2002年5月24日,石家庄燕赵中等美术专业学校升格为石家庄东方美术职业学院。 On 24 May 2002, Ishigami Yan Zhao Secondary School of Fine Arts was upgraded to Ishigami East School of Fine Arts. 2009年4月12日,学校东方文化创意产业基地开工建设,规划占地1200亩,总投资24.74亿元,由“影视动漫城”、“民间工艺美术园”、“东方美术史园”等五部分组成,涵盖教育培训、艺术品研创、文化旅游、文化会展等七大门类文化创意产业。 On 12 April 2009, construction began on the School's Eastern Cultural Creative Industries Base, which is planned to occupy 1,200 acres, with a total investment of 2,474 million yuan, consisting of five components, namely, the “Viewed City”, the “Civil Arts Park” and the “Oriental Art Museum”, covering seven major cultural creative industries, such as educational training, art research, cultural tourism, cultural fairs, etc. 2011年4月,教育部发文同意石家庄东方美术职业学院升格为河北美术学院(教发函[2011]95号),首批设置绘画、艺术设计、动画3个本科专业。 In April 2011, the Ministry of Education issued an agreement to upgrade the Eastern School of Fine Arts of Ishigia to the North American School of Fine Arts (No. [2011] 95), with the first three undergraduate specializations in painting, art design and animation. 2015年4月27日,学校顺利通过申请增列为学士学位授予单位和视觉传达设计、绘画、动画、环境艺术四个专业申报学士学位授权专业的审核评估。5月4日,河北省人民政府学位委员会下发《河北省人民政府学位委员会关于同意河北美术学院增列为学士学位授予单位的批复》(冀学位[2015]6号),正式批准河北美术学院为学士学位授予单位,动画、绘画、环境设计和视觉传达设计等4个首批本科专业增列为学士学位授予专业。 On 27 April 2015, the school successfully applied for the addition of four accredited bachelor's degrees in design, painting, animation and environmental arts. On 4 May, the Hebei Provincial People's Government Degree Board issued the Hebei Province People's Government Degree Board's approval of the addition of the Hebei North American School of Arts to the unit awarded the baccalaureate (doctor No. [2015] 6), formally approving the addition of the first four undergraduates to the baccalaureate, including animation, painting, environmental design and visual communication design. 2015年11月29日,获评“全国高等学校创业教育研究与实践先进单位”。 On 29 November 2015, the National Advanced Unit for Entrepreneurship Education in Higher Education was evaluated. 2016年5月1日,学校东方文化创意产业基地暨大学生实训就业创业孵化基地在学校帝国广场举行开园。 On 1 May 2016, the School Foundation for the Creative Industries of Oriental Culture and the University Students' Business Incubation Base was opened in the Imperial Square of the School.
- 研究成果
According to the network of school officials in August 2016, schools are responsible for 111 scientific research projects; have published 1,064 academic papers; and have published 47 monographs and teaching materials and 30 of their own.
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- 艺术创作
According to the network of school officials in August 2016, 440 prizes were awarded to teachers for their works of art, of which 54 were awarded at the national level and 865 were awarded to students at the provincial level and above. Of the more than 40 law graduates in the 2012 academic year, 20 students became members of the Chinese Association of Calligraphers. The school headmaster, Xing, published the Selected Pictures of the Too Fashion (Hong Kong), the Selected Pictures of the King (Taiwan), and the Books of Tsing. The school was awarded the 9th and 10th Academy Awards for Animation of the Beijing Film Academy.
2011年,在哈尔滨举办的国际冰雕节上 ,鲁斌、杨占成、徐志成老师带队创作的《硕果累累》获创作金奖,雪雕作品《五谷丰登》获太阳岛雪博会特别一等奖。2011年书法学院4名学生的书法作品同次入选全国第十届书法篆刻展。
In 2011, at the International Ice Sculpture Festival, held in Harbin, Rubin, Yang Jianxing, and Xu Zhixing, led by their team, won a gold prize for their creative work, and Snowfontain was awarded a special first prize at the Sun Island Snow Fair. In 2011, four students from the School of Book Law were selected for the 10th National Book Law Festival.
In 2013, Mr. Lan Shinseng-Sung's work on the theme "Types" was selected for the fifth Iranian International Font Festival.
In 2014, the works of Mr. Lulong and Mr. Ma Kuobin were selected for the Twelfth National Fair of Fine Arts; and the work of Mr. Roxoming's classmates, Mr. Yuves, were awarded the Third National Student Design Competition for Excellence.
