早报 (05.20)|全球抛售潮!欧美股市惨跌,大宗商品重挫;比特币狂跌30%后暴力反弹;头部公募启动自查

资讯 2024-07-13 阅读:23 评论:0
各位早~ 早报君先带大家看看过去24小时全球市场个股热点。银行板块中,摩根大通跌0.76%,建设银行跌0.57%,花旗跌0.21%,农业银行跌0.31%;医药板块中,强生跌0.22%,辉瑞跌0.55%,诺华跌1.17%,联合健康跌0.21...



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各位早~ 早报君先带大家看看过去24小时全球市场个股热点。银行板块中,摩根大通跌0.76%,建设银行跌0.57%,花旗跌0.21%,农业银行跌0.31%;医药板块中,强生跌0.22%,辉瑞跌0.55%,诺华跌1.17%,联合健康跌0.21%;通讯板块中,谷歌涨0.4%,腾讯、脸书涨1.17%,中国移动涨2.66%;科技板块中,微软涨0.25%,台积电涨1.41%,甲骨文涨0.06%,阿斯麦跌0.22%;消费板块中,亚马逊跌0.01%,美团涨2.28%,特斯拉跌2.49%;贵州茅台跌0.5%,宝洁涨0.21%。

> >. In the bank section, Morgan Chase has fallen by 0.76%, in the construction bank by 0.57%, in the flag by 0.21%, in the agricultural bank by 0.31%; in the pharmaceutical plate by 0.22%, in the Pfizer by 0.5%, in the Novak by 1.21%, in the joint health by 0.21%; in the communications section, by 0.44%, in the google by 0.4%, in the face by 1.17%, in China by 2.66%; in the technology by 0.25%, in the desktop by 1.41%, in the Oracle by 0.06%, in the Asma by 0.2%; in the consumption panel by 0.01%, in the United States by 2.28%, in the United States by 2.49%, in the United States by 0.5%, in the United States of China by 0.5%, in the United States.


On Wednesday, , , , , , , , , , , , , >, >, the minutes of the Federal Reserve meetings suggest that monetary policy will be tightened and inflation levels are expected to weaken over time.


global other markets > > > > >,

全球主要资产价格方面,WTI 6月原油期货收跌2.13美元,跌幅3.25%,报63.36美元/桶。布伦特7月原油期货收跌2.05美元,跌幅2.98%,报66.66美元/桶。COMEX 6月黄金期货收涨0.7%,报1881.50美元/盎司。加密货币方面,比特币重回39000美元/枚上方,日内跌幅收窄至不足10%。此前一度跌破30000美元/枚。以太坊重返2800美元/枚上方,日内跌幅收窄至17%。

In respect of major global asset prices of , the crude oil future fell by $2.13 in June, or by 3.25 per cent, or $63.36 per barrel. Brent's crude oil future fell by $2.05 in July, by 2.98 per cent, and by $66.66 per barrel. COMEX's gold future increased by 0.7 per cent in June, for $1881.50 per ounce. In respect of encrypted currency, / strong < strong < strong < strong < strong < strong < span < span < span > to 39,000 United States dollars/barrep >, and by less than 10 per cent per day.


What's the interest between yesterday and this morning? Let's take a look at it.

1. 比特币狂跌30%后暴力反弹:女股神、马斯克发声力挺,加密货币交易所恢复服务

1. Violence rebounds after 30% of Bitcoin falls: goddess, Musk sounds strong, encrypted currency exchange restores service


Digital currencies like bitcoin rebounded violently after their collapse. The previously “problematic” crypto-currency exchange was gradually back on its feet, with femininity and masquerading. Bitcoin has now recovered most of the lost ground, returning to over $390 million. Yesterday, the global encrypted currency market, > nearly 480,000 people exploded in a 24-hour period, amounting to 3.8 billion.

2. 美联储会议纪要,如果经济继续快速增长,讨论缩减购债规模是合适的

Summary of the Federal Reserve meeting, if the economy continues to grow rapidly, it would be appropriate to discuss reducing the size of the purchase debt


The minutes of the Federal Reserve meeting show that it is appropriate to discuss reducing the size of the purchase debt if the economy continues to grow rapidly. The United States economy is still far from achieving the FOMC’s (employment and inflation) goals, with substantial progress being made. The path to economic development will depend largely on the evolution of the epidemic. Inflation will rise to more than 2% in the near future because of base effects.

