明知“割韭菜” 還是要“梭哈”

资讯 2024-07-13 阅读:111 评论:0
原標題:原標題:明知“割韭菜” 還是要“梭哈”   原標題:明知“割韭菜” 還是要“梭哈” Title: Knows whether to cut vegetables or shoals   ...



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原標題:原標題:明知“割韭菜” 還是要“梭哈”

  原標題:明知“割韭菜” 還是要“梭哈”

Title: Knows whether to cut vegetables or shoals


What the hell is behind the new round of "frozen booms"?


In just four months, the currency ring (a group of people using the chain technology to develop, deliver, operate, trade in virtual currency) has rekindled, with more new players and more playing.


On January 10, the digital trading platform Binance announced that its global register, with over 5 million subscribers, had risen to one of the largest exchanges in the world, just about six months from the start of its operation. And, because the new user grew too fast, the currency had to close the register for a while.


However, the myth of “one dollar, one house” ended on September 4, last. The ICO policy, which was launched by seven ministries, such as the “three-line” conference, defines the ICO of the virtual currency as “the essence of an unsanctioned act of illegal publicization”.


Since then, the currency circle has experienced short-term silence, but the tides of “fibbing” such as “disguised ICO” have continued to grow, with more meetings and exchanges on the topic of sector chains, digital assets, virtual currency, and more and more participants in the “fibulation boom”.


How does this “fouling boom” re-emerge? More and more new entrants, with a variety of coins and trading methods, will bring about a “currency ring” and society?


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  “梭哈”,原本是賭博牌局游戲中的名詞,指的是將所有賭資都押注,希望通過一把“All in”博得最大收益。而在“幣圈”群裡,“梭哈表情包”更多地被用來鼓勵投資者投入更多資金參與“炒幣”。

“Sho-ha,” originally used as a name for gambling games, refers to betting on all the bets in the hope of maximizing the profits from a “All in.” In the “currency ring” group, “Sho-ho-ho” is more often used to encourage investors to invest more in “money-raising.”


Since June 2017, she has invested tens of thousands of dollars in various currencies. But, as a “worker” with not much income, Pang knew that she had not dared to put all of her family in, and she knew that there were too many risks in the circle.


“The resources of the currency ring are highly strained, the information is highly opaque, the participants are highly variable, and the term “cuttering” is not empty. Not only the outside world, but the same thing is said about the currency ring.”


Benefits and risks are always proportional. The currency circle is more risky, but the currency price rises by 50 per cent or even doubles in a week, and the ultra-high return on profits continues to attract more and equally well-known new players.


It has been months since she joined the “false army” – a feeling that she feels like the currency is moving, but more often, she feels excited about the currency ring. “Only in the currency ring, seeing that the money she buys or does not buy rises by 20 or 30 per cent in one day, and the feeling that she wants to invest more in it will grow stronger.”


The direct factor behind the many new entrants is the myth of rapid enrichment of various virtual currencies, which can be promoted as high-value virtual coins even if they are some of the bogus ones.

  2013 年被推出的“狗狗幣”,原本只是創始團隊借此籌款做公益的一個項目,在公益活動結束后就處於相對停滯的狀態。但在2017年12月,“狗狗幣”的價格穩步走高,市值上漲超過400%。“狗狗幣”的創始人之一杰克遜·帕爾默曾對媒體表示,擔心這會是一場惡性通貨膨脹騙局。

But in December 2017, the price of the “dog coin” rose steadily and the market value rose by more than 400%. Jackson Palmer, one of the founders of the “dog coin”, once told the press that he feared it would be a bad inflation scam.


According to investors, the case of “dog coins” is not new in the “frozen boom” that comes again.


“I believe that most people do not think that in such a short period of time, the ICO will reheated, even more than it did last time.” In the re-emergence of the “fibulation boom”, Chairman Kwok cosmos believes that there is no shortage of people who believe in virtual currency and know technology, but most people do not insist on holding some virtual currency.


"It is clear to all who are involved that the logic behind many of the coins is fragile. It's more serious than the stock market to go after it, because it doesn't go up or down." As the cosmos says, "We're all involved in this game with a little investment, but we just feel like we're not going to be the last."


The logic of the fall in the price of / strong'


So, how did this round of "frozen boom" develop and spread after the ICO ban?


The Law School of the Central National University, Professor Deng Jianjin, has long been studying virtual currency and its supervision. In his view, the recent round of “frozen currency booms” has had some bearing on the centralization of virtual currency in September 2017 by the Department of Supervision, but more so because of the fact that bitcoins have attracted more ordinary investors, even traditional financial institutions, to push the price of bitcoins and other virtual coins.


According to Kwok Space, the most important incentive to boost the price of virtual currency such as bitcoins is the constant influx of new people into the market. He estimates that, after two rounds of “cow bear swaps” in the virtual currency field in recent years, the total number of people in the domestic “currency” has increased from hundreds of thousands to millions, owing to limited amounts of bitcoins and many of them have lost, or are in the hands of a very small number of people whose concentration is far greater than traditional wealth, so that the growing number of new investors will continue to push up the price of bitcoins and other virtual currencies.


“When the entire market of the “currency ring” expanded rapidly from 200,000 to 1 million, a lot of hard currency of the “currency ring” actually went up to a very high ship at a single price, such as Bitcoins and ETHs.” As this explains the “rich effect” of the “bitcoins” and other virtual coins.


If the high price of “hard currency” is more due to scarcity, the logic of price increases in other currencies in the “currency circle” is even more complicated.


