
资讯 2024-07-16 阅读:22 评论:0
項目編號:UGC/FDS25/E10/19 項目名稱:發展新型合成陽離子及帶磁性納米複合物以促進微藻細胞的快速收集和破碎從而提高微藻細胞作生物燃料的生產效率 首席研究員:陳祖賢博士(高科院)˂a name= "FDS25E1...



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過去數十年間,快速發展使能源消耗增加及大量二氧化碳排放,導致全球二氧化碳濃度已達警報水準(> 400ppm),並直接造成很多極端氣候變化。科學家和工程人員一致認同要有效減少化石燃料的依賴,以解決這嚴重的環境問題。根據2016年的巴黎協定,全球多國制定了很多減少能源使用的措施,例如提高工業製造及生產過程的能源效益,同時大大增加較潔淨能源和可再生能源使用的比例,以實現可持續發展。在眾多可再生能源選擇中,太陽能、風能和生物燃料已發展至實際應用層面。然而當中有一些操作限制會阻礙它們的大規模發展,如太陽光和風力的間歇不定,以及其較高昂的安裝成本和維護費用;又或是以農作物轉化為生物燃料所造成糧食供應減少等問題。

Scientists and engineers agree to reduce the dependence on fossil fuels effectively in order to address this serious environmental problem. According to the Paris agreement of 2016, a number of countries around the world have developed a number of measures to reduce energy use, such as increasing energy efficiency in industrial production and production processes and increasing the proportion of cleaner and renewable energy use in real time to ensure sustainable development. In many renewable energy options, solar energy, wind energy and biofuels have grown to the point where they are being used effectively.


Recent research on the use of micro-algae for large-scale biofuels has seen a marked increase in the use of micro-algae. The advantages of micro-algae are, however, that it is faster to grow and more easily to grow; that it is less efficient to absorb carbon dioxide than other agricultural crops, from which it can reduce global carbon dioxide content; that the high fat content and its similarity to conventional fuels are beneficial to the effective use of generic internal combustion machines in the current industry; that it can produce high-value food recharges; that it can be used to remove nutrients in waste water; that it can be used to remove nutrients in waste water; that it is more likely that micro-algae will be used as biofuels; that, as a result, 20 to 30 per cent of energy will be consumed in micro-algae collection and production of biofuels; and that it will be used as a source of energy for energy consumption and consumption; and that it will be used as a source of energy for energy consumption; and that it will be used as a source of energy for energy consumption and consumption.

在這項研究中,首先會合成一種新型磁性納米粒子(MNP;Fe3O4),隨後將二氧化矽塗層製備在這磁性納米粒子上,以提高磁芯在後期細胞破碎和解吸過程中對酸/溶劑的化學穩定性。陽離子聚合物塗層如聚乙烯亞胺(PEI)或表面活性劑十六烷基三甲基溴化銨(CTAB),將進一步分別製備在二氧化矽-磁性納米粒子上以用作微藻細胞的收集及破碎。實驗中會探討不同的絮凝條件和解吸條件對淡水微藻細胞(Chlorella vulgaris)和海洋微藻細胞(Nannochloropsis sp.)的影響及作出條件優化。在外部磁場作用下,通過使用這合成的陽離子磁性納米複合絮凝劑,可以實現微藻細胞在培養液中的快速收集。經過簡單的解吸過程,達致有效提取微藻脂肪用作生產生物燃料,同時亦可重複多次使用這嶄新製備的高磁性納米複合絮凝劑。總括而言,這項研究可大幅降低以微藻生產生物燃料過程中的能源消耗,和增加大規模重用水(作微藻培養液)的可能性。

The study will begin with the synthesis of a new type of magnetic nanoparticles (MNP; Fe3O4), which will then be prepared on this magnetic nanoparticles to enhance the chemical stability of the acid/soluble agent in later cell break-up and desorption. The solar polymer coatings such as polyethylamide (PEI) or marine micro-algae (Nannocheropsis sp.) will be further developed separately from the dioxidium-magnetic nanoparticles to be used for the collection and fragmentation of micro-algae cells. The experiment will explore different condensation and desorption protocols for freshwater microscopics (Chalella vulis) and marine microscopic cells (Nannocheropsis sp. ) that can be used as a microscopic microscopic microscopic microscopic booster, using this synthetic nanoscopic microscopic microsm.



entry number: UGC/FDS14/B08/19
entry name: brand Chinese name: the influence of visual space characteristics on brand recognition and evaluation
Principal Researcher: Dr. Chen Fang Yi (Shang Da)


It is particularly important for new brands that the well-designed brand name summary helps remember brands and can influence the user's appreciation of brands. This research project will use cross-disciplinary theory as a foundation, adopting a multifaceted approach, looking at how the visual space of Chinese brand names influences the user's perception and memory of brands, and exploring the psychological mechanisms involved in identifying and identifying Chinese brand names. The results of the study can contribute intellectually to linguistics and brand literature, and can also provide important reference data for business and salesmen, thereby helping to create more identifiable and user-friendly brand names.



entry number: UGC/FDS23/H03/19
entry name: two-way model for further exploration of visual awareness and positioning
Principal researcher: Dr. Chen Jia-ho (Baptified Institute of Continuing Education)


Summary . In everyday life, we often have to look for objects in a chaotic landscape. To do this visual search, we face two main challenges: first, to locate the target through the environment; and secondly, to determine whether the object is the target. The quality of the two processes is different from the "place" and "what" of the brain. However, most of the visual search studies are focused on the path of location, rather than on the understanding of the choice.

最近的研究表明,配對物件和目標記憶所需的時間會根據其分類關係而變化 (e.g. Drew & Wolfe, 2014)。這類發現使我們求問:在視覺搜尋中,一些先前研究將之歸因於定位過程的行為特徵,會否其實是源於選擇後的識別過程。例如,我們知道當目標特徵在試驗中重複時,搜索速度會加快;雖然先前的研究普遍認為這現像是在特徵重複後定位指導變得更有效使然,但這現象也可能是由於目標特徵在重複時,由於已經被預先啟動,於是能更快地被辨識所致。

Recent studies have shown that the time taken to match objects and target memories changes according to their grouping relationships (e.g. Drew & Wolfe, 2014). These findings have led us to ask whether, in visual search, some of the previous studies attributed them to the behaviour of the location process, or whether they were actually derived from the selection process. For example, we know that, when the target feature is repeated in the experiment, the search speed accelerates; while earlier studies generally believe that it now appears to be more effective in positioning guidance after the re-occurrence, this may also be due to the fact that the target feature is pre-initiated at the time of the re-occurrence, and thus more rapidly recognized.

在這個項目中,我們將根據搜索引導和選擇後識別過程的相對貢獻,重新檢視現存的視覺搜尋數據,重點是進一步研究我們先前提出的視覺搜尋「雙線路解釋」 (Chan & Hayward, 2009, 2014)。根據該解釋,視覺搜尋性能由空間和非空間處理路線驅動。這闡述了比較標準的「單線路解釋」能更好地理解視覺搜尋中的一些維度特定現象,以及這些現象在不同搜尋任務中所出現的差異。然而,「雙線路解釋」表面上仍與一些研究結果不相容 (e.g. Zehetleitner et al., 2009, 2010, 2011)。我們認為這些結果在搜索引導或選擇後識別過程方面的歸因問題上是尚未釐清的。在這項研究中,我們將更直接和更有系統地比較單線路和雙線路解釋,以釐清這些結果。

In this project, we will re-examine the visual search data of the present, based on the comparative contribution of the search guide and selection to the process. The focus is on the further study of the previously proposed visual search "two-way explanation" (Chan & Hayward, 2009, 2014). According to that explanation, the visual search function is driven by space and non-space processing routes. This explains that the more standard "uni-line explanation" allows for a better understanding of the specific dimensions of visual search and the differences in these images in different search tasks. However, the "two-line explanation" is still on the surface of some of the research results (e.g. Zehetleitner et al., 2009, 2010, 2011), and we think that these results have not yet been clarified in terms of search orientation or selection.


In this proposal, the six experiments that we have put forward will shed light on the origins of the visual search. The results will provide evidence to explain the relationship between each visual processing phase and allow us to analyse more thoroughly the underlying mechanisms involved in visual search under different mandates.


項目名稱:DeAngelo (1981) 審計師規模和審計質量關係的再探討:基於事務所、分所及簽字會計師層面的分析

entry number: UGC/FDS11/B02/19
entry name: DeAngelo (1981) Re-exploration of the quality of the relationship between the Wirtschaftsprüfer and the Wirtschaftsprüfer.

自 DeAngelo(1981)的理論工作以來,會計師事務所規模在會計和審計文獻中被廣泛用作衡量審計質量的指標,因為擁有更多客戶的大型審計公司在審計失敗的情況下會損失更多。另外,使用會計師事務所規模作為審計質量的基本指標,亦能優化培訓計劃和提升大型事務所招聘高質量畢業生的能力。然而,我們注意到大型會計師事務所在照顧客戶方面表現較差,因而引致許多審計失敗和法律訴訟。相比之下,許多中小型會計師事務所都是由著名合夥人領導的,他們會竭盡所能為客戶提供最好的服務,特別是重要客戶。本課題檢驗在面對相似規模和特徵的客戶時,規模較小的會計師事務所是否為其提供了比4大或前10大事務所更好的質量審計。我們注意到,對於規模較小的事務所來說,類似規模的客戶通常對中小型會計師事務所比大型事務所更重要。我們會檢驗:事務所規模的影響是否可以被客戶重要性的影響所抵消。

The summary of
, from the theoretical work of DeAngelo (1981), has been widely used as a yardstick for measuring the quality of audits, as large firms with more clients have failed. By contrast, many small and medium-sized firms are led by well-known partners, and they can do everything they can to provide their clients with the best services, especially important clients.



entry number: UGC/FDS16/B15/19
entry name: Motivation of Chinese Intergenerational Migration
Principal Researcher: Dr. Chen Kuo-chung (Grands)


According to the data of the China Health and Aged Tracking Survey (CHARLS), preliminary results for 1,200 families show that about half of these families receive transfer of money from adult children to their parents, and transfer of money to up to two-thirds of the family’s per capita income. The data also show that poorer households are more likely to receive transfer of money. Given the transfer of most of their income from adult children and the prevalence of these transfers, society needs to be better informed about these transfers.



entry number: UGC/FDS16/M03/19
entry name: Microbial strains of organic farm fertilizer and genetic analysis of antibiotic resistance genes (first phase)
Principal researcher: Dr. Chen Eilong (Grands)

有機蔬菜被大眾認為比較健康和天然,因此有機蔬菜的需求量有所增加。然而,由於有機蔬菜的生產過程中會使用到源自動物糞便和廚餘的有機肥料,有機蔬菜可能會被抗生素抗藥性細菌所污染;這些有機肥料帶有抗生素抗藥性細菌,是因為飼養禽畜時會使用到抗生素。而由於很多有機蔬菜被列為即食食品,例如用於製作沙律或其他只經過少量清洗和烹調的菜式,使用這些肥料可能會對公共眾健康構成威脅 — 食用這些蔬菜可能會導致抗生素抗藥性細菌感染。因此我們認為有需要採取措施去減低風險。

However, the use of organic vegetables in the production process of organic vegetables, which may be contaminated by antibiotic resistance microbacterials; these organic fertilizers have antibiotic resistance microbacterials because they are considered to be healthier and natural. Many organic vegetables are classified as dietary foods, such as sarcophagus or other foods that have only been cleaned up and prepared in small quantities, and their use may threaten public health by causing antibiotic resistance microbacterial infections. We therefore believe that there is a need to take measures to reduce risks.


One of these measures is to change the physical chemical properties of the tungsten and field soils in the composting process by changing the physicochemical properties of the microbial community (the microbiology group) and reducing the amount of antibiotic resistance microbacterial and antipharmacological genes (ARG/antigen group). A range of physicochemical factors, such as temperature, oxygen efficacy, total effective nitrogen and metal ion abundance, have been shown to affect the microbial groups and antipharmacological genomes in the fertilization and agricultural soils. However, the results of the studies show how different, if not the opposite, strategies are. This highlights our current limited understanding of the roles and mechanisms of different physicochemical factors for microbiology and antigens, and it is necessary to explore and describe further the roles and modus operandi of different physicochemical factors.


There are only a few studies in Hong Kong that describe and study the effects of different physico-chemical factors on the fertilization of organic vegetables used to supply Hong Kong and on the microbiology and anti-pharmacological gene combinations in farm soils. The aim of this study is therefore to fill this gap. This project proposes a larger study that we will be conducting, focusing on the first phase of fertilization. In the current study, we assume that (i) the microbial group and ARG in composting processes will evolve in composting; (ii) the physicochemical factors in composting composting are related to the microbial group in fertilization and to the evolution of ARG.


The first part will begin with the use of microbiology and macrogenetic methods to describe two types of microbial combinations and ARGs that are commonly used in Hong Kong. The second part will describe the physico-chemical properties of fertilization in composting and link them to the changes in the microbial combinations and ARG that have been determined in the first part. The third part will examine the impact of the associated physico-chemical properties on microbial groups and ARG in fertilization, as determined in the second part.