On 21 November 2015, school students won a second prize, a third prize, and a prize for excellence in three pieces of " C-driven boxing ", " The Flower Arts Tour ", and " Hao spirit ", which were made during the 7th National Student Advertisement Art Competition. On 21 December 2015, the School Motion Academy of Motion, Viben, Luihang, Zhang Chengwen, Wang Xing and his teacher-led " Sword Swords ", dance youth, and "Dance and Acceleration ", three animation short films, which were presented at the 15th Beijing Film Academy Award.
In March 2016, two silver prizes and one bronze prize were awarded at the third Chinese exhibition of architectural and ornamental art sponsored by the China Architectural Association.
According to a network of school officials in August 2016, schools have research institutions such as the Toy Research and Development Centre, the Institute of Sculpture, the Ceramic Research Institute, the Institute for the Restoration of Books and Monuments, the Bronze Crafts Institute, the Institute for Artistic Art Research, the Facing Institute, the Chenko Research Centre for Expiring Flowers, the Old House Cultural Research Centre, the Institute for Contemporary Experimental Ink Research, the Watercolor Arts Research Centre, the Institute for Landscape Design and the Centre for Innovative Entrepreneurship Education and Research.
On 3 December 2015, Professor Ye Yu Tian, Director of the Art Department of the School of Animation of the North American School of Arts of Lake, Master's Lecturer and Research Fellow of the China Institute of Animation Art, gave a lecture at the school on the theme " Analysis of dreams: the path to my creative practice ".
In March 2016, at the Gomel Cultural Centre in Belarus, the Vice-Rector of the School, Choi Kyung-chul, “China Red” pen-showed world tour was held, followed by tours in the United States, Paris, Macao, Japan, Thailand, Monaco and Italy.
On the morning of March 16, 2016, the 18th National Design Masters Award for the Taizhou Cup and Seminar on Productive Research and Synergy. On March 17, Professor Liu May, Director of the Institute of Environmental Arts of the School of Fine Arts of Harbin Teachers' University, was invited to give a lecture on the theme “Industrial Design and Indoor Design Relationships” in the International Reporting Office of the University. On March 25, the researcher of the National Painting Institute and the national artist Maymerson was invited to give a lecture on the theme “Playing Chinese Paints” in the International Reporting Hall of the School. On March 29, he was honoured as a professional film director, opera director and drama director, producer and publisher of the International Film Institute, and was invited to engage in academic exchanges with students of the School Media Academy in the International Reporting Office.
According to the August 2016 network of school officials, a joint training agreement was signed with the Japan School of New Ambulance, the Korea Hunan University, the Ukrainian School of Fine Arts, the Naples School of Fine Arts, the Russian State Humanities University in the Far East, Italy; and friendly cooperation was established with eight internationally recognized colleges of higher learning and three international exchange associations, including the Russian St. Petersburg Teachers’ University. China-China and Russia-Russia-based international courses have been set up.
The North American School of Fine Arts, in cooperation with Hunan University, Korea, organizes an undergraduate project on landscape gardening. [11]
On 8 August 2019, the Ministry of Education approved a project on undergraduate education in clothing and clothing design, organized by the Hebei School of Fine Arts in cooperation with the ACME School of Fine Arts in Milan, Italy. [12]
- 馆藏资源
According to the School Officer's Network in August 2016, there are 620,000 books, more than 1,200 periodicals, 80 electronic books, 400GBs, reading 660 seats; video materials include 417 cassettes, 1822 CD-ROMs, 183 videotapes. [10] 美术博物馆有供学生基础训练鉴赏和临摹的馆藏名人书画、雕塑等文物3000余件。 The Museum of Fine Arts has more than 3,000 objects such as the collection of famous paintings and sculptures for the basic training of students. 《河北美苑》是学校的内部学术交流刊物,设有“专家访谈”、“ 名师名家”、“ 优秀学子”、“ 工作室阵地”、“ 学术交流”、“ 美术教育研究”、“ 学术前沿”等栏目。 Intra-school academic exchange publications such as "Expert Interviews", "Students" and "Students of Excellence", "Workroom Positions", "Academic Exchanges", "Advanced Arts Education Research" and "Academy Front". 前身是2007年创刊的《石家庄东方美术》,2012年9月更名为《河北美苑》。 It was preceded by the 2007 edition of The Eastern Art of Ishigami, which was renamed " Healing North America " in September 2012.
As of November 2020, there are seven second-level colleges and one basic teaching department, such as the Faculty of Plastic Arts, the Faculty of Book Law, the Faculty of Architectural and Art Design, the Faculty of Design Arts, the Academy of Film and Visual Arts, the Academy of Animated Digital Arts, the Institute of International Education.
