+NFT+VR+手机”的结合,为用户提供一个虚拟空间,打造一款具有沉浸式体验的元宇宙手机。

Web3.0 waves occur not only at the desktop end, but also at the mobile end, showing great potential. On the application level, the decentralized application (DApp) has reached well over 1 million and has produced products such as Web3.0 applications (StepN), open-source Metamask, or even tens of millions of users. On the other side, the Web3.0 Wallet project (equivalent to App Store) has reached more than 95 and the Public Chain project (equivalent to the Apple Operating System) has reached 127. From the public chain, wallet, Dapp, to the Map Street, to Web3.0 mobile phone software, Web3.0, a system that will change the ecology of mobile phones and even destabilize the current Internet. A growing number of mobile phone manufacturers have started to focus on and explore the development and application of moving Web3.0 wallets (equivalent to the Apple Operating System) and the number of public chain projects (equivalent to 127).


On 9 March 2022, President Biden signed Executive Order No. 14067, the Executive Order on Ensuring Responsible Development of Digital Assets, which aims, on the one hand, to protect against the risk of digital assets; and, on the other, to maintain and protect America’s leadership in innovation in the field of digital assets. On 6 May 2022, Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Akada stated in a statement before the House Budget Committee that he believed that the integration of new digital services such as the Woncosm and NFT would lead to economic growth in Japan.


We attach great importance to digital transformation and digital economic development. In December 2021, the State Council issued the “14th Five-Year Digital Economic Development Plan”, which states that by 2025 our digital economy will be on a full-scale expansion phase, with the core industries of the digital economy adding 10% to gross domestic product (GDP). On 24 June 2022, the Shanghai People's Government Office issued the Shanghai City Programme of Action for the Development of a New Race in the Won Universe (2022-2025), setting out the overall requirements, main tasks and priorities for the future development of the new Shanghai Yuan Cosmos track.


At present, the content and outreach of the Web3.0 concept is being enriched and expanded. It is a dynamic and evolving process.






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