
资讯 2024-07-15 阅读:20 评论:0
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After some time into the currency circle, the terms “futures”, “contracts” and “leveraging” are more or less heard, often accompanied by a label of “night rich” or “night bankrupt”.


Newcomers minimize exposure to these, as the high returns from contract transactions coexist with high risks, and newcomers tend to lose all their principals blindly inclined to leverage them.


Of course, contractual transactions are also a good tool to play with, for a good player, four or two kilograms of wealth, and can also be used as hedges.


This paper will provide an example of the OKEx Exchange, which will explain futures/contracts/leveraging transactions, in the hope that they will be rational and not impulsive.


Base concept part (for example, none of the fees are calculated below)


Currency Leveraging


The deal is in kind (bitcoin), which can be understood as ordinary currency transactions, hand-in-hand, and if you buy it, then the coin is yours. The advantage of a spot deal is that the money you buy is always in your hands, that prices do not affect the amount of money in your hand, and that the disadvantage is that you can only make money in the upswing, and there is nothing you can do in the downs.


Currency Leveraging


The deal is not in kind (bitcoin), but a contract to deliver at a certain price at a certain point in the future. The advantage of futures transactions is not only to earn the difference in the price increase (more), but also to make the difference when the price falls (manufacturing), while at the same time allowing for higher returns with leverage. The disadvantage is that the higher the risk, the higher the risk, the higher the risk of leverage.


Simply put, when you think that the city will rise, you open up a lot of contracts and then sell them. On the other hand, when you think that the city will fall, the corresponding bill will be open.


Contract transactions in the Bitcoin market are very different from traditional futures markets, and newcomers do not need to pay too much attention to the attributes of “futures” in the course of contract transactions, as long as they understand the two features of “empty” and “high leverage” to play happily.


Currency Leveraging


The greatest charm of contract transactions is leverage, of course, and the biggest pit is leverage. Simply put, leverage is borrowing money (or borrowing money) to make transactions to maximize returns.


For example, if you had $10,000 in idle funds, you could only buy the equivalent of bitcoins, and the subsequent price increase of bitcoins by 10 per cent would have earned up to $1,000;


If you use a ten-fold leverage, then it's only $10,000 to buy a hundred grand worth of bitcoins, of which your principal is a bond, and the remaining 90,000 is a loan from the platform. Similarly, if you use a 100-fold leverage, $10,000 will buy a million dollar worth of bitcoins.


If the subsequent price increase of 10 per cent in bitcoin is followed, the ten-fold leverage will earn $10,000, and you will have the principal and the proceeds, and the 90,000 will be paid back to the platform and, of course, a fee will have to be paid to the platform;


Leverage increases both profit and risk, with 10 times the leverage, and only 10 per cent of the money is your principal, which means that as long as Bitcoins drops by 10 per cent, your principal will be lost and the system will be forced to level down.


Now look at the leverage, if the price of the bitcoin is $10,000, you have a bitcoin, you can borrow nine bitcoins with a ten-fold leverage, which is equivalent to selling 10 bitcoin at a unit price of $10,000.


If the subsequent bitcoin price fell to $9,000, it would be possible to buy 11.11 bitcoins at that time, netting out the principal and nine bitcoins borrowed, making a net gain of about 1.11 bitcoins and doubling the returns.


As much as doing, leverage is multiplying the risk, and if it does not rise as expected, then a 10 per cent increase could result in you losing all your principal.


Currency leverage and contract leverage are now available on various exchanges, including OKEx and gun money. The difference is that currency leverage is on the spot bitcoins, contract leverage is on the contract, and currency leverage is generally much less than a multiple of contract leverage.


Currency Leveraging


In cases where there is greater certainty that a currency will rise or fall, additional gains can be made from leverage, or, if it is not in the best interest of the mind, off-the-shelf transactions, or simply a three-to-five-fold leverage of the currency.


In addition, contract transactions are a very good hedging tool, which allows for the purchase of a portion of spot bitcoins in currency when the market is volatile and unclear, as well as the opening of a small warehouse in a contract transaction, so that any market boom or fall can compensate for each other's losses and achieve hedging effects.


Proposal for contractual transactions


Don't blindly pursue high leverage. A 100-fold leverage means that a 1-per-cent currency fluctuation could blow you up, be too risky, be like gambling.