The results of this study will first inform the public about the safety risks of ready-to-eat vegetables grown by different methods, and provide information for governments in the Greater Bay region to develop a regulatory policy on food safety requirements for ready-to-use vegetables. Second, in agricultural technology development, the discovery of physico-chemical factors that can influence the evolution of microbes and ARGs will help to improve the existing techniques of fertilizer composting and other industrial applications related to fermentation, such as the food and pharmaceutical industries.



entry number: UGC/FDS11/M07/19
entry name: The potential of the cocaine-methamphetamine transfer (CART) system to stop vomit
Principal Researcher: Dr. Chen Shih-hwa (Ming)

可卡因-苯丙胺調節轉錄(CART)肽是大腦中重要的調節因數,其參與包括攝食、壓力、能量消耗和體重控制等生理和行為過程。在囓齒動物中,CART肽及其mRNA在很多大腦區域和外周組織中表達,這些區域涉及獎勵/執行、攝食和嘔吐,並且CART與各種促進食慾和厭食的神經肽存在強烈的解剖學關聯。急性給予d-苯異丙胺能夠上調大鼠紋狀體中的CART mRNA表達,並且對阿撲嗎啡誘導的嘔吐和暈動病具有抗嘔吐作用。在囓齒動物中,腦中樞注射CART肽能夠抑制攝食並誘導下丘腦神經內分泌神經元,孤束核(NTS)和極後區(AP)中的c-Fos表達。最近的證據表明,CART的變化與代謝率降低,肥胖和2 型糖尿病風險增加有關,使其成為抗肥胖藥物開發的潛在目標。然而,由於常見的實驗室動物(例如大鼠和小鼠)無法嘔吐,因此CART系統在嘔吐控制中的潛在作用尚未明確。在本項目中,我們將會利用具有抗嘔吐轉化價值的鼩鼱進行相關的實驗。我們最近的研究發現,鼩鼱中的CART蛋白以117個氨基酸的短形式存在。在具有生理活性的蛋白質C末端區域,人、大鼠、小鼠和鼩鼱之間僅存在兩個氨基酸差異。在有意識的動物中,與鹽水處理組相比,經腦部中樞給CART(55-102)能夠在前60和90分鐘在83%和67%的動物中完全抑制順鉑誘導的嘔吐,導致嘔吐整體減少分別為89%和79%。CART(55-102)也在4小時觀察期內測試的6只動物中的5只完全抑制環磷醯胺誘導的嘔吐,而對食物攝入沒有影響。因此,在本項目中,我們將分別使用免疫組織化學和原位雜交鑑定鼩鼱中CART肽和CART mRNA的解剖學分佈。我們將闡明CART系統在嘔吐控制中的作用機制。本研究將使用標準行為測試和無線遙測技術進行相關實驗,以檢測指示噁心的一系列生理變化(PCIN),並透過c-Fos蛋白質的免疫組化檢測更深入地瞭解各種噁心治療後的神經解剖信號通路以及使用LC-MS分析確定腦神經遞質的變化。我們的研究結果將揭示CART肽在嘔吐機制中的作用,並提供關於CART系統是否可能成為抗催吐發展的潛在治療策略的見解。



entry number: UGC/FDS13/H03/19 (departure)
entry name: Social Conditions in the Post-Media Capital: Principal Researcher in Hong Kong Film Industry: Dr. Zhang Tsang (Juhai)

學者Michael Curtin藉香港電影業的發展,提出「傳媒首都」的概念,指傳媒部門因資金與人才匯聚於一個城市,得以蓬勃興旺。然而Curtin也懷疑香港電影業在與中國大陸深度整合後,能否維持這樣的優勢,特別是許多香港電影人北上尋求更多參與合製計畫的機會,冀望在更大的市場成功。然而,僅管2003年以來大陸與香港間《更緊密經貿關係安排》(CEPA)的簽定讓合製片得到雙邊的官方支持,許多電影人仍續留香港為本地製作而努力,即使預算與回報都非常有限。

However, Curtis also wonders whether the Hong Kong film industry, after deep integration with the Chinese mainland, can maintain such an advantage, especially if many Hong Kong cinematographers in the north seek more opportunities to participate in joint projects and hope to succeed in the larger market. However, just as the signing of the CEPA between China and Hong Kong in 2003 has led to official support from both sides, many cinematographers continue to work for local production, even if budget and returns are very limited.

由官方支持的電影合製安排,並沒有等量地惠及雙邊的發展。十數年過去,香港電影以非常不同的方式與規模活躍著。這對文化產業研究或是個特例,讓我們可以進一步理解文化活動並不單由營利動機而驅使,而今香港電影業的活力需要尋求別種解釋,已有許多研究指出了當前香港電影類型的變遷正在加速。本研究旨在探討變遷的社會性(sociality)為何?為了理解產業化文化活動的本地樣態,本研究擬通過社會網路分析以及深度訪談,調查香港電影工作者的集群活動。藉Pierre Bourdieu所提出的資本轉換理論 (該理論常用於分析文化活動),本研究假設面臨經濟資本流失的本地電影工作者,得到社會與文化資本的支持。同時,他們採取了特定的資本轉換策略,讓文化與社會資本得以保障他們的存續。相關的策略為本研究探討的重點。

This is a special case for cultural industry research, which allows us to further understand that cultural activities are not driven solely by profit incentives, and that the dynamism of Hong Kong's film industry today needs to be explained in different ways. Many studies have pointed out that the transformation of the former Hong Kong film type is accelerating. Why is the study aimed at exploring social patterns of change? In order to understand local patterns of industrial cultural activity, the study is using social analysis and in-depth interviews to investigate the group activities of Hong Kong's film workers.


According to the three capital frameworks proposed by Bourdieu, local cinematographers’ groups will be ranked in the order of their social capital, that is to say, more important social connections can have a higher impact, from which they can describe the structure of the cluster, in which members have a core and a marginal dimension. Moreover, the terms of their cultural capital and the dynamics of their economic capital can be understood by their self-proclaimed position and career development. The former focus on professional qualifications, followed by questions about the quality of their goods. The study assumes that economic foundations are not sufficient to support local communities, and that the content of their profession and reputation (cultural resources) is therefore no longer based on individual business success.


The list of local film workers is drawn from a list of Hong Kong film workers. The definition of Hong Kong film is based on the Hong Kong Film Association (MPIA), which differs from that of co-production. The list is sorted by social network analysis of the amount of social capital available to group members. The sorted list is used for equidistance, and the sample is used for in-depth interviews.


There are two possible outcomes of this study: one of its findings on the composition of Hong Kong film production, and the other on the conversion strategy of another worker’s capital. The study found that it might be useful to advance the theory of cultural industry research, as well as policy prescriptions for the film industry.




entry number: UGC/FDS16/H09/19
entry name: Run from the crown: Mathematics
for post-Norbel high-time biomedia work: Mr. Djoika Ji (Grands)


The study will provide a three-pronged analysis of money, public praises, and media reports. The Nobel Prize has not yet been self-contained within the structure of the review. However, the Nobel Prize, a kiss of death for a scribe, is already known; it will lead to a second escape. The study will continue the study by the top researcher of high-profile Nobel dramas and censorship, and will explore the current landscape of the media in the post-Nobel era, including films, poems, drawings, dances and theatres.


This project not only opens up research on how non-Western authors can negotiate with the different influences of the International Prize for Literature, but also sets the foundation for future research on the Nobel Prize for the High Apostille.

由於本項目的研究包括四個領域 — 諾貝爾獎,高行健後諾貝爾時期創作,跨媒體,及審查 — 因此,諾獎的全球性影響,包括文學、美學及理論,都需要謹慎地反映。以下是本項目會涉獵的問題:諾獎如何對高行健為例的非西方得獎者構成審查的問題?高行健的跨媒體創作實驗如何受諾獎的審查作用影響?高行健後諾貝爾時期創作如何成為其對諾貝爾獎的審查作用的「逃亡」?高行健後諾貝爾時期創作的個案,可以為有關得到認可及贊譽的文化政治,例如中國對國際獎項能強化國家的軟實力的渴望,提供更多的了解嗎?對高行健後諾貝爾時期創作的研究能激起在香港有關文化審查的深入了解嗎?本項目共有四個任務:(1)研究諾貝爾文學獎如何催生及限制得獎者的情感表達;(2)研究高行健後諾貝爾時期的創作中,跨媒體的表現與結構性的審查如何相互作用。研究作品為臺北演出的《八月雪》(2002),戲劇作品《叩問死亡》(2004)和《夜間行歌》(2010),電影《側影與影子》(2007)、《洪荒之後》(2008)、《美的葬禮》(2013),以及詩集《遊神與玄思》(2018);(3)重新評價中國的諾貝爾獎情結;(4)為香港的文化審查提供更深入的了解。

The global impact of the Nobel Prize, including literature, aesthetics, and theory, needs to be carefully reflected. The following is a question of how the Nobel Prize will be scrutinized for highly qualified non-Western winners: How can a highly effective cross-media experiment be influenced by the probative role of the Nobel Times, cross-media, and censorship? How can the post-Nobel Times be transformed into an "extrading" for the Nobel Prize? What is the global impact of the Nobel Prize, including literature, aesthetics, and theory?



entry number: UGC/FDS25/P03/19
entry name: Antioxidation Activity for Mushrooms or Pulses and Protein Combates by creating models for ultrasound assistance to extract conditions for molecular structure and physicochemical quality


The extracting of food from traditional hot water is a more efficient method. But the effects of ultrasound on the biological activity of multi- and multi-protein compounds are still not widely studied. We believe that the chemical components and molecular formations of multi- and multi-protein complexes acquired in ultrasound are different from those obtained from traditional hot water.


In this study, through various ultrasound extraction settings, the chemical components, molecular structures and their antioxidative properties of the polytherms and polyprotein compounds derived from ultrasound aiding extraction were evaluated, and linear relationship maps of the chemical components and molecular structures were created from ultrasound power and various extraction conditions to adjust and refine the antioxidative properties of the polytherms and polyprotein compounds.


The project provides an in-depth study of the ultrasound extraction process and its bioactivity extraction efficiency for pharmaceutical products, as well as a more advanced analysis of the relationship between the quality of the product and the extraction conditions.



entry number: UGC/FDS25/M06/19
entry name: Research on co-operation of progeny formulations with the potential to reduce acetylamine and ethyl aminomethylate in food
Principal Researcher: Dr. Chai Shao Wei (Hoko Academy)


As a result of extensive research on the presence of food contaminants and their adverse effects on humans, people are increasingly concerned about the intake of food contaminants in diets and their impact on human health. Contaminants from food processing are widely distributed in processed foods, and are therefore recognized as one of the common potential health problems. They are produced in food production or routine cooking processes. Acrylamine and aminoacetic ethyl esters are now a source of concern for public health, as they are good examples of pollutants from food processing and are classified as carcinogens (Group 2A).


Research has developed different methods to reduce their content in food, most of which are concentrated in physical and chemical processing of food processing. In addition, biological methods, such as the addition of fungi, also show positive effects on the reduction of potential toxins. Toxics from food processing can be reduced by different techniques or methods before or after their formation.


The main objective of this study is to enhance research on the probacterial method to reduce two toxic substances from food processing in specific foods: ethylamino carbide and acetylamine. The study will also investigate the effects of the combinary bacteria on specific food releases of acetamine and acetate in the gastrointestinal tract, and then study intestinal absorption through external digestion models. In this study, the combination of different probacterial strains (i.e., ecclesiastes, cysts, plant emulsifiers, pyrocococococococolytes, pyrocytes) will be evaluated. The study will also look at the co-benefits of various probative formulations in reducing toxic substances.


The results of this study will help to further develop strategies to reduce toxic substances in foods by using specific progeny formulations. These toxic chemicals are associated with reduced intestine absorption, demonstrating the potential protective effects of the fungi on the human body by reducing the potential for carcinogens or mutagenics that are common in diets. So, the progeny recipe feeding strategy provides the potential for the protection of toxic substances that can be taken from food, thereby reducing the risk of exposure to these toxic substances in a relative way.



entry number: UGC/FDS14/P02/19
entry name: Unsupervised Fuzzy Diagram Split
Principal Researcher: Dr. Choi Shak Jia (Hong Da)


One of the main ways to solve this problem is through the use of hypermapping to generate algorithms and hypermapping algorithms. There are different priorities for extramural generation algorithms, with emphasis placed on border combing, extramural or complex algorithms, but in all the situations described above, it is not ideal. The hypermapping algorithms are generally based on theoretical methods, with high costing, which makes them inefficient in the real world. In this context, we will study a fast and effective non-supervisory observable hypermixion algorithm to overcome these difficulties and to apply them to different domains.



entry number: UGC/FDS16/B07/19
entry name: Promoting Green Life - When good examples lead to counter-effects
Principal Researcher: Dr. Chu Ying (Grand)

2018年10月,聯合國發表了一份關於氣候變化的特別報告,指出如果再不採取更徹底的政策去把氣溫升幅局限在攝氏一點五度之內,氣候變化將帶來災難性後果。人類活動是全球氣溫升高的主要原因 — 從駕駛、飲食、到使用空調,生活上各個環節都涉及溫室氣體排放。因此,改變生活方式是非常必要的。用於改變人們行為的常用策略,是向他們展示一個良好榜樣,例如一位致力減廢、愛惜資源的人,這種策略常常運用在社會宣導政策中。為了讓受眾覺得所提倡的行為是能夠實踐的,宣傳片中的好榜樣經常會是具有與受眾同樣特徵(如社會經濟地位) 的人。然而,我們推測這種策略可能會適得其反,因為它除了無法驅使受眾做出所提倡的行為外,實際上更會使人們不去實行。本研究的目的是探討這種效應何時發生、如何發生、以及在何種條件下變得更加明顯。

In October 2018, the United Nations published a special report on climate change, noting that climate change would have disastrous consequences if no more thorough policies were taken to limit the temperature rise to 0.5 degrees centigrade. Human activity is the main cause of global warming – greenhouse gas emissions are involved in driving, drinking, and air conditioning.

以社會比較理論(Festinger, 1954)作為基礎,我們推論當消費者質疑自己並非如所想之中環保時,他們便會將自己與其他人作比較。與自己相似的人通常是很好的參考,使人們能夠對自己的特徵和能力做出最準確的判斷。其中一個比較結果很值得留意:在一個比自己更優越的人面前(即好榜樣),比方說,看到一個盡力節省資源和減少浪費的鄰居,消費者對自己的評價會變得負面;並認定自己和那個好榜樣是不一樣的人(「我並不是那些會做環保的人」),一旦形成了這種自我觀念,人們便會傾向作出與自我概念一致的行為(Lecky, 1945)。所以,當消費者看到一個和自己近似的好榜樣在做環保時,他們更加不會仿效。我們亦推論以上的效應在某些情況下會更加明顯,例如當一個好榜樣所提倡的環保行為是比較少見或並不普及的。因為在此情況下,那個好榜樣就會變得更加優越,受眾會越把自己評價得負面,越不會去做所提倡的事。

On the basis of social theory (Festinger, 1954), we assume that when consumers question that they are not the environment as they think they are, they compare themselves to others. People like themselves are often well consulted, enabling people to make the most accurate judgements about their identity and abilities. One of the results is worth noting: in front of a better person than themselves (i.e., a better example), for example, when they see a better and less expensive neighbor, and when they look at a better and less expensive model, they are less likely to look at their own ratings; and when they think that they are different from the good ones ( "I am not the one who will do environmental protections"), when they develop such self-esteem, for example, it is more obvious that the better and less popular, the better and less popular, the less popular, the better and less popular, the better, and the less popular, the better.