3. 证监会约谈私募投资人叶飞



Last week, the private investor Leaf blew up a “black piece” on a social platform, naming nine listed companies and three coupons suspected of manipulation of stock prices. In the afternoon, the SEC interviewed Ye Fei.

4. 头部公募启动自查或开会宣导,摸查旗下基金产品是否涉“举报门”相关事项

4. Head fund-raising to initiate self-censorship or conduct a conference to see if the Fund's products under the flag involve matters related to the "whistle-blower"


has initiated self-censorship in the context of the Ye Foo Blast incident to check whether there has been any irregularities in the management of the products by the fund manager under the flag, which includes the top ten fund companies in the top ten management rankings. A number of other fund companies have sent internal guidance mail alerts on compliance.

5. 中芯国际拟推股票激励计划



The restricted equity incentive scheme disclosed by , disclosed by , is to issue shares of 75.65 million yuan, or 0.96 per cent of the total equity; the initial incentive is to be awarded to no more than 4,000 persons, or 23.05 per cent of the company's total workforce.

6. 华为回应网传可能入股北汽极狐,称没有此事



does not say anything about the Vulcan Fox car under the Blue Valley flag. In its collaboration with the North Vulcan Vulture Inside, China offers the Huawaei Inside model, under which both sides launch the first-style Alpha S-HI version, which has been featured in the Shanghai Car, with the role of component supplier.

7. 专家认为赛格大厦摇晃系多因耦合

7. Experts believe that the Sage Building is multi-factory .


The experts initially believe that the shock of the Sage Square building was caused by a combination of factors, mainly the effects of wind, and the effects of subway operations and temperature. The report is only a preliminary finding, which the Group is still investigating further. Monitoring results, such as the Sage Building tilt rate, are, according to continuous monitoring by professional bodies, far below the norm.

8. 京东第一季度营收同比增长39%



At the end of March, the annual number of active users had increased by nearly 500 million, compared to 29 per cent in the same period.

9. 房地产供应链融资受严管?业内未收通知 但ABS早已收紧

9. Real estate supply chain finance is tightly regulated? Unnotified within the industry, but ABS has already tightened


refers to a web-based communication that “the Association explicitly requires that no real estate supply chain type projects be carried out by industry as a whole, and no single or pooled type of projects.” Industry sources have expressed concern about the above-mentioned rumours, but no such notification or window guidance has been received. Regulatory guidance has been available for real estate supply chains since last year, with the size of the real estate supply chain ABS shelf of up to $2 billion, which can continue to be rolled out in bulk storage shelves, but new applications are difficult to obtain.

10. 富途控股第一季度营收22.05亿元,远超预期

10. Rich Holdings collected $2.205 billion in the first quarter, far more than expected


In the first quarter of the year, the

11. 贵州茅台回应“未来提价计划”

11. Guizhou Maotai responded to the “future pricing plan”


In response to the “future price increase plan” on 19th, Kotai Director of Guizhou, Lee Jing-in said that price increases involved a number of factors and required a thorough and comprehensive study. The Chairman of the Board said that the share of sales in self-owned companies had now increased significantly, and that the network would continue to grow in line with market demand. Preliminary consideration would be given to this year's Shareholders' Conference to continue last year's liquor sales.

12. 长安与华为打造的高端品牌本月发布,未来有独立上市计划

12. The high-end brand created by Chang An-hwa was launched this month.


Chongqing Changyan Motors Co. Ltd., in conjunction with the Chinese and Ningde eras, is about to shine. Rumor has it that the AB brand will be included in the GLAN New Energy asset pack and will be listed independently in the future.

13. 豫园股份拟不超100亿元参与设立合伙企业投资航空实体企业



Prospectively announces the company's intention to establish a partnership and invest in the business of the aviation entity in such partnerships as the related parties of the company, strategic investors in the aviation industry, etc.