A small warehouse is involved. The essence of a contract-leveraging deal is that it's important to keep the capital.


OKEx contract deal on the ground.


Currently, the main battlegrounds for domestic currency contract transactions are OKEx, gun money, Gateio, Bitmex, etc., the first three support both off-the-shelf and currency transactions, which are more friendly to ordinary users. Bitmex does not support continental access and cannot enter French, and does not recommend that newcomers operate directly.


Registered account number


As with other domestic head exchanges, the network of OKEx officials is currently not directly accessible on the mainland and requires access to their national direct node domain names:


OKEx National Direct Link


Registration is followed by the usual practice of authenticating names as required.


User funds account


A first look at the user accounts of the OKEx Exchange, each user of the OKEx has multiple accounts, a design that allows users'assets to be made clearer to prevent confusion, and transfers between accounts can be made at any time, and transfer is made on a second-come, no charge.


My assets: has an overall picture of the assets in the fund account.


Funds account: Money can be charged only in a fund account, funds can be held elsewhere in the currency of the user that is transferred to OKEx, and transactions can be carried out only if the user is required to transfer them to a transaction account such as a currency account or a contractual account.


French currency accounts: Currency acquired in French currency transactions will be sold in French currency accounts and, similarly, currency in other accounts will need to be re-sold in French currency accounts if they are to be sold through French currency transactions.


Currency/leveraging accounts: The currency used for currency transactions and currency leverage exists here.


Distribute contract accounts/perpetuity contract accounts: The currency used for contract transactions exists here, and the difference between the two will be explained later.


Cashier's money.


If you have bitcoins or other currencies of your own, you can choose to transfer them to OKEx and then enter into a currency transaction or a contractual transaction. If you do not have a currency, you can buy them into the OKEx French exchange.


When you click on a French-currency transaction, you can see that you can buy multiple mainstream and stable currencies here. If you just want to make a bitcoin contract, then you can simply choose to buy bitcoin, and then the corresponding bitcoin will be in your French-currency account, and the bitcoin contract transaction will be transferred to the contract account.


If you want to play multiple-currency contractual transactions, then you can buy USDK or USDT, transfer it to a currency account to buy the currency you want to play, and then transfer it to a contractual account for contractual transactions.


Contract transactions


When you click on a contract transaction, there are two options, of which a cut-off contract is meant to have a clear delivery date, if the weekly contract is due on Friday and is forced to level it up at the appointed time, regardless of profit or loss; and a permanent contract is an open-ended contract, which will remain in place as long as it does not explode and the player does not level it manually.


It is more recommended that durable contracts be made more flexible in time, but it is important to note that fees are charged on a daily basis, after all, when a contract transaction is equivalent to a loan from the platform, how can interest not be charged?


Entering the permanent contract interface, because the contract deal is essentially a transaction rather than a physical bitcoin, the unit is usually calculated as a “roll”. At the OKEx Exchange, the amount of a bitcoin contract is $100 per contract, and the amount of a bitcoin contract is $10 per contract in other currencies. If you use a ten-fold leverage, the purchase of a bitcoin contract would require a principal of about $10 (a guarantee).


The transaction unit may be adjusted from “one” to the current currency only for convenience purposes and is calculated on the basis of the number of sheets at the time of submission.


The account model, which allows for either a warehouse-by-battle or a full warehouse, differs mainly in dealing with losses, using the Bitcoin contract as an example, where a warehouse-by-prime bond is broken when a single bond is lost, and when a single bond is lost, the other bitcoin in the contract account is used to prevent the explosion. Here it is proposed to use a warehouse-by-basket model, where a warehouse explosion is not scary, and it is most important to keep the principal.


Currency Leveraging


In the menu of currency transactions, there is also the option of currency leverage, which is different from contract leverage in that it is not a contract but a spot (currency) that is traded here, with a five-fold number of leverages and less risk. It is also possible to combine currency leverage and contract leverage to form a hedge.




The currencies and withdrawals of the various exchanges are generally consistent and, because of the set-up of multiple accounts, there is a need to transfer the currency to the money account and to transfer the currency to the French account and then sell it through the French currency transaction.




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