In the first and second experiments, we will first influence participants' recognition of their self-perceptions by different methods, and then give them different good examples, including those similar to and not similar to the attendees, from testing whether a good example similar to ourselves causes a change in their self-perceptions and treats them as an uninvited person; according to our theory, these attendees will be less likely to do environment-friendly things. In the last experiment, we will test whether the above results will be affected by the promotion of environmental protection. We hope that the results of this study will provide relevant policymakers with some insight, especially as to how best practices can be used.



entry number: UGC/FDS17/M06/19
entry name: Evaluation of the effects of photodynamic therapy on sexual hormone-dependent gynaecology using a new in vitro cell breeding model
Principal Researcher: Dr. Joaquin (East China)

在婦科癌症中最普遍的是乳腺癌和子宮內膜癌,它們的病發原因被廣泛認為與性激素17β-雌二醇(17β-estradiol, E2)和孕酮(progesterone, P)分泌有關。婦科癌症的常規療法包括手術移除、激素替代療法(HRT)、化學療法和/或放射療法。但是,這些療法均會導致卵巢功能喪失、更年期的急性發作、或導致不孕等,從而影響患者的生活質量。因此,新的替代性診斷和治療策略值得深入探索。

The most common causes of cancer in gynaecology are breast and intrauterine cancer, the causes of which are widely believed to be related to the ovarian 17 β-estradiol (17 beta-estradiol, E2) and progesterone, P. The routine methods of gynaecology cancer include surgical removal, hormonal substitution therapy (HRT), chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy. However, these practices can lead to loss of ovarian function, menopause acute development, or infertility, affecting the quality of life of patients. New alternative diagnosis and treatment strategies are therefore worth further exploration.


Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is one of the treatments approved by the FDA for breast cancer/reciprocal arteries and uterus cancers. PDT treatment is a combination of photosensive agents (PS) and specific wavelengths of light and molecular oxygen, followed by the production of living oxygen (ROS) and the selective destruction of cancer cells. The AALA is a natural pregent that can be converted to the original IX (phoIX) (with photosensitive properties) and eventually turned into hemoglobin by enzyme-promotive biocombination pathways within normal cells. However, as the enzyme-promoting path within the cancer cells changes, the PpIX grows in the cancer cells, and the PPIX increases the potential of the P-IX booster and the P-IX booster in the cells of the patients.


The current hormonal studies using traditional cell culture models typically use a single hormone dose at a given point in time, based on the limitations of applications that differ from the true physiological hormone conditions of cancer cell growth in the patient. We therefore believe that a new cell culture model is worth developing for use in studies of PDT diagnostics and the efficacy of hormone-dependent cancer treatments. The new model is designed to simulate the growth of cancer cells in a constantly changing sex hormone-based microenvironment, so as to bring them closer to actual bedside conditions.


The aim of this study is to develop an extraterrestrial cell culture model to evaluate the effects of photodynamic therapy on hormone-dependent cancers. The design is mainly to use pedagogic-based exchange devices to simulate the efficacy of the physiothermal activity of patients during the menstrual period and in the tumor micro-environment in order to interact with the dynamic sexual hormones. Through this "simulation" of hormones, the results of this study will include PPIX's accumulation and positioning within cancer cells, PPIX's proliferation of enzymes and functions, and the use of the physiophytes in the composting hormones to demonstrate the efficacy of the physiotherapist approach to dependent cancers. The study will address the problem of cellular breeding models that are not suitable for hormone research, as well as the impact of sexual hormone gymnastics on the efficacy of optical therapy, with a view to providing more descriptive scientific evidence for the development of hormone studies, particularly in relation to dependent cancer.



entry number: UGC/FDS24/H02/19
entry name: Sichuan Watami Sioux Reference Law
Principal Researcher: Dr. Ding Ding (Matrical Science Institute)


summary /strang>
this study is intended to describe the Xinsu language in the Sichuan Shan Autonomous Region of China. The Xinsu language belongs to the Tibetan language of the Han Tibetan language, although it is used by about 660,000 Tibetans in the Shan Autonomous Region, but its syntax features are still unknown. Therefore, the study will investigate and describe the Xinjian language's voice system, vocabulary, typography, sentence structure, meaning, and information organization.



entry number: UGC/FDS14/H13/19
entry song for eternity: anti-satisfactory and self-conscious in Dostoyevsky novel
Principal Researcher: Dr. Feng Qingyang (Sing)

此研究項目以十九世紀俄國作家費奧多爾.陀思妥耶夫斯基 (Fyodor Dostoevsky) 的小說為中心,提出陀氏筆下的人物從根本上具有反諷意味。它們帶有高度自我意識,對自己的思路不斷作出回應。反諷者被思考和有關思考的思想所吸引,在他的腦海中產生令人不安的迷宮。

The research project focuses on the 19th-century Russian writer Fyodor Dostoevsky's novel, suggesting that the characters of the Dow are fundamentally counterproductive. They have a high degree of self-consciousness and respond to their own thinking.

學者們尚未完全解決反諷在陀氏作品中所帶來的顛覆性。保羅.德曼(Paul de Man) 指出,反諷會造成深深的困惑,並可能導致瘋狂。對於德曼來說,反諷與一個永久的自我意識狀態有關,這表明一種無窮無盡的沉思。對德曼來說,這是諷刺者最容易發瘋的情況,在這種狀態下,他不斷地對自己的思想極限做出反應,並拒絕接受將自我理解為一個完整而穩定的概念。

The scholars have yet to fully address the reversal of irony in Dow’s work. Paul de Man has pointed out that antisatisfaction creates deep confusion and can lead to madness. For Deman, it is related to a permanent state of self-awareness, which shows an endless reflection. For Deman, this is the most prone case for sarcastics to madness, in which he constantly reacts to the extreme limits of his own mind and refuses to accept the idea of understanding himself as a complete and stable concept.


To analyse Dostoyevsky with Deman’s point of view will open a new direction for the Toshi’s study of the theoretical landscape. The recent Toshi’s study focused on the history, religion and culture of Russia, but focused on counter-satisfaction and deviation from the mainstream of the country’s soil. His mission as an anti-satisfactionist is to clarify the instabilities of language and communication.


An in-depth understanding of counter-satisfaction will enable readers to better analyse the complex structures of different words in their lives, such as cellular messaging, art, newspaper articles, political speeches, etc. Anti-satisfaction alerts readers to the many meanings of the text, rather than rushing to narrow its meaning. Broadly speaking, anti-satisfaction research will nurture a more sensitive reading community for the current generation.


項目名稱:Breaking disciplinary silos: Examining the effects of a technology-supported team-based interprofessional education model in the Social Sciences (TBIPESS)
首席研究員:Dr GANOTICE Fraide A. Jr.(樹仁)

entry number: UGC/FDS15/H02/19 (departure)
entry sub-silos: Examing the effects of a technical-supported team-basement campaign in the Social Science (TBIPESS)
Principal Researcher: Dr GANOTIE Fraide A. Jr. (Rin)

很多關於人類面臨的種種社會問題往往都只能經由跨專業的形式以得到最好的解決之道。然而從研究的層面看,許多專家仍然被禁錮在單一專業的模式中 — 跨專業教育(IPE) 恐怕是促成各個專業合作的一個主要方法:不同專業領域的學者專家集思廣益,分享他/她們最專精的學問及技術,進而激發出最大的效益。相對於傳統式的單一專業教育,只圍繞在本科專業領域上,跨專業教育不但能結合各類相關專業,從而激發出最理想的教學成果,也能為各專業在換位思考上建構出更合適的專業技術。

However, at the level of research, many specialists are still banned in a single professional model – cross-professional education (IPE) is probably one of the main ways to foster professional cooperation: academics from different fields of expertise pool their ideas, share their most specialized knowledge and techniques, and develop the most effective ones. For traditional one-stop education, which is confined to their own field of specialization, cross-professional education not only combines the various fields of specialization, but also stimulates the most desirable academic outcomes, and develops more appropriate specialized techniques for the transition of expertise.

雖然跨專業教育模式呈現出的正面效益,但在很多國家及地區,包括香港,單一專業教育模式仍舊最為普遍。在人本服務專業裡的專家多半都需要尋求多方資源以及他方專業建議,甚至是專業外的幫助,才得以為社會大眾供給最大利益 (see for example Jones & Phillips, 2016;Vossos, 2017)。然而,學生在人本服務專業教育上並未能得到相形正規的訓練,甚至毫無概念。在二十一世紀這樣著重多方溝通、合作及共融的社會氛圍下,跨專業合作概念絕對是迫在眉睫的。專業教育模式也應在此刻,為了學生們在未來的發展上,引入跨專業教育模式。

Despite the positive benefits of the cross-professional education model, in many countries and regions, including Hong Kong, a single professional education model is still the most common. Most professionals in human services need to seek multiple resources and advice from others, and even help from outside the profession, to be able to provide the greatest benefit to the public (see for example Jones & Phillips, 2016; Vossos, 2017).

經由此次的先驅實驗 「社會科學專業領域中以科技支援跨專業合作型教育模式」(簡稱為TBIPESS),我們期望研究出如何減少學生在大學裡的學習及二十一世紀所需的技術鴻溝。本混合研究目標為驗證「以科技支援及應用團隊教學法的社會科學跨專業模式教育」於學習及合作技巧上的效能。換句話說,本研究有三個目標:第一,檢測此模式之即時果效以及維持果效之能力(例如以跨專業教育為本所吸收的知識);第二,驗證在科技支援下的跨專業合作模型效益(例如合作功效);第三,了解學生如何在跨專業合作上建構團體機制。而隨之經由互動性分析,以人類互動為主的質化數據會更能夠充實及強化之前的量化數據成果。要成就以上三項目標,此次研究會邀請來自香港樹仁大學、香港教育大學、香港大學以及香港中文大學的社會工作系、心理學系、教育系高年級學生。

After this pioneering experiment, “Technology supports the inter-professional cooperation model of education in the field of social sciences” (known as TBIPESS), we look forward to studying how to reduce students’ studies in universities and the technical channels needed for the twenty-first century. The objective of this hybrid study is to test the effectiveness of the “society science and cross-professional education based on science and technology support and applied team teaching law” in terms of learning and collaborative techniques. In other words, the study has three objectives: first, to test the immediate effects of this model and the ability to sustain its effects (e.g., knowledge based on cross-professional education); second, to verify the effectiveness of the inter-professional cooperation model under science and technology support (e.g., effectiveness of cooperation); and, third, to understand how students can build a corporate structure based on cross-professional cooperation.


An effective cross-professional education model is absolutely necessary for socio-scientific education in Hong Kong. It will provide a proactive model for more professions to integrate cross-professional learning into their respective curricula in order to enhance professional dialogue, create critical thinking and further learning. Such an effective educational model will lead to an effective upgrading of the concept of cross-domain cooperation among students, and will serve as a catalyst for Hong Kong professionals to develop more effective insights into the application of cross-professional education from a more effective perspective.



entry number: UGC/FDS16/H13/19
entry name: The impact of bilingual contact on the development of children's languages with autism
Principal researcher: Dr. Ghoyan (Grands)


There are obvious communication barriers for children with autism, slow language development, and difficulties in understanding and responding to others. It is widely believed by professionals and parents that bilingual contact increases the extra burden on children with autism, a view that lacks empirical evidence to support or oppose it. Recent research has found that the incidence of autism is increasing, with one in every 59 children suffering from it, and that there are now more children with more contact with each other, so there is an urgent need to understand the relationship between bilingual contact and autism.


So far, only a few studies have examined the impact of bilingual contact on the development of the language of children with autism. While there is no evidence that children with bilingual autism have additional language defects or delays, previous studies have been conducted mainly in the English language environment, with many of the same types of language. It has not yet been clear whether these findings are suitable for dealing with children with autism in two different languages. Moreover, previous studies have relied mainly on language assessment tools and parent reports, and the speech skills of children with autism need to be measured directly in the real context.


To fill these gaps, we propose to study how English-language contact affects the development of the language of children with autism in Hong Kong. We focus not only on this group, which is currently under-researched, but also on the fact that most children in Hong Kong have more or less contact with English. First, we will use language assessment tools to measure the basic language skills of children with autism; then, we will systematically check their personal knowledge of understanding and production through a carefully designed "play" test.


The results of this project will enhance our understanding of the relationship between bilingual contact and the development of the language of children with autism. At the practical level, the results will help to develop effective preventive measures and rehabilitation programmes for treatment of autism in the two-language environment of Hong Kong.


首席研究員:GOH Lisa 博士(恒大)

entry number: UGC/FDS14/B01/19
entry name: Principal Sustainable Development Officer under the International Corner and high-level performance rating based on corporate social responsibility
Principal Researcher: Dr. GH Lisa (Singer)


We will explore two key mechanisms of corporate social responsibility: (i) hiring a CEO (CSO); (ii) using the award of corporate responsibility to high-level corporate executives (e.g. CEOs) to consider the impact on society, the environment and other stakeholders in their activities. In other words, business will consider the needs of people other than shareholders or investors who are primarily concerned with profit. We will explore two key mechanisms of corporate social responsibility: (ii) hiring a CEO (CSO); (ii) using the award of corporate responsibility to high-level corporate executives (e.g. CEOs); and (iii) using the value of research to high-level corporate executives (e.g., CEOs) to consider the impact of corporate responsibility and regulation and the physical environment.



entry number: UGC/FDS17/M08/19
entry name: Case comparison study of urinary quartz and fingerprinted biological markers (second phase)
Principal Researcher: Professor Gao Wenwoo (East China)

尋找並定性合適的生物標誌物以檢測腎結石形成的研究進展受到阻礙,主要是由於i) 未經証明與病理有關和不充分純化的尿大分子;ii) 使用非腎臟和非人類來源的商業產品作為測試材料;及iii) 尿結石模型的不足。我們早前的研究已確定,在一眾尿糖胺聚醣中,透明質酸(HA)是晶體和結石患者的重要且可靠的炎症標記。現在廣泛應用於根除腎結石的治療包括體外衝擊波碎石術(ESWL),經皮腎鏡照相術(PCNL)和輸尿管鏡檢查(URETS)。然而,在某些患者的一生中,復發率仍然高達60%。這些復發性腎結石的形成可作為良好的模型用以查找腎結石生成病人血液和尿液中相關的重要生物標誌物及炎症誘發介質。是次的研究是兩階段研究的第二部分。在第一階段,我們調查了六個隊列的血清和尿液樣本中細胞因子和生物標誌物的水平,包括結石患者組,正常對照組以及有感染和無感染的患者組。在第一階段的研究中確定了,除生物化學檢查外,白介素(ILs)6和8,中性粒細胞明膠酶相關的脂鈣素(NGAL)和透明質酸(HA)是可用於篩选和監測的生物標誌物。

. Our earlier research to find and characterize suitable biomarkers to detect the formation of kidney stones has been hampered, mainly by (i) the lack of identification of major urinary molecules associated with pathology and insufficient purity; (ii) the use of commercial products from non-renal and non-human sources as test materials; and (iii) the inadequacy of urinary stone models. Our earlier research has been determined that in a population of urinary sulfides, transparent acid (HA) is an important and reliable inflammation of crystals and stones.