院系 | 本科专业 | 专科专业 |
造型艺术学院 | 绘画(中国画、油画两个方向)、美术学 | 中国画、油画[13] |
城市设计学院 | 环境设计(室外设计方向)、公共艺术、风景园林 | 建筑装饰工程技术、景观设计方向、城镇规划、环境艺术设计、城市园林[14] |
传媒学院 | 视觉传达设计、广播电视编导、戏剧影视美术设计、影视摄影与制作、艺术与科技(网络媒体方向)、表演(影视表演方向)、播音与主持艺术 | 视觉传达艺术设计、电视节目制作、摄影摄像技术、广告设计与制作[15] |
环境艺术学院 | 环境设计、装潢艺术设计、展览展示 | 环境艺术设计、建筑室内设计 |
动画学院 | 动画、数字媒体艺术 | 动漫设计与制作、游戏设计与制作、影视动画 |
工业设计学院 | 产品设计 | 艺术设计学、产品造型设计、玩具设计与制造、旅游工艺品设计与制作、家具设计、首饰设计 |
服装学院 | 服装设计与工程、服装与服饰设计、表演(服装表演) | 服装设计与技术、服装设计[16] |
书法学院 | 书法学 | 艺术设计(书法篆刻方向)[17] |
雕塑学院 | 雕塑、工艺美术 | 工艺美术设计与制作、雕塑艺术设计、陶瓷艺术设计[18] |
国际教育学院 | —— | —— |
院系 | 本科专业 | 专科专业 |
造型艺术学院 | 绘画(中国画、油画两个方向)、美术学 | 中国画、油画[13] |
城市设计学院 | 环境设计(室外设计方向)、公共艺术、风景园林 | 建筑装饰工程技术、景观设计方向、城镇规划、环境艺术设计、城市园林[14] |
传媒学院 | 视觉传达设计、广播电视编导、戏剧影视美术设计、影视摄影与制作、艺术与科技(网络媒体方向)、表演(影视表演方向)、播音与主持艺术 | 视觉传达艺术设计、电视节目制作、摄影摄像技术、广告设计与制作[15] |
环境艺术学院 | 环境设计、装潢艺术设计、展览展示 | 环境艺术设计、建筑室内设计 |
动画学院 | 动画、数字媒体艺术 | 动漫设计与制作、游戏设计与制作、影视动画 |
工业设计学院 | 产品设计 | 艺术设计学、产品造型设计、玩具设计与制造、旅游工艺品设计与制作、家具设计、首饰设计 |
服装学院 | 服装设计与工程、服装与服饰设计、表演(服装表演) | 服装设计与技术、服装设计[16] |
书法学院 | 书法学 | 艺术设计(书法篆刻方向)[17] |
雕塑学院 | 雕塑、工艺美术 | 工艺美术设计与制作、雕塑艺术设计、陶瓷艺术设计[18] |
国际教育学院 | —— | —— |
As of October 2020, school environmental design had been evaluated as a provincial priority development discipline; four specializations in law, environmental design, digital media arts, arts and technology were classified as top-ranked professions in Hebei Province, and artistic design as a pilot for comprehensive professional reform at the provincial level. [19]
As of 15 November 2021, the school had its own 1502 full-time teachers, of whom 22 were masters, 487 were senior-title teachers, and 1206 were masters and doctoral-level teachers. The school had “Special Government Grant Specialists” from the State Council, “Three or Three Talents” from Hebei Province, “Three or Three Talents” from provincial teachers, provincial teachers of excellence, provincial teachers, city leaders, city leaders, and city leaders. Over 53 were hired by leading national and international experts to teach Chen Quanqin, Liu Jung-sung, Gu Bo-hu, Ho Xuan and 30 special professors. [20]
- 质量工程
According to the network of school officials in August 2016, the schools have three courses of excellence in Hebei province, five projects of teaching reform in Hebei province, two pilot specializations in integrated professional reform in Hebei province and one demonstration centre for experimental teaching at Hebei Higher School.
