
资讯 2024-07-11 阅读:21 评论:0
  随着数字货币概念大火,各类虚拟货币、数字货币投资热度不减。一些不法分子利用投资者追求高回报率的心态,欺骗、拉拢投资者对虚构的虚拟货币项目进行投资,成为一种新型投资骗局。As the conc...



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As the concept of digital currency rages, there is no reduction in the heat of all types of virtual currency and digital currency investment. Some outlaws use the investor’s mentality of pursuing high rates of return to trick investors into investing in fictitious virtual currency projects and become a new form of investment fraud.


short-term cash withdrawal for the counterfeiting project


In April last year, Ms. Wang, who had researched the “currency circle” investment, focused on a money-management project called LVLC. According to the project’s publicity, the product consisted of an investment consulting company, a shareholder of a well-known company in the country, the William Hill Group in the United Kingdom, and the founder of a technology company in Beijing, Jao, a Chinese district agent for the project.


Initially, Ms. Wang, who had been suspicious, had not invested in it, but had participated in several offline talks with the technology company. “In his public meeting, he called the LVLC property very secure, the company had a strong wind department and the product compliance was legal, and the money was safe for everyone.” Ms. Wang said that Jabbau had also shown himself to investors with over 4,000 bitcoins, all of which were his Bitcotorde.



“In October and November last year, companies held intensive meetings to encourage investors to invest in LVLC coins and mine machines, tricking investors into saying that the project party would host a global congress in London, and that a large number of ‘coin circles’ would participate in a consensus that would lead to better development and a doubling of prices.” Ms. Wang said that the project was the most rapid in this phase.


However, at the end of December last year, the LVLC investment app was suddenly unable to log in, and Jaya initially claimed that he could not log in and cash out because of the upgrade of the system, and then the App shut down. At the time of the questioning, Jaa thought he was a victim of the investment, calling on investors to continue to follow him to the “benevolence” of another digital trading platform called CDEX’s investment of the virtual currency to make up for the loss.


According to a case examined by the Shanghai Mayor, Ning District People’s Procuratorate, the victims, Ms. Yang and others, were misled in the micro-construction, registered to open accounts on a virtual currency trading platform, and invested in a virtual currency called CCD, but after a few months, the accounts were zero and the customer’s clothes were missing. As of the time of the incident, it was known that 15 victims, such as Ms. Yang, had been conned by criminal gangs for a total of more than $6 million.



The half-month-long interviewer noted that in such virtual currency investment scams, outlaws are extremely good at falsifying and confusing. In the cases examined by the Changning District People’s Procuratorate, one of the above-mentioned individuals has set up a false digital money trading platform outside the country.


At the same time, some individuals, such as Shinichi, Le Hoi, Li and others, pretend to be investors in the microblogging community and in the live webcast room, cooperate with the “lecturator” to bake an atmosphere, create a voice and defraud the trust of the victim, and close the “cut-off” of the trading platform when the amount of investment in the platform reaches a certain amount. However, the so-called “lecter” is a “tooler” who is trained in the same linguistic approach. They capture victims such as Ms. Yang by “broadcasting the net”.


In the case of the LVLC project, the public relations paper " The Black Horses of the Money Circle: LVLC " The LVLC Blocks of Mining, Financial Storms, etc. " is a popular article. Ms. Kim, who has invested about $3 million in the project, told journalists that it was the search for these reports that had led to a growing confidence in the project.



In one of the cases that was solved jointly by public security agencies in various parts of the country, journalists learned that the technical groups, market promotion groups, and customer service groups set up by criminal groups that promote “Plus coins” were relatively independent and dispersed among various provinces and municipalities in the country, causing great difficulties and resistance to the processing of cases. In addition, some virtual money-trading platforms register or place servers outside the country, operate in a less visible manner, and avoid regulatory action by means of frequent changes in site domain names and server addresses, and the use of wire-to-line transactions.


increases the number of hits, rips off the pseudo-prosperity.


Half-month-long talkers learned that because of a certain degree of professionalism in investing in virtual money, a large number of investors have more permanent “circles” in a number of online forums and social software chat groups, which provide better access for outlaws to concentrate and cheat. After, for example, the huge illegal fund-raising case, many investment victims are looking for new sources of investment, looking to make up for earlier investment losses, and some of the outlaws are looking to the minds of these investors blend into such forums or chat groups to recommend false projects.


Some of the investors said that, particularly before the global “half-cent” of Bitcoin last year, there was a huge demand for “fibre” funds, and that there was an increasing number of such frauds. In this regard, some respondents suggested that the relevant sectors, such as financial supervision, market regulation, public security, should be cleared of such projects as soon as possible, and that illegal projects without qualifications should be banned in a timely manner.


In addition, there is a need to strengthen the audit and control of the publication of the relevant “endorses” of information on online platforms. At the same time, awareness-raising campaigns have been stepped up to inform the public, through case exposure, that such activities are based on financial innovation, in the form of new or old financial investment fraud.

[责任编辑: ]



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