對於是次的第二階段研究,將招募復發性結石形成者進行縱向研究,以研究ESWL / PCNL / URETS治療後在住院患者中鑑定出的特定生物標誌物的水平。我們將使用尿液分析和/或血液測試,用以可靠地檢測出隱藏的腎結石的形成。對複發性結石形成者中生物標誌物參數的分析將有助於發展出結石形成的簡單生化特徵概況。

For the second phase of the secondary study, the recruitment of re-emerging stellar shapers will be subject to a study to study the level of specific biomarkers identified among patients who are hospitalized after the treatment of ESWL/PCNL/URETS. We will use urine analysis and/or blood tests to reliably detect the formation of hidden kidney stones. Analysis of biological marker parameters in repeat sulfurizers will help to develop simple biochemical profiles of fossil formation.



entry number: UGC/FDS16/M07/19
entry name: Research on wetland microplastic contaminants in the Red Forest and their effects on polycyclic aromatics
Principal Researcher: Dr. Han Jie (Grands)


Small plastic particles, smaller than 5 millimeters. They can be eaten not only by aquatic animals and birds, but also delivered to humans through food chains, and can also be carried as pollutants of various kinds, such as polycyclic aromatics, heavy metals, antibiotics and pesticides. Microplastics can seriously endanger the oceans and ecosystems by removing these toxic pollutants from the swaths and transferring them through different adsorption regimes. Therefore, it is important to study the abundance of microplastics and their interactions with pollutants in the environment.


This study will target the Ninfukuda National Nature Conservancy in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China (known as the Hukuda Red Forest). This region is a unique ecosystem, not just a multi-species species, that is seriously affected by human activity in the two major cities of Shenzhen and Hong Kong. In addition, Hukuda's Red Forest is an important tidal humid area, straining pollutants in land, river and tidal waters. Previous scientists' studies on the intensity of microplastics and polycyclic aromatics (PAHs) in the environment can help us understand the magnitude of the problem, but these studies fail to assess the potential co-benefits of the interaction between contaminants and microplastics.


As a result, three common types of PAH contaminants have been selected in this study as model contaminants, including polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP) and polystyrene (PS). In addition to analysing the microplastic abundance and PAHs content, pH, salinity and organic content in the soil in the Honda mangroves, three common types of microplastic plastics in the three environments, including polyethylene (PE), polypropene (PP) and polystyrene (PS) are to be studied by changing parameters such as pH and salinity, the transformation of their adsorption capabilities. Finally, by looking at the microplastic content of PAHs and PAHs, the research is to determine the relationship between microplastics and adsorbing capabilities of microscopic microscopic microscopicsms.



entry number: UGC/FDS16/E06/19
entry name: Emotional Orientation: New Path to Building Design and Design
Principal Researcher: Dr. Ho (Grands)


The interest of designers in "The Relationship between Emotional Problems and Design" began in the 2000s. Their point of view is mainly from the user's perspective; however, few studies have been conducted to explore how primary design students have changed their moods in the process of creating new ones, or how their mood changes have affected their process or even their results.


Primary design students may find it difficult to deal with a number of interactive messages. This suggests that their creative process is not merely a consideration of reason and logic; it also includes the skills, experience and skills of designers, even their reactions to outside environments or surrounding stimulation, and their reactions to these external environments can be seen as emotional. Thus, the "inner factors" in the emotional or emotional systems affect the thinking of junior design students in the design process. In previous studies and surveys, the relationship between the design, the process and the design process has also been explored.


Thus, the study aims, first, to explore some of the ways in which primary design students can control their emotions in the design process. To achieve these objectives, we will undertake a empirical study that collects quantitative and qualitative data for further analysis. The study will invite the first-level students to create the art (design) to be involved in the research, to develop and apply the originals of the design in their design. This study will be carried out through two research projects: the participants will be invited to participate in the design of the technology, and a number of emotional factors will be investigated; these factors will enhance the ability of the first-level students to take part in the technology, and they will be used in the production of the technology.



entry number: UGC/FDS14/E06/19
entry name: Establishment of a block-link electronics data analysis model to facilitate the exchange of credible data and the integration of digital supply chains
Principal researcher: Dr. Ho Dawson (Singer)


The boom in electronic commerce over the past decade has not only led to significant economic growth for electronic retailers, but also to new opportunities and challenges for the logistics sector. To capture the opportunities of new electronic business logistics, the Hong Kong Logistics Service Providers (LSP) assumes a new role in electronic business logistics and adjusts its operations to meet different client needs. The study aims to develop an electronic business analysis model based on sector chains, bringing together sector chain technology and mechanics algorithms to manage the entire supply chain and predicting dynamic electronic business needs.


From the perspective of the LSP, the predictive model allows companies to realize e-business orders to arrive in a mode that allows them to reallocate the right amount of resources from time to time in order to meet the hour-by-hour orders at distribution centres. From the point of view of electronic retailers, the GP model allows companies to anticipate sales between, for example, various types of e-business outlets, sales from different client groups, and electronic commerce sales performance from different product groups. By addressing the unpredictable nature of demand in the electronic commerce business environment, the study would have supported the development of effective logistics planning strategies and enhanced Hong Kong's tele-business logistics capacity.



entry number: UGC/FDS16/B17/19
entry name: Impact of environmental awareness on green bond yields
Principal Researcher: Dr. Ho Weimin


This study explores the impact of investors' environmental awareness on green bond yields. Green bonds are debt instruments for a variety of projects aimed at protecting the environment. The rapid increase in the amount of money needed to implement environmental projects and the constant rise in investors' demand for green goods have led to a surge in green bonds in recent years.


The study uses matching methods to estimate the difference in yield between green bonds and synthetic regular bonds with almost the same characteristics. Then, a return analysis of the difference in yield rates and the investor’s environmental interest is conducted to determine the impact of environmental interest on bond yields.


The results of this study have made important contributions to both the academic community and industry: (i) further understanding of sustainable finance in the relationship between environmental interest and bond yields; (ii) advising investors who invest in bonds that meet certain green criteria and guidelines; and (iii) providing guidance to Governments, central banks and regulators that promote green bond markets for sustainable development.



entry number: UGC/FDS25/P01/19
entry name: Mechanical study of high ironate salt and the oxidation of contaminants and biomoleculars in water solutions
Principal Researcher: Dr. Lin Wayne (High School)


is a mechanical study of contaminants and biomoleculars in high iron acid oxide (FeviO42) water solutions. Iron is the second-highest metal in the crust, except for zirconium. The high iron acid ion, which is a powerful oxidant for decades, is even better oxidizing than the high oxidized salt (MnO4) and the crO42). High iron acid is capable of oxidizing multiple inorganic and organic compounds, pollutants and microbes. It is therefore important to study the reaction of high iron acids and different substrates.



entry number: UGC/FDS16/H15/19
entry name: Mandarin Pronunciation and Sensitization Study for Non-Chinese speaking Students of South Asian Minorities in Hong Kong
Principal Researcher: Dr. Lin Manfang (Grander)


Many scholars and the Hong Kong government have been trying to help them improve their Chinese and Chinese languages in recent years, but it seems that their common language is not receiving much attention. A number of studies have pointed out that Mandarin is an important medium of communication for non-speakers in Hong Kong, causing great difficulty for mothers and mothers. Three major ethnic groups (India, Nepal and Pakistan) of Hong Kong’s South Asian origin are planning to study and communicate with them for the first time on the common language of their mother’s many non-speakers.

為考察香港南亞裔學生對普通話聲調的掌握情況,本計劃將採用混合的研究方法,以確保結果能反映普通話學習經驗及聲調習得的具體情況。首先進行社會語言學調查,對香港南亞裔在校中學生展開大規模隨機抽樣問卷調查,了解其語言背景及其他語言經驗,並邀請部分被調查者接受半結構式訪談,進一步了解其普通話學習難點。其次,運用感知同化模型(Perceptual Assimilation Model)獲得南亞裔學生的普通話聲調產出和感知的偏誤類型。最後,借助第二語言習得的理論框架探討各種影響南亞裔學生普通話聲調習得的語言因素,例如語言類型距離和第二語言地位,並據研究觀察所得提供一些教學建議。

First, a socio-linguistic survey will be conducted to provide a large random sample of Hong Kong students in schools of South Asian origin, to understand their language background and other language experiences, and to invite some of the respondents to receive semi-structured interviews and to learn more about their common language learning difficulties. Second, the use of the Sensitization Model (Percentual Association Model) for the production and perception of South Asian students is a misunderstanding. Finally, using the second-language framework of theory to explore the linguistic factors that affect the general discourse of South Asian students, such as the linguistic distance from the second language and the second-language status of the second language, and to provide some academic advice based on research and observation.


So far, there has been no research on the learning of Mandarin by South Asian students in Hong Kong, and the plan fills this gap. Moreover, the results of the project will have important implications for second-language learning and theory such as foreign Chinese, and will provide Hong Kong with lessons in the teaching of Mandarin and research in order to better understand the learning difficulties of Hong Kong South Asian students in the teaching of Mandarin.



entry number: UGC/FDS15/M01/19
entry name: The challenge for the tenth decade: The mix of 100-year-old and 100-year-olds in Hong Kong
Principal Researcher: Dr. Liu Heebao


The population of every country in the world is rapidly ageing. One child born after 2000 will live to 100 years, and Hong Kong will be no exception. The number of people over 65 will increase from 1.16 million in 2016 to 2.59 million in 2066 (2.2 times), while the number of people over 80 will increase from 340,000 to 1.21 million in the same period (3.5 times). The number of 100-year-olds will rise even more, from approximately 2,800 in 2014 to 46,800 in 2064 (16.7 times).


The Hong Kong 100-year-old study, conducted by our team in 2011, shows that a group of older people aged between 80 and 100 can live with dignity, autonomy, and prosperity every day. The 2011 study is a study of the first 100-year-old in the country, focusing on the physical and mental health of the elderly.


The Hong Kong Association of Social Services will recruit participants through its elders and rehabilitation services networks. We will collect quantitative data on elders and caregivers, such as physical condition, mental health, social support, spirituality, sexuality, coping methods, lifestyle, service use, scientific use, care experience, and basic personal data.


With the study of the international prevalence of the third 100-year-old population, Hong Kong needs a 100-year-old research project based on theory, based on the integration of popular wisdom and technology, using a mixed approach, and incorporating the voices of family caregivers, which assumes that the new generation’s policy of ageing provides data and theoretical foundations.



entry number: UGC/FDS25/M09/19
entry name: Molecular study of lipid-related protein transport routes for plant cells
Principal researcher: Dr. Rohhorang (Hoko Academy)


our summary
properly conveys the key to plant growth, growth, and intra-cellular balance. In membrane matter, the scientific community knows a great deal about the transport of the targets of transmural proteins, but with the concentrated-lipid proteins known as sugar-based phosphorus sulfonol (GPI) < < < / strong < > > >, the internal proteins associated with the endocrine-lipids, which bind and separate to the membrane (PM) and cellular space are poorly understood. The GPI fixed proteins (GPI-APs) in the membrane are used to guide and receive, and the pellets in the plant are important in the production of the PPI and in the production of the PPI.



entry number: UGC/FDS14/H04/19
entry name: Jumping out of the Traditional Thinking Framework: The Challenge for Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorist Financing in Hong Kong's Accounting Community
Principal Researcher: Dr. Lee Mayfang (Singer)


In recent decades, anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing has been a top priority for countries (including Hong Kong) in different countries/regions. Money laundering and terrorist fund-raising can increase the number of crimes and damage the economy. Research has found that some accountants play an important role in money laundering and terrorist fund-raising activities, and occasionally ignore illegal activities.


The Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Regulations, recently revised in 2018, impose important obligations on accountants to combat money laundering and terrorist fund-raising, and require accountants to conduct customer surveys to find out about their clients. Since 2012, financial institutions have been required to report suspicious transactions to the competent authorities and take greater responsibility.


From a legal point of view, there is a lot of research on accountants, but research on accountants' anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing laws is not enough, given that anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing are the latest legal domain to be activated/will be activated globally. There are two ways in which the study will examine and evaluate the challenges faced by accountants from the legal standpoint of the revised Anti-Money Laundering Regulations. On the one hand, the study will analyse court cases and evaluate the risks that members of accountants in anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing may bear in assessing the effectiveness of anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing laws and regulatory frameworks. On the other hand, the study will look at anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing in Australia, the UK and the United States, where strong measures have been taken.



entry number: UGC/FDS24/E02/19
entry name: Hong Kong's most sustainable, safe, reliable and low-carbon domestic fuel
Principal Researcher: Dr. Liang Zhenhua (Major Institute of Science and Technology)


In Hong Kong, commercial petroleum gas is composed of propane (30 per cent) and butane (70 per cent). Oil gas is used by households because it is easily accessible, usable, safe and reliable. However, air pollution from burning oil gas, including toxic carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides, and greenhouse gas carbon dioxide, remains a major problem affecting our health and environment.


Hydrogen is considered to be a zero-emission fuel, because it and oxygen are burned with only a large amount of energy and water vapour. Hydrogen is the lightest fuel, with only 2 kgs of weight per kilometer, but the heat per kilogram of hydrogen reaches 150 MJ. However, hydrogen is now used only as a fuel for a spaceship. Since it is extremely flammable and explosive, it is very difficult to use as a home-based fuel. If it is to be used, it must overcome its dangerous characteristics, including leakage, low-energy flaring, extremely low-temperature evaporation, high-explosive risk, and corrosiveness of containers.


In this project, we hope to achieve the following goal:
(i) because of the zero carbon content of hydrogen, mixing and hydrogen/oil gas can produce less greenhouse gases: carbon dioxide.
(ii) because of the help of hydrogen, the oil gas can stretch its "specially low fuel" characteristics as much as possible. This burning situation can reduce the generation of carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides.
(iii) Because of the low carbon content of hydrogen, it can effectively reduce the extremes of the gas and the gaps in the explosion.
(iv) Using heavy oil gas to blend and refuel, with the risk of leakage caused by the very high volatility of the gas, it can effectively reduce the energy costs and costs associated with the explosion.