Facsimile course in Hebei Province : advertising design, book law and technical theory, 3D action design
The Hebei Provincial Teaching Reform Project : Research on the Basic Quality and Vocational Skills of Higher Education Students, Research and Practice in the Construction of the Applied Under-Certificate Education Base in Hebei Province, Study on the Design and Reform of the Teaching System for the Professional Classes in the Arts at Higher Education Schools, Study on the Model of Integrated Practice in Production and Research for the Design of Specialized Areas based on Workroom Platforms, Model for the Development of Innovative Talents in the Arts Designs of Higher Education Schools, and Study on the Reform of Teaching Reforms
Pilot for Integrated Professional Reform in Hebei Province : Art Design, Environmental Design
Model Centre for Experimental Teaching at Higher School in Hebei Province : Model Centre for Experimental Teaching in Animated Crafts
"America in the East"
Entering thee, into the East, into thy dream, and approaching thee, into the East, into the House of the Beautiful;
And the sky, and the sun, and the clouds, and your galleries,
A thousand years old, where beauty is hidden, and where the rivers of yoo-yeon, the rivers of the Yangtze, and the beauty flow;
And enter thee, and into the east, and into thy gods, and enter thee, and into the east, and into the heaven of beauty;
The rivers of beauty, and the villages of beauty, and the legends of beauty, and spread your vision of beauty;
The beauty grows here in many places, in the colours of the land, in the fragrance of the ancient land, in the goodness of the earth, and in the beauty of the earth.
噜嘟 ……噜噜嘟嘟 噜噜嘟嘟噜嘟嘟 噜嘟嘟噜噜嘟嘟 噜噜嘟嘟
Doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo
And enter thee, into the east, into thy dreams, and enter thee, into the east, and fly with beauty, and fly with beauty.
School Song Introduction
The school song was written in the early years of the school. It was written by Professor Zhang Jii, a well-known linguist, and by the famous composer Yao Ming verse, the lead singer of the Black Duck Group.
The school song rejects the creative style of the past, which is based on school training and the spirit of the school, and boldly depicts the nature of the campus; reflects the unique artistic style of China through the narrative of the Orientian scene; and interprets the content of the art through the exclamation of history for millions of years.
School songs provide a clear artistic direction for a wide range of teachers and students, and inspire them to strive for a life that is ordinary or not; self-reliance, self-confidence, self-loathing; and a strong struggle for everyone's dreams.
校徽结构严谨、工整对称、平实稳健、极富表现力。整体形状方圆结合,内方外圆蕴含处世之道,圆形构图浑然一体,象征着学院师生凝聚、团结、和谐及对美好未来的追求。校徽以湛蓝色为标准色,象征天高任鸟飞,海阔凭鱼跃。 The school logo is well structured, symmetrically symmetrically symmetrically, squarely robust, and highly performing. It is a combination of squares of shapes, internal and external circles, full of shapes, and is a symbol of the College’s pupils and students’ cohesion, unity, harmony, and quest for a better future. The school logo is colored by blue, symbolizing the flying of birds in the sky, and the leaping of fish in the ocean.
Self-confident, self-serving, first of all
Confidence, which is drawn from Ink, "Although the mediocre people have no complaints, they have confidence in each other." Confidence is a sine qua non for success and a source of success. Mao said, "Consumptive self-confidence is self-confidence and belief, and self-confidence is tolerance; self-confidence is self-reliance, self-reliance and self-reliance.
Self-reliance, which is drawn from the Book of Honour, is: “Truth is to be done, and so is its self-reliance.” The Norwegian poet, Mr. Ibsen, once said: “The strongest man in the world is the independent man.” Self-reliance requires self-reliance to be built on his own strength, self-reliant, independent of his own, and independent of his own.
I dared to start by saying, "I have three treasures, I have three treasures, I hold them. I dared not to use them for the sake of the world." Schools offer to be the first to do what others have never done before, to be the first to do, and to be the first to do what others have done. Worried, to be the first to do, to be the first to do, to be the first to break the old, to be the first to create a new life, to be an open mind, to be concerned and to develop a spirit of innovation, and to be a love for the nation, society and people.
职务 | 姓名 |
党委书记、省政府督导专员 | 裴红彬 |
校长 | 甄忠义 |
党委委员、常务副校长 | 张建敏 |
党委副书记、副校长 | 甄心恒 |
副校长 | 张子言、甄墨 |
党委委员、副校长、工会主席 | 孙志强 |
党委委员、校长助理 | 麻立峰 |
职务 | 姓名 |
党委书记、省政府督导专员 | 裴红彬 |
校长 | 甄忠义 |
党委委员、常务副校长 | 张建敏 |
党委副书记、副校长 | 甄心恒 |
副校长 | 张子言、甄墨 |
党委委员、副校长、工会主席 | 孙志强 |
党委委员、校长助理 | 麻立峰 |
Source: Network of Officials of the North American School of Fine Arts, May 2022 [21]
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