14. 招商银行全资子公司招银欧洲获准设立



15. 内蒙古设立虚拟货币“挖矿”企业举报平台

15. Inner Mongolia, a virtual currency “mining” business reporting platform was established


16. 通富微电:大基金拟减持不超2%公司股份

16. Access to micro-electricity: Large Fund intends to lose not more than 2% of company shares


17. 我国疫苗对变异毒株仍有效

17. Our vaccine still works for mutant strains


As of 17 years, 29.89 doses per 100 inhabitants of the country have been vaccinated. Liao Ning, An engraved, with fewer doses per 100 inhabitants than the national level. Experts report that our anti-cancer vaccine still has protective effects on the mutagenicity strains in South Africa, the United Kingdom, and Brazil, and is currently being tested for the virulent strains in India.

1. 国常会加强期现货市场联动监管

1. Countries regularly strengthen joint futures market regulation


The State Council Standing Meeting expressed the view that it was important to deploy substantial commodity price-fixing efforts to keep the economy stable, emphasizing the strengthening of futures and spot market linkages, screening unusual transactions and malicious ploys. Strict scrutiny of prices, especially the hoarding of quirks, was required by law. The meeting also stressed the need to increase refinancing to support inclusive finance and to direct banks to expand credit lending; and urged priority coal enterprises to increase production and supply in the context of ensuring security.

2. 央行官员称国际化条件下央行将放弃汇率目标

2. Central bank officials claim that under internationalization, central banks will abandon exchange rate targets


The Director of the Central Bank of China Financial Research Institute, Zhou Chengjun, said that, under the internationalization of the renminbi, the Central Bank of China would eventually abandon exchange rate targets. The renminbi would continue to appreciate against the United States dollar in the medium and long term. As of 19 September, the renminbi would be offered a median price of 6.4255 against the dollar, raising it to 102 basis points.

3. 2020年城镇非私营单位就业人员年平均工资97379元

3. Average annual wage of urban non-private sector employees in 2020 is $97379


In 2020, the average annual wage of non-private wage earners in towns and cities was $97379, an increase of $6878 over the previous year, representing an increase of 7.6 per cent in nominal terms and a decline of 2.2 percentage points from 2019. The average annual wage of non-private wage earners in towns and cities was 5.2 per cent in real terms in 2020, net of price factors. The average wage of non-private wage earners in towns and cities was the lowest since 1984.

4. 两市融资余额增加54.34亿元

4. The financing balance of the two municipalities increased by $5.434 billion


5. 全国房贷平均利率“四连涨”,深圳自去年6月以来首次上涨

5. Average interest rate on national mortgages “four consecutive increases”, Shenzhen rose for the first time since June last year


In May 2021, the average interest rate for the first housing loan was 5.33 per cent for the whole country, an increase of 2BP for the ring; the average interest rate for the second housing loan was 5.61 per cent for the ring and an increase of 2BP for the ring. The Beijing and Shanghai regions of the first-line cities continued at the same level and Shenzhen began to rise. Since June 2020, the mainstream interest rate for the Shenzhen first housing loan has remained at 4.95 per cent and the average has been 4.98 per cent.

1. 光伏硅料每吨报价已达20万元大关

1. Prices per ton of photovoltaic silicon have reached $200,000.


2. 国内钢材市场全线下跌

2. Full-line decline in the domestic steel market


The domestic steel market fell across the line, and Tangshan’s price fell by 170 to 5300 yuan per ton. It is estimated that construction materials will reach an average volume of about 180,000 tons per day in mid-May, which is significantly lower than the 305,000 tons in early May. Analysis reports that the current market is afraid of high-level sentiment as a result of the rapid rise in steel prices in the previous period, combined with the onset of the southern rainy season, a weak willingness to buy downstream, a sharp decline in speculative demand and a downward trend in the steel market.

3. 芯片交货周期达17周,创下新高

3. Chip delivery cycle of 17 weeks, resulting in a new height of

根据Susquehanna Financial Group的研究,4月份芯片的交货周期(从订购到交货的时间)延长到了17周,是该公司2017年开始跟踪该数据以来的最长等待时间。

4. 供应增长持续,猪价仍处下行周期

4. Supply growth continues, and hog prices continue to follow a downward cycle .


In the first week of May, the price of pig food fell by 3.16%. At current prices and costs, future pig-breeding heads are profitable at 270.25, which is a significant decrease compared to the previous high prices of two or three thousand dollars. Pig prices can be shaken and there is a short-term possibility of narrow warming. But based on current market conditions and cyclical patterns, the downward trend in the cycle of the pig cycle has not stopped.




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