In the first half of this project, we will explore in a comprehensive manner the safety, integrity, reliability, high thermal energy, and low-pollutant emission characteristics of blending and hydrogen/oil fuel. We hope to see a breakthrough in the use of hydrogen/oil as a sustainable household fuel. In the second half of this project, all possible problems in producing, delivering, storing, and applying this blending and hydrogen/oil fuel will be solved. To complete the project, we will design a range of safe, defined, reliable and efficient systems to produce, deliver, store, and adapt the best possible mix and hydrogen/oil fuel.


項目名稱: 香港民主運動的策略與聯盟變化:感知政治機會與威脅的角色

entry number: UGC/FDS15/H12/19
entry name: The Strategy and Alliance of the Democratic Movement of Hong Kong: The Role of Sensitization of Political Opportunities and Threats
Principal Researcher: Dr. Lee (Rin)


This study aims to explore an important but neglected field of research. The study will examine the evolution of the democratic movement in Hong Kong, with the following four research objectives: (i) to investigate the structural transformation of political opportunities and threats in Hong Kong from 1997 to 2021; (ii) to explore the perceived political opportunities and threats of the intra-democratic parties and social movements at the same time; (iii) to analyse how the political opportunities and threats of the structure and perception influence the intra-democratic parties and social movements in their choice of institutional or extra-institutional approaches; and (iv) to analyse how perceived political opportunities and threats have led to or discouraged the formation or dissolution of movements of the pan-democratic political parties and social movements at the same time; and (iii) to study how the research will be conducted in-depth in the field.



entry number: UGC/FDS14/B05/19
entry name: Leading in Contradiction: A Dual Approach to Control - Self-Government
Principal Researcher: Dr. Liao Jian (Hong)

領導者的角色要求他們在工作中常常應對矛盾 — 相互衝突但又相互聯繫的要素。對於任何領導者而言,最常見的矛盾之一源於管理控制和自治的需要。控制與自治的矛盾是指領導者需要同時解決相互矛盾但又互補的控制與自治,這在傳統上被視為「或非」關係。現有的領導力文獻主要集中在這兩個要素中的但一方面。例如,交易型領導力專注於如何有效控制最大產出,而增強領導力則強調賦予員工權力的重要性。然而,越來越多的組織力量和員工自治被公認為現代領導文學中有效領導的關鍵。在既需要適當的控制又要有適當的自治的情況下,管理不善(即過度控制和過度自主權)常會引起問題。沒有適當的槓桿機制,無法獲得兩全其美的選擇(即適當控制和自治的好處),領導者和僱員都可能受到負面影響,從而前者失去控制權而後者則要承擔責任。

One of the most common contradictions for any leader is the need for managerial control and autonomy. The contradiction between control and self-government means that leaders need to address conflicting but complementary control and autonomy at the same time, which is traditionally seen as "or non-" relationships. The role of the leaders is often concentrated on one of these two elements. For example, trade-type leadership focuses on how to effectively control the most productive, while increasing the importance of leadership in empowering workers.


While modern organizations need to exercise control and autonomy at the same time, there is a need to explore ways for leaders to manage this paradox effectively. In this simulation, we aim to explore this solution from the point of view of operational literacy. To test the proposed model, a three-wave, multi-source data collection approach will be used.



entry number: UGC/FDS25/E06/19
entry name: The compound diaphragm for the development of good thermal properties is used to improve the safety of the next generation of ion batteries
Principal Researcher: Dr. Xiao Xiao Xiao (Hong Academy)


chargeable ion batteries (LIB) and plastic products have been widely used in our daily lives. With the rapid development of the high LIB and the high cost of one-off plastic products, technical challenges such as battery safety and the proper handling of plastic waste in recent years have generated widespread attention. In particular, with the pursuit of high energy density and fast charge technologies, severe heat differentials in LIB may cause catastrophic heat loss. The recent LIB accidental fires and explosions may initially have been triggered by local heat, which have stimulated the rapid development of highly secure LIBs.


The study uses a combination panel-guided and high-heat-stabilized plastic waste with high thermal nitrogen ceramics. In order to reduce the heat resistance of the interface, compatible interfaces will be synthesized through static electrostatic wires. The fine electron parameters will allow the successful development of micro/nami-grade, high-temperature crystallization and combustible interfaces to effectively and quickly eliminate local overheating. The obvious advantages of nitrous ceramics include high heat, excellent chemical stability and avoidance of H2O formation in the electrochemical environment.


In the study, we also assume that the goal is to demonstrate the co-benefits of metal nitrogen ceramics and plastic waste in the recovery partitions, in order to improve the security of the LIB. The electrochemical evaluation and safety of complex diaphragms, compared to commercial diaphragms, will be carried out systematically under normal and unfavourable conditions in the coin battery and bag prototypes. Under adverse conditions, the temperature distribution of the bag battery will be visible through infrared thermals, while the heat loss temperature will be quantified through accelerated calculator measurements. On the basis of the above experiments and numerical studies, the rational design of the diaphragms will establish a good work-performance-performance-performance relationship.


項目名稱:建基於半監督式聚類演算法的短文字題目的自動評分方法 - 能有效利用小型訓練樣本的研究

entry number: UGC/FDS16/E10/19
entry name: Self-appraisal method for short-text topics based on semi-supervised cluster algorithms - Researcher
with effective use of small training templates: Prof. Xing Kuo Guixiang


Summary provides more technical challenges to the self-motivation of short text scores than choice and filling. Short text questions focus on the memory of knowledge, so a good computer rating system should be sensitive to the language of the text and be responsive to, or reject, the way in which others are presented. Machine learning is considered to be an effective basic technique for the computer rating system, as it can be summarized as an unseen answer. Past computer appraisals follow supervisory studies or lack of monitoring.


On the other hand, an unsupervised approach can initially be implemented in the absence of a training template, where clusters are based only on text-based models of district-based student answers and do not require a training template, while the evaluation instructor can only comment on unevaluated clusters at a later stage. In practice, concentration and rating have become two separate steps, and the key point is that the formation of a cluster may not be consistent with the point of view of the critic, which may still be found in the same group.


The project focuses on a semi-supervised machine rating method for short text-based answers. The method is designed to use a small sample to generate answers that are consistent with the point of view of the rating teacher and to respect the bindings between the answers inherent in the evaluation template, such as the same group and the different groups, in group formation. The resulting advantages are likely to lead to machine learning disruptions, which will develop a new semi-supervised cluster algorithm based on evolutionary algorithms, and test the effects of multiple multi-purpose superior formulas.



entry number: UGC/FDS15/H10/19
entry name: differences in the physiological and behavioural responses of evaluation and promotional methods to the participants
Principal Researcher: Dr. Liang Chul Ying (Rin)

在香港以調解作為解決爭議的方法一直在迅速發展及進步。根據「調解條例」(第620章)的規定,調解是一項有系統的程式,由一位元中立的調解員,以促進溝通而非裁判對錯的方式,協助雙方解決爭議。為達到促進溝通,香港的調解員接受培訓時著重「促進式」談判,而非按案情「評估」其法律依據是否站得住腳。在香港,大部分調解員都使用促進式調解,但實際的應用模式往往大同小異:其中一種是應用模式是以「評估的方式」進行調解,調解員「更積極參預,就案件提出建議......」(CEDR, 2018; Brooker, 2007)。根據西方的研究顯示,兩者其實互不相容。研究調解的學者往往局限於在法律層面上調解的作用,例如調解員的能力評審標準(Honeyman, 1995),調解原則,過程和技能(Boulle & Nesic, 2010),對調解結果的滿意度或達成協議的成功率(Quek, Chua, & Ngo, 2018)。香港調解界正考量是否應將評估式調解納入調解的規範中,但對評估式調解實踐的情況卻未有充分研究。香港調解的發展,理應跟它的原意相符,目標一致;故此,我們必須有足夠的研究成果來支持這一政策決定。

According to the Regulation of Adjustment (Chapter 620), it is a systematic program, with a neutral mediator, to facilitate communication rather than to adjudicate correctly, and to assist in resolving disputes between the two sides. To facilitate communication, Hong Kong facilitators are trained to negotiate "promoting" rather than "evaluating" their laws on a case-by-case basis.


The design of this study is not limited to legal prescriptions, the original idea of which is to combine legal and psychological theory and research methods, and is an inter-scientific study designed to distinguish between the way in which the narratives of the reconciliation meetings are presented and the way in which they are evaluated, on the one hand, and the way in which they are presented, on the other, on the other, on the other hand, on the other. The results will provide evidence-based data indicating that the way in which the narratives are interpreted and evaluated will cause different reactions from those in which they are conducted; these data will be an important consideration for evaluating the interpretation and non-compliance in the post-Day period in Hong Kong.


The first phase of the study will be preceded by the development of a narrative model that promotes progressive and evaluative interpretation in a verbal manner. The second phase will test, on an experimental basis, the different behaviors and physiological reactions of the participants to the two narratives.


In addition, when studying the application model for adjusting the implementation, incorporating a physiological and behavioural response experiment would be more scientifically valid to prove what is an effective solution and direction. The results of this study are important not only for trainers, but also, and more importantly, for Hong Kong’s transition process, to select an effective mode of adjustment based on a sound theoretical basis. The study also raises the awareness of the moderators to make them aware that different strategies of adjustment lead to different behaviors and physiological reactions, and then to influence the decision of the two parties involved in the solution.



entry number: UGC/FDS14/E04/19
entry name: study of the impact of non-independent flight delays on the reliability of aircrew crews
Principal researcher: Dr. Makelin (Hing)


summary flight attendants are not allowed to perform the task. In this case, the airline must find an alternative cabin attendant whose reliability is one of the most critical issues in the airline’s operation. For example, arranging for a back-up server to travel from the base to the country to perform the task. However, the cost of these arrangements is generally very high and seriously affects the scheduled flight. Therefore, the reliability of the airline operator’s service is very important in the airline business. In deciding on the crew to operate the mission, the crew will not be allowed to do the task. In this case, the airline must find an alternative cabin server. For example, arranging for a back-up server to travel from the base to the country to carry out the task.



entry number: UGC/FDS14/E01/19
entry name: Maintenance of important infrastructure in an urban smart city with a random game
Principal Researcher: Dr. Mahud (Singer)

香港正在轉型為世界級智慧城市,當中涉及建設許多智慧基礎設施,如電網、交通監控和管理系統以及電信系統。這些基礎設施變得智慧,全因它們具有網絡連接組件,這些組件讓收集的數據和資訊得以共用、分析和整合。因此,這些基礎設施也是網絡實體系統(cyber-physical systems)的例子。但是,這些基礎設施的網絡組件也使設施容易受到網絡攻擊,並使系統組件之間的互動變得複雜。

summaries //strang>. Hong Kong is transforming itself into a world-class smart city, involving the creation of intelligent infrastructure such as electricity grids, traffic surveillance and management systems, and telecommunications systems. These infrastructure applications are intelligent because they have networked components that allow the data and information collected to be shared, analysed and integrated.

在這個項目中,我們研究如何使用隨機博弈(Markov Game)框架使這些重要的網絡實體系統能夠抵禦惡意攻擊。隨機博弈是一個合適的框架,因為它可以模擬兩個參與者(系統的提供者和攻擊者)之間的連續互動,以及系統本身潛在的不確定性。

In this project, we look at the use of the Markov Game framework to enable these important web-based physical systems to counter malicious attacks. The random game is an appropriate framework, as it simulates a continuum between two participants (system providers and attackers) and the uncertainty inherent in the system itself.


The contribution of this project is twofold. First, we will study the feasibility of using a variety of approximation and simplification methods to solve the complexity of calculating random game models. Second, we will develop a simulation platform to verify the performance of the random game framework of quantitative recommendations.



entry number: UGC/FDS16/E05/19
entry name: Modelling and development of regenerative silk materials by the double-polling system in incremental production
Principal Researcher: Dr. Mactree

在2016年,中國進口了世界上三分之二的塑膠廢物;2017年,中國政府開始禁止進口塑膠垃圾,大部分廢塑膠被丟棄到當地的垃圾填埋場。Jenna Jambeck(佐治亞大學)估計,到2030年,中國的新政策可能會導致丟棄1.11億噸塑膠廢物到垃圾填埋場。在香港,每天有超過520萬個塑膠瓶被扔掉,大多數塑膠瓶是由PE、PP和PET材料製成;然而香港缺乏將廢塑膠瓶收集和回收用於其他製造目的的有用材料的設施。

In 2016, China imported more than two thirds of the world's plastic waste; in 2017, the Chinese government banned imported plastic waste, most of which was dumped in local landfills. Jenna Jambeck (University of Georgia) estimated that by 2030, China's new policy would have caused the disposal of 11 million tons of plastic waste into landfills. In Hong Kong, more than 5.2 million plastic bottles were thrown out every day, most of which were made of PE, PP and PET materials; however, Hong Kong lacks the design to collect and recycle other materials useful for other manufacturing purposes.


Production of additional materials (often also known as 3D printing) has been under development since 1987 and has developed rapidly over the past 10 years. It is one of the key technologies in the industry's 4.0 framework. The Technical and Technical Committee F42 of the American Association of Materials and Tests (ASTM) has approved a list of seven additive industries, including (1) material squeezing; (2) material injection; (3) glue spraying; (4) film layer pressure; (5) recombinant light polymerization; (6) powder bed integration; and (7) technology to absorb sexual energy.


Materials are available to domestic users for use in the development of molten silviculture (FDM). Polymeric materials such as polyemulants or polypropyl esters (PLAs) are widely used in the long silk production of products; PLA is a biodegradable thermal plastic material derived from self-renewable sources (e.g. corn, cassava roots, fragments or platinum). Waste is rapidly increasing as a result of the low cost of FDM machines and PLA silk materials.


The 3D print thread is made by crowding out crafts. The current crowding machine uses single screws to melt materials with high temperature and pressure, and pushes them over the model to create long wires. The pits out of the single bolts include: (1) poor blending of different renewable polymer materials; and (2) melting polymers that may block crowding, with poor print quality.


Simultaneous studies will investigate the distribution and physical properties of the polymers commonly found in Hong Kong's plastic and waste bottles. The team will further identify the additives needed to improve the performance of the plastic and adapt to the 3D printing applications. The desktop double-pole squeezer will be designed and made to create long-width silk, which, by comparing the mechanical strength of the printed product, will assess the maintenance and productivity of the production processes of 3D. In the long run, the successful completion of the project will have a significant impact on local, Chinese, and even international plastic age silk production.