The Vice-President of the Financial Research Institute of China’s University of Political Science and Law told Chinese youth reporters that the development of other currencies has grown in tandem with the Bitcoins, including companies and projects where companies and individuals use encrypted digital currencies for investment purposes. As a result, various other currencies are linked to the Bitcoins, and the currency’s trade price booms are consistent with the increases in the prices of other currencies.


In the case of “dog coins,” as described above, there are a number of factors that make up their price movements, such as price movements in bitcoins, and people who invest in “dog coins,” all of which can influence the price changes. In the real currency circles, the most obvious and controversial of the influence is probably the virtual currency trading loop.


On the evening of January 14, another digital capital exchange, the ETH/USDT (Etha and Tedar) deal, traded in OKEx coins, made a huge amount of ETHs sold at no cost because a user sold a large amount of ETHs five times in a row over a 12-minute period of time.


But, in the first place, it is less likely that such a careless ETH transaction price error will occur. She argues that behind this may be an in-house means of improving the flow and price of some currency transactions.

  事實上,最近不少交易所都推出了意在提高流動性、增加用戶黏性的平台幣。1月20日晚間,火幣Pro宣布發行自己的平台令牌Huobi Token,短短幾分鐘內,OKEx就傳出將要推出OKB,並且要把OKB建設成OKEx生態中的重要組成部分。加上此前幣安推出的BNB(幣安幣),目前國內“幣圈”的三大常用平台都已經推出相應的平台幣。

In fact, a number of recent exchanges have introduced platform coins designed to increase mobility and user stickyness. In the evening of January 20, Firecoin Pro announced the launch of its own platform, Huobi Token, and in a matter of minutes, OKEx announced that it would launch an OKB and set it up as an important component of the OKEx system.


According to Dunjian, the data of the world's major virtual currency exchanges are largely unconnected with financial regulators, so it is difficult to prove whether such exchanges are working with the money's “big miners” to raise prices or to deal with insiders.


In many cases of surreal currency price hikes, many investors are more likely to worry about the existence of surrogate prices. “There is some reason and possibility for this fear, and Japan already has a (virtual currency) exchange that is found to be increasing prices in the use of robots to buy their own money.” According to Deng Jianjin.


's future management options


In the recent past, the regulatory department has made frequent or explicit requests, or made risk alerts, in recognition of the investment risks that are hidden in the “fibre boom”.


Today, the Ministry of People's Bank Administration of China issued a circular on self-censorship and reform of payment services for illegal virtual currency transactions (hereinafter referred to as the " Reorganization Notice " ), requiring payment agencies in the area to open self-censorship and make changes, strictly prohibiting the provision of services for virtual currency transactions, and taking measures to prevent trade routes from being used for virtual currency transactions.


On January 12, the China Internet Financial Association issued an announcement entitled "A Risk Alert for Protection against ICO Activities" (hereinafter referred to as "the Hint" ), calling on the wider consumer and investor to understand the nature of the relevant model, increase risk awareness, invest rationally, and not blindly. The Hint also named the digital currency “chain” (formerly the “principal currency”) issued by the Thundergroup, calling it “a substitute for the legal currency obligation to pay for the services rendered to the participants, which is inherently an inclusive undertaking and a variant of the ICO”.


The Senior Researcher of the Sunning Institute of Financial Studies, Hong Yong Ning, argues that the Reorganization Notice does not actually have an updated content and that, although it may be of some inconvenience to virtual currency transactions, because domestic transactions have been banned in the country, the investors in virtual currency are now generally off-the-shelf transactions, so that the policy is not operational enough to stop a well-known, highly traded, virtual currency from doing business.


Kwok also believes that the Reorganization Notice has had a limited impact on off-site transactions, and that the most important policy in the virtual currency domain — “one size fits all” — has been on the ground for months now, with more intergenerational transactions taking place outside the field, even on foreign trading platforms, thereby putting a lot of risks in the form of virtual currency. “The emergence of small exchanges ‘rolling’, which are nothing more than worthless ‘air money’, has been the focus of all of us.”


The technical characteristics of virtual currency determine that supervision is always poor, so what are the references to future supervision that have been introduced in the past?


According to Hong Jinning, virtual currency as an important product of regional chain technology has a huge market demand, and it is impossible to block technological development by imposing a ban on just one moment. “Guidance should be careful about the difference between genuine technical applications and fraudulent practices.”


Kwok also suggested that oversight of virtual currency should be given greater consideration to the possibility of “leaping” through, for example, a body trusted by a regulator, trading in tokens within a narrow range, strictly controlling the transaction process and personnel, and strictly selecting the currency. “There is an exit that allows people to deal properly and put it in the sun.”


According to Dunjian, the virtual currency of private or corporate development and the national financial regulatory system may be a natural confrontation for a long time to come. He had also predicted that, after closing down the country’s Bitcoin trading structure, the ultimate control might be new rules because it was difficult to control off-site transactions.

  在武長海看來,在“ICO一刀切”以后,虛擬貨幣的監管方面還面臨一大挑戰:由於區塊鏈和虛擬貨幣可以超越國界線,而各國政府對待虛擬貨幣的態度並不一致,放鬆監管的國家也許能就此獲得額外收益。“所以說從長遠來看,各國還應當協同監管,防止監管套利。”(記者 王林 實習生 竇彤輝)

As far as the sea is concerned, there is still a major challenge to the regulation of virtual currency after the “ICO one-size-fits-all”: since regional chains and virtual currency can go beyond national lines, governments may not agree on the treatment of virtual currency, and countries that relax custody may receive extra benefits. “So, in the long run, countries should also work together to prevent the regulation of arbitrage.” (Reporter King Lin interrogatories)



When the national bitcoin platform shuts down into the countdown






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