項目名稱:污泥 - 中草藥殘渣 - 生物炭複合肥料對於農業種植中抗生素殘留及抗生素抗性基因的作用

entry number: UGC/FDS25/M02/19
entry name: sludge - herbal residues - The role of bio-carbon combustible fertilizers in agricultural plant antibiotic residues and antibiotic antigens
Principal Researcher: Dr. Panmin (Hoko Academy)


The public sewage system in Hong Kong collects 2.8 million cubic metres of sludge per day from residential, commercial and industrial sites, according to the data of the Administration. As a result of land scarcity and geographical limitations, the agricultural sector in Hong Kong is generally small. The slurry contains high concentrations of organic, phosphorus, nitrogen and trace elements. The herbal residues (CMHRs) contain mainly vegetable plant materials, rich in carbon, which can provide excellent fertilizer and increase biological and non-biological resistance. Biocarbons (BC) have good fertilizer applications that improve the physical, chemical and biological properties of the soil.


Antibiotics are often used in animals and humans to promote the control and management of growth and disease. These compounds can undergo metabolic reactions in animals and humans, such as oscillation, fission and palladium acidification, e.g. through urine and defecation from their original or metabolic products. The bioaccumulation and transfer of antibiotics and antibiotics (ARGs) in soil and plant environments has become a major environmental and public health problem. ARG is considered to be a new type of contaminant in the environment, as they are vulnerable to being left in soil and plant systems and transferred to specific soil plant pathogens through aqueous genes. In addition, the biological accumulation and transfer of different types of antibiotics has been considered to be the main source of ARG production and conversion.


The aim of this study is to explore the nutrient composition and optimal matching of SL-CMHR-BC as a soil improvement agent, and to test whether SL-CMHR-BC can suppress antibiotics and ARG biological effectiveness in soil at the same time that it provides the effective nutrient content necessary for soil. Assess the potential effects of antibiotics residues on the generation and transfer of antibiotics and ARG bioaccumulation in soil and plant systems, and identify effective ways to address the problem of antibiotic contamination in soil environments and reduce the risks to ARG living conditions and reduce their potential for human health.


首席研究員:PARKER Jay Thomas 博士(恒大)

entry number: UGC/FDS14/H15/19
entry name: later critical and Joseph Conrad
lead researcher: Dr. Parker Jay Thomas (Stung)

約瑟夫.康拉德(Joseph Conrad)是英國文學界知名的政治小說家。自二十世紀末以來,學者一直傾向於通過批判的眼光來研究文學。對於康拉德而言,這常常涉及對他對種族的待遇的批評,尤其是在他最著名的小說《黑暗之心》中。相反,其他學者則將文學視為批判性寫作的一種形式。康拉德也被這樣解讀:他的諷刺性懷疑使他成為批評文學的典範。

Joseph Conrad is a well-known political novelist in English literature. Since the end of the twentieth century, scholars have tended to study literature through critical lenses. For Conrad, this often involves criticism of his treatment of races, especially in his most famous novel, The Heart of Darkness. On the contrary, others view literature as a form of critical writing.


This project is inspired by a post-criticism, a new approach to humanities and literature research, which explores ways to think about literature and humanities in a new way, based on criticism, and to better understand their constructive contribution to society and politics.

該項目以康拉德的政治著作為個案研究,目的有兩個:首先,以康拉德的著作是在探索背叛 (betrayal) 作為研究基礎,探究若將背叛看成一種轉變過程 (conversion),能否帶來對文本更富積極性的理解。儘管轉變 (conversion) 通常是一個宗教概念,但康拉德反復地將政治信仰描繪為類似於宗教信條。

The project, which is based on Conrad’s political writings, has two aims: first, to use Conrad’s work as a basis for research to see whether betrayal can be seen as a process of change (conversion) that can lead to a more positive understanding of the text. Although change is usually a religious concept, Conrad has reverted to portraying political beliefs as similar to religious creeds.

此外,宗教或意識形態上的轉變與背叛有關,因為它要求我們 「背叛」我們的舊信仰。然而,轉變比背叛積極:它意味著曾被拋棄的信念是錯誤的。其次,該項目旨在與其他康拉德學者一起開展這種分析,以批判後目標為基礎,創建一系列論文。這將提供對康拉德的新理解,以及綜合和評估一系列新穎的後批判方法。這樣,它將為這個新興領域如何激發文學和人文科學的新思維提供更廣闊的視野。

Moreover, the shift in religion or consciousness is related to treachery, because it requires us to “treach” our old faith. However, the shift is comparable to the treachery: it means that the abandoned faith is wrong. Secondly, the project aims to develop such an analysis with other Conradists, based on post-targeting and a series of papers. This will provide a new understanding of Conrad, as well as a series of post-critical ways to reconcile and evaluate it. In this way, it will provide a broader perspective on how this new frontier can stimulate literary and humanistic thinking.



entry number: UGC/FDS16/H04/19
entry name: South Asians in Hong Kong from food and music exploring the power of culture, identity and integration
Principal Researcher: Dr. Tsin Junta (Grand)


In different groups of immigrants, South Asians (Indians, Nepalis, and Pakistanis) have always received great attention from academics and decision makers, as they are often perceived to be weak groups. Most of the research in Hong Kong has focused on their work and on issues related to industry, education, language, minority rights, sexuality, and medical services, and there is little research on the role of their culture in Hong Kong, their culture and their social cohesion.


However, food and music are important components of the culture of the South Asian diaspora, and the potential opportunities and benefits of South Asians’ re-establishment of their identity in the main East Asian society are still largely ignored. These are concrete aspects that can help maintain and create new socio-cultural relations, both within and across the country. The general trend in the integration of immigrant societies is to explore how their culture can give rise to discrimination among locals. But the traditional culture of immigrants (food and music) is an important component of promoting inter-group relations and their integration into the main East Asian society. The study will explore how South Asians can use individual and group resources to implement and preserve their own traditional food and music culture in Hong Kong, and under which terms they are willing and able to use their traditional culture to create cultural contact with Hong Kong.



entry number: UGC/FDS14/H20/19
entry name:
Principal Researcher: Mr. Xiao Shih Soo (Sung)

唐代(618-907)是中國古代佛典翻譯活動的巔峰期。玄奘(602-664)和不空(Amoghavajra, 705-774)嘗主持譯事,聞名於世。在此之前,唐代佛典翻譯史上其中一件最引人注目的事件,是天竺摩揭陀僧人波羅頗迦羅蜜多羅(Prabhākaramitra, 565-633,簡稱「波頗」)籌組譯場翻經,為早期精英譯經團隊訂定一種組織架構,標誌著精英主義在佛典翻譯中興起,而且其模式後來由唐宋時期的譯師繼承,包括玄奘和傳法院(982-1082),為當時佛典協作翻譯模式的成功奠定堅實基礎。

Prior to this, one of the most notable events in the history of the Tang Dynasty translation was the peak of the Chinese ancient Buddhist translation campaign, Prabhākaramitra, 665-633, shortly known as "Bombang", which led to the creation of an organization for the team of early elites, marked by the rise of eliteism in the Buddha's translation, and followed in its mode by a translator from the time of Donzon, including the Pontifical and Translator Court (982-1082), which provided a solid foundation for the success of the Buddhist translation model at that time.


Despite its important role in the process of being an elitist translator in Tang Song, there has been very limited discussion about its translation. Thus, this research project is aimed at exploring different historical contributions, literature and translation records to study the translation organization of the wave, with the hope of introducing new ideas for the evolution of the Buddhist translation team, for Buddhist translation in promoting the role of Buddhistism in China and for the emergence of elites in the Chinese language.


This study will be divided into two core parts: the first part examines the history of the translation complex. In addition to exploring its origins, organization and contributions, this part will study the translation strategy of the wave team through comparative analysis of the San and Han Buddhist texts. The second part deals with the development of a web-based database. The tool provides a full-text search function and includes the literature and historical files obtained from all parties.



entry number: UGC/FDS15/H03/19
entry name: Development of a family-centred, collegial and compassionate approach to building the capacity of parents to support the social and emotional needs of young children
Principal researcher: Dr. Xiao Yifan


In recent years, the socialization and emotional learning of children and children has been a subject of great interest to many local scholars and educators. However, there is a paucity of proactive planning for parenting and the social and emotional needs of children in kindergarten. This project will develop and validate a home-based, caring and compassionate intervention program to strengthen and empower parents to support the social and emotional needs of their 4-6-year-old children. The program will provide four two-hour home-based psycho-pedagogical workshops for parents every two weeks. These workshops will enhance parents’ understanding of the social and emotional needs of themselves and their children. In addition, we will conduct two home-based visits, once a month, to discuss their skills and the social and emotional needs of their children.


The second phase (six months) will test intervention materials and how they will be implemented. The first phase (10 months) will test 40 Chinese elders and their 4-6-year-olds from the local kindergarten. The first phase (10 months) will design lessons and practical teaching materials for a home-based, home-based, home-based, home-based, and compassionate intervention programs. The third phase (10 months) will recruit 100 parents to join and be allocated to experiment groups or to wait for research groups. The second phase (6 months) will test intervention materials and practices. The second phase (six months) will recruit 40 Chinese elders and their 4-6-year-old children from the local kindergarten. The first phase (10 months) will test a home-based home-based home-based home-based intervention program, and the first phase (10 months) will be designed to adapt the content and materials of the intervention program to meet the social needs of parents.



entry number: UGC/FDS14/H06/19
entry name: Psychiatry: Psychiatry and Pseudos
Principal Researcher: Dr. Chen Meia (Shang Da)

本計畫全面研究元稹(779–831)新樂府詩,以撰寫第一部相關英文著述。目前學界普遍認為元稹新樂府詩駁雜無章、堆砌典故。本研究否定是說,首次提出其詩以禮樂治國之中心思想,並疏理各詩內部以及相互間之關係與結構。本計畫採用詮釋與比較角度,探析元稹對樂府詩之改造,由描繪社會現象以觀風俗、知得失,轉化為進諫君上,與白居易(772–846)之和作截然不同。本研究將揭示中唐新樂府運動之性質,元氏對復興儒學之貢獻,及以禮樂治國安邦之價值 — 是說深具現代意義。

The present study denies that it was the first time that it presented the idea of the heart of the ceremonial state and derelation of the inner and internecine parts of the poems. The plan is to explore and compare the transformation of the ceremonial poems of the ceremonial ceremonial hymns, by portraying the social landscape in terms of visualism, awareness-raising and loss, and transforming them into a different way from that of the ceremonials (772-846). The study will reveal the nature of the movement of the central ceremonials of the central ceremonial ceremonials and disjointed relations and structures between them.



entry number: UGC/FDS17/M10/19
entry name: Post-A.J. predictive model based on radiology for the prophylactic treatment of head tumors
Principal researcher: Professor Dunfull (East China)


Purpose and objective: This study aims to develop an intelligent system based on radiology that predicts potential radiation damage to neighbouring normal organs from radiation treatment of neck cancer and treatment effects in order to improve the quality and prognosis of life of patients.


Background: While it is important to apply high doses of radiation to malignant tumors during the course of radiotherapy, it may also cause damage to nearby non-cancer organs (OARs). However, tissue damage is a multifactorial and human-specific factor, both affected by complex treatment programmes and related to the characteristics of individual patients. It is difficult to prevent and predict normal organizational damage, making it more difficult to safeguard the quality of life and the prognosis of cancer patients.

方法:本研究是基於放射組學,用深度機器學習(卷積神經網路)來預測劑量毒性。這項是回顧性研究:圖像資料和放射治療計畫將從互聯網資源以及臨床部門獲得。計畫包括三個部分:(1)放射組學建模;(2)非癌性器官(OARs) 的紋理分析和機器學習分類;(3)放射組學之放射治療預後建模。

Methodology: This study is based on radiology, which predicts dose toxicity using in-depth mechanical studies (combating neuro-networks). This is regressive research: graphics and radiotherapy projects will be obtained from the Internet and from the bedside departments. The project consists of three components: (1) radiology modelling; (2) texture analysis and mechanical studies of non-cancer organs (OARs); and (3) post-radiotherapy modelling of radiotherapy.


Expected results: The relevant algorithms and risk prediction models can be implemented. There is a better understanding of the risk factors of the organization involved, from preferential treatment to minimal complications.



entry number: UGC/FDS14/H11/19
entry name: How does social media affect public trust in the image of the police?
Principal researcher: Dr. Dunsing I (Singer)


Previous studies have suggested various factors to explain the public's trust in the police, including the characteristics of the population, the public's trust in other government departments, the value of the public, and so on. But, while the social media has a clear influence on the image of the police and on public opinion, there is still no comprehensive study of the relationship between social media and public trust in the police. This issue is particularly important in Hong Kong's climate of resistance to the spread of politics.


The aim of this project is to explore the impact of social media on public trust in the police and the police. This involves three questions: first, how social media build up the image of the police and link public discourse; second, how social media affect public trust in the police force; and, third, how social key events such as umbrella campaigns have shaped the impact of social media on public trust in the police force.


This study combines different research methods. We do content analysis on the image of the police in mainstream media and social media, and on journalism and commentary. With social media as a social networking platform, we view the connection of political groups, politicians, and opinion leaders on the Facebook page through social networking analysis, and then map out the extent to which public opinion is not polarized with social events.



entry number: UGC/FDS16/H18/19
entry name: National Times (1911-1949).


, in the short 40 years since the beginning of the country, the linguistics of the national era (1911-1949), which have acquired more than 80 versions of the pedagogic and contemporary cultural ideas, are well known at the same time. Important works are still widely used, such as the Yangtze Book, the Tongue Book, the Rent of the Tongue, the Lent of the Encyclopedia, the Yearbook of the Enlightenment, the Year's Year of the World, the Year of the World, the Year of the World, the Year of the World, the Year of the World, the Year of the World's Children, the Year of the World's Children, the Year of the World of the World, the Year of the World's Children, the Year of the World, the Year of the World's Children, the Year of the World, the Year of the World's Children, the Year of the World, the Year of the World's Human Rights, the Year of the Year of the World, the Year of the World, the Year of the Year of the Year of the Year of the World's.


首席研究員:VAN ESCH Emmy博士(公大)

entry number: UGC/FDS16/B06/19
entry name: The impact of the gifted leadership of expatriates on knowledge sharing in the Eastdo countries: the self-expanding perspective
Principal Researcher: Dr. VAN ESCH Emmy (Grand)

知識共用對跨國公司來說至關重要,它關係到公司的競爭力和生存,尤其是在當今這個高度全球化的知識經濟體系中,就更為重要(Syed, Murray, Hislop, & Mouzughi, 2018)。鑒於其在戰略上的重要性,許多跨國公司在知識管理系統和實踐方面投入了大量資金(Cabrera, Collins, & Salgado, 2006)。外派人員往往能夠充當知識代表的角色,將關鍵的企業知識和經驗從母公司傳遞到各個子公司的運營機構,反之亦然(Armstrong & Li, 2017)。然而,儘管國際派遣與日俱增,外派人員和東道國同事之間的知識分享仍然存在問題。由於雙方存在明顯的個體差異(如文化、國籍、種族、語言),知識分享就變得更加不容易(Gilson, Lim, Luciano, & Choi, 2013;M?kel?, Andersson, & Sepp?l?, 2012)。因此,本研究的目的在於揭示當存在個體差異時,如何促進外派人員與東道國員工之間的知識分享。

Given its importance at the strategic level, many multinational companies have invested a lot of money in knowledge management systems and reality (Cabrera, Collins, & Salgado, 2006), especially in today's highly globalized knowledge economy (Syed, Murray, Hislop, & Mouzughi, 2018). Outsiders are often able to assume the role of knowledge representatives, bringing knowledge and experience from their parent companies to the operating structures of their subsidiaries, and vice versa (Armstrong & Li, 2017). However, there is still a problem in sharing knowledge among expatriates and their counterparts.

鑒於外派人員通常在東道國擔任領導職務(Elenkov & Manev, 2009),而領導者是知識分享過程的核心(Bryant, 2003),再加上賦權型領導行為能促進知識的分享(e.g. Chourides, Longbottom, & Murphy, 2003;Yang, 2007),因此,本研究提出並驗證外派人員的賦權型領導行為如何對各個子公司的知識分享起著重要的作用。具體來說,根據自我擴展理論(Aron & Aron, 1986),我們認為外派人員的授權型領導能夠通過自我擴展過程,增強與東道國的知識分享。此外,我們還認為東道國工作人員的跨文化能力是促進這個過程的重要因素。

Given that expatriates are usually leaders in the Eastern Province (Elenkov & Manev, 2009), and that leaders are at the heart of the knowledge-sharing process (Bryant, 2003), coupled with the empowerment of leaders to promote knowledge sharing (e.g. Courides, Longboth, & Murphy, 2003; Yang, 2007), the study proposes and validates how the empowerment of expatriate leaders can play an important role in sharing knowledge among subsidiaries. In particular, according to the self-exploitation doctrine (Aron & Aaron, 1986), we believe that external leaders are empowered to enhance knowledge sharing with the East and the South.


The study will take data from multiple pipelines, distinguishing East Asian workers working in cross-border companies in the Greater Gulf region from their foreign leaders. All the measurements and schedules used have been extensively tested and validated, and the survey data will be analysed in layer-by-level analysis and an equation model. In today’s era of knowledge, effective sharing of knowledge is essential to the organization’s long-term success, so the expected results of the study will be an important guide to research and implementation.



entry number: UGC/FDS16/E01/19
entry name: Application

主題建模能夠自動揭示文本中的語義結構,並能處理同義詞和多義詞導致的歧義問題,因而被廣泛應用在文本分析中。作為一種有效的基礎模型,Latent Dirichlet Allocation(簡稱LDA)可以獲得文檔─主題和主題─單詞的概率分佈,但主題數目需以手動指定。針對此問題,學者提出了Hierarchical Dirichlet Process(簡稱HDP)模型,該方法能夠從數據中自動學習主題數目。然而,HDP的計算複雜度高,另一方面,基於人工預設主題數目的主題模型可擴展性較差,導致上述方法難以應用在實時更新的文本中。為了解決以上問題,本項目擬研究在線主題建模的理論及應用。具體而言,我們計畫提出一種對新出現的文本進行並行處理的方法,一種對模型參數進行在線學習的框架,以及一種對主題數目進行動態更新的機制,以便在各種在線應用中,能夠實時回應並捕獲主題演變趨勢。此外,我們擬將模型參數和主題數目的動態資訊引入細細微性情感分析中,以驗證本項目研究的技術有效性。

The abstract
theme model can automatically reveal the linguistic structure of the text and deal with the differences caused by synonyms and multi-words, and is therefore widely used in text analysis. As an effective foundation model, Latent Dirichlet Allocation (si. LDA) has access to document-themes and themes-probability of words, but subject numbers need to be manually specified. In this context, scholars have proposed the Hierarchical Dirichlet Profess (HDP) model, which can be used as a self-learning tool for text analysis.


New text-processing:
social networking, for example, produces text data more frequently than any other channel, so it is important to take a real-time approach to newly-emerging texts. Considering the lightness of the threads and their ease of creation, management and destruction, we plan to process newly-emerging texts via the threads. As a result, newly-emplaced texts can be processed together, and the response time can be significantly shortened.

主題模型的計算複雜度主要由參數學習決定,而當前常用的Gibbs採樣演算法需要遍歷所有的主題才能為某個單詞賦予一個主題。為了節省時間,我們首先將Gibbs採樣的公式拆分為文檔─主題採樣以及主題─單詞採樣兩部分,前一部分通過Alias方法實現,後者使用Metropolis Hastings採樣演算法。然後通過新出現文本的主題採樣結果更新模型參數。上述在線學習框架在降低計算複雜度的同時,能夠提高在線文本主題提取的準確度。

In order to save time, we first divide the Gibbs model formula into paper files - theme samples and topic-word samples, the first part of which is done through the Alias method, and then use metropolis Hastings to model the algorithms. Then update model parameters with the emerging theme sample results. The above-mentioned online learning framework can improve accuracy in line text extraction at the same time as the calculation complexity is reduced.


The theme item number layer update: The
updated text set has the feature of the subject evolution, so this type of text requires a change in the number of topics. We first predict the lower limit of the initial theme item according to the current text language database, and then propose a layer approach to actually determine the number of topics that are most appropriate. This approach increases the speed of the model and improves the accuracy of the subject extraction.


In the typical application of the theme model:
based on the co-processing of newly emerging text, the in-line learning framework of model parameters, and the top-level updating mechanism of the theme number, we plan to improve the accuracy of the emotional predictions by introducing changes in model parameters and theme numbers over time into the emotional analysis system.



entry number: UGC/FDS14/H10/19
entry name: China Cyber State Social Relations: An Interactive Development of Patriotism and Nationalism on the Internet
Principal Researcher: Dr. Wang Shiju (Sung Da)

關於中國網絡國家與社會關係的學術辯論,主要圍繞互聯網是否成為開啟政治自由化的平台,從而最終實現自下而上的民主化。網絡烏托邦主義認為,互聯網培育了一個數字公民社會,並為公民提供了一個至少部分獨立於國家控制之外的平台。相反,網絡反烏托邦主義警告說,中國共產黨政權一直擁有能力,可以滲透互聯網上新的公共空間。還有其他研究強調網絡空間的多元化,允許不同規範和話語相互競爭。自2012年以來,中國政府採取比以前更進取的策略來控制互聯網,並「確保互聯網內容更加積極地為共產黨的利益服務」(Economy, 2018年, 第71頁)。因此,這是一個研究網絡國家與社會動態關係的好時機,可以探討在網絡空間中國家權力有多大,以及數字公民社會在多大程度上保有推動民主的潛力。

On the contrary, the Internet anti-Utopianism warns that China’s communist power has always been capable of gaining access to new public spaces on the Internet. There are other studies that highlight diversity in the Internet, allowing for competition between different norms and discourses. Since 2012, China’s government has taken a more progressive strategy to control the Internet than before, and “ensures that the Internet is more robust in serving the interests of the Communist Party” (Economy, 2018, page 71).


Second, the study compares the nationalist rhetoric used by the State-controlled traditional media, especially in newspapers, and the nationalist discourse in the new media, and the extent to which the new media, if any, have changed the country’s political propaganda strategy. Third, the new media’s anti-nationalist propaganda, which is designed for digital audiences, may be different from the nationalist discourse used by the Internet, and the nationalist discourse in the new media.



entry number: UGC/FDS14/B07/19
entry name: crowding in the common interest?

工作場所的排斥是一種普遍現象,例如避免目光接觸、隱瞞資訊以及隱藏工作所需的資源(Wu, Wei, & Hui, 2011)。研究人員已廣泛地將工作場所排斥現象視為一個相互的事件,並將其定義為個體在工作場所的互動中被忽略或被排除在工作場所之外(Robinson, O'Reilly, & Wang, 2013)。在目前的研究發現中,其對於工作成果的影響絕大多數都是負面的。但是,需要進一步研究以將工作場所排斥現象視為一種社會現象,在這種現像中,其他組織成員(協力廠商觀察者)可能會通過觀察和認識而間接受到影響。當個體員工與團隊環境互動並經常嵌套在團隊環境中時,排斥不僅會影響工作目標,而且影響具有相同社會背景的其他個體(即小組成員)。關於工作場所排斥對協力廠商觀察者,工作團隊的社會影響,以及員工對見證排斥產生反應的過程,還有很多待探索。此外,需要進行進一步的調查以闡明見證排斥的方式和程度不僅會影響觀察者自己的態度和行為,而且會影響小組的整體成果。

summary the exclusion from the workplace (Robinson, O'Reilly, & Wang, 2013) is a universal phenomenon, such as avoiding eye contact, concealing information and concealing the resources needed for work (Wu, Wei, & Hui, 2011). Researchers have widely excluded the work site as a mutual event, and defining it as a community interaction (Robinson, O'Reilly, & Wang, 2013). In the current research findings, most of its impact on work outcomes is negative. However, while further research is needed to treat it as a social phenomenon, in which other organizers (collaborate viewers) may be influenced by observation and knowledge.



entry number: UGC/FDS14/B03/19
entry name: Policy uncertainty against policy: Evidence from China
Principal Researcher: Dr. Wang Tseng

中國決策者針對瞬息萬變的政經情況,會正式或非正式地放鬆或緊縮相關政策。我們將研究這種宏觀的政策不確定性對企業併購的實質影響。進行併購的中國企業可根據其所有製區分為國有企業和非國有企業。國有企業的併購活動傾向跟隨執政共產黨的政治訴求 (政策導向併購),而非國有企業更傾向通過併購創造協同效應及最大化股東價值(經濟導向併購)。因此,我們將首先研究中國的政策不確定性對國有企業及非國有企業的併購的影響是否存在差異。

The Chinese policymakers will be formally or informally relaxing or tightening their policies in the face of a rapidly changing political situation. We will look at the uncertain impact of such an ambitious policy on corporate purchases. Chinese firms can be divided into enterprises and non-nationals based on all of their production sectors. The acquisition of firms tends to follow the political claims of the ruling Communist Party (policy direction to buy) rather than the firm to co-opt and maximize its equity (economic direction to buy). We will therefore first examine whether China’s policy does not determine whether there is any difference in the impact of China’s policies on corporate and non-national purchases.


Second, we will look at the mechanisms that two non-national companies can use to mitigate the negative impact of uncertain policies: political relations and corporate social responsibility.


If there is a link between the executive and the executive, the executive may be relaxed. Thus, we anticipate that non-state firms with a political relationship may be less negatively affected by the uncertainty of the policy at the time of the merger.


Non-national companies can also obtain government preferences through the performance of corporate social responsibilities, which may be less negatively influenced by policy uncertainty at the time of the merger. US research shows that firms are self-inflicted or hampered by the pressure of equity owners to fulfil corporate social responsibilities. However, China’s firms are trying to please their most important stakeholders: the Chinese government. The Chinese government controls important resources, including loans, licences, and permits.


We will also look at two kinds of mechanisms: political relations and corporate social responsibility, and whether non-national enterprises can replace or complement each other.


The results will inform the academic community, regulatory bodies, investors, and business leaders around the world about China’s policies and business practices.



entry number: UGC/FDS24/B07/19
entry name: Is the same price always fair? Hong Kong consumer's attitude to and conduct of report of suspicious collusion: Dr. Huang Hye Xin (Matrical Development College)

合謀定價是一個具有重大經濟意義的問題,影響著全球16.6萬億美元的銷售額,消費者需要付出較昂貴的價格購買產品和服務 (Connor, 2008;Levenstein & Suslow, 2006)。為解決這個問題,香港《競爭條例》於2015年12月15日全面生效,合謀定價屬於違法行為(競爭委員會, 2015)。但是,儘管在最先進的經濟體系中競爭條例已經實行,但競爭對手之間的非法操縱價格行為仍繼續存在,一些最大和最受尊敬的公司通常也涉及其中(Connor, 2008;Levenstein & Suslow, 2006;Pressey et al., 2014)。

In order to solve this problem, Hong Kong's Competition Rules came into full force on 15 December 2015, and the Conspiracy Deal was illegal (Command Committee, 2015). However, despite the fact that competition rules in the most advanced economic systems are already in place, competition continues to compete against illegal hand-to-hand manipulations, often involving the largest and most respected companies (Connor, 2008; Levistein & Suslow, 2006; Pressey et al., 2014).

香港政府執行競爭法在很大程度上取決於香港人自願向當局舉報涉嫌合謀定價活動。透過從公眾收到有關涉嫌合謀定價的舉報,競爭委員會才可以更有效地執行競爭法。但是,過往沒有關於消費者與合謀定價相關的行為研究,包括消費者如何及為什麼要向政府舉報可疑的合謀定價案件。此外,我們對消費者明白合謀定價的能力及公平價格的概念研究很少。合謀定價與營銷組合核心元素中的價格有著直接的關係 (Borden, 1964)。而且,合謀定價直接與消費者對公平價格的認知有關,公平價格概念是消費市場研究中的一個重要領域 (e.g. Kahneman et al., 1986;Campbell, 1999;Xia et al., 2004;Bolton et al., 2003)。總體而言,合謀定價剝奪了消費者的選擇,產品及服務的價格因而提升,從而直接影響消費者的利益 (Levenstein & Suslow, 2006)。

However, in the past, there has been no research on the behaviour of consumers and consumers in relation to price-sharing, including how and why consumers should report suspicious price-fixing cases to the government. Moreover, there has been very little research into the concept of fee-takers’ ability to bargain and fair prices. There is a direct relationship between the price-fixing and the price in the core element of the sale group (Borden, 1964) and, in the case of consumers, the concept of fair price is an important domain in the cost-free market study (e.g. Kahneman et al., 1986; Campbell, 1999; Xia et al., 2004; Bolton al., 2003).

為了回應學術文獻中的這缺口,本研究是第一份調查消費者對合謀定價行為的實證研究。這項研究與香港政府的策略相一致,目的在尋找更有效的方法來鼓勵消費者舉報可疑的合謀定價活動。本研究結合了實驗、問卷調查和定性焦點小組討論三種不同的資料搜集方法。我們的實驗將試圖了解消費者舉報合謀定價的因果關係,包括消費者對合謀定價,價格公平性和行為反應的理解。此外,我們的問卷調查以「計劃行為理論」(Theory of Planned Behaviour, TPB)(Ajzen, 1991) 來分析消費者對合謀定價的態度和行為。最後,我們透過焦點小組討論找出適合的幹預措施,進一步闡明從實驗和問卷調查中獲得的見解和調查結果。這項研究最終目標是減少香港的合謀定價活動,從而降低消費價格並為消費者帶來更多選擇。此外,這研究對中學和高等教育有深層意義,開拓合謀定價在消費者營銷研究的新領域。

In response to this gap in academic literature, this study is the first empirical study to investigate the cost-benefit relationship of the user’s co-payment, including the user’s understanding of the cost-effectiveness, fairness and responsiveness. In addition, our research is aimed at finding more effective ways to encourage consumers to report suspicious co-benefits. The study combines experiments, research papers, and qualitative focus groups to discuss three different methods of data collection.



entry number: UGC/FDS14/H17/19
entry name: The hidden cost of using strategy and control strategies in counter-negotiation cases
Principal Researcher: Dr. Huang Queng

過去,談判策略的學術研究強調不同技巧(tactics)的優點(e.g. low-balling and anchoring techniques)。毫無疑問,當僅涉及一次性的談判時,使用這些技巧是有好處的。現在,大學和培訓公司已提供了很多有關不同談判技巧的培訓課程,相信大家對如何運用這些技巧都有了認識。但在現實生活中,談判人員經常參與反覆的談判。而且,以往的談判研究忽視了各種技巧在反復談判中的不利影響。我們有需要對使用各種技巧可能產生的潛在成本進行更透徹的了解,這有利談判人員或從業人員作出明智的決定。

There is no doubt that these techniques are useful when only one-off negotiations are involved. Now universities and training companies have offered a lot of training courses on different negotiation techniques, believing that people know how to use them. But in real life, negotiators often engage in counter-negotiations. And, in the past, negotiating research ignores the adverse effects of counter-negotiations. We need to have a more thorough understanding of the potential potential potential costs of using different techniques, which is conducive to informed decision-making by negotiators or practitioners.



entry number: UGC/FDS25/E07/19
entry name:
Principal Researcher: Dr. Hu Ko Trung


aims to solve the problem of using deep nervous networks to model association in ad-hoc applications. Although machine learning techniques have achieved great success in recent years in various fields (e.g. computer visualization and natural language processing), there are few success stories of using these techniques in ad-hoc information search. Some believe that, while deep learning methods are effective in expressing (special) learning, they have limited capacity in relation to sexual studies (i.e., to determine the relevance of files and queries).

為了將關聯性的概念納入使用深度學習方法的ad-hoc檢索中,學習過程中需要考慮文檔語境。文檔語境指文檔中查詢詞周圍位置中出現的詞。長期以來,文檔語境的研究,使用的是手工特徵的檢索模型。文檔語境的使用基於以查詢詞為中心的假設,該假設指出文檔中查詢的關聯資訊位元於查詢詞的周圍。最近,通過研究人類關聯性判斷行為來驗證了該假設(Li et al., 2018)。

In order to incorporate the concept of association into the ad-hoc search using an in-depth learning method, the learning process needs to consider the language of the document. Words appearing in the location of the search around the word in the document file are considered. For a long time, the language of the document was studied using a manual-specific search model.

本項目提出了一個新的框架,在學習過程中使用文檔語境在三個特定部分把關聯性模型化,它們是:(i)文檔和查詢的表示形式學習;(ii)查詢和文檔詞的權重分佈學習;(iii)文檔中進行各種查詢詞的模式學習。對於表示學習,將使用文檔語境把查詢和文檔之間關系的張量用作卷積神經網絡的輸入;對於權重分佈學習,提出了一種新策略去微調特定查詢的詞嵌入(word embeddings)中的權重分佈;對於多樣化模式學習,提出了使用語境的逐級匹配(listwise matching)學習排名策略。該框架使用這三個部分組合包含關聯性概念的檢索模型。 

This item proposes a new framework for the use of document language in the learning process to model association in three specific parts, namely: (i) the form of expression of files and queries; (ii) the weight of queries and words; (iii) the typographical learning of query words in the files. For expressions of learning, the use of document language is used as input for volume nervous networks; a new strategy is proposed for the redistribution of rights in Word embeddings; and for multi-speculation models, the use of context-by-synchronization (Listwise Matching) strategy is proposed. The framework uses these three parts as a search model that combines concepts of association; and (nbsp);


This project contributes to an up-to-date ad-hoc search model by integrating document language into machine learning. The results of this project will help us understand how machines can be used to model linkages, and the derived search models can be used in ad-hoc search missions in a variety of domains, such as search user reviews, social media, and websites that answer questions.



entry number: UGC/FDS14/B12/19
entry name: Response strategy for negative-face network slogans in the service industry: follow-up or resistance?

在這個數碼時代,服務行業很容易受到負面在線評論的影響。服務消費者比產品消費者更傾向於發表負面在線評論,因為服務失敗實際上來說是不可避免的(Levy, Duan, & Boo, 2013)。此外,由於服務品質比產品品質更難評估,服務消費者在很大程度上比產品消費者更依賴於在線評論,尤其是負面評論(Xie, Zhang, & Zhang, 2014)。根據TripAdvisor(2014)的一份報告,77%的消費者在選擇酒店之前通常會閱讀在線評論。鑒於負面在線評論對品牌評價(Van Noort & Willemsen, 2012)和購買意向(Chiou & Cheng, 2003)的廣泛而顯著的影響,本研究提出了一個及時而重要的主題,即服務管理者應如何對負面在線評論做出有效的回應。

Moreover, since the quality of the service is more difficult to evaluate than the quality of the product, service consumers are more likely to be influenced by negative face-to-face reviews, especially negative face reviews (Xie, Zhang, & Zhang, 2014). According to a TripAdvisor report (2014), 77% of the consumers usually read online reviews before choosing a hotel.

本研究對香港具有重要的管理意義,因為香港是「是全球服務業主導程度最高的經濟體,服務業占GDP 90%以上」(香港貿易發展局, 2019)。本研究的結果將有助於本地(以及全球)服務類公司更有效地回應不可避免的負面在線評論,還將為服務營銷和數碼營銷課程的教學提供最前沿的見解。

The results of this study will help local (and global) service companies respond more effectively to inescapable negative comments online, and will also provide the cutting edge of the lessons on service marketing and digital marketing.



entry number: UGC/FDS16/B20/19
entry name: Improved trade access and connectivity along the six economic corridors, contribution to export performance and economic association with the surrounding countries
chief researcher: Dr. Yang Ji-hee (Grands) / strong


We use data extracted from the World Economic Forum report to estimate how the two points of cooperation are likely to affect the export performance of participating countries. Research is focused on determining the differentials in the benefits of the six economic corridors. Secondly, we will study the spillover effects of the six economic corridors to neighboring countries and the global economy. These are intended to help China and its participation in the assessment of whether a "one way" plan is purely to promote China and the impact of the "one way" on the local and global economy.



entry number: UGC/FDS25/M05/19
entry name: Soil properties and microbiological communities in green spaces in Hong Kong cities in relation to tree growth
Principal Researcher: Dr. Zhang Ho (Hong Academy)


Urban green land, including urban parks, private or government gardens, canals, lawns, and green roofs, are important carriers of urban greening. Urban green land benefits people's physical and mental health and rich urban biodiversity, and solves some environmental problems, such as air and noise pollution. Hong Kong is a highly populated city, with 24.2% of the city's current area or built land. As a result, the demand for urban green land has been greatly reduced by the need for limited land. Moreover, the quality of urban green land is poor because of mismanagement and poor land conditions.


This study combines research on the wood properties and soil properties of green land in Hong Kong to fill these two gaps in knowledge and assess the relationship between the two. Tree communities and their properties are important indicators for measuring the biodiversity of green land and one of the most obvious manifestations of green land. The physicochemical properties and micro-organisms of the soil have a significant impact on plant growth and performance.



entry number: UGC/FDS13/H02/19
entry name: Celebr Cao Cao, Principal Researcher: Dr. Zhang Hue (Juhai)


The abstract >//strang > > The Cao Cao Cao Cao Monument is of great significance and value, and the academic community is unconvincing about the truth and arguing about its importance. Most of those who believe it or are inclined to be genuine are viewed from the point of view of the record of the sale, the definition of the book, the encounter of Cao Cao Cue, and from the point of view of the artist itself, and mostly from the point of view of the painting itself, have not yet done a full study of the eight drawings or a poem. Nor has there been an analysis of the connection between the Cao Cao Cao Dynasty and his novel.


The project argues that the Celebrity Cao Cao Cao is not to be studied from the perspective of a single book. Thus, the plan uses the eight images of the Cao Cao Cao Cao Cao Cao as a whole, using a cultural ethos approach. In this historical space, Cao Cue's family and travels, Cao Cao Cue's Red House Dream novels, and Cao Cue's art writings, The North and South Cao Cao Cao Cao Cao, are to be considered as a whole.


As a result, the project will bring together botanical science in the natural environment, the cultural background of Cao's family and poetry in the social environment, and the original Red House Dream of Cao Cue Cao, to study the cultural content of the creation, development, and inclusion of the Cao Cao Cao Cao. Once this project is completed, the novels and author studies of the Red House Dream will be further developed and advanced.



entry number: UGC/FDS11/E03/19
entry name: Multi-source energy efficiency adjustment in wireless network control systems
Principal Researcher: Dr. Zhao Young-hyun


In WNCS, different system components (including sensors, triggers and controllers) exchange signals and counter-letters in the form of wireless network information packages. Many sensors and control applications, such as autopilot vehicles, need to regularly collect environmental data, use control algorithms to control decisions and then hand them over to executives. These tasks must meet the requirements of time.


If we take autopilots as an example, the typical principles of the mission are as follows: sensors (including cameras, radars and lasers) first perform the key function of checking the perimeter of the vehicle and sending the data to the controller; the controller (processor) handles the data received from the vehicle sensor and calculates the best decision; and finally, the decision (control signal) is sent to the trigger, which executes actions such as changing files, brakes, diversions, etc.


How to organize these real-time tasks in the WFCS, from allowing each task to meet time constraints and reduce energy consumption, is a key issue in the WCCS. This involves two types of resource adjustment: network resources and computing resources. The traditional approach is to rate two types of resource separately: either to assume that the time of operation of the control algorithm can be ignored, or to treat the time of the operation as a constant. Thus, most of the previous work focuses only on how to model the strains of the transmission, but does not consider the time of calculation of the control algorithm when executing the end-to-end period.


In this project, we model each real-time task as a three-stage process consisting of three parts, which are different: the sensor that transmits the data to the controller; the calculator that calculates the control decision; and the dynamic part that transmits the control decision. For each task, the calculator is not activated until the sensor is completed, and the seminal part of the project is not activated until the metering part is completed. It is possible, however, that the engine and the power component need to be used, and the calculation component needs to be measured. If all three components of the mission are capable of generating the computing component of the control plan, the power component of the control plan can be used, and if the power component of the power source is available, the power component of the power source can be used, it can be used.



entry number: UGC/FDS15/M03/19
entry name: Study on the validity of the life-programming model for mentally disabled young people
Principal Researcher: Dr. Zhou De Hye (Rin)

根據2018年香港政府統計處的數字,在2015年至2017年之間,15至24歲使用醫院精神科服務的人數由50,990人逐漸增加到58,016人。除了為青年復元者提供有效高質量的治療介入以外,職業復元支持他們活出有意義的人生、回歸社會,對促進復元也同樣重要。目前,職業康復的重點主要投放在為患有精神疾病的成年人提供以提高和保持就業率為目標的就業支援服務上。主流學校的職業生涯規劃教育很少能支援到患有思覺失調的青年人。現今缺乏適切的生涯輔導模式和服務,支援復元中的青年人追尋與自己夢想和與其理想身份相符合的職業和生活方式。在這項跨學科合作研究中,來自不同領域的專業人士,包括一位敘事實踐工作者、一位生涯輔導專家、一位精神科社工專家、兩位職業治療師和一位精神科醫生將會緊密合作,共同在Savickas人生規劃的框架上,開發適合患有思覺失調高功能青年人的生涯輔導範式。依據敍事人生規劃的框架,我們提出一個「3+2+1」的介入方案 (三次60分鐘個人面談 + 兩次120分鐘小組活動 + 一次90分鐘個人面談),幫助青年人發現自己的獨特才能和理想的身份,用以勾勒他們獨特的人生主題,並在此自我建構的基礎上,制定一個有具體行動實施計劃的生涯規劃,令青年人能在一個可調適的心理社會空間裏,逐步活出理想的自我。是項計劃推行以實證為本的介入方式,透過實施一個混合質性及量性設計的追蹤性研究,用以評估整個計劃的成效,檢驗敍事人生規劃生涯輔導範式是否能提升青年人的自尊感、就業準備、職業適應性、對內在資源的意識、對特定身份的理解和尋找有意義工作的動機。量性研究會在本地醫院的精神科招募102位介乎十五至二十五歲的中國藉患有思覺失調高功能青年人。之後,他們會被後隨機分配到研究組或對照組,研究人員會在研究進行的四個不同時間點(測試前、測試後、三個月跟進和六個月跟進)透過已標準化的心理測量量表對參加者進行四次測評跟進。質性研究部分對敘事實踐至關重要。我們會在面談及小組中透過敘事式的提問,收集和分析有關參加者對於思覺失調的親身體驗、職業、個人價值、夢想、希望、復元的故事,以及他們所撰寫的未來職業藍圖。這些資料加上我們在四個時間點以半結構式進行的個人跟蹤訪談構成是次研究項目的質性資料。是次計劃所希望取得的成果是協助患有思覺失調高功能的青年人提升職業追求,制定一個符合他們獨特興趣才華、理想身份、夢想,並可以一步步實施的生涯規劃。我們期望透過設計敘事生涯規劃範式和對其進行科學實證的評估,探究給予患有思覺失調高功能青年人以復元為導向的生涯輔導服務的可行性,從而為香港政府和服務機構提供相關借鑒。

The number of people between 15 and 24 years of age using hospital psychiatric services has increased from 50,990 to 58,016 between 2015 and 2017, according to figures from the Hong Kong Government's 2018 Census. In addition to effective and high-quality interventions for young people who have recovered, professional rehabilitation supports meaningful life, social reintegration, and is equally important for the rehabilitation. At present, the focus of professional rehabilitation is mainly on self-research and self-reliance for adults suffering from mental illness.





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